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V O L . 5 0 , N O . n ( M A R C H . 19G6). PP. 439-47S. 67 F I G S .


Baton Rouge, Louisiana

INTRODUCTION have found structures in the Sigsbee Deep whose

Although a remarkably accurate geological de- growth pattern is similar to that of salt diapirs.
scription of salt domes was published nearly 100 Diapiric salt structures are unknown (1) on
years ago in a paper on Galicia (Posepny, the higher parts of the large structural anomalies
1871), it was not until the 1920s that a reason- in the Gulf of Mexico basin and (2) in the car-
ably modern interpretation of the nature and ori- bonate platforms of Florida, the Bahamas, and
gin of salt diapirs in the Gulf of Mexico basin most of Yucatan (Fig. 1). Instead, these struc-
was widely accepted. tures are concentrated in areas of greater than
Today, in the Gulf basin, more than 300 salt normal sedimentary thickness, and their times of
diapirs are known in Alabama, Mississippi, Loui- growth appear to be related to periods of greater
siana, Arkansas, Texas, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz, than normal sedimentary accumulation. Their ab-
Tabasco, and Cuba (Figs. 1, 2). Possibly an sence in certain areas is taken to indicate either
equal number exist beneath the continental thinness or absence of salt because of (1) non-de-
shelves off Louisiana-Texas and Veracruz-Tabas- position of sodium chloride in those areas or (2)
co. In addition, M. Ewing et al. (1962), Nowlin regional flowage of the salt from structurally or
et al. (1965), and Ewing and Antoine (1966) topographically high areas to lower ones. Salt
structures similar to those in the Gulf of Mexico
' Manuscript received, December 6, 196S. basin also are known in Colorado, Utah, the Ca-
Modified from presidential address to The Ameri- nadian Arctic Islands, Arabia, France, Germany,
can Association of Petroleum Geologists, New Or- India, Iran, Russia, Spain, Africa, Australia, and
leans, Louisiana, April 27, 1965. The Convention other areas.
theme was diapirism, and this address was patterned
to serve as background for papers which followed. Numerous additional domal and anticlinal
Free use has been made of published and unpublished structures also are present in the Gulf province.
information. Therefore, this paper must be considered
a selected assembly and analysis of existing knowl- On the basis of geological and geophysical data,
edge, generalized and illustrated for easy review. many of these are considered to be salt-con-
Special thanks are due New Orleans Geological trolled. It is well known that under proper condi-
Society, Lafayette Geological Society, Houston Geo-
logical Society, Gulf Coast Association of Geologi- tions any plastic medium may flow and form di-
cal Societies, The American Association of Petro- apiric anomalies similar to those effected by salt
leum Geologists, and Petroleos Mexicanos for per-
mission to modify certain published illustrations and flowage. For example, structures resulting from
to quote various passages from their publications. the flowage of thick clay-shales are widely pres-
Gustavo A. Morales, formerly a graduate stu- ent in the Louisiana continental-shelf area.
dent. Department of Geology, Louisiana State Uni-
versity, and now employed by Esso Production Prominent anticlinal folds caused by, or in-
Research Company, Houston, Texas, labored long volving, salt flowage are present in Arkansas
and carefully in preparation of original color illus-
trations and in compilation of certain data. Richard (U.S.A.), Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Veracruz, Ta-
Bolander, graduate student, Department of Geol- basco, Chiapas, and Campeche (Mexico), and in
ogy, Louisiana State University, prepared certain El Peten Province of northern Guatemala (Figs.
illustrations in black and white for publication.
Philip B. Larrimore, Jr., Chief of Cartographic Sec- 3, 4). Similar structural forms resulting from salt
tion, devoted much time to consultation regarding flowage are known from other parts of the
illustrations and to planning their basic format.
Mrs. Catherine I. Lignos, the writer's executive sec- world, e.g., the Zechstein basin of northwestern
retary, and Mrs. Virginia B. Foss ably typed and Germany, the Paradox basin of Colorado and
retyped original manuscript and this modified ver- Utah, and the Amadeus basin of central Australia
sion. Sincere thanks are extended to each of these
individuals and organizations, and to all others too (Figs. S-7).
numerous to mention, who by discussions, sugges-
tions, or in other ways contributed to this review. GEOMETRY AND PATTERNS
" Boyd Professor of Geology, Department of Geol- Geophysical and drill data disclose that salt di-
ogy, Louisiana State University; Vice President for
Academic Affairs, Louisiana State University System. apirs in the Gulf of Mexico region differ appre-

FIG. 1.^Probable salt structures. Gulf of Mexico basin.

ciably in geometry and growth patterns (Figs. 2, forming masses fundamentally identical with
8, 10, 11-24). Essentially, the salt of these di- those known in the Zechstein basin of Germany,
apirs has moved vertically upward through the except possibly for the separate droplet type
enclosing strata for distances up to 8 miles. and the salt-wall (Fig. 9). In contrast, great salt
anticlines or ridges, and irregular salt masses with
spinose to cone-shaped apophyses rising from
them, are relatively better developed in the Gulf
basin. Characteristic of these are (1) the salt
mass in Veracruz and Tabasco illustrated in Fig-

FIG. 2.-—Anse La Butte salt dome, Lafayette and

St. Martin Parishes, Louisiana (after Bates and
Wharton, 1943).


z „,us, fs' s^/ANTICLINE



FIG. ,S.—Probable salt structure in southern

Arkansas (after Bornhauser, 1958).


FIG. 6.—Salt structures, Paradox basin, Utah and

Colorado (after Elston and Shoemaker, 1963).
ure 8; (2) the East and West Hackberry ridge,
Louisiana (Fig. 10); and the Caillou Island-Tim-
balier Bay-Bay Marchand complex, also in Loui-
siana (Fig. 11).
The upper parts of salt stocks are most com-
monly circular to elongate, to the depths to which
they have been explored; or their form is some
modification of these, such as quadrate or round-
ed-triangular. The basin shape may be distorted
FIG. 4.—Probable salt structures, northeastern Mexico. by the formation of lobes or shoulders, by mush-

FiG. 5.—Salt structures, northern Zechstein basin, Germany (after Trusheim, 1960).

