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Control Engineering with Maxima

Wilhelm Haager
HTL St. Pölten, Department Electrical Engineering

Version 1.8, April 18, 2017

Contents 2


1 Introduction 3
1.1 Notions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 wxMaxima User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Basic Concepts of the Package COMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Plot routines 5
2.1 Options of the Gnuplot-Interface Draw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Additional Options of COMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Contour Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Transfer functions 9

4 Laplace Transformation, Step Response 13

5 Frequency Responses 15

6 Investigations in the Complex s-Plane 20

6.1 Poles/Zeros-Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2 Root Locus Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

7 Stability Behavior 23
7.1 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.2 Relative Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

8 Optimization 27

9 Controller Design 28

10 State Space 30

11 Various Functions 34

Bibliography 35

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

1 Introduction 3

1 Introduction

1.1 Notions

Maxima: Open-Source descendant of the computeralgebra system Macsyma, which initially was
developed 1967–1982 at the MIT by order of the US Department of Energy. 1989 a version
of Macsyma was published with the name Maxima under the GNU General Public Licence,
which is now being developed further by an independent group of users. Maxima is written
in Lisp and contains many aspects of functional programming.
Due to its power and free availability there is no reason to use it not.
wxMaxima: One of several graphical user interfaces for Maxima. It enables input and editing
expressions in a working window, as well as the documenting calculations with text and
images. Maxima outputs results and (on demand) graphics into that working window.
Working sessions can be saved, loaded and re-executed; the most common commands are
accessible via menus and control buttons (for notorious mouse-clickers) . Working sessions
can be exported as HTML or as LATEX-file. Export to LATEX may require some corrections by
hand of the resulting TEX-file.
On installing Maxima, wxMaxima is automatically installed as the standard user interface.
COMA (COntrol engineering with MAxima):
Control engineering package for Maxima, it comprises basic methods for system analysis in
time-, frequency- and Laplace-domain, controller design, as well as state space methods:
• Inverse Laplace-transform of transfer functions of arbitrary order (the built-in func-
tion ilt in general fails at orders higher than two).
• Unit step responses
• Nyquist diagrams and Bode plots
• Poles and Zeros, root locus plots
• Stability investigations: stability limit, Hurwitz criterion, stable regions in the param-
eter plane, phase margin, gain margin
• Optimization and controller design: ISE-criterion (integral of squared error), gain
• State space: Conversion into a transfer function, canonical forms, controllability, ob-

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

1 Introduction 4

1.2 wxMaxima User Interface

➀ . . . Working window for input and output

➁ . . . Gnuplot output window

1.3 Basic Concepts of the Package COMA

• The Laplace variable is considered to be always s, the time variable always t ; in functions
concerning the frequency response, the angular frequency is ω. In frequency responses s
is automatically replaced by jω. Transfer functions are rational functions in the variable s,
time delays are not supported, but can be approximated by Padé approximations.
• All functions, which take a transfer function as a parameter, can also take (without explicit
notice) a list of transfer functions as a parameter; in that case the result will also be a list,
of which the elements correspond to the particular transfer functions. That is particularly
important in graphics, where a couple of curves shall be drawn into a single diagram.
The list to be plotted need not have only functions (transfer functions), but can also
contain graphic objects of the Gnuplot interface Draw (explicit, points, implicit,
parametric, polar, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, label). Thus diagrams can be pro-
vided with labels, legends and other graphical elements; furthermore a direct comparison
with measured values is possible.
• Additional to the plotted functions, all plot routines can have optional parameters in the
form option = value, which allow to adapt the graphic with respect to colors, line widths,
scale, graphic type, output etc.
• Priot to its first usage, the package has to be laded using the command load.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

2 Plot routines 5

2 Plot routines

Maxima uses the program Gnuplot [2] for drawing graphics, which is called at the generation
of the graphic. Herein the graphic is drawn either in a seperate Gnuplot window (using the
option wx=false) or directly into the working window of wxMaxima (using the option wx=true,
The plot routines of COMA don’t use the standard functions of Maxima (plot2d, plot3d,
wxplot2d, wxplot3d), but the functions of the additional package Draw (draw2d, draw3d,
wxdraw2d und wxdraw3d), refer [1], [3]. Those functions are a little bit more complicated
in their application, but they offer much more possibilities to adapt the graphics according to
special requirements by the use of options.
All plot routines take a single function as parameter or a list of functions; additional optional
parameters in the form option=value. Options, which apply to particular graphic objects, (color,
line_width etc.), can be given in a list, of which the elements correspond to the respective
graphic objects: option=[val1 ,val2 , . . . ].

2.1 Options of the Gnuplot-Interface Draw

terminal=target output target, possible values: screen (default), jpg,

png, pngcairo, eps, eps_color
file_name=string name of the output file, default: maxima_out.ext
color=c plot color
line_width=w line width
xrange=[ x 1 , x 2 ] plot range in x-direction
yrange=[ x 1 , y2 ] plot range in y-direction
zrange=[z1 ,z2 ] plot range in z-direction
logx=true/ false logarithmic scale of the x-axis
logy=true/ false logarithmic scale of the y-axis
logz=true/ false logarithmic scale of the z-axis
grid=true/ false inclusion of grid lines
enhanced3d=true/ false coloring of surfaces in 3D-plots

Important options of the Gnuplot-interface Draw

A complete list of the options can be found in in the Maxima manual [1].

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

2 Plot routines 6

2.2 Additional Options of COMA

wx=true/ false determines the output:

true . . . output into the wxMaxima working window
false . . . output into a seperate Gnuplot window
aspect_ratio=value ratio height/width of the diagram; the value −1 results
in same scale of the x-axis and the y-axis
color=[c1 ,c2 ,. . . ] list of colors, which are applied for the particular
elements to be plotted respectively
line_width=[w1 ,w2 ,. . . ] list of linewidths, applied to the elements respectively
dimensions=[width,height] width and height of the graphic
Global variable:
coma_defaults list containing options in the form option=value

Additional options of COMA

The variable coma_defaults is a list containing default values for settings in the form of key-
value pairs. Contrary to the list draw_defaults of the Gnuplot-interface Draw coma_defaults
can contain also othe options, which are not part of Draw.

2.3 Plot

The function plot performs a two-dimensional depiction of functions f (x) in one variable or a
three-dimensional depiction of functions f (x, y) in two variables.

plot(f(x), opts) plotting the function f (x) in a two-dimensional

coordinate system
plot(f(x,y), opts) plotting the function f (x, y) in 3D-representation
Instead of a single function f , also a list of functions
[ f1 , f2 , . . . ] can be plotted.

