Volume 78, Issue 2

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Banned Books Week

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September 24, 2010

St. Catherine University student newspaper

Exclusive Interview

Yaz: Worth the risk? with:

• Birth control pill faces Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as

increased scrutiny
By Tréza Rosado and Rachel
an effective form of birth control. In an
effort to expand on Yasmin’s success, the
manufacturer Bayer Healthcare created Yaz, Young
which was approved in 2006 by the FDA.
Armstrong, with additional Yaz is like many other forms of oral
contraceptives on the market today in
reporting by Colleen Royce that in contains the hormones estrogen
and progesterone, which help regulate the
As a women’s institution, St. Catherine
University (SCU) and its students are acutely
aware of issues surrounding women’s health.
menstrual cycle. However, Yaz also contains
drospirenone, a chemical that increases the
body’s production of potassium, and is
Oral contraceptives have been particularly
visible in the news over the last few years,
used as a moderate acne treatment while
also helping to control symptoms of pre- Page 4
as the reach of these medications moves menstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD.
beyond birth control. “I chose Yaz because it was suggested
Today, more young women are choosing to me - low hormones, short [menstrual]
oral contraceptives to treat everything from period,” Spoelstra said. other oral contraceptives. class action lawsuits against Yaz related
acne to menstrual cramps. As the number of In 2008, the FDA sent a warning letter to “There is not data to support Yaz as to blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes,
users increase, so does the number of class Bayer Healthcare stating that the television more problematic than other [similar] oral Hamre said, “Studies showed no difference
action lawsuits. advertisements the company was running contraceptives,” Hamre said. “Virtually all between Yaz and other combination oral
One of the most popular and widely overstated the effectiveness of Yaz in treating methods of contraception contain some risk, contraceptives in the incidence of these
used forms of oral contraceptives, or birth Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), which is a whether high rates of unintended pregnancy, complications. One study showed an
control, is Yaz; however it is also one of the separate disorder from PMDD. Yaz was not the potential for developing latex allergy, or increase, but it was a badly designed study
most controversial. approved through the FDA to treat PMS, other number of other physical problems. with unreliable results.”
Katherine Spoelstra, a Junior at SCU learned and the advertisements understated the Weighing the risks versus benefits of a method Today Spoelstra is a successful Healthcare
about Yaz through her doctor and used it for serious risks that come with the medication’s should be part of making the decision about Sales major. Reflecting on the medical
about five days before she was admitted to increased potassium levels. what method to use or whether or not to complications seemingly exacerbated by
the hospital for severe headaches. “Drospirenone increases potassium levels in contracept.” Yaz, she said, “You listen to your doctor, but
A week later, she woke up without hearing. users and is the only [form of progesterone] After undergoing an MRI (magnetic you never think much of the side effects
She went completely deaf over a two- to do so. [This] increase in potassium can lead resonance imaging) scan, doctors explained because they don’t make them seem like
week period and remains completely deaf to renal and heart rhythm abnormalities,” that Spoelstra was having small strokes (or a big deal.”
to this day. Nursing professor Pam Hamre said. “Patients brain bleeds) resulting in her loss of hearing. Clearly, as oral contraceptives like Yaz
“I learned about Yaz through my OB/ with risk factors for high potassium levels Spoelstra was 19 years old when she was increase in popularity, young women must
GYN, who told me Yaz was a birth control should have their blood serum potassium level diagnosed with Susac’s syndrome, which carefully weigh their options.
pill that is low in hormones. She did tell checked during their first month using Yaz.” partially accounts for her hearing loss.
me that there was a slight possibility of According to Yaz’s website, women who “I don’t attribute all [the hearing loss] Rachel can be reached at
stroke, but really not to worry about it,” have kidney, liver, or adrenal disease should to Yaz, but I think it really set it in motion,” rmarmstrong@stkate.edu
Spoelstra said. not use Yaz because of the risk of health Spoelstra said. Treza can be reached at
In 2001, Yasmin was approved by the problems; however, this is also a risk with Commenting on the recent trend of tjrosado@stkate.edu

Where have all the changes are unnecessary.

Earlier in 2010, Director of Food Services
Webster Peterson and his team conducted
Packing begins for 100
noodles gone?
• Students concerned about
school-wide surveys and focus groups to
discover what SCU students, staff, and faculty
wanted to see in the upcoming school year.
Sisters of St. Joseph
After gathering the information, Sodexo
fewer choices, longer lines Food and Facilities Management Services • CSJs prepare to leave Bethany for new home
implemented an action plan in time for the By Becky Doucette
By Devon Arndt Opening Ceremony on Sept 8.  staff writer
staff writer “We have gone to a more ‘retail look’,”
Peterson said, regarding the changes. New and returning students may have potential environmental impact of the new
Sept 8 marked the beginning of a new Executive Chef Mike Stoyka cites the noticed the construction taking place at facilities in their preparations. For example,
school year at St. Catherine University changes as a way  to provide more options Bethany. This construction will result in the trees students are accustomed to were
(SCU), bringing significant changes along for students. “I recognize the changes may a group of facilities known as Carondelet not chopped down and used as lumber, but
with it. In addition to a record number of be difficult for some students to accept, but Village to replace Bethany. relocated to new grounds.
incoming students and a housing crisis, I hope that students will embrace the new Bethany currently houses retired Sisters of Before construction began the CSJs
returning students were surprised to find menu in time,” Stoyka said. St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ).  Right now, coordinated a five year process, scouting
the cafeteria transformed. While many new He also wanted to remind students that Bethany holds around 100 CSJs, all between the best religious-based, assisted living
students are embracing these changes, some 60 and 90 years of age.  In the last few years, facilities in the country. In collaboration
returning students are unhappy, feeling the see Cafeteria, pg. 2 the CSJs had hoped to renovate the facilities, with Presbyterian Homes, the CSJs received
but after measures were taken to make this final approval from the St. Paul City Council
a reality, it was evident that it would be soon after their public hearing on July 21.
more cost-effective to build new facilities “Phase I” of construction, which includes
altogether. This led to the development of the senior apartments and assisted-living
the Carondelet Village project that will not spaces is estimated to be complete by fall of
only house the CSJs, but will house those in next year. Once completed, the CSJs will be
the greater community of St. Paul. The CSJ St. relocated to their new homes and Bethany
Paul website said, “The $60.4 million project, will be torn down and replaced with the rest
expected to be completed in 2012, will include of Carondelet Village.
259 new senior housing units consisting Hauer reflects on how the students and
of 149 independent-living apartments, 46 faculty of SCU can help the CSJs in their time
assisted-living units, 19 memory care units, of transition with an idea entitled “Sisters
and a 45-bed care center.” on the Move!”
The focus of Carondelet Village will be to “Sister Andrea put together a group of
provide individualized care for adults’ needs. students moving the library from Derham
“If you and I lived there, and you get up at to the basement of the Chapel. It was really
10 and you want pancakes for breakfast, and I cool, like a human line of people passing
get up at eight and want eggs for breakfast, we books. And I thought ‘what if we did that
both can have that. It’s really individualized again, except with students moving the
care,” said Donna Hauer, CSJ Consociate and Sisters?”, Hauer said.
Multicultural and International Programs
Students anxiously await hand -made sandwiches at lunch. Photo by Dana Bloomquist
and Services (MIPS) Director. see Sisters, pg. 2
In addition, the CSJs have focused on the
2 | The Wheel NEWS & OPINION September 24, 2010