FIG. 7.—Salt diapirs and possible salt anticlines, Amadeus basin. Northern Territory, Australia
(after McNaughton, Murray, and Siller, 1965).
rooming or bulging, or by the growth of spines individual rod-like stocks are now known to rise
protruding from the main salt mass. as spines, stocks, or apophyses from great ridge-
Many salt structures originally believed to be like or anticlinal masses of salt. Others, which

FIG. 8.—Configuration of salt structures. Saline basin, Veracruz, Mexico (constructed from data
in Catling, 1954).

Fio. 9.—^Types of salt structures, Zechstein basin, Germany (after Trusheim, 1960).

have a classic rod or spindle shape for at least they may be related to a particular rate of
3 ^ miles downward from the surface, may con- growth; they may have formed in response to the
stitute isolated salt masses, in contrast to the speed and the depth to which they were buried;
clustering or grouping of certain other diapirs; they may be the result of an insufficient supply




FIG. 10.—Salt ridge containing East and West Hackberry domes, Cameron Parish, Louisiana. Configuration
of surface salt is after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1962).

-'6,OOo:^ -/2,006'-


FIG. 11.—Salt ridge containing Caillou Island dome (west), Terrebonne Parish, and Timbalier Bay and
Bay Marchand (east) domes, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. Configuration of salt surfaces is after New Or-
leans Geol. Soc. (1962) and Atwater and Forman (1959).





:\ -15,000'

FIG. 12.—Cote Blanche Island and Belle Isle domes, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. These domes show in-
clination of salt stock and slight mushrooming with overhang of northwestern and northeastern flanks, re-
spectively. Configurations of salt surfaces are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1960). Cross section of Cote
Blanche Island dome is modified from Atwater and Forman (19S9).

A A'


— /'. , -10,000'

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FIG. 13.—Port Barre dome, St. Landry Parish, and Bayou Choctaw dome, Iberville and West Baton Rouge
Parishes, Louisiana, illustrate essentially vertical stocks with flat tops, subrounded shapes with bulges and
overhang on northwestern and western sides, respectively. Configurations of salt surfaces are after New Or-
leans Geol. Soc. (1960).

of salt, with a consequent pinching-off at the base Individual salt stocks stand vertically to slight-
and the development of a tear-drop shape; or ly inclined, with any or all flanks being vertical
they may be related to still other factors and to inclined. Some stocks are inclined at one depth
forces. In some places, a single rod-shaped and are vertical at others. The upper surfaces of
structure rises from an anticlinal salt mass; in the salt masses range from essentially plane to
other examples, several rod-like or cylindrical highly irregular, and from horizontal to inclined.
apophyses are present. The number of these pro- Mushrooming near the apex of the stock is com-
trusions may be related to the size of the parent mon and may occur around part or all of the
salt ridge or anticline and thereby to the volume stock. Spines of different forms and shapes rise
of salt available for domal growth. Elongations or to various heights from the tops or gently sloping
enlargements of these particular diapirs with flanks of many structures. Deep-well and geo-
depth commonly are oriented parallel with the physical data reveal that most salt stocks expand
long axis of the salt ridge or anticline, whereas at depth but that others may decrease in diame-
factors affecting the enlargement of isolated rod- ter with depth, becoming severed entirely from
shaped masses are unknown. Expansions toward the parent bed deeper in the section.
the northwest, northeast, southeast, and south- Characteristic forms of salt stocks in the Gulf
west appear to be most common in the case of of Mexico basin are illustrated in Figures 8 and
isolated stocks, a condition which, in the Gulf re- 10-24. Although most of these examples are from
gion, could be related to regional fracture zones southern Louisiana, because recent publications
(Fisk, 1944; Murray, 1956). of the New Orleans and Lafayette Geological So-




. .^ -15,000'


FIG. 14.—Lake Hermitage and Lake Washington domes, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, are northwesterly
elongated cone-shaped masses. Lake Hermitage is somewhat cone-shaped with a prominent bulge on south-
western flank, whereas Lake Washington is more circular, without known overhang or mushrooming, and is
relatively flat-topped. Configurations of salt surfaces are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1960).
cieties present the best available information re- 90 per cent or more of the bulk rock. Calcium
garding them, it should be noted that they are sulfate, usually in the form of anhydrite, is sec-
representative of diapiric types throughout the ond in abundance. Various chlorides, sulfates, ox-
Gulf basin. ides, carbonates, silica, and other compounds may
be present. In some regions the precipitates are
COMPOSITION predominantly to entirely calcium sulfate.
The salt rock in these structures (Figs. 25, 26) Water-insoluble residues commonly constitute
consists generally of a granular aggregate of hal- 5-10 per cent by weight of the rock salt, anhy-
ite crystals normally about ^ - J ^ inch in diameter. drite being the principal component. Taylor
The crystals are typically elongate, some being as (1937, 1938, 1953) and Goldman (1925, 1933,
much as several feet in length; inclusions of var- 1952) report also the presence of dolomite, cal-
ious kinds are common. Miners classify salt as cite, pyrite, marcasite, quartz, limonite, hematite,
"hard" and "soft," depending upon the ease with hauerite, sulfur, celestite, barite, kaolinite, gyp-
which it is mined. "Soft" salt generally is rela- sum, magnesite, danburite, boracite, and hilgar-
tively pure, whereas "hard" salt generally is less dite. Inclusions of sedimentary rocks, brine, oil,
pure and commonly contains large crystals of an- and gas are not uncommon.
The composition of salt rock differs from one
place to another within individual diapirs as well
as from diapir to diapir. Sodium chloride is the Layering.—Layering is the dominant megascop-
predominant component, commonly constituting ic structural aspect of salt rock in domes of the






