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Commercial Flower Production Methodology

WB Miller, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is a revision of the previous edition article by W.B. Miller, volume 2, pp. 942–948, Ó 2003, Elsevier Ltd.

Within agriculture, the production of greenhouse and l reducing time to grow the flower or plant to maturity
flower (‘floriculture’) crops is one of the most intensive l reducing labor by improving uniformity and allowing
management of plants possible. Due to the use of a regulated adoption of automation
environment (a greenhouse), nearly complete control of l improving quality and thereby allowing a higher price (and
plant growth and development is possible. Thus, it becomes hopefully profit) to be earned
biologically possible to grow any plant at any time of the
year anywhere in the world . even out of this world, as
seen by NASA’s interest in developing superintensive plant Propagation
growth systems for long-term space flight. The key words in
the above statement are ‘biologically possible,’ as the The plants grown by commercial floriculturists are started from
commercial flower industry must pay close attention to the seed or through vegetative propagation techniques (cuttings,
cost and profitability of any procedures they use to grow division, layering, tissue culture, etc.). The ornamental plant
their crops. breeding and seed production industries are highly developed,
In this article, the major physiological phenomena affecting sophisticated, and worldwide in scope. Breeding objectives vary
commercial flower production will be presented. Readers inter- enormously by crop, but characteristics such as flower color,
ested in pursuing topics in more detail are referred to appro- plant form and size, productivity (in the case of perennial or
priate articles in the Encyclopedia and to the reference list semiperennial crops such as roses), earliness to bloom,
accompanying this article. fragrance, disease resistance, minimized plant-to-plant varia-
tion (seed propagated crops that do not arise from crossing
inbred lines), seed production potential, and enhanced post-
Overview and Objectives of Commercial Flower harvest performance (delayed leaf or flower senescence) are
Production all crucial. In the case of vegetatively propagated crops, ease
of propagation and perhaps amenability to in vitro culture are
The basic objective in commercial flower production is to important.
produce high-quality products for consumption by the flower- Physiological techniques used by the seed industry are many.
and plant-loving public. This very often involves manipulation At the outset, seed must germinate to a high percentage, have
of floral induction, initiation, and development, as in ‘out-of- uniform timing of germination, and produce vigorous seedlings.
season’ production of flowers such as chrysanthemums (Den- After this, technologies such as pre- and partially germinated
dranthema  grandiflora), poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), seed offer the potential for even more rapidly germinating and
Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum), or other bulbous crops such as uniformly growing seedlings. The seedling industry has devel-
tulip or hyacinth. Central to this objective is distinguishing oped to the extent that seedlings are produced in small cells
between plant growth (essentially dry weight gain) and plant (‘plugs’) that may have soil volumes of less than 1 ml per plant.
development (processes leading to alterations in the vegetative With such an intensity of production, highly sophisticated
body of the plant and manipulation of floral development). robots are now used for seed sowing, rouging (removal of
Very simplistically, the life of a commercial flower crop may weak or defective seedlings and replacement with healthy
be divided into four phases: (1) propagation, (2) vegetative ones), and transplanting into a final container for further
development, leading to a plant with sufficient vegetative struc- growth. Efficient use of such machinery is predicated on high-
ture and ‘machinery’ to support floral development, (3) floral quality seed and seedlings and also a skillful blending of horti-
induction, initiation, and development to anthesis (or culture and plant physiology to obtain uniform plant growth.
marketing), and (4) the postharvest phase that encompasses
packaging, transportation, marketing, and use by the final
consumer. Temperature, Light, Nutrition, and Gases Are the
Products under consideration include cut flowers and Major Environmental Factors Affecting Growth and
foliage that are used in floral arrangements, flowering or Development
nonflowering pot plants as used for indoor decoration, and
‘bedding plants’ that are mainly destined for use in gardens The basic factors of temperature, light, water, nutrition, and
and for outdoor decoration in the warmer months. A key gases are crucial for optimum growth (dry weight gain).
concept in commercial flower production is that greenhouses Many commercial flower producers have the ability to accel-
are expensive to operate (e.g., winter heating); thus the area erate dry weight gain by increasing photosynthesis through
a crop occupies and time it takes to grow are both crucially the use of assimilation lights (high-pressure sodium (HPS),
important to the greenhouse producer, regardless of crop metal halide, light-emitting diode (LED), etc.). Coupled with
(flower, vegetable, fruit). Thus, adoption of techniques based increases in dry weight, forcers are also interested in the coordi-
on plant physiology must be economically feasible, for nated morphological development of the crop, usually culmi-
example, by nating in a flower. Thus, the environmental factors leading to

Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 3 203

204 Weeds and Competition j Commercial Flower Production Methodology

floral induction, primordial initiation, and flower development carbohydrates, other temperature ‘shock’ techniques such as
are also important to understand, as well as the concept that a cold temperature pulse at sunrise have been developed
each phase generally has its own optimum environmental and are nearly as effective as negative DIF.
In many flower crops, dormancy development and remission
are important. Controlled flowering of woody stems (lilac,
Temperature is a crucial environmental factor for floriculture buddleia, hydrangea) and forcing of bulbous crops (such as
production. Temperature plays a central role in determining tulip, daffodil, hyacinth, and iris) require detailed knowledge
crop growth rate (metabolism and respiration), leaf production of dormancy development and, more importantly, removal
and unfolding, plant size, response to other environmental of dormancy at a specified point in time to allow forcing for
cues (e.g., photoperiod), and, ultimately, the ‘quality’ of the the specified market. Generally, prolonged cold periods (espe-
final plant or flower. cially for bulbs) and possibly long days are suitable for
dormancy breaking in these crops. The tulip can be used as
Horticultural Considerations an example of the difference in a biologically relevant
Professional growers are keenly aware of temperatures within dormancy-breaking treatment and a horticulturally suitable
their greenhouses. Temperature effects vary with crop. Some one. Many tulips flower adequately with normal flowers if
are ‘cool crops,’ that grow well and have best quality when grown given 10–12 weeks of cold. Horticulturally, however, most
under ‘low’ temperatures (e.g., 10–15 C night temperature). tulips grown as cut flowers need much more cold than this
Examples are Primula, Calceolaria, Cineraria, Viola, and many (16–18 weeks) to promote greater stem elongation leading to
spring bulb crops. Others fall into the ‘warm crop’ a better quality flower.
category and are best grown with night temperatures typically
between 18 and 20  C and above (poinsettia, many foliage
plants). The majority are ‘moderate’ temperature requiring and
grow well at temperatures between these extremes (often at Quantity
16–18  C night temperatures). Note that the absolute range of Above c.35  N latitude, short photoperiods, low solar angle,
temperatures of these categories only spans about 10  C. and cloudy weather combine to cause low light levels in the
Furthermore, it is important to understand the tempera- winter months. Since this period is important for flower
ture limits defining these categories are fluid, and crops in production, many greenhouse producers use supplemental
reality have rather complex temperature needs that vary assimilation lighting to increase photosynthetic irradiance
throughout their life cycle. Many crops are ‘started warm’ and dry weight gain. To date, the most commonly used source
and ‘finished cool.’ For example, poinsettia is often grown has been HPS lamps which offer a mix of efficiency and spectral
in its early stages at temperatures of 23–25  C to promote characteristics that are amenable to supplementation of natural
rapid root growth and vegetative development prior to decap- sunlight. Research has indicated that on many crops, it is
itation (‘pinching’) to promote lateral branching. At the end possible to deliver this supplemental lighting in a variety of
of the crop, temperatures may be reduced to 15–16  C to ways (lower flux for a longer time vs higher flux for a shorter
‘harden’ plants and intensify bract color prior to sale. Similar time, etc.). General experience indicates large increases in
temperature manipulations exist for nearly all floriculture both quantity and quality of production. The greenhouse
crops. These manipulations are taken to an extreme with lighting industry makes use of computer programs to optimize
crops such as Easter lily (L. longiflorum) where plant develop- placement of assimilation lamps for best efficiency, uniformity,
ment is nearly fully controlled by temperature, and the sales and crop performance.
window is exclusively for the Easter holiday. In such cases,
growers are constantly adjusting temperatures up or down Duration (Photoperiod)
by a few degrees, trying to ‘time’ the crop so that it becomes Light duration and control of the ‘photoperiod’ is a crucial
salable at the right moment. application of plant physiology in greenhouse crop produc-
In the 1930s and 1940s, Went et al. conducted extensive tion. Within c.10–12 years of Garner and Allard’s original
investigations on effects of temperature on plant growth. work on photoperiodism (i.e., by the early 1930s), the industry
Their work led to the conclusion that most plants ‘grow had adopted (with great assistance from university advisors
better’ (i.e., taller, more robust) when night temperatures and researchers) photoperiod control as a means of regulating
are somewhat cooler than day temperatures. As this is the the flowering of photoperiodic crops especially of chrysan-
normal situation in nature, this comes as no surprise. In themum (a short day plant). In the industry, long nights (short
a greenhouse, however, it is possible to reverse this situation days) are provided by manual or mechanical deployment of
and literally grow plants with night temperatures higher than black cloth that excludes sufficient sunlight that plants perceive
the day temperature. Such a condition is known in the it as being ‘dark.’ Typically, growers deploy black cloth in the
industry as ‘negative DIF’ (considering the mathematical very late afternoon to minimize heat buildup under the cloth.
difference of day temperature and night temperature) and Such heat can lead to ‘heat delay’ whereby plants are much
has become important for those greenhouse growers inter- slower to flower under the supraoptimal temperature. Often,
ested in keeping plants shorter than normal, without the growers will remove the black cloth after natural nightfall,
use of chemical growth regulators. Because warmer night allow the heat to escape, then redeploy if necessary before
temperatures increase respiration and needlessly waste sunrise. The exact duration of the ‘night’ depends on the
Weeds and Competition j Commercial Flower Production Methodology 205

