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liUknow New York Entered at the roitOfflc

at New York as SecondClass Mall Hotter

pslh6edbr the Preei Publishing Company No 6l to

M MllMi il
NO 10171

B VE N I N G L u c

mO D
44444 +
Thero uno moro objectionable man in Congress
ttuui Senator Tlllman Wo may toe profoundly thank
ftil that ho dons not represent the Imperial Stale of Now
iEcrk at the national capital
Tot in view of his onersctlc activity Tuesday night
JH b halt of hi Carolina consttuonts whereby by tho
1 throat of holding up all
other legislation he secured i
tfco passage of a muchdesired relief measure wo may
wall wish that at the time he could have been Now 1
York representative It was not an occasion for Wob 1
Btcrlun traditions It was a freeforall scramble for < I

porkH and tho offending Senators merit Is that ho

woo Oh for on hour of oven Tlllman
For the time being this man who has outraged every
principle of Senatorial dignity was a man of action
fitly representing a Commonwealth and Insisting on a
recognition of Its rights His misdeeds were momen- ¬
tarily condoned and his derelictions forgotten In appre- ¬ 1 Lets nil this apple with pins non 2 Teacher dear were sorry we were a And rte hope Itll give you an much 6 Shes frettln ready to eat half or f Its most too easy to get even Oh teacher dear your breath has
needles and give It to teacher far llckln bad and weve brought you a nice apple pleasure to eat It as It gave us to be
S 11
ciation of his practical work It at one bite Look out for trouble with a teacher In about half a second all turned to pins Tour lungs mu t 1
4 us yesterday u ft peace offering punished things 11 happen
New York which is long on decency in its delega look like a pincushion ki
tten but short on capacity envies South Carolina
For the reason that now after years of Intelligent THE OlD il
T public effort to obtain a now post Omcethe city finds
Its hopes deterred and Its expectations again postponed JOKES
at tire ending of the session because the Incapacity
and inaction of its representatives It bas long been a
HOME- U Lovers Should Have No Secrets from
D Roy L McCardell Each
patent tact that the New York office Is rendered Inefl-
ldeat because otlts antiquated and inadequate baUd

SflgThe remedy was provided and was acknowledgttdly to WILL
FL OR 5D e
dE 9 lNKLRy0
By Helen Oidfield
WiEALl1H1Y German woman where landed
1 e satisfactory one satisfactory even to Congressmen- F AL VON 11 her a estatemate
person of some consequence espoused a 3Tr nab
Jeolona of appropriations for districts other than their Count of the rielle noblesse whose fortune consisted J
ewn but recognizing the Importance to the entire na- ¬ solely In Oils handsome person end his engaging manner
tion of an Improved mail service in tho metropolis Whatever may have been the case with the Count the
match on the brides part woo purely tor love But
But the city In its confident expectations of relief
reckoned without its representatives It counted on a
mpadty In Its Lesslers and Sulzers and Qoldfogles pQ i6 NnIOR608 Y
4 n tor the international alliance the bridegroom foiled toalas
form the bride of the fact
R Ma only by right of purchasethatand
hie hyaclnthlan locks easel
the bride unfortunate
In ¬

tai they did not possess In Its disappointment It

Mmemera the inability of previous Congressional dote
gsttons to secure legislation for the city but finds no
rl G-
had a strong aversion for baldheoded men Therefore
shortly after the marriage the newly wedded husbandwhen
peared before his fond wife looking like the clown
cua with a head as bore as a peeled onion
being possessed of more nerves than nerve shrieked the
of a
dr t II t

sense In that for present shortcomings Its disgust fainted Entreaties were In vain the rata and injured wtto and
nrtth a delegation that Is neither ornamental nor use OJfUJLJAS BADGE SOCtDXT PnffVCVTUOX OT- at once Instituted proceedings for divorce upon the ground t