FIG. IS.—Lake Barre dome, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, and Eugene Island Block 110 dome (offshore
Louisiana). Lake Barre is typical, almost circular, vertical stock with subsidiary lobes or low-relief domes
on east and south. Eugene Island Block 110 is elongated north-south, being almost elliptical in shape. Bulg-
ing and mushrooming occur on northwestern, southwestern, and eastern flanks. Configurations of salt sur-
faces are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1960, 1962).
Gulf coastal region (Figs. 27-30); white and tion, but at distances of several feet they can be
gray alternations predominate but black layers traced rather easily.
are not uncommon. In many places, the layers Folding.—Various types of folds, ranging from
are an inch to several feet thick, but some pure broad and open to tightly compressed and isocli-
salt layers tens-of-feet thick are known. The nal, are beautifully displayed in the walls and
white bands are rather pure salt; the dark layers ceilings of mines in salt domes (Figs. 29-30, 32).
contain larger quantities of impurities, chiefly an- Axial planes of the folds characteristically are
hydrite and a little dolomite. Minor quantities of nearly vertical and belong to that relatively rare
other minerals, especially pyrite, quartz, and syl- type of crustal deformation in which a vertical
vite, also may be present. Balk (1953) has re- element overshadows all other directions of
ported that black layers contain about 25 per strain. The planes of many folds are straight;
cent anhydrite, but that the black color of the those of larger folds are more commonly curved
anhydrite crystals is caused by inclusions of mi- (Figs. 31, ?>2). In adjacent folds, the axial planes
croscopically undeterminable particles of dust. may or may not be parallel.
The banded layers differ considerably in ap- Isoclinal folds appear to be the most abundant
pearance in the walls of mines (Figs. 27-30). in domes mapped to date. Some are so complex
Some are long; others are short and lens-like. and distorted that interpretation or deciphering is
Some are paired, whereas others occur in variable impossible. The size of the different folds ranges
groupings; graded bedding is not uncommon. from those with very small contortions and with
Contacts between the layers generally are grada- wave lengths and amplitudes of only a very few
tional and difficult to determine on close examina- inches to folds whose wave length or amplitudes

"MTTF 20,000'
FIG. 16.—Jefferson Island dome, Iberia Parish, and Calcasieu Lake dome, Cameron Parish, Louisiana. Jef-
ferson Island is flat-topped, almost circular in upper portion, and mushroomed slightly on northwest, south-
west, and southeast. With increasing depth, salt mass enlarges and becomes almost triangular in shape because
of expansions toward north, northeast, southwest, and west. Calcasieu Lake has classic mushroom form, al-
most circular, with complete overhang except for small area on southeastern flank. It may represent a salt
mass which is completely severed from parent bed and which has moved through enclosing sediments as a
"droplet." Configurations of salt surface (Jefferson Island) and surface of salt or cap rock (Calcasieu Lake)
are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1962).

exceed 100 feet. Circular, elliptical, and similar are inclined or bent outward; (2) the external
patterns suggest the existence of closed folds in (younger) beds are less deformed than the beds
all domes studied thus far. of intermediate position, a relation known to
T h e development of isoclinal folding in a ris- exist in certain natural salt diapirs; and (3) the
ing salt stock has been demonstrated experimen- folding of the central (oldest) beds may be either
tally by Escher and Kuenen (1929). They made the simplest or the most complex.
"cakes" of paraffin and clay and deformed them Shear folds (Figs. 34, 35) are abundant in
in a piston which compressed the cake every- some places, especially near and in the zone of
where except at the center, allowing it to rise in a the axial plane of the folds. Elsewhere, numerous
cylinder. T h e artificial stock developed vertical small secondary folds distort the limbs of large
folds very similar to those in natural salt stocks, primary ones. The axial planes of smaller or sub-
except that the folds were less distorted (Fig. sidiary folds parallel those of the larger ones on
33). which they occur. Thinning of individual layers
The experiments illustrated three significant on the limbs of folds and thickening in the crests
points which may be applicable to the internal and troughs apparently are caused, at least part-
structure of salt diapirs: (1) the synclines are ly, by shear folding.
inclined or bent inward, whereas the anticlines Lineation.—Several types of lineation are pres-


i^:-:*:-;*;-;*>x-:-:-x-:-:->>x-;\ -15,000'




- ••••*••-••••-20,000'
FIG. 17.—Chacahoula dome, Lafourche Parish, and Fausse Point dome, Iberia and St. Martin Parishes,
Louisiana, are large, east-west-elongated salt stocks. Bulging is present at eastern end of Chacahoula, whereas
Fausse Point is slightly arcuate, being convex toward north. Configurations of surfaces of salt (Chacahoula)
and surface of salt or cap rock (Fausse Point) are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1962).









MILE X';-:-:-:-:-;-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-:-:-:-:-:2o,ooo'
FIG. 18.—Darrow dome, Ascension Parish, and Section 28 dome, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, are simple,
subroimded salt stocks without known overhang. Darrow is cone-shaped whereas Section 28 is flat-topped
with steep eastern and southern flanks. Configuration of salt surface (Darrow) and salt or cap-rock surface
(Section 28) is after New Orleans GeoL Soc. (1960).









MILE 20,000'
FIG. 19.—Venice dome, Plaquemines Parish, and Anse La Butte dome, St. Martin and Lafayette Parishes,
Louisiana. Venice is rod-shaped in upper part but expands markedly at depth. Upper surface is relatively
flat and western flank has overhang. Anse La Butte is distorted, cone-shaped dome, irregular in configuration
on northwestern flank. Configurations of salt surfaces are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1960).



~ A ^


(••••f^V A

•••••.•.••.••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.••. .•.•.•_20,000'
FIG. 20.—Bayou Blue dome, Iberville Parish, and Bayou Couba dome, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, are
relatively simple, elliptical forms with long axes trending north and east, respectively. Configurations of salt
surfaces are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1960).