crop-specific critical photoperiod. In practice, black clothing to levels. Floriculture crops are usually grown with liquid fertilizer
provide a dark period of c.14–16 h is common. applied at each irrigation, often multiple times per day.
Long days are provided by illuminating fluorescent or, more Commonly, fertilizer in a ratio of 3:1:3 or 2:1:2 (N:P:K) is
commonly, incandescent lamps. The minimum irradiance used applied, with concentrations of 5–20 mM N and K. Typically,
is typically 10 ft candles (c.0.1–0.2 mmol m2 s1) applied for a trace element preparation containing all the minor elements
4 h from 10 PM to 2AM. These times are very flexible, however, is included. In floriculture crop systems, most Ca is supplied by
and in large installations crops may be lit for a few minutes preplant liming, or perhaps during growth with Ca(NO3)2.
each half-hour in a ‘rolling’ fashion (‘cyclic lighting’) to allow Implicit in the production of a plant in a container (for
a greater area of plants to be lit for the same size of electrical example, pots or trays) is the ability to rapidly change the nutri-
service. tional status of the root zone. Flower producers have the ability
to monitor substrate and foliar nutrient levels, and if they fall
Light Quality and Photomorphogenesis above or below norms established for the crop, then corrective
An emerging technology in floriculture is the development steps may be taken. An estimate of the gross nutrient level in
of photoselective films for use as greenhouse coverings. Exper- substrate may be obtained by determining the electrical
imental films have been developed that alter the ratio of trans- conductivity (EC) of a specified mixture of the substrate and
mitted red to far-red light. Specifically, films transmitting light distilled water. If nutrients have accumulated, the EC increases,
enriched in red compared to far-red wavelengths cause as the nutrients themselves are ions and therefore conduct elec-
shorter, more compact growth mimicking plants treated tricity. Low substrate nutrient status is indicated by a low EC.
with growth retardants. While still in the research phase, pho- Such tests are easy, fast, and economical to perform on-site
toselective films hold promise for growers of potted and for both flower growers and plant physiologists.
bedding crops. In the last 10 years there has been increased interest in
A related concept is to exclude the far-red light that naturally understanding and managing environmental externalities of
occurs at sunset each day. A good example is with Easter lily, the greenhouse industry, and nutrition and growing substrate
where a significant degree of height reduction (desirable) can are central in this discussion. Advances in more efficient
be obtained by covering the plants with black cloth about nutrient and water use have improved the ‘environmental foot-
30–45 min prior to sunset. Since this procedure eliminates print’ of individual companies. Harvesting, packaging, and
the end-of-day far-red pulse, plants stay significantly shorter transport of peat moss, by far the most important growing
and compact as compared to plants that are exposed to the substrate worldwide, releases enormous quantities of green-
normal twilight. house gases (initially, methane as a bog is drained, then CO2
Since the first version of this Encyclopedia, rapid progress as microbial degradation of the peat begins, and from harvest-
has been made in LED lighting for plant production. One of ing, packaging, and transportation processes). As there is great
the main drivers has been Philips in the Netherlands. The interest in improving environmental sustainability of all green-
company has installed LED systems in greenhouses worldwide house operations, and peat, along with all substrate inputs,
for assimilation lighting and also photoperiod manipulation. A should be examined for overall life cycle impact.
key advantage of LEDs is the cool lamp (diode) surface which
allows very close placement within a canopy. LEDs are also
amenable in stacked or shelf production in wholly enclosed
spaces (‘plant factories’) or in tiers within conventional green- In greenhouse production, CO2 and ethylene are the only two
houses where the lamps supplement natural sunlight. LEDs gases of major concern in so far as they are the only ones that
are still more expensive than HPS although prices continue to can be economically altered to enhance or control plant growth
fall. and development.

