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Principal Evaluation Report

Multi-Grade SGP

Date: May 1, 2017

Principal: Erika Gomez
Status: Non-Tenured
School: Burnet Hill
Evaluator: Chris Steffner
Date and Time of Evaluation Conference: 5/9/17

Principal Practice
Domain I: A Data-Driven Focus on Student Achievement

I(1). The school leader ensures clear and measurable goals are established and focused on critical needs regarding improving overall
student achievement at the school level.
I(2). The school leader ensures clear and measurable goals are established and focused on critical needs regarding improving
achievement of individual students within the school.
I(3). The school leader ensures that data are analyzed, interpreted, and used to regularly monitor progress toward school
achievement goals.
I(4). The school leader ensures that data are analyzed, interpreted, and used to regularly monitor progress toward achievement
towards individual students.
I(5). The school leader ensures that appropriate school-level and classroom-level programs and practices are in place to help all
students meet individual achievement goals when data indicate interventions are needed.

Principal Practice Ineffective Partially Effective Highly

Summative Rating for Domain I: Effective Effective

Comments: Ms. Gomez has:

• Focused on vocabulary instruction based on data gathered the previous year from the
PARCC Assessment, OLSATs, and TC Assessment.

• Provided common planning, during which the staff analyzed the PARCC Assessment
results with support from our BSI and Reading teachers and the Supervisors, to see
where the needs were as a grade level and for individual students.

• Utilized the DRA2 Assessment to determine reading and comprehension needs (and
strengths). Teachers were taught how to utilize the data and the tools to guide
instruction as a whole group, for small groups, and for individual students.

• Utilized data collected through anecdotal notes, assessments, grades, checklists to

inform 504 and I&RS decisions. This data was used to monitor progress or to determine
the need for action plans. Teachers were given ideas and strategies for ways to collect
data on academic and behaviors. As a result, the teachers are developing a practice of
becoming more confident and comfortable with data.

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• Provided additional PD on the DRA2 assessment, which included how to use the rubric
appropriately, how to fill out the Focus for Instruction Sheet, and how to use the data to form
groups and plan lessons for literacy.

• Utilized the TC Reading Assessment and the DRA Progress Monitoring to monitor students’ growth
in literacy.

• Met with BSI and Reading Teachers regularly to review their data to identify students that needed
RTI and those that could exit the program. She also met with the GT teacher to review her data
for qualifying students, etc.

• Met with CST weekly to discuss reports, student needs, placement, numbers, etc. based on their
evaluations and current progress.

Principal Practice
Domain II: Continuous Improvement of Instruction

II(1). The school leader provides a clear vision as to how instruction should be addressed in the school.
II(2). The school leader effectively supports and retains teachers who continually enhance their pedagogical skills through reflection
and professional growth plans.
II(3). The school leader is aware of predominant instructional practices throughout the school.
II(4). The school leader ensures that teachers are provided with clear, ongoing evaluations of their pedagogical strengths and
weaknesses that are based on multiple sources of data and are consistent with student achievement data.
II(5). The school leader ensures that teachers are provided with job-embedded professional development that is directly related to
their instructional growth plans.

Principal Practice Ineffective Partially Effective Highly

Summative Rating for Domain II: Effective Effective

Comments: Ms. Gomez has:

• Conducted observations and walkthroughs and addressed instruction providing meaningful


• Commended staff that showed evidence of instructional practices that were being studied
(vocabulary instruction, technology, etc.)

• Collaborated with the reading specialists and the supervisor, provided PD on school instructional
goals and had those instructional goals as part of their PDPs.

• Provided for PLCs and common planning to grow staff capacity in instructional practices.

• Created Weekly Bulletins for staff that highlighted educator tips and information from reading and
math specialists.

• Held staff meetings that were used as opportunities for professional development.

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Principal Practice
Domain III: A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

III(1). The school leader ensures that the school curriculum and accompanying assessments adhere to state and district standards.
III(2). The school leader ensures that the school curriculum is focused enough that it can be adequately addressed in the time
available to teachers.
III(3). The school leader ensures that all students have the opportunity to learn the critical content of the curriculum.

