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Mora, Galilee

Mr. Morris

Adv. World Literature

9 May, 2018

7. Metamorphosis and Moon

Existential crisis ever had one? Not all but a great amount have fallen victim to oculting

and figuring a life path for themselves. This faze in the life has been created as a source of outlet

of inspiration for many iconic writers, one being a jewish novelist, Franz Kafka one of his works

Metamorphosis specifically focused on the existentialism theme within the daily life of the

protagonist Gregor Samsa and now he must learn to cope with grand obstacles. In comparison to

the central theme a similar motif is followed in the film ​Moon ​directed by Duncan Jones, in

which the main character Sam Bell who is attempting to manage himself from driving himself

into insanity whilst being alone in outer space.

What can be found in relation these two characters have s being victims of a system that

primary focuses on exploiting its participants in an almost seemingly never ending cycle of

work. But even though the two just as well aspire to provide enough for their family and inresult

finding happiness. Gregor is primarily introduced as a man strapped to his work mainly only for

the sheer purpose of paying the Samsa ​family's debt off, “what a strenuous career i have chosen

,, traveling day in and day out … it can all go to hell” (Kafka 1) because of this Gregor would

rather attend a job he despites to just to satisfy others. Sam Bell himself faces his own existential

crisis after his life as he knows it comes crashing down him and he must face realization when he

encounters another clone of himself both believing strongly they are the real Sam their identities
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becoming to foreign and threatening their certainty of who they were.

Gregor is commonly portrayed as one who lives to please others, though his productivity

is said to be “very unsatisfactory” (Kafka 1116) yet he continues to dehumanized himself almost

like losing his single sense of character so much to the point where he becomes the

metamorphosis symbolizing his lack of humanity. By being shunned away from his family this

therefore motives him to isolating himself apart causing him to be a victim of existentialism.

Sam Bell as well finds himself questioning his own identity, apart from meeting a clone of

himself and learning that both are simply two of many duplicates of the real Sam it seems almost

too harsh to believe in their minds. In a film review of Moon ​written by J.Burri, the author

believes that Sam’s memories of life on earth are “implanted in the minds of the clones to give

them a sense of sanity” (Burri 1) the memories are meant to be the only source of human

connection felt among the clones due to lacking loneliness up in space.

As it can be noted both characters are involved in their own crisis with finding their

identity this mood may set up for the reader to question their own sense of recognition, tugging

at this worry in the back of the mind of belonging to something and becoming rich in life or

treasures. By Gregor becoming a bug and by Sam figuring he is a clone both lose their own sense

an connection to the humanistic values in life driving them into episodes denying themselves

from happiness.

The Samsa’s from the start had treated Gregor of lesser respect despite his sacrifice he

gave for the well being of his family. Between the commitment he had to a job that he greatly

despised in addition to this Gregory doings can also be seen as biblical allusions “the

relinquishing of his human life, and his death setting free his family of his monstrous state”
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(Bradshaw 2) Sam Bell as well has his rude awakening after discovering a storage of multiple

clones of himself that he can easily be replaced by, as well as figuring the real Sam had already

returned home for which the clone no longer felt the need to continue on. Because of the

existentialist theme found in comparison between ​Moon ​and ​Metamorphosis, ​Sam and Gregor

are likely victims of depression, as seen through their lack of encouragement which noticeably

changed throughout the film and story The tone is dispassionate with continuing the repetition of

just living day up to day and not out of pure willingness.

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Works Cited

Kafka, Franz, and Stanley Corngold. ​The Metamorphosis​. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1981. Print.

Moon​. Dir. Duncan Jones. Liberty Films UK, 2009. Film.

Burrie, J ​Moon identity and understanding. ​FILMTANK. 2017.

Bradshaw Lauren, ​The Metamorphosis: A Biblical Allusion. ​customwrittings​ ​. 2009

Rubric rating submitted on: 5/30/2018, 4:26:40 PM by

3 2 1 0

Overall Introductory, body, Introductory, body, Introductory, body, Introductory, body,

Structure/Complete and concluding and concluding and concluding and concluding
ness paragraphs follow paragraphs follow paragraphs follow paragraphs follow
Your score: 3 an effective an effective an effective an effective
organization style in organization style in organization style in organization style in
MLA format. MLA format. MLA format. MLA format.

Thesis and Thesis provides a Thesis provides Thesis only Thesis and/or
Argument correct invitation some overview of provides a general conclusion focused
Regarding Common and overview of the the purpose and response to the merely on
Theme purpose and clearly adequately prompt without restatements of the
Your score: 3 discusses discusses how the clear examples of prompt or summary
specifically how the film, Moon how the film, Moon of the text/film or
film, Moon connects to connects to does not connect a
connects to “Metamorphosis” “Metamorphosis” common theme.
“Metamorphosis” regarding a regarding a
regarding a common theme. common theme.
common theme. Essay uses specific Essay uses specific
Essay uses specific examples of events examples of events
examples of events and interactions that and interactions that
and interactions that reveal the theme. reveal the theme.
reveal the theme. Thesis effectively Thesis effectively
Thesis effectively summarizes the summarizes the
summarizes the main argument of main argument of
main argument of the paper and the paper and
the paper and succinctly answers succinctly answers
succinctly answers the prompt. the prompt.
the prompt.

Accuracy/Persuasio Topic sentences are Most paragraphs includes a topic The body consists
Last Name 5

n supported with include a topic sentence but is of fewer than two

Your score: 3 specific details and sentence, but is superficially paragraphs and or
examples. often disjointed connect to the topic the content is highly
Transitional words with the content of and doesn't repetitive. No
or phrases join the paragraph. Some introduce the transitional words
paragraphs. In-text transitional words paragraph or phrases are used.
citations are present or phrases are used. effectively. Few In-text citations are
and consistent with In-text citations are transitional words not present or are
the argument. not always present or phrases are used. not consistent with
Credibility of or are not always In-text citations are the argument.
sources are clear consistent with the rarely consistent Credibility of
and evident. argument. with the argument. sources not clear
Credibility of Credibility of and evident.
sources are sources are
sometimes clear and sometimes clear and
evident. evident.


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