Carbon Dioxide
In greenhouses, carbon dioxide concentrations are often
Nutritional physiology and the roles of plant nutrients per se increased to c.1000 ppm, usually in combination with supple-
are not appreciably different for flower crops grown in green- mental assimilation lighting (see above) to increase photosyn-
houses. What is unique is that many flower crops are grown thesis, net dry weight gain, and total productivity. Depending
in soilless substrates that are based on peat moss, coir (a on the crop, dramatic increases in productivity may be ob-
coconut hull fiber), or composted and partially degraded tree tained with assimilation lighting and supplemental CO2. The
bark combined with materials such as vermiculite (expanded CO2 is usually generated via specialized combustion units or
mica), perlite (an expanded volcanic rock), sand, and others. diluted from tanks of pure liquid CO2. There are many practical
When used in relatively shallow containers (pots, trays), these considerations in the use of CO2 including cost of the
substrates provide the physical properties (large pores) leading equipment and the additional management concerns. For
to sufficient air-filled porosity upon draining to ‘container example, adding CO2 to the greenhouse atmosphere is point-
capacity’ after watering. On the other hand, these materials less during warm, high-light times of the year, when ventilation
suffer in their ability to retain nutrients, as they tend to have fans are running to keep the greenhouse from overheating. In
a fairly low cation exchange capacity on a volume basis. such a case, any supplemental CO2 is wasted. It is worth point-
To compensate for substrates that provide adequate ing out that the term ‘greenhouse gas’ as applied to global
drainage and air-filled porosity but suboptimal chemical prop- warming is a misnomer and that greenhouses per se have no
erties, flower crops are often grown under near luxury fertility effect whatsoever on global climate.
206 Weeds and Competition j Commercial Flower Production Methodology

