Zainabmoosa 201400055

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Market Yourself Report

Assignment 1

Zainab Moosa


Table of Content


Interview Findings 3

Research 5


Analysis 6

Reflection 7

References 8

Appendices 9

Appendix A - Request an Interview Email 9

Appendix B - Thanks Email 9

Appendix C - Interview letter of consent 10

Appendix D - Interview’s Questions 11


Interview Findings

I interviewed Hawraa Ismaeel, the head of interior design department in Magic Interior company.
The interview has been in her office in the company located in Tubli on Saturday 7th April 2018. I
asked her different quesHons about the job, the required skills, qualificaHons and experiences
needed. Moreover, I asked her also about the company environment and its future. Besides, I
asked if there is a chance for Bahraini people to get a similar job and how I can get similar job.

I learned that this job need technology skills and good communicaHon skills. The most important
skill for this job is technology. It is required to have good technology knowledge in design programs
such as in Adobe Photoshop, Sketch-up, 3D Max and AutoCAD. This is because the employee will
work on these programs to design customers’ houses or companies. AddiHonally, Hawraa
menHoned that the job required good wriSen and speaking communicaHon skills. This is because
the employee will meet and deal with customers face-to-face and by emails to understand their
needs. For example, it is important to communicate with clients to understand what colors or
designs they prefer. So, it is important to have the ability to communicate with different customers.
Moreover, the job required a high level of achievement of Bachelor in Interior Design or any
related degree. For instance, the person who have the highest GPA will be more likely to get a
similar job. This is because the person with high GPA means he understood most design principles
and know how to apply them to deliver high quality works. However, it is not a main require to
have a work experiences because the employee will get the experience while working and dealing
with clients.

Hawraa provided many suggesHons to me to get a similar job. First, it is necessary to be flexible
because every year the interior design trends are changed. For example, the trend color in 2018
was navy blue, which was popular in bedrooms. Hence, I should ensure to improve my flexibility
skills to deal with trend changes. Second, I should work hard to achieve a high level of academic
achievement to be more likely to get a similar job in the industry. For example, I must ensure to get
a hight GPA, which is three or above.

I learned that Magic Interior company specializes in providing design, decoraHon and implement
high quality services of furniture and interior design. Moreover, the company working hard to

develop their services year by year. For instance, the company started with one secHon, which is
wooden products. However, the company currently has six secHons which are: wooden, aluminum,
paints, gypsum, sofas, interior design and exterior design. In addiHon, the company provides some
design courses to improve and update the employees’ knowledge specially in design field.
Moreover, interior designers have the ability to develop their selves by reading new design arHcles
regularly. AddiHonally, Hawraa menHoned that the environment in the company is very
comfortable. For example, each employee knows his responsibiliHes and respect each others.
Finally, most of the interior designers are Bahraini people because clients are more comfortable
while dealing with Bahraini people than foreign people. 



According to the Magic booklet, "Magic" specializes in providing design and implement high
quality services which include design and manufacture: furniture, wood products, interior design,
plaster works, paints and exterior design. Also, the company implement all aluminum modern
kitchen work. According to the company’s website, the company prefers hiring moHvated people
who have a good work experiences and looking to enhance their careers. Furthermore, it is
menHoned in Magic website, that they have a creaHve and local management team that have a
wide experience. I noHced while visiHng the office that the environment is comfortable for
employees because of the comfortable furnitures and all employees respect each others and
working together as a family.

Moreover, the interior design job required a formal qualificaHon in related field and a high level of
compuHng skills, according to Career Center site. Having a Bachelor or Diploma of interior
architecture or spaHal design could be accepted. This is because the interior designer should have
knowledgeable about complementary colors for example. Having Strong compuHng skills is
important to be familiar with design soZware. Also, interior designer needs an excellent
communicaHon and listening skills beside being flexible in their approach to tasks. For example, in
reference to Interior Design Schools, communicaHon skills is to ensure the work being performed is
exactly what the customer is expecHng. Usually, interior designers need some experience (Doyle,

Based on the interview and the research I have done I learned many points about the industry.
Firstly, I learned from the interview and others sources that the company is looking for people with
high GPA and have good knowledge of design programs to ensure delivering high quality works to
the clients. Secondly, although Hawraa discussed in the interview that it is not required to have a
work experience, I found that the most companies preferred hiring people with extensive
experience. Thirdly, I found from interview and the research that it is important to have a good
communicaHon skills for this job to deal and build a strong relaHonships with customers. Finally,
Bahraini people have a big chance to get a similar job in the industry specifically in the
management of the company. 



