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The Siam News

Vol.1 No.2 Bangkok, Thailand- 1960s - two pages one baht

Edited by Yada Rojanasoontra

after the cold war
The happening in Thailand, after World
War 2 Cold War, was caused as a result of
competing political, economic, social,
technological and outgunned between the
United States and the Soviet Union In
different regions around the world, the
world was divided into two camps, the
camp liberated camps and Communist
powers, the two sides tried to intervene
politically in different regions that led to
the crisis, the fight due to conflicts over
political ideology because the United
State assist India. The change of status as
a war Thailand has chosen to support the
Cambodia got invaded United State in the Cold War environment
as a result, the United States and
The Vietnam War that occurs in Thailand, Thailand to influence political, economic
Vietnam military invaded Cambodia to and social. During the middle 1960s, Cuba
overthrow of the Khmer Rouge regime. and the Soviet Union establish diplomatic
Cambodian military evacuate to the West relations and formally owned oil
Heng Samrin. and peace in company, Shell, Esso and Texaco was
and northwest of the country's border
Cambodia, Front union national pour nationalized after they refused to refine
with Thailand. By a group of Cambodian
un cambodge independant, pacifiaue oil of the Soviet Union, Cuba began to
anti-occupation of Vietnam in 3 groups
et cooperative. Under the leadership send their children to the United State
including, democratic Kampuchea or the
of King Norodom Sihanouk of the for fear of losing Communism. Meanwhile,
Khmer Rouge, there are about 40,000 newspapers in the United States, Mexico,
rebel forces, the three groups have
members, with the base located in Phnom and Latin America ran an article warning
bases close to the border with
mine area and western provinces of of an imminent United Stated attack on
Thailand to be easy to escape when
Battambang, Khmer People's National Cuba. Kennedy has been elected, and
Vietnamese forces invaded. The denies emphatically that the attack was
Liberation Front under the leadership of
Cambodia is also maneuvering into planned in Cuba. The attack occurred in
the Son Sann, there are about 4,000
the land of Thailand. In this regard mid-April at the Bay of Pigs, Cuba can
members of the National Alliance for
Vietnam, Thailand agree that overcome the lack of specific knowledge
independence and neutrality and peace in
Cambodia's opposition to the use of of the attack. Eighteen months later, the
Cambodia, Front union national pour un crisis of October is known in the United
space is a guard and escape the
cambodge independant, pacifiaue et States as the missile crisis brought the
onslaught of the forces of Vietnam
cooperative. Under the leadership of King world to the brink of a showdown nuclear
and Heng Samrin.
Norodom Sihanouk of the rebel forces, eventually end with the withdrawal of
the three groups have bases close to the nuclear missiles of the Soviet Union, Cuba
border with Thailand to be easy to escape and the United States promised not to
when Vietnamese forces invaded. The attack Cuba again. The rest of the decade
did not change much for Cuba to pursue a
Cambodia is also maneuvering into the
relationship with Soviet countries, while
land of Thailand. In this regard Vietnam, the United States pursued a path of
Thailand agree that Cambodia's hostility against the hidden and isolated
opposition to the use of space is a guard "The government of Fidel Castro".
and escape the onslaught of the forces of
Vietnam and 1
! !
Give us back
Cold War coincided with the civil rights
movement in the United States and No one
anti-colonial movements in Asia and

our rights! Africa. Thomas Borstelmann, showed

that threatened to affect United States

In the midst of the cold war, the United

States entered the war in Vietnam, a
efforts to defeat communism as the
Soviet Union exploited the grievances of
black Americans and seeks to expand its
country that has grown unpopular, influence in the Third World, the United
having been raised by social movements States tried to massage the issue of race
that already exist, including women, in the campaign. Desegregation gradual
minorities and young people. The social while, abroad it is heartening to release
greatness of President Lyndon B. Johnson the peaceful pro-western line. The
and the decision by many warren court strategy has its drawbacks, however
has merged with its diversity. Feminism American political leaders either lack a
and the environmental movement deep commitment to equality of the
became a political force, and has races (Kennedy) or are themselves The anti-war movement, this term can
continued to progress the rights of all imbued with the attitude of the elite also refer to peace, which is the
Americans. The Cultural Revolution (Eisenhower), there is also racism opposition to the deployment of the
swept across the country and many affected. Harvard and Yale graduates, army during the conflict. Many activists
countries in the Western world in the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as distinguish between anti-war
late sixties and early seventies, breaking Caucasian ignorant of Alabama. movement and the peace movement.
the American in the next "Culture Wars", Respected architect of the Cold War, Anti-war activists and protesters
but also bring social point of view with such as George Kennan and Dean running through the grass roots other
more freedom. Acheson privately disparaged non-white means to try to pressure the
races were Kennan. government to put an end to a
particular war or conflict. The first
organized protest against the Vietnam
War took place in New York and
Philadelphia, these protests were
joined by peaceful American Memorial
bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at
the end of World War II. Second time
year later, the opposition has spread to
local college campuses during the
movement of the student record and
went on to include a broad
cross-section of American society, by
the peace movement gained national
prominence and it was in November of
the two men, Norman Morrison and
Roger Allen port, set himself on fire in
protest at the conflict. The system of
military war also proved unpopular,
when a group of students from the
University of California, staged

Duin, S. (2009, November 04). The Great Anti-War Cartoons. Retrieved from
combustion publicly for the first time
the card, Martin Luther. King Jr. expressed concern about the rate of
Hays, J. (n.d.). VIETNAM WAR PERIOD IN THAILAND. Retrieved from casualties of African Americans in the
Intermediate 2 Bitesize History - The Vietnam War : Revision, Page 4. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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Sierra, J. A. (n.d.). Cuba in the 1960sAn Introduction. Retrieved from support for the campaign from the
The Anti-War Movement in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement. (n.d.). Retrieved from property. Bright Unlike those from the
S. (n.d.). UNIV200. Retrieved from middle class and poor people and
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their service

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