Ethylene Gibberellin
Ethylene is almost always a problem in flower production
Gibberellins find use in a wide range of crops, and differ-
(but, see section Plant Growth Substances). Its presence in
ences exist between uses for gibberellic acid (GA3) and other
a commercial greenhouse is generally through one of the
gibberellins such as GA4þ7. In commercial flower produc-
following sources:
tion, gibberellic acid is used to substitute for cold in
l as a combustion contaminant (trucks, machinery, mal- dormancy breaking in plants such as azalea, camellia, and
functioning gas-fired greenhouse heaters) hydrangea, to improve flowering uniformity in cyclamen
l fungal activity on decaying plant material (although much of this use has now been superseded by
l the presence of ripening fruits, vegetables, or senescing more uniformly flowering cultivars), for production of stan-
flowers emanating ethylene dards (tree forms) of plants such as fuchsia, to accelerate and
increase flowering (Spathiphyllum, statice), altering inflores-
Of these, ethylene contamination from malfunctioning gas
cence form (chrysanthemum), and reduction of chlorophyll
heaters is commonly seen. The only solution is to identify the
breakdown (maintaining higher-quality foliage) in certain
problem and make corrective repairs. While there are no prac-
liliaceous crops such as Alstroemeria.
tical ways to scrub the greenhouse atmosphere of ethylene, it is
Other gibberellins, notably GA4þ7, have recently become
easily removed by ventilation.
registered for use in North America, with the major application
Detrimental ethylene effects on floriculture crops are many
being maintenance of chlorophyll and increased flower life in
and include flower and leaf abscission, epinasty, flower and
Lilium. Research has indicated that GA4þ7 is much more effec-
bud abortion, and senescence.
tive than GA3 in this regard, and since 2000, GA4þ7 has become
a major tool for North American greenhouse producers to
produce higher-quality potted lily crops for the flower-
Plant Growth Substances
consuming public. GA4þ7 is also used worldwide to maintain
and improve quality of cut Lilium and cut Alstroemeria (GA3).
Basic investigations in plant physiology continue to have
a significant impact on the greenhouse industry, and the range
of commercial plant growth substances available to the green-
Anti-gibberellins (Growth Retardants)
house industry is unique in horticulture. Within the United
States, there are legally available and registered products in Because of the inherently difficult task of growing plants in
four major classes of growth substances: gibberellin, auxin, overall proportion to their pot, anti-GA growth retardants
cytokinin, and ethylene. Another important group is the anti- play an important role in flower crop production, and, surpris-
gibberellins, products that are crucial in many crops grown in ingly, in nearly all stages of many crops. The major growth
pots (containers). A listing of the main products available in retardants (the term ‘growth regulator’ is also applied to these
North America is given in Table 1. chemicals) are given in Table 1. The generalized mode of action
of these materials is to block endogenous gibberellin synthesis,
leading to reduced internode length with, typically, no effect on
Table 1 The major growth substances used in commercial flower the number of nodes. Plants treated with growth retardants are
production often darker green and may show increased drought and cold
resistance. The choice of which product to use is dictated by
Chemical and form Commercial product a legal considerations, effectiveness on the crop of interest, the
choice of application method (as a foliar spray, a direct
Gibberellin A3 ProGibb
substrate (‘drench’) application, or as a preplant soak or dip),
Gibberellin A4þ7 Fascination (1:1 ratio of GA4þ7 and and, of course, cost.
benzyladenine) Since anti-gibberellin growth retardants act by inhibiting
Anti-gibberellins gibberellin biosynthesis, the main effect is a reduction in cell
Ancymidol A-Rest length, but no major effect on cell division. Thus, it is crucial
Chlormequat chloride Cycocel to understand that use of these products must precede the
Daminozide B-Nine grand phase of growth, thus the decision to treat a plant with
Paclobutrazol Bonzi a growth retardant must be made before the plant is ‘too tall.’
Uniconazole Sumagic A range of predictive tools, including plant growth models,
Flurprimidol Topflor
have been developed to assist growers in making appropriate
Ethephon Florel, Ethrel
management decisions.
Anti-ethylene agents Growth retardants may have significant detrimental effects
1-Methylcyclopropene EthylBloc, SmartFresh on plant growth including severely reducing bract size in poin-
Auxin settia (E. pulcherrima), severely delaying anthesis (in many
IBA, IAA, NAA Various (‘rooting powders’) crops), causing transient leaf chlorosis (e.g., chlormequat chlo-
Cytokinins ride on geraniums), and growth regulatory effects lasting much
Benzyladenine As a component of Fascination (see longer than needed or desired (e.g., failure of summer annuals
above) to grow properly once planted in the garden). These problems
Not a comprehensive listing. Note that most of these materials are ‘off patent,’ and
are mainly horticultural in nature and are often related to
numerous generic versions of many of them are available throughout the world. improper use of the growth retardant.
Weeds and Competition j Commercial Flower Production Methodology 207

