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Cause and Effect essay:

I. Introduction

............................... has been regarded as a serious matter/issue/phenomenon that

undoubtedly threatens/affects the whole community negatively/positively. It is the outcome
of different reasons and of course it has several continuing effects too. In this short essay, I
will be considering the major causes and consequences of .....................

II. Body

There are several/numerous/plenty of reasons behind...(the subject you are discussing) ....
To begin with, .................(1stcause).................... Next, ...............................(2nd
cause).......................... In addition to this, ..............................(3rd cause)............

Indeed, ...........(your subject matter).............clearly engenders different

consequences/results/effects. Firstly............(1st effect)............... Secondly, .................(2nd
effect)...........Thirdly, ...............................(3rd effect)..................................

III. Conclusion

As mentioned before, …….(Your subject matter)..........has many effects on the entire

community. Therefore, noteworthy that all components of society are required to actively
cooperate in order to gradually minimize the impact of ………(your subject matter)…..

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