/^•x-:':-:-x-:*:';-:*:<>-, -15,000'
0 ]
FIG. 21.—South Timbalier Block 86 and Ship Shoal Block 113 domes (offshore Louisiana) are elliptical
in shape at depth with long axes oriented northwest and northeast, respectively. Block 86 rises as mush-
roomed cylinder with overhang on northeast and southwest. Block 113 is semi-arcuate, compressed near cen-
ter, and has small overhang on southern flank. Configurations of salt surfaces are after New Orleans Geol.
Soc. (1960, 1962).

ent in salt diapirs. Layered rock salt and, in some rocks, and the preferred elongation of alloy crys-
instances, pure massive salt commonly contain tals and rod-like molecules of organic compounds
halite crystals with spindle- or almond-like shapes, in stretched metals and plastics."
the long axes of which commonly are oriented Analogous lineations, deformation, and recrys-
vertically. Such lineation is best developed, how- tallization of diapiric gypsum and anhydrite are
ever, in impure, anhydrite-bearing salt, the anhy- present in the Sierra del Fraile, northwest of
drite characteristically being aligned in vertically Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (Figs. 36, 37;
elongated prisms or in pencil-like aggregates. In Wall, Murray, and Diaz, 1961).
some diapirs lineation is sufficiently pronounced
that exposed sections resemble gneiss. Referring DOMAL GROWTH
to this phenomenon. Balk (1953, p. 2468) wrote: Some geologists consider it necessary for salt
". . . In agreement with the observations at stocks of high relief to remain permanently at-
Grand Saline, it seems that the preferred vertical tached to the mother salt bed if they are to re-
elongation of halite crystals is a mechanically ceive new supplies of salt and are to continue ris-
necessary act, brought about by the continuous ing through the host rock. Others believe that
deformation and recrystallization of the crystals domes become detached or pinched off from the
during the upward extrusion of the aggregate. It source bed, assume an elongate, tear-drop shape,
has innumerable analogues among the textures of and continue to rise through the sedimentary se-
deformed and recrystallized marbles, quartzites, quence as long as the density differential between
and other metamorphosed rocks, in the arrange- the salt and sediments is sufficient. Geophysical
ment of phenocrysts and vesicles in volcanic data suggest the likelihood that both conditions







^-im—' x-:.:-:->....x.x..-.-.-.-.-...-...-.-._2o,ooo'
FIG. 22.—Edgerly dome, Calcasieu Parish, and Lake Mongoulois dome, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, are
simple, slightly elongated domal salt masses. Configurations of salt surfaces are after New Orleans Geol.
Soc. (1960, 1962).

exist, some domes remaining attached and ex- circle the structure and is termed a rim syncUne
panding with depth whereas others are severed or rim basin.
from the mother bed. The D'Lo dome in Simpson County, central
Appraisals of domal growth clearly demon- Mississippi, has a rather typical rim syncline
strate that a rising salt mass does not move ev- (Fig. 38). If several domes are relatively close
erywhere at the same rate. Instead one segment together, the rim synclines may overlap in part,
will rise for a period of time, after which it may thus isolating segments of the original salt layer.
reach equilibrium, and some other portion will Depending on the time and rapidity of with-
move. The effect of this differential flowage of drawal, and the depth of burial at the time of
the salt on the enclosing sediments and the petro- isolation, masses of residual salt may move ac-
leum they may contain is obvious, accumulations tively upward. However, they also may remain
of oil or gas commonly being related to a fossil stationary relative to the surrounding sediments,
or relict structure rather than to a more recently which then will be simply draped over the isolat-
formed one. ed salt body to form residual, relict, or rim
When salt flows into a growing structure, it domes or anticlines. Many deep-seated salt struc-
leaves behind a peripheral area depleted in salt; tures are thought to have been effected in this
this partly vacated area is a salt "thin" which is manner. Clustering or nesting of certain salt
filled by sediments from above. The resulting structures also may result from similar phenom-
depression or structural sag in the salt and in the ena (Figs. 39-41).
overlying sediments may partly or completely en-





MILE -20,000'


/ \*\\ _ /<-T-7-7:-->. -5,000'

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MILE /:•:•; : ; : : ; ; ; ; : : ; : : : \ -20,000'

FIG. 23.—Coon Point dome (Ship Shoal area) and South Timbalier Block 135 dome (offshore Louisiana)
are simple domal masses; former is semi-cone-shaped and latter flat-topped. Configurations of surface of salt
or cap rock (Coon Point) and salt surfaces of Block 135 are after New Orleans Geol. Soc. (1960).

RELATIONS WITH SEDIMENTS In the case of high-relief domes, simple arching

The structure of the sediments enclosing salt takes place only in beds above or close to the
stocks varies considerably. These strata may be "PP^r Part of the salt stock,
arched gently or steeply; they may be ruptured Sharp arching may occur over the crest of salt
and pierced by the salt; they may be complexly "passes or may be effected by faulting associated
faulted; or they may be deformed by various ^ ' t h the stock. Normally there is peripheral up-
combinations of faulting and folding (Figs. 39, ^a-Ting of the strata adjacent to a stock, these
42_55") strata commonly being vertical and in some
In those diapirs which have grown appreciable Peaces overturned. Around a few diapirs, only
distances upward, piercement of the enclosing ^'nof "pwarping of strata can be demonstrated,
strata has occurred together with varying Thinning is commonly associated with arching
amounts of upwarping and thinning of the adja- «f strata close to and over salt structures; in
cent beds. All stages of piercement can be dem- some instances the reduction in thickness of a
onstrated, ranging from 30,000-35,000 feet of Particular unit may exceed half the thickness of
penetration in the case of shallow domes to es- '^e equivalent unit some distance away from the
sentially no piercement in the case of very deep- diapir.
seated domes.
Simple doming of sediments, with or without FAULTING
piercement and rupture of the enclosing strata, Faulting is a common adjunct of most salt
occurs over both high- and low-relief salt stocks, masses that have appreciable relief. It is also



/5:-:*:':':'x*x-;-x*:*>>>. -10,000'


MILE ^-.•.•.-.•.•.•.•-•.•.•-•.•-•.•.•.•.'.•.•.•.•.20,000'




MILE x-:*x*x-x*x-:-x-x-:-x-x-:-l2o,ooo'
FIG. 24.—Ship Shoal Block 72 and East Cameron Block 126 domes (offshore Louisiana) are elongate salt
masses, Block 72 having differentially steep flanks and Block 126 possessing rather uniformly sloping flanks
but being slightly arcuate and convex toward northeast. Configuration of salt surfaces is after New Orleans
Geol. Soc. (1960, 1962).