Plot routines for 2D und 3D graphics

The functions of the package Draw (wxdraw2d, draw2d, wxdraw3d, draw3d) are called inter-
nally with appropriate parameters. Thus the (convenient) call of


exactly corresponds to the (less convenient) command

wxdraw2d(xrange=[0,10],color=red, explicit(f(x),x,0,10),
color=blue, explicit(g(x),x,0,10)).

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

2 Plot routines 7

The value of the option aspect_ratio, which does not exist in the routines of the package
Draw, is passed to Gnuplot via the option user_preamble in appropriate form.

Loading the control engineering package (%i1) load(coma )$

coma v.1.84, (Wilhelm Haager, 2017−02−24)
List containing default values for the (%i2) coma_defaults ;
graphics options (%o2) [ grid true , wx true , dimensions [ 600 , 350 ] ,
user_preamble set grid linetype 3 lc '#444444' ,
color [ red , blue , dark − green , goldenrod , violet ,
gray40 , dark − cyan , orange , brown , sea − green ] ]
List of color names (%i3) col:[red,green ,brown ,blue];
(%o3) [ red , green , brown , blue ]
Plotting a list of four functions in one (%i4) plot([sin(5*x)**2,0.8*sin(5*y)**2,x,0.8*y],
single variable; internally the function xrange =[-0.5,1.5],color =col,
wxdraw2d is called. The names of the line_type =[solid ,solid ,dots,dots]);
variables can be different in each
function. (%t4)

Plotting a list of two functions in two (%i5) plot([sin(5*x)**2+0.8*sin(5*y)**2,x+0.8*y],

variables each; internally the function xrange =[-0.5,1.5],surface_hide =true)$
wxdraw3d is called.
The option surface_hide=true
suppresses hidden lines. (%t5)

plot evaluates the function to be plotted f before points are calculated. In order to evaluate
the function for every particular point, it has to be quoted. That is especially important e.g. for
characteristic values of transfer functions (section 7), which can only be calculated numerically.

Transfer function with a dependence on (%i6) f:(s+a)/(s^3+a*s^2+2*s+a);

a parameter a s a
(%o6) 3 2
s as 2s a

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

2 Plot routines 8

The damping can only be calculated (%i7) plot('damping_ratio (f),xrange =[0,5]);

numerically, which requires a to have a
fixed value. Thus f has to be quoted to
avoid being evaluated too early.

2.4 Contour Lines

The function contourplot draws isolines of a function f (x, y). Contrary to contour_plot,
which is part of Maxima, it uses the Gnuplot interface Draw, like all plot routines of the package
COMA. It also has the same options.

contourplot(f(x,y), x , y , opts) Plotting of isolines of the function f (x, y)

contours=[z1 , z2 , . . . ] Determining the function values for the isolines

Contour Lines

Transfer function with two parameters a (%i8) f:1/(s^5+s^4+5*s^3+a*s^2+b*s+1);

and b
(%o8) 5 4 3 2
s s 5s as bs 1
Isolines for the damping in dependence (%i9) contourplot ('damping (f),a,b,xrange =[0,8],
on the parameters a and b. The black yrange =[0,7],contours =[-0.3,-0.2,-0.1,0,0.1],
line at damping 0 represents the stability color =[red,red,red,black ,green ],
limit, green lines represent stable areas,
ip_grid_in =[20,20])$
red lines unstable areas.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

3 Transfer functions 9

3 Transfer functions

COMA provides the following functions for convenient generation of transfer functions, primarily
for testing and experimenting:

rantranf(n) n-th order random transfer function, of wich the

numerator and denominator coefficients are numbers
between 1 and 10
stable_rantranf(n) Stable random transfer function (only up to 6th order)
gentranf(c, k, d, n) n-th order transfer function, (numerator of k-th order)
with the numerator coefficients ci and the denominator
coefficients di
tranftype(F(s)) Type of the transfer function F (s) as a string
ntranfp(F(s)) Yields true, if all coefficients of the transfer function
F (s) evaluate to numbers.
closed_loop(Fo(s)) Calculation of the closed loop transfer function FW (s)
from the open loop FO (s)
open_loop(Fw(s)) Calculation of the open loop transfer function FO (s)
from the closed loop FW (s)
time_delay(T, n, [k]) n-th order Padé approximation for a time delay system.
The order of the numerator k is optional.
impedance_chain( Z1 , Z2 , . . . [n])
transfer function of an impedance chain with the
impedances Z1 , Z2 , . . . and an (optional) repeat factor
transfer_function(eqs, vars, u, y)
Calculation of the transfer function from the equations
eqs in the variables vars with the inputs u and the
outputs y
sum_form(F(s), n) One of four canonical forms F(s) (in depoendence of n)
product_form(F(s), [n]) Splitting up F(s) into linear und quadratic factors

Generation of transfer cunctions

The function stable_rantranf(n) searches denominator coefficients randomly between 1

and 10, until a stable transfer function is found, which is becoming more difficult at higher
orders, at seventh order computing time is increasing heavily. Thus stable_rantranf is work-
ing only for transfer functions up to sixth order.
Higher orders can be attained by multiplication of several lower order transfer functions. How-
ever, in that case the coefficients are not confined to the range 1. . . 10 any more.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

3 Transfer functions 10

Generation of a list of fourth order (%i1) fli:makelist (rantranf (3),k,1,4);

random transfer functions, the orders on 2
the numerators are lower, at least by 4s 8s 10 9s 10
(%o1) [ 3 2
, 3 2
one. 4s s 4s 10 7 s 7s 2s 4
2 2
2s 10 s 7 2s s 10
3 2
, 3 2
4s 5s 9s 7 10 s 10 s 2s 5
Stability test of the transfer functions (%i2) stablep (fli);
(section 7)
(%o2) [ false , false , true , false ]
Generation of a list of stable random (%i3) fli:makelist (stable_rantranf (3),k,1,4);
transfer functions 2
3 4s 10 s 1
(%o3) [ 3 2
, 3 2
2s 10 s 7s 4 2s 3s 6s 4
8s 7 10
3 2
, 3 2
2s 9s s 1 4s 10 s 4s 5
All are stable. (%i4) stablep (fli);
(%o4) [ true , true , true , true ]
List of transfer functions (%i5) fo:[k/s,5/(s*(s+3)),1-b/s];
k 5 b
(%o5) [ , ,1− ]
s s s 3 s