Cafeteria continued... food every other day. I loved the system last
year and how smoothly the lines went,” Junior
some of their favorite dishes will be served Sarah Niaz said.
bi-weekly, such as pasta (Monday and Several students do not appreciate what
Wednesday evenings) and Tex Mex (Tuesday they percieve to be longer lines and less
and Thursday evenings). The International convenient foods. “[The cafeteria] doesn’t
section will now follow a four-week cycle have chicken fingers and [other to-go items]
serving Mexican, Indian, and Mongolian available. You have to wait more. It used
grill cuisines as well as burritos. The weekly to be ready all the time,” Jennifer Koch, a
menu can be found on the SCU website. Junior Neuroscience major said. There have
Many students have already formed strong also been complaints that the meal choices
opinions on the cafeteria food. First-year on weekends are not as appealing as those
students seem to be particularly satisfied available during the school week.
with the menu selections. First-year student Both Peterson and Stoyka emphasized
Taylor Moldan says the Classic Entree section that the first few weeks of school are always
is her favorite because “it changes daily.” the most chaotic. They believe that as the
Some returning students appreciate the year progresses, the lines will become more
changes as well. “I love the new addition efficient and they will continue to rework the
of the sushi bar. I was studying abroad last menu.  Students are urged to give specific
semester, so I didn’t have a chance to try feedback through comment cards and the
it until now. I am very impressed,” Senior dining services website.  The comments and
Jordyn Arndt said. suggestions will be taken by Peterson and
Other students voiced concerns. Some will help as changes and modifications are
observed that the wait time in line seems implemented. 
longer than last year, and that there is an
inadequate number of servers to accommodate Devon can be reached at Want to register an opinion regarding the cafeteria?
the larger number of students. dvarndt@stkate.edu Go to thewheel-scu.tumblr.com
“I miss the pasta line and having Chinese  

Editorial: Moral platforms

poor excuse for
public policy

By Rachel Armstrong
sections editor

I may have had a minor freak out last Tuesday when I found out Christine O’Donnell
had won the Republican Senate Primary in Delaware, just like I did when Sharron Angle
Construction begins on Carondelet Village. Photo by Dana Bloomquist won in Arizona. I was floored, gob-smacked and whatever other superlative adjective
you can imagine. Also, a little scared.
Sisters continued... include going for walks, doing crosswords If you’ve been watching the news in the last few weeks, you may have heard about this
and word finds, coloring, doing small crafts new “trend” in American politics. This year, some Republican candidates for Senate are
Though “Sisters on the Move!” is still in together...and just visiting with the Sisters. so conservative, so far right, that even the Republican Party doesn’t see them as electable.
its planning stages, it should come into full Any students are welcome to join VIA on our The Tea-Party movement has staged upsets in Delaware, in Arizona, in Alaska. Like it or
bloom in time for the move in 2011. If anyone Friday Activities hour starting next Friday,” not, they’re changing the Republican Party’s politics. While Democrats may see someone
is interested in planning this project, Donna Katherine Byers-Ferrian, VIA Coordinator, like O’Donnell to be unelectable, she’s already beaten Mike Castle, a moderate Republican,
Hauer can be found in the MIPS office. said. For more information on VIA, you can in the primaries. Moderate, it seems, to the Tea-Party, is akin to crazy Obama-lovin’ Liberal.
In addition to the “Sisters on the Move!” reach Katherine Byers-Ferrian and Liesl Wolf The Republican Party is fractured and we’re seeing a new, much more conservative party
project, Volunteers In Action (VIA) can (VIA Organizer) at via@stkate.edu. come to the forefront.
provide another way to build relationships Angle has stated that women who are raped should be forced to carry the baby to full
with the CSJs during their transition. Becky can be reached at term because, “there is a plan and a purpose.” O’Donnell spent years working as purity
“I plan activities for the [CSJs] and[SCU] rjdoucette@stkate.edu advocate for the Christian group SALT (Savior’s Alliance for Lifting the Truth) and has
students to do together. Some activities referred to homosexuality as an “identity disorder” that can be cured.
So yeah, I’m scared.
O’Donnell, says she’s “toiled for years in the values movement”, and Angle claims, “I
ST. CATHERINE UNIVERSITY WHEEL STAFF have a very well-developed sense of right and wrong,” which is great, I guess, but makes
me wonder, who’s values are being toiled for? Whose version of right or wrong is being
Volume 78, Issue 2 translated into policy?
It’s not that these people’s ideas or opinions are inherently incorrect. Hey, if you want
Editor-in-Chief: TREZA ROSADO to jump on the Angle bandwagon and go back to the days of Prohibition, go for it. The
Layout Designer: SARAH WENTE problem is when the moral ideals of an individual are translated into government policy.
Sections Editor: RACHEL ARMSTRONG Some politicians believe that their own personal values and morals should dictate laws; if
Photo Editor: DANA BLOOMQUIST something is immoral, it should therefore be illegal.
Adviser: SHEILA ELDRED This idea of legislating morality isn’t new and it isn’t far removed from SCU either. Take
Senior Staff Writers: ELISSA JOHNSON, JORDYN ARNDT, LYDIA FASTE- a look at the newly imposed smoking ban. The idea that because smoking is unhealthy it
LAND, CLAIRE DAVIDSON should therefore be banned is the same idea, dressed up in new rhetoric.
I’m all for less cancer and more birthdays, kicking the habit, whatever. What I’m not
for is the administration’s views being imposed on SCU students. I don’t believe we need
ANNA RUHLAND, BECKY DOUCETTE, COLLEEN ROYCE, DEVON ARNDT, to be protected in this way, as we’re all adults, over the age of 18, and capable of making
ELYSE JOHNSON, NATASHA HOLM our own decisions.
Photographer: JESSICA JONES Morality, especially in socially disputed areas, should be a matter of choice, not a moral
Cartoonist: KATHERINE CURTIS requirement handed down from whatever well-meaning power.
If you would like to write for The Wheel, please contact us at The idea of being protected from ourselves, whether we like it or not, bears striking
wheel@stkate.edu. similarities to the campaign discourse of Angle. “I’m elected by the people to protect, and
I think that law should protect,” Angle said, speaking about the prohibition of alcohol in
Las Vegas.
MISSION STATEMENT Candidates with extreme views aren’t new to American politics. What’s new this election
The Wheel aspires to reflect the diversity and unique atmosphere that compris- season is that these extreme views are becoming more and more mainstream. When we
es St. Catherine University. We strive to provide an inclusive newspaper primar- have potential Senate candidates espousing these ideas based in individual morality rather
ily for the students and by the students. The Wheel promotes the vision of than Constitutional precedent, we have a serious problem.
empowering women to lead and influence as well as an understanding of the
university community inside and outside of the gates. As a staff we aim to meet
the highest journalistic standards and stand in accordance with the 1st Amend- Rachel can be reached at rmarmstrong@stkate.edu
ment of the Constitution of the United States of America and policies of prior
restraint. The Wheel is not a public relations vehicle for any SCU individual,
group, department or for the college as a whole. We welcome feedback and
encourage an open discourse. The Wheel is supported by student funds and is
distributed free of charge.
September 24, 2010 NEWS & OPINION The Wheel | 3