commonly present on many structures interpreted rupturing. With very few exceptions, known
to be salt-controlled but in which salt has not ac- faulting associated with salt structures can be in-
tually been encountered. T h e faulting may be terpreted to be normal or gravity faulting. The
local, and associated directly with movements of patterns m a y be simple to complex, but in most
the salt mass, or it may be related to regional areas data are not sufficient to permit construc-
faulting which has influenced or masked local tion of the entire fracture complex. On some
structures it appears that faulting is negligible or
even absent.
Wallace (1944, 1949), has proposed a usable
classification of (1) simple offset, (2) multiple

^ wssr

FIG. 25.—Rock salt from Weeks Island dome,

Iberia Parish, Louisiana, with inclusions of anhy-
drite grains and large dolomite crystal (dark) illus-
trating bands of anhydrite cleavage fragments ap-
parently caused by crushing. Nicol prisms removed,
X 45 (Taylor, 1938).

FIG. 26.—Giant salt crystals in Grand Saline salt dome, Van Zandt County, Texas. Drill hole near top of
photograph is approximately 6 ft. long; parallel traces of cleavage give estimate of size. Dark area near cen-
ter is part of one crystal (Muehlberger, 19 SQ).

offset, and (3) dome-with-graben, for patterns of structures (Figs. 53, 54). These so-called shale or
faulting over deep-seated salt structures in south clay sheaths have a great range in thickness and
Louisiana. With some modification and expansion, degree of development; they are composed pre-
this scheme is applicable to fault patterns associ- dominantly of finely comminuted argillaceous
ated with any local structure caused by vertical sediment. As the material of these masses physi-
movement of plastic media. Because the pattern cally is very similar to fault gouge, it probably
of faulting may not be consistent at all levels, formed by an analogous process of fragmentation
being generally more complex with depth and during growth of the salt stock. The presence of
with more detailed data, any classification is nec- a variety of sedimentary materials and of micro-
essarily provisional and represents essentially a fossils of various ages in the argillaceous sheaths
"progress report" as of a specific time and period is additional evidence for their secondary origin.
of exploration. The classification includes the fol- In some structures the clay or shale can be
1. Structures without known faults
2. Structures with normal faults
a. Structures with simple-offset faulting
b. Structures with multiple-offset faulting
c. Structures with graben
d. Structures with horst
e. Structures with radial faulting
f. Structures with peripheral or tangential
g. Structures with compound-offset faulting
3. Structures without major faulting
4. Structures with reverse or thrust faulting
Figures 39 and 42-54 illustrate fault patterns
in various parts of the Gulf basin which are be-
lieved to have been caused by salt diapirism.


Highly variable, stratigraphically indeterminate FIG. 27.—Banded salt and anhydrite (dark)
Winnfield dome, Winn Parish, Louisiana (courtesy
sequences of argillaceous material surround some of The Carey Salt Co., in Huner, 1939).

FIG. 28.—Nearly vertical bands of salt and anhydrite (dark) in Grand Saline dome. Van Zandt County,
Texas (Muehlberger, 19S9),

FIG. 29.—Folds exposed in ceiling of Grand Saline

dome, Van Zandt County, Texas. Ceiling is approxi- FIG. 30.—Small closed fold in ceiling of Morton
mately 130 ft. above floor; short straight lines are Salt Company's Kleer mine. Grand Saline dome. Van
8-ft. drill blast holes. Different fold shapes in salt Zandt County, Texas. Total length of fold is ap-
structures are well illustrated in this photograph proximately 10 ft. (Muehlberger, 1959).
(Muehlberger, 1959).

Direction of Convexity of Arch Bends of Folds

N o r t h a n d W e s I I S o u t h a n d EosI

First o r d e r
Second o r d e r

A x i a l planes of t n u l t i p l e , i s o c l i n o l f o l d s

FIG. 31.—Traces of axial planes of folds in 7S8-ft. level of mine of Morton Salt Co., Weeks Island dome,
Iberia Parish, Louisiana (after Kupfer, 1963). Heavy and light solid lines, respectively, represent 1st- and
2nd-order folds in which directions of convexity of arch-bends are north and west. Heavy and light dashed
lines (single), respectively, depict 1st- and 2nd-order folds in which directions of convexity of arch-bends
are south and east. Multiple, light dashed lines represent axial planes of multiple, isoclinal folds. In some
areas, only S3Tnbol for more prominent directions of convexity of arch-bends of folds is used.

FIG. 32.—Generalized sketch of segment of mine of Jefferson Island Salt Company, Jefferson Island dome,
Iberia Parish, Louisiana. This view, which is at about 60° upward toward southwest, shows three closures
and two groups of isoclinal folds. Ceiling height is about 100 ft. (after Balk, 1953).

FIG. 33.—Laboratory experiment by Escher and

Kuenen (1929) duplicating salt domal structure. Cen-
tral structure is simple at some levels and complex
at others. Maximum deformation does not occur
at center or periphery of stock but in intermediate

7777? T^

shown to have pierced enclosing strata in a fash-

ion similar to salt piercement and therefore to be
upthrust sedimentary material.


Cap rock (Fig. S5) is the name applied to the

variable mass of rocks, predominantly anhydrite, depths of more than 10,000 feet. Commonly it is
which are present on the top of many salt struc- thickest and most extensive over the center of
tures in the Gulf basin. Gypsum, calcite, and sul- shallow domes, thicknesses greater than 1,000
fur are the other most abundant constituents. All feet being known (Figs. 56-58). The geometrical
are commonly brecciated and sheared, especially configuration of cap rock differs greatly. It may
in the upper part, and they may contain frag- cover all of the upper surface of a salt stock; it
ments of the adjacent formations. Around the may extend down one or more flanks for thou-
upper parts of some structures, siliceous or cal- sands of feet; or it may be mushroomed and
careous cementation processes may result in hard form overhangs.
strata usually called ]alse cap rock. Fragments of A greater percentage of shallow (near-surface)
the so-called false cap rock may occur as frag- domes occur in Texas than in Louisiana, Missis-
ments in the cap rock per se. sippi, or Alabama, but no significant variation in
Cap rock may occur at various places on the thickness of cap rock is apparent in these areas.
upper parts of structures, from the surface to It should be noted, however, that the occurrence

FIG. 34.—Shear fold in wall of Morton Salt Company's Kleer mine, Grand Saline dome, Van Zandt County,
Texas. Dark layers are richer in anhydrite. Shearing in such folds is always parallel with axial plane of fold
(Muehlberger, 1959).