Calculation of the closed loop transfer (%i6) fw:closed_loop (fo);

functions k 5 s−b
(%o6) [ , , ]
s k s2 3s 5 2 s−b

Determining the types of the transfer (%i7) tranftype (fw);

functions as strings
(%o7) [ PT1 , PT2 , PDT1 ]
Check, whether all coefficients of the (%i8) ntranfp (fw);
transfer functions evaluate to numbers
(%o8) [ false , true , false ]
Back-calculation to the open loop (%i9) open_loop (fw);
transfer functions
k 5 s−b
(%o9) [ , , ]
s s2 3 s s

gentranf(a,k,b,n) produces a general transfer function with indexed coefficients in the form

a0 + a1 s + a2 s2 + · · · + ak s k
b0 + b1 s + b2 s2 + · · · + bn s n

transfer function with general (%i10) gentranf (a,3,b,5);

coefficients ai and bi 3 2
a3 s a2 s a1 s a0
(%o10) 5 4 3 2
b5 s b4 s b3 s b2 s b1 s b0

Time delay systems have transcendental transfer functions, inverse Laplace transform of control
loops containing time delays is not possible analytically in general.
time_delay(T,n,k) yields a n-th order Padé approximation of a time delay system with the
transfer function G(s) = e−sT . The declaration k of the numerator order is optional, its default is
n − 1.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

3 Transfer functions 11

Fourth order Padé approximation of the (%i11) time_delay (T,4);

transfer function of a time delay 3 3 2 2
G(s)=exp(−sT ) −4 T s 60 T s − 360 T s 840
(%o11) 4 4 3 3 2 2
T s 16 T s 120 T s 480 T s 840

impedance_chain calculates the transfer function of an impdance chain with arbitrary impedances
(of even number); the last (optional integer valued) parameter determines the number of repe-
titions of the impedance chain.

Z1 Z3 Zn−1

U E (s) Z2 Z4 Zn UA(s)

transfer function of an impedance chain (%i12) impedance_chain (R,1/(s*C),s*L+R,1/(s*C));

consisting of four elements
(%o12) 2 3 2 2 2
C LRs C R CL s 3CRs 1

transfer function of an impedance chain (%i13) impedance_chain (R,1/(s*C),4);

repeated four times 1
(%o13) 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2
C R s 7C R s 15 C R s 10 C R s 1
transfer_function(eqs,vars,u,y) calculates the transfer function from a list of linear equa-
tions eqs, e.g. from a block diagram. vars is a list containing the used variables according to
which the system of equations is to be solved, u is the input, y is the output.
Also multivariable systems can be calculated: When u and y are lists of variables, the corre-
sponding transfer matrix is calculated.


x2 x 1 = F1 · u
u F2 y x 2 = F2 · (u − x 3 )

x3 x 3 = F3 · y
y = x1 + x2

System of linear equations from the (%i14) eqs:[x1=F1*u,x2=F2*(u-x3),x3=F3*y,y=x1+x2];

block diagram
(%o14) [ x1 F1 u , x2 F2 u − x3 , x3 F3 y , y x2 x1 ]

Calculation of the transfer function from (%i15) transfer_function (eqs,[x1,x2,x3,y],u,y);

the equations F2 F1
F2 F3 1
sum_form(F(s),n) divides the numerator and the denominator of F(s) in dependence of n by a
partitcular coefficient, thus making one of the leading or last coefficients to 1:
n=1 ... leading numerator coefficient of F (s)
n=2 ... last numerator coefficient of F (s)
n=3 ... leading denominator coefficient of F (s)
n=4 ... last denominator coefficient of F (s) (default)

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

3 Transfer functions 12

(%i16) F:(2*s+3)/(4*s^3+5*s^2+6*s+7);
2s 3
(%o16) 3 2
4s 5s 6s 7
Canonical forms, making the leading or (%i17) [sum_form (F,1),sum_form (F,2)];
last numerator coefficient to 1: s 1.5
(%o17) [ 3 2
2s 2.5 s 3s 3.5
0.66667 s 1
3 2
1.3333 s 1.6667 s 2s 2.3333
Canonical forms, making the leading or (%i18) [sum_form (F,3),sum_form (F,4)];
last denominator coefficient to 1:
0.5 s 0.75
(%o18) [ 3 2
s 1.25 s 1.5 s 1.75
0.28571 s 0.42857
3 2
0.57143 s 0.71429 s 0.85714 s 1

product_form splits numerator and denominator of the transfer function into linear and quadratic

Product form of a transfer function (%i19) product_form (F);

0.42857 0.66667 s + 1.0
(%o19) 2
0.82799 s + 1.0 0.69014 s + 0.029158 s + 1.0

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

4 Laplace Transformation, Step Response 13

4 Laplace Transformation, Step Response

Maxima provides the function laplace(f,t,s) for the Laplace transform; the inverse Laplace
transform is calculated with ilt(f,s,t). The coefficients of the numerator and denominator
polynomials can have symbolic values. However, ilt fails at denominator polynomials of third
or higher order, if no zeros can be found analytically.
The function nilt of the package COMA calculates the zeros of the denominator polynomial
numerically using allroots, thus rational functions of (nearly) arbitrary order can be back-
transformed; however, the polynomial coefficients have to evaluate to numbers in that case.

laplace(ft, timevar, lapvar) Laplace transform of the function ft

(part of Maxima)
ilt(fs, lapvar, timevar) inverse Laplace transform of fs
(part of Maxima)
nilt(fs, lapvar, timevar) inverse Laplace transform of fs with numerically
calculated poles
step_response(F(s), opts) Plotting the unit step response of the transfer function
F (s)

Laplace transform

Laplace transform of a function (%i1) laplace (t^2*sin(a*t),t,s);

8as 2a
(%o1) 3
− 2
2 2 2 2
s a s a

Inverse Laplace transform (%i2) ilt(1/(s^3+2*s^2+2*s+1),s,t);

t 3t
− sin
2 2 3t −t
(%o2) %e − cos %e
3 2

The coefficients can also have symbolic (%i3) ilt(1/((s+a)^2*(s+b)),s,t);

values. −b t −a t −a t
%e t %e %e
(%o3) 2 2
− 2 2
b −2 a b a b−a b −2 a b a
Inverse Laplace transform fails, if no (%i4) ilt(1/(s^3+2*s^2+3*s+1),s,t);
zeros of the denominator polynomial
can be found analytically. (%o4) ilt 3 2
s 2s 3s 1

nilt calculates the zeros of the (%i5) nilt(1/(s^3+2*s^2+3*s+1),s,t);

denominator numerically, thus arbitrary − 0.78492 t
order transfer functions can be (%o5) − 0.14795 %e sin 1.3071 t − 0.54512
back-transformed. − 0.78492 t − 0.43016 t
%e cos 1.3071 t 0.54512 %e