Analysis the future of the job in this region over the next few years will be based on PEST elements
that affect the industry, which are poliHcal, economic, social and technological.
At the beginning, the poliHcal such as the new employment laws here in Bahrain that could affect
the industry next two years. For example, the minimum salary for employees with bachelor was
400BD while now it become 450BD, according to Alayam Newspaper (2018). Therefore, this will
affect the company ability to be profitable. Furthermore, the economic issues that might affect the
company is the anHcipated shiZs in commodity costs. For example, Hawraa menHoned that the
cost of wood and aluminum will increase next few years and this will increase the prices of the
company’s products and services. So, the number of customers might reduce. Therefore, the
economic can play a role in the Magic company’s success over the next 2-3 years. In addiHon,
Hawraa discussed that the mentality of Bahraini people has developed last five years. She said that
nowadays, people realize that the environment they live in can affects their mood, producHvity
and energy levels. Therefore, people visit interior designers to improve their quality of life. This is
because interior designers think in creaHve ways to make people’s houses relaxed, comfortable
and organized. Thus, the number of customers is expected to increased next few years. So, social
factors have a great impact on the company profits. Last but not least, technology factors affect
how the company will delivers its product or service to the clients. According to Magic company
website, the company used the latest technologies of Italian machines, which are in the top
InternaHonal ranking. These technologies will help the company in next 2-3 years to provide
products with the highest quality standards that meet the highest internaHonal quality standards.


To conclude, based on the interview with Hawraa and the research I found that there are many
advantages and disadvantages of working in the industry. On one hand, the advantages are the
ability of development and the comfortable environment. The company provides courses for
employees to develop their design skills, which is an opportunity for me to gain more skills and
knowledge. Moreover, the company environment is so comfortable. Thus, it is a good for me to
work in this environment that I could feel comfortable while working.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of working in this industry such as it required a
work experience and good knowledge of 3D design programs. Currently, I do not have any work
experience so it is difficult for me to get a similar job. Moreover, it is so important to have a good
knowledge of using different 3D design programs. Nevertheless, 3D design programs such as 3D
Max are too complex and hard to learn. Also, I will take long Hme to learn and be familiar with this

Finally, I am interested in this job because I have the opportunity to develop and learn new skills.
For example, I would be very happy if I could learn new informaHon about design that could
improve my performance in the work. Moreover, I would like to work on comfortable environment
like Magic company that I would be more creaHve and work hard to deliver high quality products
and services. AddiHonally, I have the ability to deal and communicate with people and therefore
this job will be very suitable for me. As a results, this job meets my interest and I would like to have
a similar job. 



10 Good Skills of Interior Designers. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://

Doyle, A. (2017, September 15). List of Skills Needed for a Career in Interior

Design. Retrieved from


Magic Interior Booklet. (n.d.).

Magic Interior. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Raising the minimum salaries of university graduates. (2018, January 26). Retrieved



Appendix A - Request an Interview Email

Appendix B - Thanks Email


Appendix C - Interview letter of consent


Appendix D - Interview’s Questions

The Ques(ons
1. Talk about the job in general ?
2. What skills that is required in this job?
3. What are the qualificaHons needed for this job ?
4. It is required any work experiences? If yes / How many years of experiences?
5. How I can get a similar job?
6. How is the work environment in the company?
7. Is there is a chance for Bahraini people to get similar job?
8. What is the future of the company?
9. Do the company provide courses to develop the employees?
10. What are the company’s values?
11. How poliHcal, economic, social and technological can affect the company in next few years?

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