FIG. 35.—Shear folding in wall of Morton Salt Company's Kleer mine, Grand Saline dome, Van Zandt County,
Texas. Shearing is outlined by dark, anhydrite-rich band (Muehlberger, 1959).

and thickness of cap rock definitely decrease Normal cap rock typically has three general-
below a depth of 4,000-S,000 feet (Figs. 56-58). ized mineralogical zones: (1) an upper calcite
Although anhydrite, gypsum, and calcite, in de- zone; (2) a middle transitional zone character-
creasing order of abundance, are the chief con- ized by the presence of gypsum or sulfur but in
stituents of cap rock, many different mineral spe- many cases including a variable mineralogical
cies have been reported by various authors (Figs. suite; and (3) a lower anhydrite zone.
59-65). Anhydrite always is present, and in some The zones are not layered in the stratigraphic
examples it is the only mineral present in quanti- sense of the word but consist of variable, irregu-
ty. larly distributed, gradatlonal mineral zones. For
example, at the Winnfield dome, Winn Parish,

FIG. 36.—Photogi,i|ili .>( |..i;t ..f I. fl 'iu);lli. w.ill

of Arroyo Potrero Chito, biciia dU lia;le duiiic,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico, showing flowage bands in dia- FIG. 37.—Photograph of portion of right (south)
piric gypsum (Minas Viejas Formation). Flowage wall of Arroyo Potrero Chico, Sierra del Fraile dome,
bands of gypsum contain xenoliths of dark gray lime- Nuevo Leon, Mexico, showing flowage bands in
stone and streaks and bands of black shale litho- diapiric gypsum (Minas Viejas Formation) and large
logically similar to Jurassic Zuloaga and La Casita xenolith of gray, fractured, crystalline hmestone.
Formations which occur, respectively, in stratigraphic Limestone is Uthologically similar to that of Juras-
order above Minas Viejas gypsum. Gypsum here is sic Zuloaga Formation which overlies Minas Viejas.
so distinctly banded and possesses such orientation At this locality, gypsum has been deformed and
of grains that it resembles metamorphic rock (Wall, recrystallized to point of resembling coarse micace-
Murray, and Diaz, 1961). ous schist (Wall, Murray, and Diaz, 1961).

FIG. 38,—Reflection seismograph survey of D'Lo

salt dome, Simpson County, Mississippi, showing con-,
figuration of salt stock and prominent rim syncline
on western and northern flanks (after Nettleton,

\\V,\ -fc

Louisiana, the intermediate zone containing gyp-

sum ranges from a feather-edge to about 75 feet
in vertical thickness and rests on a highly irregu-
lar surface of anhydrite. The gypsum is grada-
tional with the anhydrite below and, in its lower
part, it commonly contains lenses and irregular
masses of anhydrite. Gradation from nearly pure
anhydrite to equally uncontaminated gypsum may MILES


FIG. 39.—Cluster of salt diapirs in St. Martin and Iberville Parishes, Louisiana, showing interpretation of
(1) rim synclines, (2) interdomal (rim, relict, or residual) anticlines, and (3) various fault patterns affecting
enclosing sediments. Dotted contour lines represent configuration of surface of salt; solid and dashed contour
lines depict configuration of upper surface of Heterostegina zone of Anahuacian (after Forman, 19S7; see
also Fig. 40).

FIG. 40.—Cluster of salt diapirs in St. Martin and Iberville Parishes, Louisiana, showing interpretation of
inter-diapiric structural lows and highs designed to illustrate the inter-related and overlapping nature of
structures associated with such diapiric clusters (see also Figs. 39, 41).
occur in the space of a few inches or gradually 3. Compaction of the cap rock accompanied by
through a distance of several feet. precipitation of anhydrite from solution and in-
The origin of cap rock has been the subject of tergrowth of anhydrite grains.
controversy. In the past, some geologists main- 4. Continued solution of the salt, with growth
tained that it was a residue of Cretaceous strata of the salt plug compensating for removal of salt
pierced by the salt as it moved through the sedi- by solution. Consolidation of the anhydrite and
ments. Now, based on mineralogical and distribu- subsequent shearing of it by stresses created by
tional studies, cap rock generally is conceded to upthrust and collapse.
be a residue or accumulation, principally anhydri- 5. Entrance of altering solutions and develop-
tic, derived by the solution of the upper portion ment of a transition zone in which anhydrite al-
of a growing salt structure. Gypsum, calcite, sul- ters to gypsum and both, in turn, alter to calcite
fur, and certain other minerals are believed to and sulfur; a relict anhydrite structure is com-
form by alteration of the anhydrite. No genetic monly preserved.
relations between cap rock and the enclosing stra- 6. Transgression of the transition zone down-
ta can be demonstrated. ward, escape of hydrogen sulfide, or its oxidation
The following is the sequence of events which to sulfur in place or within the overlying cap rock,
probably takes place during cap-rock formation. and deposition of calcite. Secondary calcite, sul-
1. Intrusion of the salt plug into a zone of ac- fur, pyrite, other sulfides, barite, and celestite
tive water circulation. may develop in the upper part of the calcite
2. Gradual truncation of the top of the salt zone, or they may replace sulfur in the transition
plug by solution, decapitation of the folds in the zone. Influx of hydrocarbons may result in the
salt and formation of a solution table, and ac- reduction of sulfur, its redeposition in another part
cumulation of residual anhydrite sand. of the cap rock, or its escape.