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

4 Laplace Transformation, Step Response 14

Generation of a list of PT2-elements with (%i6) pt2li :create_list (1/(s^2+2*d*s+1), d,

increasing damping ratio [0.0001,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]);
1 1 1
(%o6) [ 2 −4
, 2
, 2
s 2.0 10 s 1 s 0.2 s 1 s 0.4 s 1
1 1 1
, 2
, 2
s 0.6 s 1 s 0.8 s 1 s 1.0 s 1
Plotting the step responses; unless the (%i7) step_response (pt2li )$
option xrange is given explicitely, the
time range is chosen automatically.

PT1-element with additional time delay (%i8) F:time_delay (2,5)*1/(1+s);

in Padé approximation 4 3 2
5 s − 60 s 315 s − 840 s 945
(%o8) 5 4 3 2
s 1 2s 25 s 150 s 525 s 1050 s 945

Calculation of the exact step response of (%i9) ft:unit_step (t-2)*ev(ilt(1/(s*(1+s)),s,t),

a PT1-element with additional time t=t-2);
(%o9) unit_step t − 2 1 − %e

Comparison of the exact step response (%i10) step_response ([F,explicit (ft,t,0,10)],

with the Padé approximation; the exact yrange =[-0.2,1.2]);
step response is included as a graphical
object explicit.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

5 Frequency Responses 15

5 Frequency Responses

bode_plot(F(s), opts) Bode plot of F ( jω)

magnitude_plot(F(s), opts) Magnitude plot of the Bode diagram of F ( jω)
logy=false Option for magnitude_plot, yields linear scale of the
phase_plot(F(s), opts) Phase plot of the Bode diagram of F ( jω)
phase(F(s)) Phase shift of the frequency responsees F ( jω) in degree
asymptotic(F(s)) Asymptotic characteristic of the frequency response
F ( jω)
nyquist_plot(F(s), opts) Frequency response locus of F ( jω)

Frequency responses

Parameters are transfer functions F (s) depending on the Laplace variable s; the plot routines
replace s by jω automatically.
Unless the options xrange and yrange are declared explicitely, the scale is chosen automat-
ically. The axes of Bode plots plot can be linearly-scaled using the option logx=false and
logy=false. bode_plot requires a list of two ranges for the option yrange, one for the magni-
tude plot and one for the phase plot each.
Frequency response locus plots (nyquist_plot) have the same scale in x-direction and y-
direction by default (aspect_ratio=-1), which results in an undistorted image.
Contrary to the Maxima function carg, which calculates the argument of a complex number (in
radiant) always in the interval −π. . . π, phase calculates the actual phase shift between input
and output, which can attain arbitrarily high values; every pole and every zero produce a phase
shift of π/2 (or 90 degrees) with the appropriate sign.
At resonance a significant phase shift is occuring in a small frequency range. In order to attain –
especially in frequency response locus plots – a smooth curve, the number of primarily calculated
points has to be increased explicitely, which can be set with the option nticks=value (default

List of PT2-elements with increasing (%i1) fli:create_list (1/(s^2+2*d*s+1), d,

daming ratio [0.0001,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]);
1 1 1
(%o1) [ 2 −4
, 2
, 2
s 2.0 10 s 1 s 0.2 s 1 s 0.4 s 1
1 1 1
, 2
, 2
s 0.6 s 1 s 0.8 s 1 s 1.0 s 1

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5 Frequency Responses 16

Bode plots of the PT2-elements, the (%i2) bode_plot (fli,yrange =[[0.1,10],[-200,20]])$

ranges of the y-axes have to be declared
in a list.

Magnitude plots of the PT2-elements (%i3) magnitude_plot (fli,xrange =[0,2],

with both axes scaled linearly yrange =[0.1,5],logx=false ,logy=false )$

Phase plots of the PT2-elements with (%i4) phase_plot (fli,xrange =[0,2],yrange =[-200,20],
both axes scaled linearly; the y-axis is logx=false )$
scaled linearly by default.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

5 Frequency Responses 17

Transfer function of a PID-controller (%i5) Fr:2*(1+1/(2*s)+0.1*s/(1+0.02*s));

0.1 s 1
(%o5) 2 1
0.02 s 1 2s

Bode plot of the PID-controller: exact (%i6) bode_plot ([Fr,asymptotic (Fr)],

(red) and asymptotic characteristic xrange =[0.01,1000],yrange =[[1,100],[-120,120]])$

Frequency response locus plots of the (%i7) nyquist_plot (fli,xrange =[-5,5],yrange =[-6,1],
PT2-elements; eventually the number of nticks =2000)$
primarily calculated points has to be
increased with the option nticks.

Third order transfer function (%i8) f:2/(1+2*s+2*s^2+s^3);

(%o8) 3 2
s 2s 2s 1

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

5 Frequency Responses 18

Phase shift of F ( jω) by splitting the (%i9) phase (f);

frequency response into linear and 2
quadratic factors and addition of the 180 − atan 1.0 − atan2 1.0 , 1.0 − 1.0
partial phase shifts.

A frequency response locus can be marked and labelled with graphical objects points and
label; arbitrary positions of the labels can be determined with some tricky considerations: the
label for a point lies in a certain distance from the point in orthogonal direction of the curve.
Attention: points and vectors are defined here as lists, not as matrices.

