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The Austrian Competence-Model (KATALOG?!?!) - Practical Insights of 5

Years Since Implementation

0.) Persönliche Vorstellung & Überblick:


So, in Austria we have a model in musiceducation, that differs slightly in the 3 school levels:
Primary = grade 4
Lower Secondary = grade 8
Upper Secondary = grade 12

As already mentioned, the main focus of the presentation will be on the competence-model of
grade 12 because it leads us to the final exam in music education – the second part of this

Now I would like answer the basick questions: who developed it? An when? And what is the


The model was developed over several years by different task forces, including music-
educational leaders (policy makers) from regional school boards and the federal ministery of
education as well as consultans from a music university and the Federal Institute of
Educational research, innovation and development.

July 2011 Grade 8
May 2012 Grade 12 – especially relating to final exams (& special focus school of Grade
8) -> evt. Hier schon Problematik (Erfahrungswert) mit einbringen
Sept. 2013 Grade 4
At this point an overall concept for competences in musiceducation from grade 1 to 12 and
final exams existed.

The difficulty (challenge) for musiceducators was the timeline of implementation:
In Upper cycle secondary schools the implementation of the final exam was planned for
2013/14. So the 9th-graders stepped in into our schools in the year 2010/11. The release of
our concrete (definitive) competence model was in May 2012. Almost 2 school years we had
no concrete (definitive) regulation.
Although of course, there have been held yearly obligatory (compulsory) training courses for
teachers, where introduction was given, information was shared, and first steps of
competence-orientated tasks where developed.
Great relief was brought to us, as the shift of the implementation of the final exam was
announced. So we had one more year, to prepare our students, and ourself, for the “first

1) K-Kataloge: Anregungen, Empfehlungen -> rechtsverbindlichkeit?!?! Lehrpläne +

Verordnungen/Erlässe (v.a. für Sek2./RP NEU)

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