Breaking down walls: When Theory to action: Myths I

statistics have faces learned from my
Texan textbook

By Jordyn Arndt By Elissa Johnson

international columnist political columnist
As we begin a new school year, it is easy to get caught up in the homework, social events, Pop  Quiz! (No, it’s not for a grade, just do it.)
and project deadlines of college.  However, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger 1. Who discovered America?
picture.  Seeking education is not an end in itself.  Becoming educated is a means of 2. Who was Thomas Jefferson?
furthering one’s personal development, obtaining a meaningful career, and moving closer 3. What name was given to the capturing, transporting, buying, and selling of
to enacting the social, political, or economic change one hopes to see in the world.  Study people as slaves conducted from the 16th through 19th centuries?
abroad allowed me to take a step back and re-examine the relevance of the subjects I was 4. What environmental impact (if any) does deep sea oil drilling produce?
studying on-campus. Have your answers? So does Texas (and California). And they may surprise you.
Before starting my semester in Senegal, I took the course “Economics of Development and Though this is not breaking news, the future of social studies and history education
Growth” with Professor Nasrin Jewell.  This class examined the characteristics of developing for schoolchildren will be altered drastically by the events of this summer’s meetings in
countries, theories of development, and problems and policies dealing with development. the nation’s largest states. You see, Texas is to the realm of elementary and high school
I became transfixed with questions surrounding why poor countries remain poor while curriculum as deep-sea oil drilling is to the natural world around it: a pretty obtrusive,
wealthy countries grow wealthier. Why is it so hard to break this cycle? What factors are at generally (ominously) silent, but helpful to the economics and vitality of the systems we’ve
work to ensure this perpetuation? I was fascinated by this academic realm and decided that created to depend on it. That is, until it does something really, really stupid.
one day I would pursue a career that would allow me to address these critical global issues. The greatest issues I have with the standards under consideration by publishers of the
Then I went to Senegal.  The struggles of underdevelopment were a regular phenomenon newest versions of textbooks are not the conservative leanings or the enhanced patriotism.
for my Senegalese host family and friends. Only months before, I had been reading about I can even deal with some of the historical inaccuracies. To address quiz question #1: how
the characteristics of developing countries in the comforts of my dorm room.  Now I was many of us learned about the valiant voyage of Columbus and his quest for the New World?
experiencing the reality. It has become an almost endearing part of my elementary education rivaled only by the
Among my new discoveries, I became increasingly aware of the impact of rapid crushing realization that not only did Columbus not discover America, but the Easter
industrialization on the environment. I had read extensively about this topic, but I didn’t Bunny and Santa Clause were dirty lies as well. I’m certain Columbus did the best he could
realize what it looked or smelled like. Walking along the coast of the Hann Bay, I was struck without GPS or Google maps.
by the steady trickle of grey, pungent liquid running into the ocean. Waste products from Yes, the inaccuracies we can thank higher education for dispelling could be construed
manufacturing flowed unabated. Production without proper environmental regulation as a troubling start to an already tainted world view which reserves the truth for those
caused the Hann Bay, formerly one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, to become privileged enough to have access to it. But what about the latent truth in some of these tall
increasingly polluted. This was the cost of economic growth. tales? Let’s look at the idea that out nation was founded on the right to religious freedom,
I traveled often during the course of the semester. Every Sunday evening, when I returned for example. Thomas Jefferson was not only a founding father and principal author of the
home from a weekend trip, I would sit in a cramped Ndiaga Ndiaye (bus) for hours on Declaration of Independence, he was also a resounding secularist and is said by some to
end. No matter how carefully I planned, my host mother added at least two hours to my have played a key role in the founding notions of a government separate from the Church.
anticipated arrival time. Transportation was a frequent topic of frustration. Coincidently, Not anymore. To remain consistent with the idea that this is “One nation, under God”
l’embouteillage, traffic jam, was one of the first words I added to my notebook of new the new standards portray Jefferson as more of a change-of-heart type of guy possibly
French vocabulary. As I stared out the foggy window of a Ndiaga Ndiaye, I reflected on influenced more heavily than not by the Christian values held true by the other founding
this pervasive problem. fathers. Everyone does some soul searching at some point; Jefferson’s just happened to
Dakar, like many capital cities in the global South, has expanded rapidly during the make it into this nation’s original documents.
past decade. Increasing jobs in industry and decreasing opportunities in agriculture have My skin begins to crawl though when the facts, real true facts, begin to change. The answer
contributed to the rural-to-urban migration of young, unemployed Senegalese.  The to question #3 should be “the slave trade.” “Atlantic slave trade” would also be acceptable.
growing urban population has created pressure on basic infrastructure. To exacerbate According to the Texas Board of Education the answer should be “Atlantic triangular trade.”
the situation, effective urban planning has not kept up with this significant demographic Trade of what? By taking the “slave” out of the “slave trade” the Texas School Board has
shift. An understanding of this greater social phenomenon made the weekly traffic jams erased the systematic enslavement, murder, and degradation of an entire people. Though
more bearable. it’s not a part of American history that people enjoy discussing, it is a conversation essential
Looking back on my semester, the most important thing I learned was related to global for the foundational knowledge of the history of institutionalized racism and how and why
inequality. I knew it existed and I knew its reach; however, I did not know how it felt until it persists today. Coupled with Arizona’s actively anti-immigrant ban on multi-cultural
I experienced it directly. My semester in Senegal gave faces to the statistics and scenarios I teaching, we’re in for a rough road for a nation who has deemed itself “post-racial” after
had previously studied. I understood why the vendors tried, unsuccessfully, to charge me electing Obama.
the highest price possible in the fabric market; why I was frequently engaged in lengthy I’ve been dogging on Texas quite a bit. California, however, decided to throw a little
discussions with men socializing on street corners around a kettle of Senegalese tea; why I textbook one-up by inviting British Petrolium (BP) to take a stab at what BP stabs best:
was constantly fending off jovial marriage proposals from taxi drivers. Underemployment, environmental science. The California School Board invited the oil giant to be present at
unemployment, and the lure of easy access to the United States through a green card the table during the discussions of the new science teaching. The role of BP in the disaster
motivated marriage were the causes behind these daily occurrences. known as the Deep Water Horizon oil rig explosion will be downplayed as the efforts of
Memories of Senegal still crop up at unexpected moments. On a recent car ride with BP post-disaster highlight the company’s contributions to oil spill clean-up, environmental
my family, I pondered silently to myself, “Why am I able to speed along a top rate highway education, and funding of environmental excursions for youngsters.
in my family’s well kept personal car in the United States while in Senegal, I spent hours I find myself torn between the idea that children should be taught factually and the
traveling minimal distances in a battered bus?” Differences in transportation are only one idea that elementary school might just be a building to hone critical thinking skills. Kids
manifestation of the inequality in global wealth distribution. As I move forward with my need to learn to weed out the inaccuracies from the speculation. What could be seen as
studies and eventually my career, I hope to continue exploring how these two divergent wrong to tell a child may in fact lead them to their own epiphany which could be a much
realities continue to exist in the world and how convergence can be facilitated to create a more valuable experience. But during the official, newly required festival titled “Celebrate
more equitable, sustainable, and socially just world. Freedom Week” during which all classes will incorporate the joy of American freedoms into
their curricula, I can’t help seeing the image of sixth-graders in physical education classes
Jordyn can be reached at jearndt@stkate.edu practicing strength training by repetitive pulling up on those bootstraps.

