2018 Summerhomework

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Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________

Interpreting Data

Mapping Earthquakes and Volcanoes

In this lab, you will interpret data on the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes
to find patterns.

◆ Problem
Is there a pattern in the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes?

◆ Materials
outline world map showing longitude and latitude
4 pencils of different colors

◆ Procedure
1. Use the information in the table on page 92 to mark the location of each
earthquake on the world map on page 93. Use one of the colored pencils to
draw a letter E inside a circle at each earthquake location.
2. Use a pencil of a second color to mark the locations of the volcanoes on the
world map. Indicate each volcano with the letter V inside a circle.
3. Use a third pencil to lightly shade the areas in which earthquakes are found.
4. Use a fourth colored pencil to lightly shade the areas in which volcanoes are

◆ Analyze and Conclude

© Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How are earthquakes distributed on the map? Are they scattered evenly over
Earth’s surface? Are they concentrated in definite zones?
2. How are volcanoes distributed? Are they scattered evenly or concentrated in
3. From your data, what can you infer about the relationship between earth-
quakes and volcanoes?
4. Apply Based on the data, which area of the North American continent would
have the greatest risk of earthquake damage? Of volcano damage? Why would
knowing this information be important to urban planners, engineers, and
builders in this area?

Inside Earth Teaching Resources F ◆ 91

Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________

SKILLS LAB (continued)

Earthquakes Volcanoes
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
120° W 40° N 150° W 60° N
110° E 5° S 70° W 35° S
77° W 4° S 120° W 45° N
88° E 23° N 61° W 15° N
121° E 14° S 105° W 20° N
34° E 7° N 75° W 0°
74° W 44° N 122° W 40° N
70° W 30° S 30° E 40° N
3 10° E 45° N 60° E 30° N
85° W 13° N 160° E 55° N
125° E 23° N 37° E 3° S
30° E 35° N 145° E 40° N
140° E 35° N 120° E 10° S
12° E 46° N 14° E 41° N
75° E 28° N 105° E 5° S
150° W 61° N 35° E 15° N
68° W 47° S 70° W 30° S
175° E 41° S 175° E 39° S
121° E 17° N 123° E 138° N © Prentice-Hall, Inc.

◆ More to Explore
On a map of the United States, locate active volcanoes and areas of earthquake
activity. Determine the distance from your home to the nearest active volcano.

92 ◆ F Teaching Resource Inside Earth

© Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Inside Earth
SKILLS LAB (continued)


North Eurasia



Prime Meridian

180°W 160°W 140°W 120°W 100°W 80°W 60°W 40°W 20°W 0° 20°E 40°E 60°E 80°E 100°E 120°E 140°E 160°E 180°E

Teaching Resources
F ◆
Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________

Team8- Math
Calculating Density Worksheet

1) A student measures the mass of an 8 cm3 block of brown sugar to be 12.9 g. What is the density of
the brown sugar?

2) A chef fills a 50 mL container with 43.5 g of cooking oil. What is the density of the oil?

3) Calculate the mass of a liquid with a density of 2.5 g/mL and a volume of 15 mL.

4) Calculate the volume of a liquid with a density of 5.45 g/mL and a mass of 65 g.

5) A machine shop worker records the mass of an aluminum cube as 176 g. If one side of the cube
measures 4 cm, what is the density of the aluminum?

6) A teacher performing a demonstration finds that a piece of cork displaces 23.5 mL of water. The
piece of cork has a mass of 5.7 g. What is the density of the cork?

7) A carver begins work on the following block of granite that weighs 2700 g. What is the density of
the granite?

10 cm

5 cm
20 cm

8) A piece of PVC plumbing pipe displaces 60 mL when placed into a container of water. If the pipe
has a mass of 78 g, what is the density of PVC?

9) A solid magnesium flare has a mass of 1300 g and a volume of 743 cm3. What is the density of the
10) A graduated cylinder has a mass of 50 g when empty. When 30 mL of water is added, the graduated
cylinder has a mass of 120 g. If a rock is added to the graduated cylinder, the water level rises to 75
mL and the total mass is now 250 g. What is the density of the rock?

11) A student performs an experiment with three unknown fluids and obtains the following

Fluid A: m = 2060 g, V = 2000 mL

Fluid B: m = 672 g, V = 850 mL
Fluid C: m = 990 g, V = 1100 mL

Draw how the fluids would be layered if they were combined in a beaker.

12) Use your density skills to find the identity of the following mystery objects.

Table of Densities
Solids Density g/cm3 Solids Density g/cm3
Marble 2.56 Copper 8.92
Quartz 2.64 Gold 19.32
Diamond 3.52 Platinum 21.4

While digging in the backyard, you You think you have found a
find an old coin. Its mass is diamond. Its mass is 5.28 g and its
26.76 g and its volume is 3 cm. volume is 2 cm3.

What is the coin made of? What did you find?

You find a ring with a mass of There is a block on your desk that
107 g. You fill a graduated cylinder acts as a paperweight. Its
up with 10 mL of water and put the measurements are 3 cm by 4 cm by
ring into the cylinder. The water 6 cm. The block has a mass of
rises up to the 15 mL mark. 184.32 g.

What is the ring made of? What is the block made of?
Grade 8, Ms. Helton
Summer Homework Assignment

Biography of Alfred Wegener, 1880 – 1930 and his discovery of Tectonic Plates.

