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#include <stdio.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){

char username[BUFSIZ], *password; /* User input buffers */

char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* File input buffer */

char *user_file, *pass_file; /* Buffers for values in file */

char filename[BUFSIZ]; /* Filename buffer */

FILE *infile; /* File handle */

/* Get the filename */

printf("Enter Password Filename: ");

scanf("%s", filename);

/* Get the username from the user */

printf("Username: ");

scanf("%s", username);

/* Get the password from the user */

password = getpass("Password: ");

/* Open the file */

if((infile = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL){

printf("\nFile error!\nAborting...\n");
} else {

/* Loop throught the file */

while (!feof(infile)) {

/* Initialize with empty string */

buf[0] = '\0';

/* Read in one line */

fscanf(infile, "%s", buf);

/* If it's an empty line, continue */

if(strlen(buf) == 0) continue;

/* Point to the buffer */

user_file = buf;

/* Point to the delimiter in the buffer */

pass_file = strchr(buf, ':');

/* Change the delimiter to a nul character */

pass_file[0] = '\0';

/* Move to the next character */


/* See if this matches the name the user entered */

if(strcmp(user_file, username) == 0){

/* See if the passwords match */

if(strcmp(crypt(password, pass_file), pass_file) == 0){

printf("Correct password...\n");

} else {

printf("Invalid password!\n\n");

} /* End if */

/* We found what we wanted; get out of loop */


} /* End if */

} /* End while */

} /* End if */

/* Close the file */


} /* End main() */

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