List of ω-values for marking and (%i10) omegali :makelist (0.1*k,k,1,10);

labelling of the frequency response locus
(%o10) [ 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.4 , 0.5 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 0.9 , 1.0
Replacement of s by jω (%i11) fom:ev(f,s=%i*omega );
(%o11) 3 2
− %i −2 2 %i 1
Position of a point on the curve (list of x- (%i12) dot:[realpart (fom),imagpart (fom)];
and y-coordinate): 2 3
2 1−2 2 −2
(%o12) [ 2 2
, 2 2
3 2 3 2
2 − 1−2 2 − 1−2

Differentiation gives the direction of the (%i13) abl:ratsimp (diff(dot,omega ));

curve. 7 5 8 6 2
16 − 12 −8 6 − 20 −6 4
(%o13) [ 12 6
,− 12 6
2 1 2 1
Unit vector orthogonal to the curve (%i14) ovec:ratsimp ([-abl[2],abl[1]]/
8 6 2
6 − 20 −6 4
(%o14) [ ,
4 2 12 6
36 16 16 2 1
7 5
16 − 12 −8
4 2 12 6
36 16 16 2 1

Position for the label of a point

(%i15) lab:dot+0.3*ovec$
The marks are defined as graphic object (%i16) punkte :points (map(lambda ([u],ev(dot,omega =u)),
points. omegali ))$
The labels are defined as graphic object (%i17) labs:apply (label ,map(lambda ([u],[string (u),
label. ev(lab[1],omega =u),ev(lab[2],omega =u)]),
omegali ))$
Unit circle as parametric curve (%i18) circle :parametric (cos(t),sin(t),t,0,2*%pi);
(%o18) parametric cos t , sin t , t , 0 , 2

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

5 Frequency Responses 19

Frequency response locus plot with (%i19) nyquist_plot ([circle ,f,punkte ,labs],
labelled points and the unit circle xrange =[-2,3],yrange =[-2.5,0.5],
point_type =7,color =[black ,red,red,black ])$

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

6 Investigations in the Complex s-Plane 20

6 Investigations in the Complex s-Plane

6.1 Poles/Zeros-Distribution

poles(F(s)) Poles of the transfer function F (s)

zeros(F(s)) Zeros of the transfer function F (s)
poles_and_zeros(F(s),opts) Image of the Poles/zeros-distribution of the transfer
function F (s) in the complex s-plane


The function poles and zeros return the poles and zeros of the transfer function in al list.
poles_and_zeros draws the poles/zeros distribution in the complex s-plane. Herein a pole is
indicated by a × mark, a zero by a ◦ mark. In order to attain an undistorted image, the scales in
x-direction any y-direction are the same by default (aspect_ratio=-1).

List of random transfer functions (%i1) fli:makelist (stable_rantranf (5),k,1,2);

4 3 2
7s 2s 4s 8s 4
(%o1) [ 5 4 3 2
2s 4s 7s 5s 5s 1
8s 1
5 4 3 2
2s 4s 8s 10 s 3s 2
Zeros (%i2) zeros (fli);
(%o2) [ [ 0.2688 %i − 0.61289 , − 0.2688 %i − 0.61289 ,
0.47003 − 1.0271 %i , 1.0271 %i 0.47003 ] , [ − 0.125 ] ]
Poles (%i3) poles (fli);
(%o3) [ [ − 0.2408 , 1.0 %i , − 1.0 %i , − 1.1414 %i − 0.8796 ,
1.1414 %i − 0.8796 ] , [ 0.49432 %i − 0.079394 , − 0.49432 %i −
0.079394 , − 1.6717 %i − 0.21887 , − 1.4035 , 1.6717 %i −
0.21887 ] ]
Pole/zero distribution in the complex (%i4) poles_and_zeros (fli)$

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

6 Investigations in the Complex s-Plane 21

6.2 Root Locus Plots

root_locus(F(s,k),opts) Root locus plot of a transfer function F (s, k) with one

free parameter k in the s-plane
trange=[min,max] Range for the free parameter k, default: [0.001,100]
nticks=n Number of calculated points, default: 500

Root locus plots

root_locus draws the root locus of a transfer function F (s) in dependence of a parameter k,
which need not be (unlike in “classical” root loci) the open loop gain, but can be an arbitrary
parameter influencing the transfer function. If several transfer functions are given in a list, the
names of the parameters can be different, nervertheless their ranges have to be the same for all
transfer functions, determinded by the option trange.
The plot points are distributed over the parameter range logarithmically, thus only positive
values for the range are allowed.
The starting points of the root loci are indicated by a × mark, the endpoints are indicated by a ◦
mark. If the free parameter is the open loop gain, its starting value is sufficiently small, its end
value is sufficiently large, starting and ending points represent the poles and zeros of the open
loop transfer function respectively.

List of transfer functions with various (%i5) fli:closed_loop (makelist (k*((s-a)*(s+1))

zeros a and a variating gain k /(s*(s-2)*(s+7)),a,-11,-8));
ks 12 k s 11 k
(%o5) [ 3 2 2
s ks 5s 12 k s − 14 s 11 k
ks 11 k s 10 k
3 2 2
s ks 5s 11 k s − 14 s 10 k
ks 10 k s 9k
3 2 2
s ks 5s 10 k s − 14 s 9k
ks 9ks 8k
3 2 2
s ks 5s 9 k s − 14 s 8k
Root locus plots in dependence on the (%i6) root_locus (fli,xrange =[-17,3],
open loop gain k with various values of yrange =[-6,6],nticks =5000)$
the open loop zero a

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

6 Investigations in the Complex s-Plane 22

Root locus plot of a PT2-element with (%i7) root_locus (1/(s**2+a*s+1),xrange =[-4,1],

the damping ratio as parameter trange =[1e-4,3],nticks =5000)$

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

7 Stability Behavior 23

7 Stability Behavior

7.1 Stability

stablep(F(s)) Checks the stability of the system with the der transfer
function F (s)
stability_limit(F(s), k) Calculation of the stability limit of the transfer function
F (s, k) with respect to the parameter k
hurwitz(p(s)) Calculation of the Hurwitz-determinants of the
polynomial p(s)
stable_area(F(s, a, b), a, b, opts)
Plot of the stability limit of the transfer function
F (s, a, b) in the a/b-parameter plane


The function stability_limit(F(s), k) yields conditions for imaginary poles in the form
k = value, ω = value,

which is equivalent to the stability limit for common systems. Herein the value of ω is the
angular frequency of the undamped oscillaion at the stability limit. Those conditions can be
fulfilled also for more than one value of ω. Which condition in fact corresponds to the stability
limit, has to be checked by further considerations.
Exact conditions for stability are provided by the Hurwitz-criterion: All zeros of the polyno-
mial p(s) have a negative realpart (i. e. in exactly that case the transfer function with the de-
nominator p(s) is stable), if all Hurwitz determinants have a value greater zero. The function
hurwitz(p(s)) yields a list of the Hurwitz determinants, the coefficients of p(s) can have sym-
bolic values.
stable_area plots the stability limit of a transfer function with respect to two parameters a
and b in the a/b-parameter plane. Unless the options xrange and yrange are given explicitely,
the axes range from 0 to 1.