Principal Practice Ineffective Partially Effective Highly

Summative Rating for Domain III: Effective Effective

Comments: Ms. Gomez has:

• Reviewed lesson plans and worked with teachers on developing activities and finding
resources that supplemented the curriculum.

• Used the weekly newsletter to remind staff about upcoming assessments; included an
educator tip; had other staff contribute to the newsletter with news or tips for their

• Worked closely with supervisors to identify gaps in teacher practice and facilitated
support in implementing new strategies for improvement.

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Principal Practice
Domain IV: Cooperation and Collaboration

IV(1). The school leader ensures that teachers have opportunities to observe and discuss effective teaching.
IV(2). The school leader ensures that teachers have formal roles in the decision-making process regarding school initiatives.
IV(3). The school leader ensures that teacher teams and collaborative groups regularly interact to address common issues regarding
curriculum, assessment, instruction, and the achievement of all students.

Principal Practice Ineffective Partially Effective Highly

Summative Rating for Domain IV: Effective Effective

Comments: Ms. Gomez has:

Chaired the ScIP Committee to oversee the evaluation system and comply with Achieve NJ.

Organized and facilitated the Burnet Hill Advisory Team which met regularly throughout the
year. This team consists of 1 representative from each school group (grade level, CST, TAs,
etc.) to discuss instruction and be involved in the decision-making process. Each rep has a
voice on the team and reports back to their group on decisions or questions.

Organized and facilitated other committees (like the School Culture and Climate) which was
the driving force behind some of the school initiatives such as the Bobcat Paw Campaign.

Scheduled common planning time which was used to help come to consensus and make
decisions about grade-level issues.

Utilized staff meetings to serve as professional development opportunities and share best
instructional practices.

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Principal Practice
Domain V: School Climate

V(1). The school administrator is recognized as the leader of the school who continually improves his or her professional practice.
V(2). The school leader has the trust of the faculty and staff that his/her actions are guided by what is best for all student
V(3). The school leader ensures that faculty and staff perceive the school environment as safe and orderly.

Principal Practice Ineffective Partially Effective Highly

Summative Rating for Domain V: Effective Effective
Comments: Ms. Gomez has:

• Sent Weekly Newsletters to her parents with valuable information

• Attended professional development with staff members that benefitted the school.

• Formed Burnet Hill Advisory Committee and School Culture and Climate committee.

• Held regular emergency drills and ensured and students knew the procedures.

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Summative Rating Scale
Ineffective Partially Effective Effective Highly Effective
1.0 points 1.85 points 2.65 points 3.5 points 4.0 points

Performance Rating for 2016-2017 School Year

Principal Practice Elements Raw Score Weight Weighted Score

Domain I: A Data-Driven Focus on Student Achievement 3.8 .10 .38

Domain II: Continuous Improvement of Instruction 3.4 .10 .34
Domain III: A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum 3.7 .10 .37
Domain IV: Cooperation and Collaboration 3.7 .10 .37
Domain V: School Climate 3.4 .10 .34
Principal Practice Summative Rating .36

Summative Commendations with Evidence: Ms. Gomez has submitted all observations and
evaluations as required. She utilizes the evaluation system as a means to develop staff skills
and improve teaching and learning. Ms. Gomez has expertise in literacy and understands how to
teach reading. She serves as a resource for her staff and is able to provide targeted feedback to
improve practice.

Ms. Gomez developed a sound budget and created a master schedule that utilized staff
efficiently and provided for common planning.

Ms. Gomez has focused on the development of a character initiative through Bobcat Paws. She
created opportunities to infuse the pillars of character into the fiber of the school.

Ms. Gomez recognized a safety issue with the afternoon dismissal and explored other options
and changed the procedures. She was visible at the end of the day to ensure the new
procedures were established. While parents were initially unhappy with the changes, Ms. Gomez
remained steadfast in her decision which resulted in a much safer dismissal for the students.
She worked with local law enforcement to provide additional support during the transition and
within a few days the procedure became routine.

Burnet Hill houses our ABA and PRIDE programs which service our youngest and neediest
students. Ms. Gomez has provided the leadership and worked closely with the Assistant
Superintendent of Special Services to ensure that we are providing the services for these
students and their parents.

Ms. Gomez created an incident report which was used to collect data on student behavior which
then informed them on the 4 Cs of their character education program. The reverse side was a
think sheet for students that serves as a reflection tool. In year two, the incidences of
behavioral issues during recess were significantly reduces.