FIG. 41.—Cluster of diapirs in Zechstein basin of northwestern Germany showing widespread

overlapping of interdomal structural highs and lows (modified from Trusheim, 1960; see also Fig. 40).
GRAVITY ANOMALIES associated with them, though these generally are
Many of the salt diapiric structures, both smaller because of the smaller density contrasts
stocks and ridges, are associated with relative involved.
gravity minima. Salt has a density of about 2.2,
which generally is less than that of the sediments
below a depth of 3,000-4,000 feet. If the salt Figure 1 shows the areas of known or suspect-
body extends to a considerable depth, a relative ed diapiric salt structures in the Gulf of Mexico
gravity minimum results. The location of the basin. The diagonally ruled areas are those in
minimum will be directly above the salt intrusion which anticlines apparently related to salt and
if the intrusion is vertical. However, if the intru- gypsum-anhydrite are present. In addition, four
sion is inclined, the position of the minimum will salt diapirs are known in north-central Cuba
be offset from that of the upper part of the salt (Meyerhoff, 1965), and recently Ewing (1962)
body. The size of the minimum varies consider- and his associates (Nowlin et al, 1965; Ewing
ably, ranging from less than 1 milligal to more and Antoine, 1966) have reported the presence of
than 10 milligals. structures in the Sigsbee Deep with growth pat-
Great care should be exercised in relating grav- terns similar to those of known salt structures.
ity data to salt intrusions. A very shallow stock, On the other hand, similar growth patterns result
for example, with a thick cap rock (density about from the widespread diapirism of argillaceous
2.7) may have a small relative maximum directly masses in the continental shelves of Louisiana
above it. Shale diapirs also have relative minima and Texas; therefore, the growth patterns ob-




^ ^/ KMS.
FIG. 42.—Sierra de Minas Viejas, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, is great simple anticline, about 30 km. long, with-
out known major faulting (courtesy Petroleos Mexicanos). Both diapiric gypsum and salt appear to be in-
volved in development of this structure; Jose Colomo dome. Tabasco, possesses multiple faults with central
graben (Contreras et al., 1959); Rabon Grande dome, Veracruz, is fine example of structure with com-
pound, oifset faulting, three of faults being down-to-southwest, multiple-offset group, and other two forming
down-to-northeast, multiple-offset group (Catling, 19S4); Tigres Changos dome, Veracruz, similarly illustrates
compound-offset faulting involving one predominant down-to-southeast fault and several minor faults with
offsets in various directions (Ruiz Ruiz, 1954).

served by Ewing and his associates could be sulfates predominate or constitute an appreciable
caused by either salt or clay-shale diapirs. segment of the precipitates.
In Figures 66 and 67, the generalized locations A salt bed of considerable thickness is neces-
of (1) the Ouachita-Appalachian structural belt sary for the development of salt features such as
and (2) the Mexia-Talco and related perimetrical those in the Gulf of Mexico basin. The presence
fault systems are shown. Especially noteworthy of possibly two such beds has been revealed by
are (1) the close agreement in trend of the fault deep wells in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Missis-
systems and the frontal belt of the Ouachita fold sippi, and Alabama, which have penetrated (1) as
zone and (2) the apparent relations of these to much as 1,500 feet of Louann Salt below the
the distribution of thick Mesozoic precipitates Smackover-Norphlet (Late Jurassic) strata and
and the consequent distribution of associated salt (2) lesser amounts of salt in the Late Jurassic
and (or) gypsum-anhydrite structures. Particular Haynesville Formation above the Smackover.
attention is directed to the apparent predomi- The Haynesville salt is unquestionably of Late
nance of anticlinal forms in those areas where Jurassic age. The Louann, which has been var-








FIG. 43.—Gueydan dome, Acadia and Vermilion Parishes, Louisiana, is classic example of dome with radial
faulting. Subsidiary peripheral faults also are present (after Lafayette Geol. Soc, 1964).

iously considered to be Permian(?) or Jurassic, insula suggest that other salt beds of Mesozoic or
may be of either age; it may be Triassic, or it Cenozoic age may exist in areas still untested by
may span the interval from the Permian to the the drill.
Jurassic. However, the best information available Salt structures in the northern Gulf region
indicates a Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic age presently are believed to be restricted to the area
(Jux, 1961). gulfward from the inner perimetrical system of
A thick bed of salt of similar age is present in down-to-the-basin faulting (Mexia-Talco-Arkansas
the Saline basin of Veracruz, Tabasco, and Chi- Pickens-Gilbertown) which can be traced approxi-
apas in Mexico. Widespread evaporites in the Co- mately from the Rio Grande to northwestern
manchean of the northern Gulf province and in Florida. Similarly, all known salt features in the
the Tertiary and Cretaceous of the Yucatan Pen- southern portion of the province are limited by the

Conroe Field, Cranfield Field,

Montgomery Co Adams Co.. Miss.
Nolan Edward Dome,
Wood Co., Tex.

Dorcheat-Macedonia Field,
Columbia Co., Ark.
FIG. 44,—Conroe dome, Montgomery County, Texas, possesses compound-offset system of faults (Carlos,
1953); Cranfield dome, Adams County, Mississippi, illustrates simple, offset faulting, downfaulted block being
toward southwest; Nolan Edward dome, Wood County, Texas, has horst system with major faults down-
thrown on northwest and southeast (Moore, 1951); and Dorcheat-Macedonia anticline, Columbia County,
Arkansas (Shreveport Geol. Soc, 1947), is bilobate structure without known major faulting.
great Santa Elena system of Veracruz and its com- the basis of this information, together with the ab-
panion zones in Chiapas and Guatemala, the San sence of known Haynesville salt thicknesses that
Cristobal-Coban system. Thick beds of salt in are sufficient for domal growth, it seems probable
the inner portions of the Gulf region (1) are that most, perhaps all, of the salt structures in
present only gulfward from the zones of perimet- the peripheral portions of the northern Gulf
rical faulting and (2) are associated with Late basin are derived from the Louann. No available
Jurassic or pre-Late Jurassic strata which thicken data permit definite determination of the source
markedly and greatly on the basin side of the bed for salt masses in the more central portions
faults. It should be noted, however, that data are of the basin, except for the spore content report-
not available to demonstrate the full extent of ed by Jux (1961).
thick salt within these general areas. Similar salt structures in Tabasco and Veracruz
The Louann and Haynesville salts generally are have developed from the Saline Formation (pre-
similar to those in all salt structures in the Gulf Cretaceous, probably Triassic-Jurassic) of that
basin which have been studied to date. The area. Because the salt in them is similar both to
Louann, however, contains an excess of chloride that in the salt structures of the northern Gulf
(NaCl), as is true of the salt in all domes region and to the Louann Salt, it seems reason-
studied, whereas the Haynesville contains an ap- able to assume that the diapirs in southern Mexi-
preciable proportion of carbonate and sulfate. On co may be derived from a salt whose age is