Elissa can be reached at ejjohnson@stkate.edu

Left: The prospect of a slower-

than-ideal ride home from Da-
kar in a car rapide isn’t daunt-
ing Arndt.

Right: Local youth sell pea-

nuts in a Senegalese village.
While abroad, Arndt had am-
ple opportunity to apply class-
room knowledge of global in-
equality to real-life situations.

Photos courtesy of Jordyn

4 | The Wheel FEATURES September 24, 2010

Exclusive Interview:



& Allison Adrian By Tréza Rosado and Dana Bloomquist
For nearly 20 years, artist Wing Young Huie has been documenting the faces of Twin Cities neighborhoods and projecting
those images on the sides of buildings, buses, and in businesses. Selected shots from his University Avenue Project are
currently being projected through the O’Shaughnessy windows at St. Catherine University (SCU) as part of the artist’s
collaboration with professor Allison Adrian for this year’s Core Convocation. The campus projections will run through
the end of September while the University Avenue Project continues through October.

W: So the idea of putting the University Avenue Interview with Allison Adrian,
Project here at SCU...What do you hope our students professor at St. Catherine University.
will take from your project, from that community−
which might seem far away when you look at the SCU
bubble? The Wheel: How did you come to collaborate with
Wing Young Huie?
WYH: It’s true, you live in a bubble here. We all
have our own bubbles. That’s a part of the idea of the Allison Adrian: I was living on Lake [Street], when
Photo by Tréza Rosado the Lake Street [exhibit] happened. I went and bought
exhibit. We go from one bubble to the other bubble.
We live in ghetto-ized communities. We don’t think the book and fell in love with it. And it occurred to
Interview with Wing Young Huie, who about what’s in-between. We only interact with those me that we were doing a lot of the same things. I was
will be speaking at Core Convocation on that we feel comfortable with, and technology has in graduate school at the University of Minnesota for
Sept 30 at the O’Shaughnessy. made it easier for us to customize our own bubbles. ethnomusicology...looking at Lutheran church music
As a result, I think, as a society, we find it more and in Asian and African [congregations] and one Latin
more difficult to interact with those we don’t’ think American congregation in the Twin Cities. [I was]
The Wheel: How did this idea come to you? What is doing sort of the same research [as Wing] with the
the draw of taking pictures of people and projecting are like us. The project is about all those other places
that we pass by. It’s a microcosm of who we are. same sorts of outcomes, but [our] materials were
their images to those same people--make them viewer different.
and subject at the same time?
W: What do you anticipate speaking about for Core
Convocation? What are you hoping to get across to I was really nervous to approach Wing but I just did.
Wing Young Huie: There are already hundreds if Of course I didn’t approach him until I had some sort
not thousands of photographs that are on University students?
of funding for him. I said, “Will you take photographs?
Avenue. We are inundated with media and marketing I have this grant; it’s not a lot of money.” But he liked
images but do those images really reflect the people WYH: [I’ll] talk about points of view. We live in a
very polarized culture, arguably more polarized than the project and so we went around and photographed
looking at them? the 15 [congregations] in my dissertation.
ever. Everything is spun. There are no facts; there
What I wanted to do was photograph the colliding are only points of view. We live in a Photoshop era.
All the photographs we see, that engulf us on a daily When he started working on the University Avenue
kaleidoscope of cultures that work, play, go to school, Project, he called me and said he wanted to use music.
worship, and shop along University Avenue. basis, are suspect. They represent a point of view.
Whose point of view is that? It’s a small number of Wing and I started brainstorming about what the
people who decide. musical components could look like. We sent out a call
W: In terms of the entire University Avenue Project, to local artists to contribute and made the soundtrack
this wasn’t the first time you had done something like
W: But to some degree your photos of University from there. There’s a lot of spontaneity...there are a
this. You had done a similar project in Uptown...
Avenue are your perspective... lot of amateurs on that, [as well as] professionals. It’s
WYH: It was called Lake Street USA and it was in a diversity of styles and musicianship.
the year 2000. I spent four years photographing WYH: My very subjective perspective as the only
non-immigrant of a family that grew up in Duluth, W: Why did you decided to transplant the University
the neighborhoods connected by Lake Street from
formed by the same myths and cultures of this state. Avenue Project to SCU? Where did that idea come
Uptown to the Mississippi River. I installed 675
The Vikings. Paul Bunyon. Mary Tyler Moore and from, and what were you trying to go for with creating
photographs in windows and on sides of buildings
so on. a new soundtrack, a SCU soundtrack?
and on sides of buses, along six miles of Lake Street.
So yes, these are all my subjective viewpoints, my AA: Well I didn’t want to just have the University
W: Are you from either of those neighborhoods? Avenue Project on campus. I wanted it to be really
Was there a personal connection to either of those opinions, but I think I present it in a way where it
leaves room for people to form their own narratives. accessible, too. So I thought, well, what if we do
I’m not saying this is how it is; I’m just saying this is the same sort of projection idea, but through the
WYH: I am a native Minnesotan. Most of what it looks like. O’Shaughnessy windows? [That way] students,
my projects have taken place in Minnesota and hopefully, would gravitate toward it. The music
particularly in the Twin Cities. I’ve lived in either St. W: Have people responded positively to the project? part was how I tied it to St. Kate’s. I wanted it to be
Paul or Minneapolis for the last 35 years. Has the community responded to the project in any personalized by students, staff, alumnae, and faculty.
particular way?
Everyone in my family was born in the same small W: Did you get a good response from people?
village in China. I was the only one that was born WYH: It’s difficult to qualify or quantify or
evaluate...you can’t go into people’s minds and really AA: It’s a good mix. A couple of faculty members,
in the US. There is a perception of who we are as
know. And sometimes I think it’s difficult to know some organized ensembles here, [and] also a
Minnesotans and people like me don’t necessarily
until afterwards, when there’s space and time--maybe custodian who does jazz. He did a 10 minute piano
fit that description. I’m trying to create a new
five years from now. piece. I got a pretty good, diverse response in terms of
iconography of who we are as Minnesotans because
who contributed and what kind of style.
the perception has not caught up to the realities.
W: Any ideas for your next project?
W: What’s going to happen to all of the music and
W: When it came to participation in the University images from the University Avenue Project [at SCU]
Avenue Project, were people excited about the project? WYH: I received a commission from the Weisman
Museum to do a project, to have an exhibition in after the projection is over?
How did you go about getting people involved, getting
permission to get started? November of next year...I’ll be focusing, I think, on
[University of Minnesota] culture and it’s intersection AA: Two volumes of the University Avenue Project
with the surrounding neighborhoods and focus images have been published and there are digital
WYH: Well first, I had to photograph thousands of downloads of songs if you get the second volume.
people. I would just approach them on the street or maybe on 18-22 year-olds.
There will be some [copies]
I’d go into the businesses.
available at the Core Convocation.
We approached over 100 businesses to ask if we could
put up photographs. Most of the businesses said yes, Treza can be reached at tjrosado@stkate.edu
but not all. Then we had to get permission to put
photographs on the sides of buildings. Dana can be reached at dlbloomquist@stkate.edu