Ms. Gomez has developed a good rapport with her students, parents and staff. She is reflective
of her practice and willing to explore different and innovative approaches. She served on the
curriculum council which was charged with investigating implementing STEAM in the elementary

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During our post conference, Ms. Gomez referred to a electronic portfolio containing artifacts and
evidence in each domain.

Domain 1-Data-
• BSI rosters which included various sources of data to determine math interventions.
• SGO data which were used throughout the school year to adjust instruction and
• PARCC scores were disaggregated by teacher to look for patterns which were easily
discernable by color coding the data-this data was used by the BSI teacher to identify and
address individual student needs
Domain 2- Instruction-
• Job embedded PD in vocabulary instruction, DRA2 and the Word Analysis
• Samples of observations with recommendations of a strong lesson and one that was
• Agendas from new teacher academy, weekly bulletins, faculty meetings
• Agendas from district PD- grade 2
Domain 3-Curiculum-
• Lesson plans
• Weekly newsletters to staff
• PD reminders
• Email of supervisor’s planning
• Resources to supplement the curriculum
Domain 4-Cooperation and Collaboration-
• Agendas for the BH Advisory Team
• Agendas for BH culture and climate committee
• Staff bulletins with upcoming activities
Domain 5- School Climate-
• Agendas for the BH Advisory Team- changed the structure to make it more representative
of all stakeholders
• Agendas for BH culture and climate committee
• Created a character initiative introducing the 4 Cs- Cooperation, Compassion,
Collaboration and Caring
• Created a super hero- theme Burnet Hill Heroes Know their ABCs and developed a school
• PowerPoints from staff meetings on Affirmative Action, FERPA and HIB
• Convened the School Safety committee regularly throughout the year

Summative Recommendations for Growth: As Ms. Gomez has decided to leave the Livingston School
District, she is wished the best and thanked for her leadership of Burnet Hill.

Critical Areas for Growth: None

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Administrator Goals: 4.0

Goal 1:During the 2016 - 2017 school year, 80% of teachers at Burnet Hill School will effectively implement
vocabulary instruction in all content areas.
• Teaching staff and specialists attended common planning sessions to discuss vocabulary instruction.
• K-5 teaching staff participated in PLC on vocabulary instruction
• Staff meetings on vocabulary instruction PD.
• Classroom visits – observed evidence of word walls and vocabulary content anchor charts with
visuals. Teachers discussed vocabulary strategies during read alouds, mini-lessons, and small group
• Lesson plans demonstrated vocabulary instruction activities and resources such as Frayer model,
• Student assessments included vocabulary knowledge.

Goal 2:Develop a positive school climate through the implementation of a school-wide positive behavior
program that incorporates character education and positive reinforcement.
Improve student resiliency through mindfulness strategies, social stories, classroom meetings, community
meetings, and other venues.
• Formed the School Culture and Climate Committee to launch Bobcat Paw Campaign (Burnet Hill
Heroes know their ABCs…..cooperative, compassionate, caring, courteous) – a yearlong initiative in
which staff and students displayed characteristics of the 4 Cs. Students were given Bobcat Paws
whenever they displayed a characteristic. Paws were collected in classroom jars that were brought
to the main office every Friday. Each grade level had a chosen winner from the paws and names
were announced on the loud speaker.
• Teachers provided instruction on the 4 Cs through videos, social stories, etc.
• School celebrated and demonstrated examples of the 4 Cs through monthly community meetings –
we sang the school song, children performed skits, we celebrated our work.
• For the Caring portion, began work on caring for oneself through mindfulness strategies (this is at
the beginning stages).

District Goals (As applicable)

1. Review procedures, policies and practices to create a safe, supportive, and respectful environment.

See Goal 2 above

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Raw Score Weight Weighted Score
Principal Practice .36 .50 1.8
Student Growth Objective 4.0 .10
Administrator Goals .10 .40
Student Growth Percentile .30
Final Performance Rating for 2016-2017 School Year

Evaluator’s Signature: Date:

Principal Comments:

Principal’s Signature: Date:

Note: The principal must sign this report; the signature indicates having seen and read the report, not necessarily agreement.

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