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My favorite city

We all have a place in the world that we like and identify with. It can be any place, some city we
haven’t visited yet, a city someone special lives in, a city we were born in or a city in which we grew
up. I have chosen Belgrade as my favorite city among all, since I grew up here, formed as a person
and I keep spending every day enjoying , living, breathing Belgrade.

Our poetic capital, wrapped with the veil of history, covered in battle scars is something I’m proud
of. Every corner, every street is a different dimension and they all form a beautiful unity adorn with
the scent of pride and impressiveness. Located in the heart of our wonderful Serbia, with almost 8
million residents, Belgrade is a Serbian metropolis with more tourists visiting every year. The
Republic square, enriched with Mihailo Obrenovics monument (popularly known as ‘’the horse’’), is
a major tourist attraction along with Skadarska street which is a bohemian corner of Belgrade, full of
restaurants with national dishes and folk music. Kalemegdan fortress is a special place with many
uses. A popular place to spend time, sometimes used in photo shoots, concerts and music videos,
hasn’t been explored entirely. There are many tunnels that may remain undiscovered forever.
Another ornamets of Belgrade are: Vuk Karadzics monument, Tasmajdan park, Savamala area
located near the river, Nikola Tesla museum in Krunska street, the National museum and National
theatre on Republic square and many more.

I wasn’t born in Belgrade actually. I was born in Kosovo and I emigrated here in 1999. I was two
years old back then. At first I was a bit scared of Belgrade since it is a big city, a metropolis, and I
wasn’t used to that. Now I love my residence, I built my own little world inside of it. With family and
friends, I enjoy every day spent here. Surrounded by people I love, there’s nothing that could make
me leave this beautiful city. It’s truly amazing in every form and meaning.

As Dusko Radovic once said: ‘’ Whoever had been lucky to wake up in Belgrade this morning, could
be satisfied that for today he achieved enough in life.’’

My future plans

The school is almost over and we are all faced with the weight that future has. With just a month left
to decide we’re all stressed and scared. I think it’s impressive how each and every one of us has a
different plan for the future. I, for example, would like to be a policewoman. It’s just something
that’s been with me since I was young. I would love to serve this city and be involved in important

I would like to apply to The Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies. I’ve always dreamed of that
and now it seems so close and achievable. The Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies is located
in Zemun in Belgrade and holds a reputation of a first class academy that specializes and qualifies
employees for the highest directing jobs in the police. Getting into that academy is a bit more
complicated process than for the rest of schools. You need to test your abilities, physical as well as
mental, and you need to fulfill certain limits when it comes to height and weight. I think I could pass
all that and I’m ambitious and hardworking, which I think they would appreciate.
My future plans are quite strict when it comes to education. I couldn’t imagine myself doing
anything other than police work. Beside that, I plan to finally get some rest when I graduate, maybe
go on a vacation and enjoy the summer.

Discovery and inventions

The present age is the age of science. Science has influenced every walk of life. Today man
cannot live even for a while without the use of one or the other of its inventions. Science has
provided us with all possible comforts and has increased our happiness. Science has provided
us with swift means of communication. The simple villagers still consider the railways as the
work of gods. The railways have removed all those dangers and difficulties that man had to
face during a journey in the past. By the steamship man has acquired complete mastery over
the ocean. In the aeroplane, he can fly like birds. The globe has shrunk and the world has
become a small place. Science has conquered time and space. Still more wonderful is the
invention of the wireless. It is now possible to talk a person at a distance of thousands of
kilometers. Through the radio we can enjoy songs, dialogues, stories, etc. we can listen to
news from every corner of the world. We don’t have to go anywhere; we simply have to turn
on the radio. Through the television we can also see the face of the singer or the speaker. The
wireless has proved a great blessing for mankind and is serving humanity in various ways.
Science has invented many machines. Cranes can lift heavy weights. Tractors can plough
fields, sow seeds and reap crops. Machines can cook our food and serve it for us. There is a
machine for every purpose of life. Electricity is another wonder of science. It has turned night
into day. In the winter it heats our rooms and in the summer it cools them. It moves our fans
and other machines. Our cinema, radio, and T.V. sets are all worked by it. Even trains are
now running by it. It is impossible to describe all the wonders of science. Science has also
achieved wonders in the field of medicines. There is now a cure for all most all kinds of
diseases. Vaccines check the spread of infections. Through the x-ray and we can see the inner
parts of the human body. Soon, it will become possible to cure cancer and AIDS also. Heart
surgery has already become a matter of routine. Medical science has conquered pain and
suffering and lengthened human life. Computer is another recent wonder of science.
Computer is a machine which processes information and preserves memory. Computer makes
calculation at very fast rate. Computer are being used in every field. The computer is most
honest and humble servant of humanity. It does not get involved in corrupt practices and
favoritism. Being a machine, a computer does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness
and lack of concentration and other weakness. It is not possible to list all the wonders of
modern science. Every day we hear something new. Some years ago the atom was broken
and its energy was used to produce the dreadful atom bomb. It is hoped that the peaceful use
of this tremendous energy would bring in an age of peace and prosperity, such as the world
has never been before. The latest of its wonders is the man-made moon or “sputnik”.
Scientists have succeeded in sending man into outer space and in bringing him back alive to
the Earth. He has already set his feet on the moon and walked on its surface for hours. It is
now hoped that man would soon be able to reach other planets also.
Nature is speaking

Nature is what we see, touch, smell, and hear. It is sunshine, snow, thunder, and lightning. It can be
a peaceful weekend getaway or Mother Nature throwing natural disasters wherever she wants.
Nature is what we see outside our bedroom windows, it’s the forest, it’s the city, it’s even the illegal
plant called marijuana. Does that make nature a bad thing? No, I don’t think nature is out to get
anyone. I believe that nature is pure beauty; it’s the only thing I believe to be absolutely true, or real.
What you see is actually what you get, there are no illusions. Nature is natural, positive things will
happen, yet there will also be accidents. Nature has no purpose but to exist and offer a place for life.
Things happen in the nature that often can’t be explained.Things like natural disasters, sudden
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, forest fires and many more. I believe it’s a cry for help. We
destroyed ourselves with cities and technology. We filled our lungs with pollution, asphalted our
path to destruction. Our own Mother nature who gave us life and nourished us is the only one to
suffer. Every skyscraper is a stake aimed at her heart, every chimney is poisoning her fragile lungs
and taking her slowly to eternal sleep. It’s just a matter of time when everything will fall apart. And
yet, she is still here, barely breathing. She’s still raising our children, blooming our gardens, making
everyday sky a masterpiece just for us. How we repay her? We cut trees to build highways and we
keep destroying every bit of nature left in our gloomy gray cities. She’s desperately trying to
convince us to stop. She’s trying to show us how strong she can be, she’s punishing us for our sins.
Nature is trying to show us that it’s not our job to play God. It’s hers. I think it’s upsetting how
people can be blind for such obvious signs and warnings. I would love to show my kind that we can
still be happy and living our lives to the fullest without ruining our homeland. I’m just not sure if they
would listen since their ears are full of the sound of rustling money.

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