1. Book in a Box-
Decorate a box with research about the life of Wegener and his discovery of Tectonic Plates. Each side
will have a 5-7 sentence paragraph and two illustrations or pictures with a caption. Basically you are writing
a five paragraph essay and putting each paragraph on one side of the box with illustrations.

2. Book Collage-
Create a collage using pictures and paragraphs that represent different parts of your research. Use a
foam core poster board for your project (available at the dollar store). The more poster board you cover, the
better your grade.

3. Scrapbook-
Make a scrapbook with items and pictures that are important to the life of Alfred Wegener and
Tectonic Plates. Include a written paragraph on each page. Use pictures, illustrations, and items to explain
and symbolize the topic of your paragraph on each page.

You may use these websites or choose your own (avoid Wikipedia).
Use MLA format for citations located at Purdueowl.com






Writing Rubric
Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your essay and
check it again before you submit your essay.

Traits 4 3 2 1
There is one clear, well-
There is one clear, well-
focused topic. Main ideas
focused topic. Main ideas are
are clear and There is one topic. Main The topic and main ideas
Focus & Details clear but are not well
are well supported by ideas are somewhat clear. are not clear.
supported by detailed
detailed and accurate
The introduction is
inviting, states the main
topic, and provides The introduction states the
The introduction states the There is no clear
an overview of the paper. main topic and provides an
Organization main topic. A conclusion is introduction, structure, or
Information is relevant and overview of the paper. A
included. conclusion.
presented in a logical conclusion is included.
order. The conclusion is
The author’s purpose of
The author’s purpose of The author’s purpose of
writing is very clear, and
writing is somewhat clear, writing is somewhat clear,
there is strong evidence of
and there is some evidence of and there is evidence of
attention to audience. The The author’s purpose of
Voice attention to audience. The attention to audience. The
author’s extensive writing is unclear.
author’s knowledge and/or author’s knowledge and/or
knowledge and/or
experience with the topic experience with the topic
experience with the topic
is/are evident. is/are limited.
is/are evident.
The author uses vivid The author uses vivid words
The writer uses a limited
words and phrases. The and phrases. The choice and The author uses words that
vocabulary. Jargon or
Word Choice choice and placement of placement of words is communicate clearly, but the
clichés may be present and
words seems accurate, inaccurate at times and/or writing lacks variety.
detract from the meaning.
natural, and not forced. seems overdone.
Sentences sound awkward,
Most sentences are well are distractingly repetitive,
All sentences are well Most sentences are well or are difficult to
constructed, but they have a
Sentence constructed and have constructed and have varied understand. The author
similar structure and/or
Structure, varied structure and structure and length. The makes numerous errors in
length. The author makes
Grammar, length. The author makes author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics,
Mechanics, & several errors in grammar,
no errors in grammar, grammar, mechanics, and/or and/or spelling
Spelling mechanics, and/or spelling
mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not
that interfere with
spelling. interfere with understanding.
understanding. that interfere with
Objective: To create a visual model demonstrating an understanding of the various topics associated
with the Theory of Plate Tectonics and how these topics all relate to one another.

Include each of the features and/or labels in model from the below list: (1 point each)

Things to Represent AND Label in Project Visual: Things to LABEL in your Model:

Deep-Ocean Trench Direction of Plate Movements

Where Seafloor Spreading Occurs
Whether a Plate is Oceanic or Continental
Mid-Ocean Ridge Lithosphere

Rift Valley Earthquake Zones (location)

Volcanic Island
Location of Stress in Crust
Plate Melting
Rising Magma
Convection Currents

4 3 2 1

The visual model includes 1-2 The visual model is not

The visual model illustrates a The visual model includes 3-5
Visual Continuity continuous, unbroken scene
breaks in the scene that, in
breaks in the scene that, do
portrayed as a continuous,
some way do not accurately unbroken scene in any way,
that accurately represents how not accurately represent how
represent how the plates which does not accurately
the plates interact with one the plates interact with one
(Visual Model) another here on Earth.
interact with one another
another here on Earth.
represent the interaction
here on Earth. between plates here on Earth.
Order of the Plates No two consecutive plates Illustration shows one of the Illustration shows two
are moving in the same following, consecutive plates consecutive plates moving in
direction. An OP is never moving in the same direction, the same direction and an OP
(Visual Model) diverging from a CP. or an OP diverging from a CP. diverging from a CP
Location of
Landforms and
Every required Every landform/event, but 2, Every landform/event, but 4,
Events landform/event is associated is associated with the is associated with the
More than 4 landforms/events
are associated with incorrect
with the appropriate type of appropriate type of plate appropriate type of plate
plate boundaries or type of
plate boundary, type of boundary, type of plates, and boundary, type of plates, and
(Visual Model) plates, and relative location. relative location. relative location.


Convection Currents are Convection Currents are Convection Currents are

Location of illustrated in the appropriate illustrated in the appropriate illustrated in the appropriate
Convection Currents layer of the Earth AND the layer of the Earth AND the layer of the Earth AND the
and Direction of illustration shows the illustration shows the illustration shows the
X relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the
Flow. direction of plate motion and direction of plate motion, and direction of plate motion, and
the direction of the the direction of the the direction of the
Convection Current, for each Convection Current, 4 of the Convection Current, for 2 of
(Visual Model) plate plates the plates

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