Ethylene and Ethylene-Releasing Chemicals root formation in vegetative cuttings. Considering the hundreds
of millions of vegetative cuttings of chrysanthemum and carna-
Because of its close association with senescence, ethylene is
tion (two major cutting-propagated cut flowers) and the simi-
generally considered detrimental in floriculture. There are
larly massive use on a wide range of individually lesser pot
many specific instances, however, where it is a useful tool. Ethe-
plant crops, auxins are probably the most widely used growth
phon (an ethylene-releasing chemical) is used to great effect to
substance in floriculture.
inhibit excessive stem elongation in bulbous crops such as
The specific use of auxins during propagation is a highly
daffodil (Narcissus) and hyacinth (Hyacinthus). Since the early
refined horticultural art. It may be applied as a powder or
1990s, ethephon products have become increasingly popular
sprayed, dipped, or soaked as a liquid. Major propagation
and useful for increasing branching and inhibiting premature
companies have an excellent proprietary understanding of
flowering on a wide range of floricultural crops. Ethephon prod-
the nuances of auxin application as affected by cultivar,
ucts find use in vegetative cutting production, where mother
time of year, and undoubtedly other variables.
plants (‘stock plants’) are sprayed with ethephon to enhance
branching that ultimately yields growing points and cuttings
that can be harvested and rooted. Cytokinins
Ethylene and ethephon are also useful for floral induction The original registered cytokinin in North America was Fascina-
in bromeliads and to increase the flowering percentage and tion, in which benzyladenine is essentially an ‘inert ingredient’
earliness of certain bulbous crops, notably the Dutch iris (Iris as far as its labeled use for Lilium postharvest quality is con-
 hollandica). cerned. Experimentally, such a product can find use as a branch-
ing stimulant in a range of crops. Since the first edition of this
Antiethylene Chemicals Encyclopedia, other pure benzyladenine products have been
labeled and are also available.
In the early 1970s it was discovered that the silver ion (Agþ) is
a potent inhibitor of ethylene action. It is, however, more or
less immobile in plants and could not be easily applied to cut ABA and ABA Analogs
flowers, where ethylene-induced senescence is a central, but nega- To the author’s knowledge, there are no commercial uses for
tive feature of flower development. Shortly thereafter, chemical ABA or ABA analogs in floriculture. Potential uses are easily
complexing of silver was introduced, and the complexed mole- imagined, however. One possibility would be to force
cule, silver thiosulfate (STS), was introduced in the early 1970s. stomatal closure to reduce water requirement in retail
STS is applied as a foliar spray to many ethylene-sensitive plants, display where maintenance of the plants is often poor.
but more importantly, is ‘pulsed’ into the flower by placing cut Perhaps, transient stomatal closure could be useful to tempo-
stems into an STS solution and allowing the stem to draw water rarily reduce growth rate and nutrient demand thereby
into it. Since STS is an inhibitor of ethylene action, it confers reducing calcium deficiency disorders such as blossom-end
protection against exogenous, contaminating ethylene as might rot in tomatoes and ‘leaf scorch’ syndromes in Lilium. Another
be found in and around flower handling, distribution, and might be to impose dormancy on a plant at any time during
marketing locations. Its toxicity (silver is a heavy metal) has the year. Such a technique could greatly expand the locales
long precluded its widespread use in the industry, although where certain dormancy-requiring plants could be grown, as
a number of formulations are legally sold. the environmental clues leading to dormancy (commonly
The ring hydrocarbon 1-methylcyclopropene (MCP) has short days and cooler temperatures) could be replaced by
found significant use in floral postharvest handling. 1-MCP is a hormone application.
a gaseous and essentially irreversible inhibitor of ethylene
binding. Research has indicated that 1-MCP often has no effects
in ethylene-free air, but can remarkably reduce senescence as Conclusions
induced by subsequent ethylene exposure.
While 1-MCP is a gas, the commercial product is currently Successful commercial flower production is a high synthesis of
formulated as a white powder. When mixed in water, the 1- plant physiology, horticultural science, personnel and facilities
MCP gas is released typically into rooms or reasonably airtight management, marketing, and economics. The ability to regu-
chambers. At the risk of great simplification, exposure to 200– late growth, development, and flowering are unparalleled in
300 nl l1 1-MCP for 8–10 h at c.20  C is an effective dose for agriculture and allow sophisticated technologies to be adapted
most flowers. While 1-MCP binding appears to be irreversible, to flower production. Greenhouse structures, technologies, and
sensitivity to ethylene often slowly returns, presumably due to production methodologies are adapted to local environmental
the de novo synthesis of new ethylene receptors in the flower. conditions. Whether it is use of assimilation lighting and CO2
The largest use of 1-MCP is probably in cut flower shipping. supplementation in northern climes or shading and evapora-
Novel ‘sachets’ of 1-MCP powder are placed into cut flower tive cooling in high light, dry climates, flowers are grown in
boxes where the slowly released 1-MCP gas can treat flowers greenhouses around the world to meet the demand of the
during the shipping and handling process. consuming public.