Random transfer function (%i1) f:stable_rantranf (5);

(%o1) 5 4 3 2
s 3s 9s 10 s 7s 6
Calculation of the closed loop transfer (%i2) fw:closed_loop (k*f);
function with a controller gain of k
(%o2) 5 4 3 2
s 3s 9s 10 s 7s 9k 6
Calculation of the stability limit; the (%i3) lim:stability_limit (fw,k),numer ;
result can be more tan one condition for
(%o3) [ [ k − 13.709 , 2.8531 ] , [ k 0.042326 ,
imaginary poles.
0.92733 ] ]

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

7 Stability Behavior 24

The Hurwitz criterion provides exact (%i4) ratsimp (hurwitz (denom (fw)));
results; the system is stable if and only if 2 2
all elements of the resulting list are (%o4) [ 16 − 81 k , 39 − 666 k , − 81 k − 1107 k 47 , − 81 k −
positive. 1107 k 47 ]
Generation of a list of gains: above, at (%i5) kli:float (ev([1.1*k,k,0.9*k],second (lim)));
and below the stability limit
(%o5) [ 0.046559 , 0.042326 , 0.038093 ]
Calculation of the transfer functions of (%i6) foli:create_list (k*f,k,kli);
the corresponding open loops, 0.41903
(%o6) [ 5 4 3 2
s 3s 9s 10 s 7s 6
0.38093 0.34284
5 4 3 2
, 5 4 3 2
s 3s 9s 10 s 7s 6 s 3s 9s 10 s 7s 6
as well as of the closed loops.
(%i7) fwli:(closed_loop (foli))$
Checking the stability, stablep yields (%i8) stablep (fwli);
true in the limit case. (%o8) [ false , true , true ]
Step responses; the period of the (%i9) step_response (fwli,xrange =[0,50])$
undamped oscillation at the stability
limit according to T = 2π/ω yields a
value of about 6.7.

List of PT5-elements with two free (%i10) fli:makelist (1/(s^5+3*s^4+k*s^3+a*s^2+b*s+1)

parameters a and b ,k,2,5);
(%o10) [ 5 4 3 2
s 3s 2s as bs 1
1 1
5 4 3 2
, 5 4 3 2
s 3s 3s as bs 1 s 3s 4s as bs 1
5 4 3 2
s 3s 5s as bs 1
Plotting the borders of the stable areas (%i11) stable_area (fli,a,b,xrange =[0,20],
in the a/b-parameter plane yrange =[0,7],ip_grid_in =[20,20])$

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

7 Stability Behavior 25

7.2 Relative Stability

The relative stability can be validated with the phase margin αR or the gain margin AR . The
corresponding angular frequencies are the gain crossover frequency ω D and the phase crossover
frequency ω r respectively.

gain_crossover(F(s)) Calculation of the gain crossover frequencies ω D of

F ( jω) for which holds |F ( jω D )| = 1
phase_margin(F(s)) Calculation of the phase margin αR of F ( jω) in degree
phase_crossover(F(s)) Calculation of the phase crossover frequency ω r of
F ( jω) for which holds arg F ( jω r ) = −π
gain_margin(F(s)) Calculation of the gain margin AR of F ( jω)
damping(F(s)) (absolute) damping of F ( jω) (negative realpart of the
rightmost pole)
damping_ratio(F(s)) minimum damping ratio of all pole pairs of F ( jω)

Relative Stability

gain_crossover yields a list containing the gain crossover frequencies ω D , at which the absolut
value of the frequency response is equal to 1. phase_margin yields the corresponding phase
margins, the differences to −180◦ . Which of those values is actually significant for stability, has
to be checked by further considerations (that can be nore than one values on principle).

Gain crossover frequencies ω D ; multiple (%i12) gain_crossover (foli);

values are possible (especially at
(%o12) [ [ 0.89261 , 0.93126 ] , [ 0.89673 ,
occurence of resonance).
0.92733 ] , [ 0.90173 , 0.92252 ] ]
Magnitude plots with more then one (%i13) magnitude_plot (foli,xrange =[0.8,1.1],
gain crossover frequencies yrange =[0,1.5],logx=false ,logy=false )$

Phase margins αR in degree, unstable (%i14) phase_margin (foli);

control loops have a negative value. −5
(%o14) [ [ 81.347 , − 6.7748 ] , [ 74.56 , − 5.1512 10 ],[
64.484 , 10.065 ] ]
Phase crossover frequencies ω r , multiple (%i15) phase_crossover (foli);
values are possible.
9− 53 9− 53 9− 53
(%o15) [[ ],[ ],[ ]]
2 2 2

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

7 Stability Behavior 26

Gain margins AR , unstable control loops (%i16) gain_margin (foli);

have a value less than 1.
(%o16) [ [ 0.90909 ] , [ 1.0 ] , [ 1.1111 ] ]

damping calculates the damping σ of a transfer function. That is the negative realpart of the
outmost right pole or pole pair. It indicates the speed of decaying (or stoking up) of a transient
process. The damping ratio D is the relative damping, related to the natural angular frequency
ωn of a pole pair. damping_ratio calculates the minimum damping ratio of all pole pairs of a
transfer function. Stable transfer functions have positive values of σ and D, unstable transfer
functions have negative values

Damping of three transfer functions (%i17) damping (fwli);

(%o17) [ − 0.0020036 , 0 , 0.0020153 ]
Damping ratio of three transfer functions (%i18) damping_ratio (fwli);
(%o18) [ − 0.0021573 , 0.0 , 0.0021766 ]

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

8 Optimization 27

8 Optimization

The performance index according to the ISE-criterion can be calculated according to Parseval’s
theorem directly in the Laplace domain:

Z ∞ Z j∞
2 1
IIS E = e (t) dt = E(s) · E(−s) ds
0 2π j − j∞

Herein e(t) is a function tending to zero with increasing time, usually the deviation of the
controlled variable from its stationary value. According to [6] the integral can be calculated

ise(E(s)) Performance index of the function e(t) according to the


Integral performance indexes

Differentiation of the integral with respect to the free parameters (e. g. the controller parame-
ters) and setting the results zo zero yield the optimum values of the parameters.