Mi ia doepeeatod- ontxBLTr TO niTuoB I of mud and the Judge a German held that the plea wsa
f MVMMVMM KH- Those desirous of obtaining one must t 1Pn I

tt- valid says Helen CHdfleld In the ChIcago Tribune ti

Ii f
1i AN OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN lead name and address and inoloa a i A COM like this should 810 us a pause and set engaged
4 wocent oItUll- t HverK- couples to thinking What and how much must and ougbj
While we are waiting on tho Legislature and the tii4J S-
one to confess before entering upon the holy estate
lAtonLByGeneral for action In the matter of the Gas pCarnede Often Ubrarjr N j-
mony Shall Angelina make Edwin privy to the tact tlmt
of matri-¬

w ht aUrases an opportunity is afforded for initiatory

qoeeadtn by the local authorities
CBr WU4lw
rte Jed ft A Lone

Seventy carloads of S P C H badge

I o-
fully a third of the golden locks which he so admires InCII
upon the head of a lady from over the Rhine and were
paid for at their weight In gold Steak Edwin lay bare bla
if J It to to be found in the epoolflc complaint of an sent you today the Homestead Mills i own secret deview for good looks and comfort telling An¬
working day and night to turn them out
Brenlng World correspondent signing himself Pub and laying snide all other contract
Hetty of a low grade of gas furnished at his home in May I present a library to the Old fi I
gelina for Instance how much his manly 1We owes to
A paddIng of a clever tailor
ta i
One never knows what may happen and the noblest BM
West One Hundred and Sixth street recently Ha has Jokes Home ANDREW CARNEQIB

tares who will freely forgive love for anything else tot
already written to Commissioner Monroe calling his Joyful News The Tlndcre nave loreB sake are frequently the lent to pardon deceit T-


Attention to the violation of a city ordinance by the Comet

company In providing an Inferior Illuminant It being Th Society for the Prevention of
t alt ATN ar Mql r-
are easy to deceive shoe
They trust and forever
They give and rtvo all
the duty of the Commissioner to see that the quality of Cruelty to Humor badges bave arrived They tardy ask for the balancpof the ledger but if tfMr r
i the gas Is maintained at a certain standard here IB and will be ready for distribution by
do when the accounts have been falsified woe unto tbo

Obviously an oocaalpn for official Inquiry The scope DIRECTIONS yon CBLVO RtTXJTI
offender I Fpr Indeed he or more tapecloll yuho may eeey
forgiveness with tear and seek It In vain i
ef the Commissioners powers limited but they should pender Wear the badge fastened to the sus- There are all aorta and conditions of men end women s III
toe oomprehensve enough to cover this case
near armhole of vest or wear
on lapel of vest hidden by coat Never
This Investigation would servo as a suggestive pre- wear the badge In plain sight u old
t one eort of love dldereth from another in triad and In degree
For one type we have Hood famous ballad of filtltilMl
Nelly Gray who when her aiflor sweetheart returtaed
liminary to a wider and more thorough inquiry from Joke Rod their taskmaster will be z tttn
Albany Despatches to The Evening World reveal a warned and will keep In hiding When
you see or hear an old Joko creep up-
I w >
the ware
cud she I loved a Bailor once
j J

general Interest at the State capital in the exposures autlouAly until you can grab It Then tr I Jf t t tl
1R rgow n
For tot was bold and brave
of Gas Trust extortion They Indicate a healthy ro nash budga and say You to the Old- NEXTTOrNOIHING PRICES ease JO wAYrNA
But I will never wed a man
With both legs In the grave
uentmcnt of the monopolistic methods exposed as In okes Stoma 9HMOk wAN TChlle for the other extreme stands the English gird whosa-
At a theatrical performance where o MS
you cannot Ft within reach of old jok- t MN IRONY C afllanced lover oat a leg and an arm In a navel eoaaseipeBC
CNurFR 8 n In which ho distinguished himself for bravery When bo
er the comedian who Is working it t e
a puree nnd at a signal let th- recovered not being able to write and wishInG to spare bottt
J tho question of municipal ownership of gas and electric summon