Auxins See also: Postharvest Biology: Flower Senescence; Leaf

Senescence. Horticulture Production and Quality: Horticultural
There are numerous auxin formulations available to the
Crops, Protected; Nursery Stock and Houseplant Production.
commercial flower producer, and their main use is to stimulate
208 Weeds and Competition j Commercial Flower Production Methodology

Maki, S.L., Rajapakse, S., Ballard, R.E., Rajapakse, N.C., 2002. Role of gibberellins in
Regulators of Growth: Cytokinins; Ethylene; Gibberellins;
chrysanthemum growth under far red light-deficient greenhouse environments. J.
Juvenility; Photomorphogenesis. Seed Development and Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127, 639–643.
Germination: Germination; Preharvest Sprouting. Mastalerz, J.W., 1977. The Greenhouse Environment. Wiley, New York.
Nelson, P.V., 1991. Greenhouse Operation and Management, sixth ed. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs.
Ranwala, A.P., Miller, W.B., 2000. Preventive mechanisms of gibberellin4þ7 and light
Further Reading on dark low temperature-induced leaf senescence in Lilium cv. Stargazer. Post-
harv. Biol. Technol. 19, 85–92.
Bunt, A.C., 1988. Media and Mixes for Container Grown Plants. Kluwer, Dordrecht. Rees, A.R., 1992. Ornamental Bulbs, Corms and Tubers. CAB Intl, Wallingford.
DeHertogh, A., LeNard, M. (Eds.), 1993. The Physiology of Flower Bulbs. Elsevier, Watkins, C.B., Miller, W.B., 2003. A Summary of Physiological Processes or Disorders
Amsterdam. in Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamental Products that Are Delayed or Decreased,
Dole, J.M., Wilkins, H.F., 1999. Floriculture: Principles and Species. Prentice Hall, Increased or Unaffected by Application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) (Updated
Englewood Cliffs. quarterly).
Hannan, J.J., 1998. Greenhouses: Advanced Technology for Protected Horticulture.
CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Hartmann, H.T., Kester, D., Davies, F., Geneve, R., 2002. Hartmann and Kester’s Plant Relevant Website
Propagation: Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
Koninklijke Philips, N.V., 2014. Website on Horticultural Lighting. (accessed 08.08.14.). – Cornell
Larson, R.A. (Ed.), 1992. Introduction to Floriculture. Academic Press, New York. University.

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