Last Week Report Key Points Recap.: in Attendance Mr. KAMARA Amadou, Mr. KOUASSI Beranger, Mr. KONE Moustapha

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Date | time 5/29/2017 9:00 AM | Meeting called to order by Mr. Kamara

In Attendance

Mr. KAMARA Amadou, Mr. KOUASSI Beranger, Mr. KONE Moustapha

Secretary: Moustapha Ben Abdallah KONE


Last Week Report Key points recap.

Work organization: Deploy a Scoreboard.

Problem with the work during the weekend: in discussed with CM.
Technical problems on the ground: Strengthen the continuous trainee of the engineers

Current week minutes

Mr. Kamara (TM)
 Explained the importance of the weekly meeting, starting that it is enable us have a weekly picture
of opportunities and blocking points. He also asked the BO Team Lead to advise opportunities we
need to look at weekly.
The following opportunities were presented.

I. Improvements to meetings:
(a) .Respect the schedules of the meeting.
(b) . Turn off the phone during the meeting.
(c) . Avoid breaking up the meetings.
(d) . Have the culture of meetings.
(e) .Introducing of Zeynab in the MoM.
(f) .List of official members of the MoM.
II. Equipments Issues:
III. Tracking of the engineers on the field:
IV. Huawei Project ISDP Trainee:
 Improvements to meetings:
For the improvement of the meetings we should respect the following points.

 Respect the schedules of the meeting.

The respect of the schedule is very important for the improvement of the meetings.
Then each member of the MoM must be obliged to be punctual.
The meeting starts at 8h30 am.

 Turn off the phone during the meeting.

Turn off always our phone before to starting the meeting.
The calls disturb the meeting.

 Avoid breaking up the meetings.

Learn to Respect the meetings, stop interrupting it.

 Have the culture of meetings.

For the good functioning of the enterprise, everyone has to understand the importance of
the meetings.
MoM are meant to move the company forward, while highlighting the various obstacles that
block us and that can prevent us from achieving our goals, hence the importance of these
meetings in order to discuss them and find solutions to the problems.

 Introducing of Zeinabe in the MoM.

In order to make easy the tasks and bring everyone to the same level of information, the
administration has decided to introduce Miss Zeyneb BAH as an official member of the
technical meeting.

 List of official members of the MoM.

The official’s members in the MoM are the Following:


BO_Team_Lead: MR Beranger KOUASSI
BO: Moustapha Ben Abdallah KONE
DT RF: Zeyneb BAH

Action Point Kamara: The Deployment of a Scoreboard to pass information is necessary

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 Equipments Issues:
Some engineers are constantly remounting problems of working tools. The solution to this must be
resolved in immediate.

 Moustapha (Screen issue):

The computer screen is cracked since 5 months, difficult to work with.

 Zeyneb (PC issue):

She is the ambassador of Telinno at Ericsson and presents herself every day to the customer
with a very bad state of her computer.
This is unacceptable face to face of the company image.

 Keita (MTC issue):

Since 4 months he goes back this problem incessantly, that it has no mobile MTC
. It's are own phone it uses.

Action Point Kamara: Request for proforma invoice at Country Manager.

 Tracking of the engineers on the field

We had identified two types of tracking for engineers:

 Technical tracking:
The engineers should improve.
A Tracking of the field actions is already in place. The rate of success of the interventions will
be evaluated now. And the analysis of the log files will be well understood.

 Human Tracking:
The company must increase his turnover.
For this it requires a considerable improvement of some point.
Respect for the hierarchy, Why the engineer is obliged to improve (Salary, Demanding
project). Get by himself, be creative on some problem on site.

Action Point: TM, BO Team Lead and BO should put it in place.

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 Huawei Project ISDP Trainee:
The objective of this training was to introduce us to the ISPD platform.
The 2 essential points of this training were how to make:
Clock IN for the presence of the DT Engineer on the site.
Clock OUT for the departure of the DT Engineer on the site.
Normally with this training the work with the customer must resume soon

The meeting ends by 11:30 Am by Mr. KAMARA.

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