w pi
11 her
mcer of the S P C JI and his dep- to ¬
i and himself the pain of an interview he sent big
light utilities uties rise nnd shout in unison
brother to release her from her promise to marry a wfeeM
Out of the abundant prospective legislation having Crack Crack Muse a rUNW crack I M f of a man Tell John she said In reply that so tong aa
he has body enough left to hold his noble eoul I Shall be
i ltd source In The Evening Worlds anti = Gas Trust agi- ¬ Hack to the Old Joker Home I
n- proud to marry him
Pending ltv Then allBeck Sack
tation much eventual good may come a policeman hurls a night- + It le this love of the soul the affection of one tnJeQ1ou1
coming we may utilize the opportunity aftordedi for stick nt an escaping prisoner the omen u
making a beginning locally of the 8 C It and hIli potse must r v dS Jy
I for another which enduree through storm and sunshine
through strain and stress and which never anal the man
throw their badges at the cfremltr
hedges will be supplied to yet
t and woman who find It and finding hold thereto tiny a
Aa Investor Opportunity The Fetrtohquick concerns dew Blight foretaste of heaven upon earth
come and go today exposed and tomorrow rising up Ua not hesitate I
again In lull working order They change their names These from Nernrk

but the groat same ROM on with gudgeons crowding each rrer Joeb U A Lone M
other for admission Into the tolls Here Is a Arm In Wall The following footsore and weary 1 c WJfAtN
treet Tilth A discretionary pool In WItch lit la alleged conundrums do respectfully apply tor
an Investor 100 has expanded Into 13000 within three dmlulon to the Old Jokes Home
ri MdSStHfr
One of the Best Forms of Physical Culture

months This 4s a lure out MHIerlng anything that ailller I L q ROPZRNO By Dr Anderson of Yale
offered Three thousand per cent in three jnarvtho I Are Arrest This F rnned Inmate an
the suckers ready with their cash tar this golden
= 2o l tap
BELIEVE that there Is no form of physical exercise that
I will give quicker results In grace of movement and con-
trol of muscles than dancing Dancers are always graceful
dancers particularly though they may not ilbaIIII

be muaoular In what we are trying to do at Tale I belter
Incensed br a acquittal In an excise cue
verdict 4 f the cmtrata war between the clear dealers continues at the present rate this may soon be an everyday scene at anjrtdbaxxonlffts e lls a future for physical education We are starting la
slowly with simple movement taking up the jig and leei
a prosoeuyon of slight Importance at best District v v V v tM >
v w t inr dance first Later we expect to try some more advanced
dances These of course will not aim to give a man special
Attorney Jerome spent n vigorous quarter of an hour
advantages as a walter but they will help the student to
> lecturing jury on their remissness In tailing to con
Tact The evidence he pointed out was all against the dllry Some of to est E flOMC rUN TOR WINTER EVEMHNGQ
learn how to make a good appearance en a stage should be
be a publlo speaker and to carry himself well goieraUjv
defendant and they had neglected their duty It WAIl lays Dr Anderson director of Tale UBjverelty gymnasium
not that he loved the lUvlnes law of Itself but 1w la
Jokes of tile Day In the Chicago Tribune I