transfer function with two free (%i1) f:1/(s**3+a*s**2+b*s+1);

parameters a and b 1
(%o1) 3 2
s as bs 1
Calculation of the deviation from the (%i2) xs:ratsimp ((1-f)/s);
stationary value at input step function 2
s as b
(%o2) 3 2
s as bs 1
Preformance index according to the (%i3) iise:ise(xs);
ISE-criterion 2 2
a b −b a
2 a b−2
Differentiation with respect to the (%i4) abl:ratsimp (jacobian ([iise],[a,b]));
parameters a and b (Calculation of the
2 2 2 3
Jacobian matrix) a b−2 a a b −2 a b−a 1
(%o4) 2 2 2 2
2 a b −4 a b 2 2 a b −4 a b 2

Confinement to real solutions of systems (%i5) realonly :true;

of equations (%o5) true
Solving the equations with respect to a (%i6) res:solve (abl[1],[a,b]);
and b, the expressions are assumed to be
(%o6) [[a 1,b 2]]
set to zero.
Substituting the solutions into f yields (%i7) fopt:ev(f,res);
the “optimum” transfer function.
(%o7) 3 2
s s 2s 1

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

9 Controller Design 28

9 Controller Design

gain_optimum(Fs(s),Fr(s)) Calculation of a controller according to the gain


Controller Design

gain_optimum calculates the parameters of an optimum controller FR (s) for a given plant F( s).
The strucuture of the controller and the names of its parameters are freely chooseable on prin-
cipal. It depends on the reasonableness of the assumtions for the controller, whether solutions
for the controller paraneters are found actually (e.g. a PT1-controller will presumeably not yield

Transfer function of a plant (%i1) fs:2/((1+5*s)*(1+s)**2*(1+0.3*s));

(%o1) 2
0.3 s 1 s 1 5s 1

List of an I-, PI- and a PID-controller (%i2) [fri,frpi,frpid ]:[1/(s*Ti),

1 1 Ta s 1 Tb s 1
(%o2) [ , kr 1 , ]
Ti s Tn s Tc s

Gain optimum for the I-controller (%i3) g1:gain_optimum (fs,fri);

(%o3) [ Ti , Ti 0]
Gain optimum for the PI-controller; the (%i4) g2:gain_optimum (fs,frpi);
zero of the controller approximately 206057 206057
compensates the dominating pole of the (%o4) [ kr , Tn ]
349320 40190

Gain optimum for the PID-controllerr; (%i5) g3:float (gain_optimum (fs,frpid ));
the zeros of the controller approximately
(%o5) [ Tc 3.6197 , Ta 4.9984 , Tb 1.3966 ]
compensate the two dominating poles of
the plant.

Substituting the results into the (%i6) reli:float (ev([fri,frpi,frpid ],[g1,g2,g3]));

0.034247 0.19504
(%o6) [ , 0.58988 1.0 ,
s s
0.27627 1.3966 s 1.0 4.9984 s 1.0

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

9 Controller Design 29

The step responses confirm about 5% (%i7) step_response (float (ev(closed_loop (reli*fs),
overshoot and rise times in the amount res)),yrange =[0,1.5])$
of about 4.7 times the sum of the
remaining time constants.

The plant can also have symbolic (%i8) fs:2/((1+a*s)*(1+s**2)*(1+b*s));

(%o8) 2
as 1 bs 1 s 1

The results are formulas for the (%i9) gain_optimum (fs,frpi);

optimum controller parameters. 2 2 3 2 2 3
b a −1 b ab a −1 b a −a
(%o9) [ kr , Tn 2 2
4ab b ab a −1

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

10 State Space 30

10 State Space

System: [A, B, C, D] Definition of a linear system as a list of state matrices A,

B, C und D
systemp(A, B, C [, D])
systemp(system) Checks, whether system is a valid system constiting of
state matrices.
nsystemp(A, B, C [, D])
nsystemp(system) Cecks, whether system forms a valid linear system,
wherein all matrix elements evaluate to numbers.
transfer_function(A, B, C [, D])
transfer_function(System) Calculation of the transfer function (or transfer matrix)
from the state matrices
controller_canonical_form(f )
Calculation of the state matrices according to the
controller canonical from the transfer function f
observer_canonical_form(f )Calculation of the state matrices according to the
observer canonical from the transfer function f
controllability_matrix(A, B)
Calculation of the controllability matrix
observability_matrix(A, C)
Calculation of the observability matrix

State space representation

The notion system means a subsumption of the four state matrices A (system matrix), B (input
matrix), C (output matrix) and D (transit matrix) into a list. The transit matrix D can be omitted
for systems without feedthrough, for systems with one input and one output D can be a scalar
value d .
All funcions, which can have a system as the parameter, can also receive the particular state
matrices as parameters (without subsumption into a list).

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

10 State Space 31

d i1 1
= · (ue − R · i1 − uC1 )
Electrical quadripole with state equations: dt L
d i2 1
I1 R L I2 R L = · (uC1 − uC2 − R · i2 )
dt L
duC1 1
ue uC1 C uC2 C ua = · (i2 − i1 )
dt C
duC2 1
= · i2
dt C

The state matrices A, B and C result directly from the state equations; a direct feedthrough from
the input voltage ue to the output voltage ua does not exist, thus D = 0 and can be omitted.

System matrix A of the circuit (%i1) A:matrix ([-R/L,0,-1/L,0],[0,-R/L,1/L,-1/L],

R 1
− 0 − 0
R 1 1
0 − −
1 1
− 0 0
C1 C1
0 0 0

Input matrix B of the circuit (%i2) B:matrix ([1/L],[0],[0],[0]);


(%o2) 0

Output matrix C of the circuit (%i3) C:matrix ([0,0,0,1]);

(%o3) 0 0 0 1

Subsumption of the state matrices into a (%i4) circuit :[A,B,C];

R 1
− 0 − 0
R 1 1 L
0 − −
(%o4) [ ,0,0 0 0 1]
1 1
− 0 0 0
C1 C1
0 0 0

The list of state matrices are forming a (%i5) systemp (circuit );

valid System . . .
(%o5) true
. . . however, their elements do not (%i6) nsystemp (circuit );
eveluate to numbers.
(%o6) false
transfer_function calculates the transfer function (or the transfer matrix in multivariable
systems) from the state matrices. That function is “polymorphic” in a certain sense: if the
parameters are not state matrices but a list of linear equations and lists of variables, the transfer
function is calculated from those equations (section 3).