W: There’s always this element of size with your For more of our interviews with Wing Young
projects, first with Lake Street and then with Huie and Allison Adrian, visit us at thewheel-scu.
University Avenue. Is there a particular philosophy tumbler.com
behind enlarging these experiences to such an

WYH: Well, University Avenue is vast. You have light Left: Professor Allison Adrian with artist
industrial; you have large streets. We felt that we had Wing Young Huie. Thanks to Adrian’s
to scale up the photographs to make an impact. We efforts and vision, Huie’s work can now
were fortunate we were able to get 3M to get involved. impact students on campus.
They donated $50,000 worth of materials and
installation costs for these large-scale photographs. Photo courtesy of Allison Adrian
September 24, 2010 FEATURES The Wheel | 5

Books once censored Listen local: Jennings

now celebrated tackles big
around negative activity”, etc.
• Penguins in love, Frodo, and
Houlden Caulfield
Even children’s books don’t escape scrutiny.
Written by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson,
And Tango Makes Three is a children’s book
By Elyse Johnson based on the true story of two male penguins
staff writer that formed a relationship in the Central Park
Zoo in New York City. The couple was given
an egg to raise, becoming same-sex parents.
We all know that feeling that comes over A children’s book based on two loving, caring By Claire Davidson
us when we do something that we aren’t penguins, which happen to be of the same
supposed to do. One’s guilty pleasures sex, was reason enough to challenge and music columnist
may include watching an over-dramatized attempt to ban this book.
reality television show, pouring everything Twilight is also on 2009’s list of challenged With the Aug 2010 release of ‘‘Live at First Ave,’’ a collection of live hits performed at the
into a celebrity-focused gossip magazine, titles as well as these other familiar titles: prestigious venue in Minneapolis, Minn., Mason Jennings continues to impress legions of
or springing for that extra piece of cake The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen faithful fans and awed new-comers with his distinctive folk-rock drawl.
after dinner. Chbosky, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, Jennings is a rare breed of musician whose vocal talent is equal to the beautiful philosophy
When thinking about your own list of and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. For found in his words.  He is as much someone who muses and wonders as he is a meditative
things you love to do, but maybe shouldn’t, some, these books contain moral content, mind who accepts the present moment. An eternal existentialist, one who ponders the
does reading a book ever cross your mind? sexual references, or negative activity that is big questions in life, Jennings’  lyrics exhibit a quiet assurance in a life of questioning
From Sept 25 through Oct 2, St. Catherine inappropriate for some readers. that has given him tremendous spiritual confidence. Evident in the curious, harmonious
University (SCU) celebrates Banned Books There will be a display in the library featuring quality of his voice is an ease which eludes to an inner peace achievable only through a
Week. Banned Books Week reminds us to banned books along with the reasons behind calm appreciation for the present moment. Two main intersecting themes are prevalent
celebrate our access to information as well the attempted bans and challeges. throughout Jennings’ music: change and spirituality.
as our ability to convey ideas in a resourceful “It’s really cool that we are able to do this… On one of my favorite tracks, ‘‘Things Change,” Jennings emphasizes the impossibility
way. The First Amendment protects our we have that freedom, the choice,” Belinda E. with which we try to maintain specific states and how true freedom is in acknowledging
right to self-expression and freedom of Lawrence, a Librarian at SCU said. the ebb and flow of life. ‘‘Strange how the moment just can’t last, no way of living inside
speech. Banned Books Week promotes the Take Banned Books Week as your opportunity the past/Now that you’re gone things can die, they can’t stay the same/Things change.”
idea that censoring books limits the ideas to exercise your intellectual freedom. Pick Consequently, on ‘‘Some Say I’m Not,’’ Jennings conquers the notion of human mortality
available for consumption and makes it up a book that has been challenged or with a Dylan-inspired drawl. ‘‘To look at a baby you’ve gotta be brave/In the black of his
difficult for readers to make judgments of banned in the past, and then make your own eye is your own grave.’’ Along with questions of mortality, Jennings emphasizes a genuine
things for themselves. opinion about what you should or should appreciation for religious and spiritual curiosity. In reference to the search for a higher
Below is a list of literary classics, provided not be reading. power, Jennings highlights the individuality with which people form their faith. This is
by the American Library Association, that oftentimes coupled with the struggle to define one’s personal relationship with the universe
have once been banned and/or challenged against such a vast divide of opinions.
because of questionable “moral content”, Elyse can be reached at ‘‘Some call me Allah, some call me Tao./Some call me Buddha, some call me now./Some
“language and sexual references”, “centered elysejohnson@stkate.edu call me Jesus, some call me God./Some say I’m real, some say I’m not.’’ Jenning’s raw vocals
and transcendent words are paired expertly on this track and it serves as a great example
of his artistic clarity.
Formerly Banned Novels Lastly, on the largely popular ‘‘Be Here Now,’’ Jennings gently urges us to stop taking
stock of what any given moment is lacking and lay down the constant stress of our mind.
- T h e G re a t G a t s by, F. S co t t -Lord of the Flies, William Golding ‘‘Be here now, no other place to be/All the doubts that linger, just set them free/And let
good things happen, and let the future come/Into each moment, like a rising sun.”
Fitzgerald -Harry Potter Series, J.K. Rowling If Jennings sounds too good to be true on this one, don’t discard him just yet. I’d wager
-To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee that even the most begrudging cynic in each of us desperately needs a dose of Jennings’
-The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. self-awareness and appreciation for the present moment. After all, it’s all we have.  
-Brave New World, Aldous Huxley Salinger Jennings will perform at First Ave in Minneapolis on Dec 4. Tickets are on sale now
and start at $40.
-The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, -His Dark Materials, Phillip Pullman  
Mark Twain Claire can be reached at
-The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. cedavidson@stkate.edu
-Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck Tolkien

SCU recieves generous

Women’s Studies and Critical Studies of to have a role and relationship with the
Race and Ethnicity department. The bag [Center for Women]. One of those ways is
lunch event is held monthly, where faculty, through the books.”