I It Is a curious toot but hardly any men are naturally

law and a conviction should have been brought about
Which may be But why is not less of the DIstrIc- SHORT AND TO THE POINT
This ta a capital game for two to play
graceful In dancing Conservatism of energy la one of the
Hrit requisites to sees of carriage
t lAttorneys valuable time spent In petty prosecutions Barber How will you hare tt cut sir- When travelling by train tor an hat la Just why we are starting tale novel method of teaching
PeopreyBoth short required Is a piece of plain payer and a phyaloal sue at Tale la perhaps not at once answered
of this nature and more in cases where a conviction et-
aluberboth Hair and beardt- pencil for each player Draw a big most people There Is the aesthetle reason It teaches br
and grace control of muscles easy movements and eels

la of real consequence to the city Peppre > No hair and conversation exjcrare on the paper and fill the Inside ap ¬ J
la It not true that the Tombs la worse congested Philadelphia Press- with rows of tiny circles about halt an broaches that conservatism of physical energy that Is reallri
e Inch apart arranged so that MM soot tbe basis of gnat Physiologically develops the heart
now with untried murderers and thieves and bunco
Tuba than at the beginning of Mr Jeromes term ol-
aattlardetr I uses to rata veer net
Tmut to awes cbtc < 4 to Zee tor I uat-
JUmboYoure always Wktug
my drinking too tnuoh and about whim
taut are not Coo over the other but alternate-
the second row of spots comlog under
and longs js twe set a men to leaping and light rtsU-
nlng to develop those organs In our regular classes Ana-
raw eoraatf
Ui141L1 tomically develops the machinery of the body gives sprier
offlca key being bad for ma and aU that the spaces ta ttie first one and so on
Bach spot U tailed a town and the to the Instep sires pliability the knee ankle and hip
Is it not a fact that except for the Patrick convic-¬ Kindly see that escape I roads bnpo Perhaps you dont know that the scl- >
players take it In turns to arrange jour ¬ Joints and Increase the muscular development of the thigh
tion and the Hooper Young confession now regarded title but keep them wall guarded entUts have Sound out theres aioohol nip and calves of the legs Then It has a utilitarian result
1 How Is buslnessr he naked tae In every barman body
by criminal lawyers os a shrewd avoidance of the death Unlfrrrln Thn why cant you be sail
player merits two spots at some as It glue a man sue of carriage in society and allows him
ragpicker to erpooar In public with the good eeriest that to so neotax-
penaltythe DistrictAttorney has fought no Important Oh picking up fled with what youve trot Whit as ehnply being tihwed tate the openings distance apart with crosses and tells her
ary to publlo speakers
nominal trial to a successful issue
What has he accomplished in the tax fund swindling
C How do you feeir he Hvqotred
of the old man without oily Jto
you want to keep pouring It in
Chicago Tribune- tor The door is made of strips of board
whit two cleats aero the baok to
adversary to Journey tram New York to
Chicago The second player then hoe to Jnt now we are starting In with two dances the jigea
eteff lane to gtre polls balance and freedom in
I cant klok was the reply A NEW HEALTH FOOD which trips are sidled The locker draw a tine between the two crosses eblftfar
eases What has he done for the prosecution of the J Why la a mans nose like the when completed to supported again without touching any of the other spots the weight and the Irish lilt or leaping danoe iwhlOh brings
Brooklyn Ilrtdger- The Oow IDave you heard of this new i- the WAU by a paIr of stout brackets to This player now marks two more In more body work and gives warp advanced work In bal ¬
take insurance swindlers What of the half torgot ¬ food they are making out of chopped town with crosses and ttul flrst anon The boys rump two or three feet In these leap Later
be hM at the hardware store where
tea tunnel disaster and Park avenue explosion Derause many a schooner teases oorn stalksT Yittabuliftshe travel tram to r
under It A place to put everything must pre- knobs for the drawers and a colon tor same way M drat the on we shall put on the clog and soft shoe tl nOMM4 then
Net York baa a black criminal record for the past An AntIque Bnuch-
hut th neednt try
it on me I wont touch It
r cede the putting of everything in Its
the closet don can
a few cents-
be obtained for ao journeys are quite easy but no line
be crossed end no spots but the
u the took and wing varieties the acrobatic dances head sad
hand springs and shoulder rolls