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

10 State Space 32

Calculation of the transfer function; (%i7) f:transfer_function (circuit );

providing a system, . . .
2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2
C1 L s 2 C1 L R s C1 R s 3 C1 L s 3 C1 R s 1
. . . as well as particular state matrices is (%i8) transfer_function (A,B,C);
2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2
C1 L s 2 C1 L R s C1 R s 3 C1 L s 3 C1 R s 1
Direct calculation of an impedance chain (%i9) f:impedance_chain (R+s*L,1/(s*C1),2);
yields the same result expectedly.
2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2
C1 L s 2 C1 L R s C1 R 3 C1 L s 3 C1 R s 1

The state matrices can be calculated from the transfer function according to the controller canon-
ical form or the observer canonical form:

Controller canonical form of the state (%i10) circ1 :controller_canonical_form (f);

0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1
(%o10) [ 0 0 0 1 , , 0 0 0
2 2
0 C1 L
2 2
1 3R C1 R 3 C1 L 2R
− − − − 1
2 2 2 2 2 L
C1 L C1 L C1 L
Observer canonivcal foem of the state (%i11) circ2 :observer_canonical_form (f);
0 0 0 −
2 2
C1 L
3R 2 2
1 0 0 − C1 L
C1 L
(%o11) [ , 0 , 0 0 0 1 ,0]
2 2
C1 R 3 C1 L
0 1 0 − 0
2 2
C1 L 0
0 0 1 −

Controllability matrix (%i12) h1:ratsimp (controllability_matrix (A,B));

2 3
1 R C1 R − L C1 R − 2 L R
− −
L 2 3 4
L C1 L C1 L
1 2R
0 0 −
2 3
C1 L C1 L
(%o12) 2
1 R C1 R − 2 L
0 −
C1 L 2 2 3
C1 L C1 L
0 0 0
2 2
C1 L

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

10 State Space 33

Observability matrix (%i13) h2:observability_matrix (circuit );

0 0 0 1
0 0 0

(%o13) R 1 1
0 − −
C1 L C1 L C1 L
1 R 2 R R
− −
2 2 2 2 2
C1 L C1 L C1 L C1 L C1 L

The system is controllable and (%i14) [rank(h1),rank(h2)];

(%o14) [4,4]

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

11 Various Functions 34

11 Various Functions

The package COMA provides several auxiliary functions which are not specific to control engi-
neering, but can be useful in various calculations.

R1 // R2 Parallel connection of two resistors R1 and R2

Z /_ ϕ Polar coordinate representation of a complex number
z = Z∠ϕ ( Z „cis“ ϕ )
z cf Postfix-Operator, outputs the complex number z in
polar coordinate representation Z∠ϕ
chop(x) Replaces all numbers in the expression x, which are less
than 10−10 , by 0
coefficient_list(p, x) List of the coefficients of the polynomial p in the
variable x
set_option(name=val, list) Setting or adding an element as a key-value pair to list
delete_option(name, list) Deleting of a key-value pair name from list
option_exists(name, list) Checks, whether a key-value pair name exists in list
list_option_exists(name, list)
Checks, whether a key-value pair with the name name
exists in list and its value is a list itself

Various functions

„//“ and „/_“ are two operators common in electrical enigneering: for the parallel connection
of resistors and for complex quantities in polar coordinate representation. The postfix operator
cf outputs a complex quantity in polar coordinates.

Parallel connection of impedances (%i1) R // 1/(s*C) // s*L + R1;

(%o1) 2
Polar coordinate represenation of (%i2) [U1,U2,U3]:[230,230/_240,230/_120];
complex quantities
(%o2) [ 230 , − 199.19 %i − 115.0 , 199.19 %i − 115.0 ]
Output of a complex quantity in polar (%i3) U1+U3 cf;
(%o3) 230.0 /_ 60.0

coefficient_list builds a list of the polynomial coefficients in increasing order:

Polynomial in the variable x (%i4) p:5*(x+y)^2+a*x^5;

2 5
(%o4) 5 y x ax

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

Bibliography 35

List containing the polynomial (%i5) coefficient_list (p,x);

coefficients 2
(%o5) [ 5 y , 10 y , 5 , 0 , 0 , a ]

The function chop removes all numbers from an expression, which are less than 10−10 . That is
useful for “ironing out” numeric bugs:

When the numeric fails, . . . (%i6) x3:expand ((s^2-1.1*s+1.1)

6 4 −16 3 2
(%o6) s 1.99 s 2.2204 10 s 2.2 s 1.21
. . . erroneously emerging small numbers (%i7) chop(x3);
can be removed. 6 4 2
(%o7) s 1.99 s 2.2 s 1.21

An associative array (hash), consisting of key-value pairs, is implemented as a list. It is well

suited for saving preferences (“options”) and for named parameters of functions (e. g. graphic
Some routines facilitate the handling of associative arrays:

List of key-value pairs (%i8) opts:[color =blue,xrange =[0,10]];

(%o8) [ color blue , xrange [ 0 , 10 ] ]
Replacing a value (%i9) set_option (color =red,opts);
(%o9) [ xrange [ 0 , 10 ] , color red ]
Unless a key exists, a new key-value pair (%i10) set_option (title ="Test",opts);
is generated.
(%o10) [ xrange [ 0 , 10 ] , color red , title Test ]
Removing a key-value pair (%i11) delete_option (color ,opts);
(%o11) [ xrange [ 0 , 10 ] , title Test ]
Checking, whether a key exists (%i12) option_exists (xrange ,opts);
(%o12) true
Reading a hash value (%i13) get_option (title ,opts);
(%o13) Test
Returning a default value, unless a key (%i14) get_option (color ,opts,red);
(%o14) red

The function get_option to read out a value would not be not neccessary on principal, for that
purpose the Maxima function assoc is available. Contrary to assoc, get_option accepts also
lists, which not only contain key-value pairs, but also any arbitrary expression (which is used
internally by other by other COMA-functions).

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

Bibliography 36


[1] Maxima Development Team: Maxima Manual Version 5.39.0, 2016 .
[2] Various Authors: Gnuplot 4.6, An Interactive Plotting Program, 2014 .
[3] Rodríguez Riotorto, M.: A Maxima-Gnuplot Interface,
[4] Haager W.: Computeralgebra mit Maxima, Hanser München, Leipzig 2014.

[5] Haager W.: Regelungstechnik kompetenzorientiert, Hölder Pichler Tempsky Wien 2016.

[6] Newton G., Gould L., Kaiser J.: Analytical Design of Linear Feedback Control, Wiley, New
York 1957.

Wilhelm Haager: Control Engineering with Maxima

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