literary donation
students, and staff can come together and Wi t h m em oi r s , bi o g r a ph i e s , a n d
talk about their research and creative work. autobiographies, the wooden shelves in the
Additionally, the 700 remaining books Center for Women hold powerful testimonies.
not living on the shelves of the Center for Women’s experiences are caught on printed
Women will be given away to members of paper that transcends time and identities.
•Books from Minnesota Women’s Press the SCU community. So the next time you snag a chai latte at the
benefit many departments of University “I think we’ll always continue to honor SCU Coffee Shop, slow your pace as you walk
the story of how we got this collection, and by the Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center for
why we have these books . It honors so many Women and check out the latest selection.
By Natasha Holm women’s lives,” Vang said. “[This collection]
staff writer is not restricted to students or professors, Natasha can be reached at
but is for the whole community. The whole njholm@stkate.edu
community at large is invited and welcome
Located in the Abigail Quigley McCarthy sharing the testimonies of women.
Center for Women is an exciting new edition “It’s really interesting intellectual work
of literary works dedicated to women and to make a decision about which [books],”
critical studies. Upon receiving an email Doherty said. Senior student Elissa Johnson
late last May, Sharon Doherty, St. Catherine was asked to take on the decision-making role.
University (SCU) professor of Women’s During the summer, Johnson worked out
Studies, and also the director of the Center for of a basement and sifted through hundreds
Women, accepted a generous book donation of print-captured experiences of women.
made by the Minnesota Women’s Press. Thanks to the physical and intellectual work
“One of the founding publishers contacted of Johnson, three handmade bookshelves
me and other Women’s Studies people now house 300 stories that articulate the
around the Twin Cities…and said that they atmosphere of the Center for Women.
had 10,000 books in their library that they “There is something joyful about this
wanted to give away,” Doherty said. sort of bringing together of generosity and
The Minnesota Women’s Press, a publishing intellectual excitement,” Doherty said. “I
organization dedicated to telling women’s think the real story is that the Women’s Press
stories for the past 25 years, recently moved decided to do it this way, decided to donate,
their location. The move resulted in less decided be supportive during a time when
space to house their large collection of books. money is tight everywhere.”
“We had to pick and choose which categories The sharing didn’t stop at the Center for
to feature,” Sia Vang, Program Coordinator Women; it spread to other SCU departments.
of the Center for Women said. “We stuck to The SCU library sprinkled 863 books among
memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies… their shelves, while the Sisters of St. Joseph
which would provide a [literary] selection also received a generous donation.
centered around what we do [at the Center for Doherty and Vang have ideas for spreading
Women].” The literary collection accentuates the collection to the student body. One idea Johnson enjoys the new selection of reading material at the Center for Women.
the Center for Women’s philosophy: namely, is bag lunches, which is co-sponsored by the Photo courtesy of Sia Vang.
6 | The Wheel FEATURES September 24, 2010

“What are you Tune In:


• A look at St. Kate’s most fearless and fashionable RadioHere
Compiled by Jessica Jones
  • Student-
My first day on campus I almost assumed St. Catherine University (SCU) had a dress
code of sweatpants and flip-flops. But as the week went on, I noticed a handful students
run station
who stood out of the sea of sweats and work-out shorts. So here you go, St. Kate’s: have a
look at your most daring, fearless, and fashionable. broadcasting
soon from SCU

By Anna Ruhland
staff writer

Last autumn a group of St. Catherine University (SCU) students, Senior Milan Wilson-
Robinson, Senior Annette Dias, and Juinor Maret Tindal, got together because each of
them shared a common desire to form a school radio show. It has taken a whole year
for these women’s bright idea to become a reality. But after all the waiting, planning and
determination, RadioHere has arrived at SCU.
Wilson-Robinson, Dias, and Tindal were guided by the knowledge and expertise of
Joshua Haringa, a Communications professor at SCU.
“The interest was there, [RadioHere] just needed a couple of point people,” Haringa said,
regarding the construction of the show.  
The founding members, along with Haringa, want RadioHere to be a student-run
radio station, meaning all the shows and managing of the radio itself will be up to the
responsibility of SCU students.
Potential radio shows do not need to be strictly musical. It can be anything SCU students
Zora Rabb, Jackie Delgado,
First-Year have a passion about. As an independent, diverse radio station, RadioHere’s goal is to let
students decide what they hear. Choices can range from radio documentaries to comedies.
Major: Associate of Arts Major: Fashion Merchandising
What are you wearing? A lace turtleneck What are you wearing? Lots of Heart “This radio station is a blank canvas. Find an opportunity to be voiced,” Haringa said.
long sleeve from a super random store on Breaker and Forever 21.
Lake Street. Pants from Macy’s and the shoes
come from an online shoe retailer. Any Deals? $15 shoes on sale.
RadioHere is a global radio, meaning that the day, the hour, the minute, the second, the
What is your favorite store at the moment? What is your favorite store at the moment? show airs, it will be heard around the globe. RadioHere is also an internet-based radio
La’ Mecha. You can get a ton of good deals Forever 21. I used to work at the store in the
there and it’s super close to the Minneapolis Mall of America until I started school, so I station. Students can access the RadioHere’s website and all of the shows through the SCU
Campus where I am now. could get a great discount.
website. This makes tuning in more convenient and will allow listeners to instant message
What inspires your fashion sense? It all What inspires your fashion sense? I song requests or questions to hosts via the website.
depends on the day, my mood and what’s really just like to stand out, because at my
going on at the time. I like to wear lots of high school (Southwest) all the girls showed
different styles and try different things all up like clones wearing sweats and the whole
According to Haringa, fall semester will be a “soft launch”,  meaning the station will be
the time. work out get-up. I just liked to look different.
aimed at the SCU student body before expanding across the globe.
What’s one thing you would never wear? What’s one thing you would never wear?
SWEATPANTS. A Pleather trench coat or any type of sneaker.
Student DeeJays will have access to the studio from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m., seven days a week.
What most excites you about fashion, What most excites you about fashion,
clothes, and style in general? The fact that clothes, and style in general? Just being Each show is allowed a two hour time block. After 10 p.m., music will be a random playlist
you can express yourself with your clothes able to stand out in a crowd and make
and give off a different vibe every day. It myself feel good. from that day’s shows, available for students even as they write those 3 a.m. philosophy papers.
can totally uplift you too; clothes can give  
off a good feeling.
RadioHere isn’t only for SCU students.Faculty and staff are also welcome to host their own radio shows.

RadioHere is located in the Speech Building behind the O’Shaughnessy. Applications are
Think your department or major has some exceptionally due Sept 24, and can be picked up in room 204 of the Speech Building.
stylish students or professors? Let us know and your
department may be featured in a future fashion article.   Anna can be reached at
If you have suggesstions, contact wheel@stkate.edu. amruhland@stkate.edu
September 24, 2010 HEALTH The Wheel | 7

A picture of health: What a muscles can reduce the blood flow to your brain, which can induce headaches.
For relief from this type of headache, get a massage around the neck and upper
body, which will increase the blood flow to the brain. Lowering your stress

headache levels will also help prevent stress headaches.

