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1. Introduce yourself (name, last name, age, etc.

) talk about your likes and dislikes

(food, music, art etc) and describe your family members.

Hello miss, I’m Oscar Daniel Vargas Castellanos and I have 21 years old, I study System
engineering and this period, I try to work because the economy is beginning to affect
me in the studies apart Unitec is very expensive, jaajaja however, I can never stop

About me, I like all the food and I listen to all the music (less reggaeton) and mainly I
listen to Rock music, I play videogames and I go out with my friends, I play the guitar,
I'm in the choir of the church, I draw a lot, and always think in the philosophy of the life
and the meaning of things.

I know, I know, nothing to do with what I study but I think that to be an excellent
engineer in systems I need to have a balance between the creatio and the intellectual,
because if I only practice the creative I will be crazy, and if I only practice the
intellectual I will be a machine used by someone . aajajaja what I want is to get more
there the expectations of Honduran common.

2. Describe your last vacations during Easter week; describe the weather and food
you ate.

This last vacations I didn't a lot of things but I relaxed a lot and I needed because the
last period in the university was very hard. In the vacations I stayed with my family and
my girlfriend, I eat Torrejas, Pizza, cheesecake, turkey, pork, lasagna. Sometimes is
necesary have a relax vacations like this where the wheater is very enjoyable but in
the end the weather got really cold.

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