two deer Its worst blotch the unexampled number- of twO marked ones touched on the jour- ¬
MMolved murder mysteries of the Partridge regime It
ftot Joel M A near The Cow Oh it Isnt tor I1a
Why wa Adam the fastest runner In human belnes Chloigo Tribune
for nl place How can a boy be expected to
be orderly unless he hoe some place
III ney the task rapidly becomes more dif- ¬
s1 ficult
Hat improved by the delay In proceeding against the the worldT Because he was the first In HOPING FOR THE BEST like thathown In the out where hta- TRAVELERS ALPHABET GAME CIRCULArTpUZZLE THE DLACKAHOOR 1
the human race The players sit In k row and the first
r Mey criminals now prison awaiting trial All the Professor inquired tho thoughtful balIIt1411ttit his juxUets and Wa Ash
ltneatp sag nothing of half a hun begin by saying f am going on a
The troubles In Morocco says the London Ohronlcte aeys
as a reminder that a slang word which at one time wa very l
il ia ffy that Mr Jerome can exhibit for their conviction Why Is a young lady like a promissory member of the class dont you suppose drjd other things dear to his heart can Journey to Athens or any place be- familiar ss applied not to a Moor In particular but to anyi
note Because he should be settled there will come a time when all the coal

wtfl meet public applause and commendation nut tb- e and all the cool oil stored away In the be safely stored J One of the trood things ginning witty AnIe
one sitting next man of color Is now obsolete except as an odd publla
when she arrive at maturity
lOaPg not wrong In regarding of Jurybox rage earth will have become exhaustedT about this locker la the tact that the arks What will you do thereT The house sign That Is blackamoor1 otherwise black Moor
boy himself ran make It Bay the verbs adjectives and nouns used In the In the early Oeorglan era blackamoor 1 a nerro footae
D et7 Bto thaw Mbardly worth the words wasted Whats the difference between truth
and fgg 7 Truth crushed to earth will
Certalnl said the Instructor
WhAt win we do then Wellington Btar reply must all begin with A U amuse and page were commori In london In the bousehaVto 4

rlae ngalni tCP will not We shall be playing harps I hope The looker here shown call for sev- ¬ ailing authors with enecdoteeV the most fnshlonabl people Early In th elghteentai
it HowrrTh p9setnofare Idea as proposed Chicago Tribune eral sizes of boxes It Will be welt to It the player answers correctly It la- fury the bust of a blackamoor fte largely employed byI
sb Bid CltUena1 Tranult Reform Committee o- Why Is the map of Turkey In Europe Jet the buxes together before making th next players turn l he says perhaps tobacconists aas a plgn and It eU1 survives here and there
jltgtil for fV passenger involve a refusal 1o de > Ilk a fryingpan I Ilocaiiie It ha DROPPED the framework of board that Is to hold I am going to Bradford W tt to do The blackamoor then divided the honor of announcing ml
BaskM ell entering A tatlon or e demand for Us Greece at the bottom OUd8o joure keeping Lent What them then plans can be made acCOrd Iheret Tp bring back bread tobacco shop with the red Indian attired in A petticoat
Ing Th an Ml fcation and j- hue ypu given upf Jag to the Kites that are at pond It will butter says
Athird 1 am shins of tobtoea leaves end the Scotch Illghlnnder In the aeg
1co hiT n4 poing pssm equally good It Yhats the difference between Noah rtleTnp
of my beaux I reaUy be fluted that all the QUI Mutt be of to ConstptlnoBi What to do thereT Ot taking snuff Many cftlgle pf bl ck moors which wsr
ace 4 FI to t hoped bat the society Ark and Join of Arc pee WAS marto didnt have any regular evenlnt
t w left the rams rite from front tiqear while To carry o otente4 ce s Any one yp cuwbrou as to a public dansiq wre gompW +
was Mal i of Or for tliemt any tChicago Iteoa In the out tour w of t eaaie wild who make a mlitsVe flLIor- sat aeeNy a la en
r p
IJ r1n1 rllll jw ilfT

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