• Dehydration. Headaches caused by dehydration occur when people do not

drink enough water. When a person is dehydrated, the blood vessels in their
body constrict, reducing the amount of blood and oxygen that are able to get to
the brain. To relieve the pain, drink more water! The recommended amount of
water for the average person is about eight to ten eight-ounce glasses of water a

• Sleep. Sleep is essential for our bodies to be able to function properly.

By Lydia Fasteland However, as college students, sleep is not always easy to come by and sleep
health columnist deprivation can be responsible for a headache or two. Too little or too much
sleep can cause headaches. Trying to get seven to eight hours of sleep should
Every college student gets them. They are a pain, literally. Headaches are a the part of life help to resolve these headaches. However, bad sleeping habits can also lead
that we wish we didn’t have to deal with. Unfortunately, they can occur almost any time, to headaches. Sleeping with too small or too large a pillow can throw the
especially when it is particularly inconvenient to have a headache. To cure the average alignment of your neck off and strain it. Another bad habit that can cause pain
headache, most people usually reach for a medication bottle such as Tylenol, Advil, or is sleeping with the blankets pulled up above your head. As oxygen can become
other types of pharmaceutical pain relievers. However, not every headache needs to be scarce under the blankets, a build-up of carbon dioxide can occur in your
cured with a pain reliever. Before continuing this article, I must remind readers that I am blood stream, meaning less oxygen is getting to your brain.
not a medical professional; therefore please consult your doctor before making any major
lifestyle changes. • Hunger. Waiting too long in-between meals can also lead to headaches, due
There are several simple practices that can help alleviate a headache. By identifying the to metabolic changes in your body. To prevent this, eat a small snack between
trigger of the pain, you will find a way to relieve it without medication. Here is a list of meals, such as fruit, cheese, or an energy bar.
common headache triggers and ways in which you can relieve your pain:
I have tried all of the methods listed above and guess what? They really work! I have been
• Caffeine. After the first few weeks of the beginning of the semester, caffeine taking less pain medication because I tried to find the reason behind my headaches and
becomes a regular stimulant to stay awake late at night in order to write papers, took preventative measures to stop them before they started. I no longer drink caffeinated
study for tests, and complete the large amounts of reading that need to be done beverages, try to drink more water, and eat regularly throughout the day. I try to avoid
for the next day. Caffeine lurks in coffee, soda, tea, chocolate, and some over- stress, but as a college student, that’s not easy. I make an effort to relax at the end of the day
the-counter (OTC) drugs such as Midol and Excedrin, as well as some allergy to relieve my mind and my body of tension. These methods have worked for me as well as
medications. The remedy is easy: avoid caffeine. Though the headaches might for others. I hope that you can use these remedies to find relief from your own headaches
seem to get worse at first, as the caffeine leaves your system the headaches will without always reaching for a bottle of pills.
start to fade.

• Muscle tension. Many headaches result from stress-induced pain from tension Lydia can be reached at
in the back and neck muscles. This can be caused by the way people hold their lbfasteland@stkate.edu
heads while working, driving, and, of course, studying. This strain on your

Gear up for Study aid or

than the parent virus,” Susan Campbell, a temporary spike in concentration, stamina,
Nursing Professor at SCU, said. and overall performance—a particularly
Since the flu virus strain is continually important goal for student athletes who

2010-2011 flu changing its genetic composition, it’s not

unusual for new virus strains to appear. health risk? consume said drinks.
The adverse effects of drinks like Monster
This is one of the main reasons why the and Rockstar, particularly if one’s intake is
CDC is recommending three actions to habitual and frequent, can and usually do
• Experts predict more typical help prevent and fight the flu:
• Debate continues over energy include: nervousness, irritability, insomnia,
season – Get a flu vaccine for the 2010-2011 season drinks rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and
as soon as it becomes available. By Courtney Hampton sleep disruptions. This is why Junior Kaley
By Alexa Chihos – Take the everyday preventative actions staff writer Peterson does not consume energy drinks.
staff writer to help stop the spread of germs (i.e. wash “I don’t drink them! [T]hey make you feel
your hands and cover your cough, etc.). like you don’t need to sleep and aid in the
– Take flu antiviral drugs if they are A cartoon opens with a lawyer sitting creation of unhealthy sleeping habits. Sleep is
The H1N1 influenza virus emerged in prescribed to you. behind a desk, reading the will of a wealthy sooooo important. Also, most of them taste
2009, causing the first worldwide influenza Even though the 2010-2011flu season is man. He declares that the deceased has left pretty gross and have lots of sugar.”
pandemic in over 40 years. At that time, not projected to as severe as last year’s, SCU everything to his young mistress who sits idly, Echoing Peterson’s sentiment is Senior
no vaccine had been developed to help is still advocating basic precautions. flipping her blond locks. The older widow, Haley DeMers, who states, “I don’t drink
prevent the spread of H1N1. Returning “I think our recommendations are similar seated with two children, is incensed; so she energy drinks because they make me feel
students, staff, and faculty remember the to last year. We highly recommend getting reaches into her purse, pulls out a Red Bull, too jittery and you crash after they wear off.”
precautions St. Catherine University (SCU) vaccinated,” Dr. Amy Kelly, Director of the grows wings and flies to heaven to give her The concern can be especially dire for
implemented last year for the 2009 H1N1 Health and Wellness Center at SCU, said. “In late husband a thorough beating. athletes who use energy drinks before practices
influenza virus. Those in the community addition, people should continue to practice It is no secret that Red Bull and other or competitions as the risks of heart attack,
who made the choice to get a flu shot last good hand washing, covering their mouth similar energy drinks do have a unique dehydration, and tremors become greater.
year were recommended to get both the and nose when they sneeze or cough, and effect on those who consume them—but at Coincidently, although energy drinks perpetuate
2009-2010 flu shot and a vaccine for the stay home when they are ill.” what risk? Smatterings of reports on health a message of “enhanced performance” in
H1N1 virus strain. Just like last year, the Health and Wellness risks appear in newspapers, magazines, and athletics, many are technically illegal by
One of the biggest improvements from Center will be offering the flu vaccination the like from time to time. However, the NCAA standards. Red Bull, Rockstar, Monster,
last year is that anyone who gets vaccinated to students, faculty, and staff on campus. question of whether or not energy drinks and the like all contain caffeine (sometimes
this year will get covered for both the “Our flu shots came in this week so they are detrimental to one’s health is still being cited as guarana), which has been deemed
seasonal flu and for H1N1. are now available to students in the clinic,” debated. an illegal stimulant by the NCAA.
“The 2010-2011 seasonal influenza Dr. Kelly said. “We will have vaccination The major concern comes from the high While caffeine is the most obvious sore
vaccine will provide protection against the clinics as well in the Coeur de Catherine caffeine content found in most popular energy spot in regards to the adverse effects of energy
2009 H1N1 flu strain as well as three other over the next few weeks. Faculty and staff drinks. One can of Red Bull is estimated to drinks, high amounts of sugar can also be
strains of seasonal flu,” Jeannine Mueller- can get them through HR, and HR usually have 80 milligrams per 8.3 oz serving and worrisome due to the “high and crash” effect.
Harmon, Assistant Nursing Professor and has several ‘Flu Vaccine Clinics’ on campus. Tab has roughly 95 milligrams per 10.05 As Senior Amanda Vance stated of the sugar
Family Nurse Practitioner said. “There will The cost will be $20 and [is] covered by oz serving. That is in comparison roughly rush, “I’d rather [just] eat candy to get that
not be a vaccine for H1N1 alone.” SCU insurance. Other insurance holders 36 milligrams of caffeine per eight oz in a kind of sugar.” Some energy drinks have
This year’s vaccine will provide protection will have to consult their plan.” standard brewed cup of coffee. moved towards incorporating alternative
against three main flu virus strains. According “I always get my flu shot. Even if it doesn’t Energy drinks do provide a convenient ingredients in their products, including herbs
to the Center for Disease Control and protect against future developing flu strains, alternative to coffee for some students. “I such as ginseng and ginkgo balboa—both
Protection (CDC), research has indicated it’s better to be safe than sorry,” Sophomore need caffeine everyday and don’t like coffee,” of which are said to boost energy naturally
that these three virus strains will potentially Caitlin Connolly said. “As a Nursing major, Senior Kasie Rust said. without the harsh side effects of caffeine.
cause the most illness: H1N1, H3N2, and I don’t really have time to get sick.” Grace Dupre, also a Senior, enjoys the Coffee and many teas, with less caffeiene
the influenza B virus. However, the CDC For more information on the 2010-2011 benefits energy drinks provide. “Yes, [I drink] than sugar-filled energy drinks, are also
expects the H1N1 virus and the other flu season, visit the CDC’s website (http:// Red Bull and Monster. Mostly for the taste, possible alternatives. However, they are not
seasonal flu viruses to spread. www.cdc.gov/h1n1) and be on the look-out but the effects are nice. Red Bull is a lifesaver free of caffeine.
“Predicting which flu viruses will be for flyers and tabling events sponsored by during theatrical shows.” Ultimately, the debate is not over; busy
most prevalent is a difficult task because the the Health Wellness Center. The concentrated amounts of caffeine, students should weigh the options about
influenza virus gradually changes its genetic once absorbed into the body, are generally energy drinks carefully.
composition during replication in the infected Alexa can be reached at perceived by the consumer as beneficial. The
human host cell, resulting in viral offspring anchihos@stkate.edu overall feeling is one of increased energy, Courtney can be reached at
with slightly different antigenic properties which is, after all, the whole purpose of energy clhampton@stkate.edu
drinks. This increase in energy also creates a
8 | The Wheel SPORTS September 24, 2010

Athlete Spotlight: Division III
• A closer look at MIAC

KIM By Clara Johnson

staff writer

ENGEL For sports, St. Catherine University (SCU)

is a Division III school. According to the
NCAA the focus of this division is to be on
the accessibility and variety of opportunities
in athletics available to students, as well
as “conference and regional in-season
competition.” About 80% of the third division
is made up of private schools. Levels of
participation and athletic ability may vary,
but on average a Division III school sponsors
about nine sports for women and eight
sports for men. “Division III offers an intense
and competitive athletics environment for
who play for the love of the
game, without the obligation of an athletics
scholarship.” NCAA Division III Information.
What that means for our student athletes,
is that they do not receive scholarships or
financial aid based on athletics, and recruiting
is restricted compared to the upper divisions.
Further, our sports department is staffed and
By Summer Joy Young funded more like any other department at the
University to focus on athletics as enrichment
staff writer to the education of the student athlete.
Locally, SCU participates in the MIAC,
which is a conference consisting entirely of
Photo courtesy of Steve Bellis private undergraduate schools. We compete
with many of the private schools in the area
Soccer Captain Kim Engel has had a 4.0 and her commitment to her academics is the dark at some random field!” including all of the ACTC Schools: Augsburg
phenomenal history at St. Kate’s and is outstanding. Engel reads the game well and This talented athlete also says that for anyone College, Bethel University, Carleton College,
continuing to do her senior season. She has has a huge impact on all of her teammates. to succeed in a collegiate sport, especially in Concordia College-Moorhead, Gustavus
not only lettered in soccer: track and field has Positive, energetic, caring, and thoughtful a conference as competitive as the MIAC Adolphus College, Hamline University,
been added to this rigorous schedule these are all words I would use to describe her. one, has to be willing to always work hard. Macalester College, the College of Saint
past three years as well. Miss Engel holds eight We will miss her both on and off the field She very much believes in the saying “you Benedict, Saint Mary’s University, St. Olaf
school records in track and field, the MIAC when she graduates next year.” play as you practice”, hence the intensity in College, and the University of St. Thomas.
sportsmanship award for the 2009 season, Kim Engel herself states some of feelings practice and during the 90 minute games. Teams however, may travel across the country
and a prestigious All Conference award. about the team this year: “The dynamics on Modest about her past accomplishments, during the school year or between terms to
In 2008, she also received All Conference the team this year are amazing! We are so Engel states, “It is a lot easier to be successful participate in tournaments with schools
Honorable Mention. lucky to have such a group of talented, fun with such amazing teammates and coaching outside the conference.
Head soccer coach Steve Bellis comments ladies who work hard all the time. The team staff!” St. Kates sponsors Volleyball, Track & Field,
on Engel, “Her work ethic is second to none has many different personalities but we all Tennis, Swimming & Diving, Softball, Soccer,
and she is the leader in all of our events. She bring something different and wonderful to Hockey, Golf, Cross Country, and Basketball
has been one of the best athletes at St. Kate’s the team. We have a very good time together Summer can be reached at as varsity sports.
for a very long time. Kim exemplifies what whether we are in 95 degree heat sweating sjyoung@stkate.edu For more information on varsity sports,
a student athlete should be. Engel’s GPA is our butts off or playing capture the flag in visit the Butler Center home page, NCAA,
or the MIAC official websites.

Clara can be reached at

Upcoming SCU Sport Events clarajohnson@stkate.edu


9/24-25/2010 Tennis at Gustavus Adolphus College St. Peter ITA Regional Tournament De
9/25/2010 Soccer vs St. Mary's St. Paul 1 p.m. De
9/25/2010 Volleyball at Hamline University St. Paul 3 p.m. De
9/29/2010 Soccer vs Hamline St. Paul 4 p.m. De
9/29/2010 Volleyball at St. Olaf College Northfield 7 p.m. De
10/1/2010 Cross Country at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI 4 p.m. De
10/1/2010 Volleyball at Central College Dubuque, IA 4 p.m. De
10/1/2010 Volleyball at Coe College Dubuque, IA 8 p.m. De
10/2/2010 Volleyball at Loras College Dubuque, IA 8 a.m. De
10/2/2010 Volleyball at University of Dubuque Dubuque, IA 12 p.m. De
10/2/2010 Soccer vs Augsburg St. Paul 1 p.m. De
10/6/2010 Volleyball vs Bethel University St. Kate's 7 p.m. De
10/6/2010 Soccer at Macalester St. Paul 7:30 p.m. De
10/8/2010 Volleyball vs Gustavus Adolphus College St. Kate's 7 p.m.

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