Heidelberg Field,
Van Field Van Jasper Co., Miss.
Zandt Co., Tex.

Caillou Island Dome, El Plan Dome,

Terrebonne Ph., La. Veracruz, Mex.
FIG. 45.—Van dome, Van Zandt County, Texas, possesses compound-offset fault pattern; Heidelberg dome,
Jasper County, Mississippi, is classic example of complex graben pattern with subsidiary compound-offset
fault system; Caillou Island dome, Terrebonne Parish, southern Louisiana, has radial fault system; El Plan
dome, Veracruz, Mexico, possesses radial system of faults in combination with tangential and compound-offset
faults. (Configurations of Van dome after Liddle, 1936; El Plan dome after Contreras et al., 1959).

equivalent to that of the Louann but which bed of salt must be several thousand feet thick
formed in a separate basin of evaporation. for diapirs to form. Nettleton (1934) suggested a
thickness of the order of 2,000 feet, but, on the
VOLUME AND ORIGIN OF SALT basis of experimental data, Parker and McDowell
If a single, continous salt bed is the source of (1955) concluded that a thickness of about 5,000
all salt structures in the northern Gulf region, it feet is more likely. If the thickness of the salt
has an areal extent in excess of 200,000 square averaged at least 1,000 feet throughout the area
miles. If isolated beds are the source of the sup- of known structures before growth commenced,
ply, their areal extent could be in the order of the salt bed or beds would have had an original
125,000 square miles, more or less. The salt-dome volume of approximately 40,000 cubic miles. If
region of Veracruz and Tabasco is underlain by the thickness averaged 5,000 feet, it would have
salt with an areal extent of at least 25,000 square had an original volume in the order of 200,000
kilometers; the total may exceed 60,000 square cubic miles.
kilometers. Precipitation of such a great volume of sodium
Current knowledge indicates that the mother chloride poses numerous problems. It would re-


4000 CAP ROCK.



FIG. 46.—Bayou Blue dome, Iberville Parish, FIG. 48.—Brookshire dome, Austin and Waller
Louisiana, illustrating faulting, thinning of sedi- Counties, Texas, showing piercement, mushroomed
mentary strata, and unconformity related to dia- salt stock, cap rock, high-angle reverse faulting, and
piric intrusion of salt (after Mais, 19S7). thinning of adjacent strata related to salt diapirism
(after Sealy, in Davies: Houston Geol. Soc, 1953).
quire the evaporation of immense quantities of and southern Mexico, respectively (Figs. 66, 67).
sea water, presumably in some sort of isolated The age of these clastic-evaporitic sequences in
basin or basins which would receive fresh sup- Mexico has been debated for many years, some
plies of sahne water from time to time. Further- workers considering them Permian and others
more, it is necessary to account for the apparent Triassic or Jurassic.
absence of sulfate and carbonate in quantities Figure 67 is a generalized lithofacies map of
commensurate with the volumes which should the known distribution of these strata. Although
have existed in the vast quantities of sea water they are indicated to be Triassic on Figure 67,
needed to produce so much sodium chloride. the writer hastens to point out that either the
precipitates or the predominantly red facies may
range in age from Late Permian to Middle Juras-
Regional stratigraphic and distributional studies sic. Evidence generally is insufificient to document
suggest a close relation between the Louann- precisely their time of origin, but the best infor-
Werner sequence (pre-Smackover) of the United mation available strongly suggests a Late Triassic
States and the clastic-evaporitic sequences of to Early or Middle Jurassic age for most of them
pre-Zuloaga and pre-Chinameca ages in eastern (Jux, 1961). They may, of course, be time equiv-
alents of the Late Triassic strata in the Piedmont
N and coastal areas of the eastern United States.
Regional fault and tectonic patterns suggest
that collapse and faulting on the oceanic side of
. / / / -2,000'
the orogenic belts in eastern North America oc-
\ \ \ f / / / • -4,000'




•^ -^-12,000'
/ • • : - : - : o " - - i •:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•':.

FIG. 49.—El Plan dome, Veracruz, Mexico, illus-

FIG. 47.—Cameron Meadows dome, Cameron Par- trating piercement, thinning, and uplift of adjacent
ish, Louisiana, showing faulting and thinning of strata in conjunction with pattern of radial, tangen-
sedimentary strata associated with salt diapirism tial, and compound-offset, normal faulting (see Fig.
(after Lafayette Geol. Soc, 1964). 45); (modified after Contreras et al., 1959).

curred during the late Paleozoic. Elongate basins NV\' SE

and grabens, subparallel with the axes of the oro-
genic belts, developed from Nova Scotia to Gua- -2,000'
temala. Pennsylvanian deposits accumulated in
them in New England and eastern Canada; Trias-
sic strata filled them in the Atlantic seaboard •4,000'

area of the eastern United States; and Jurassic

deposits thicken greatly in their vicinity in the
Gulf of Mexico basin. Is it possible, therefore,
that the orogenic paroxysms which initiated these
movements progressed from north to south and -8,000'
did not reach the Gulf region until Jurassic time?
Regardless of the time of their development in an
individual area, the distributional pattern of salt •10,000'
basins is such that initial accumulations of salt in FIG. 51.—Sugarland dome, Fort Bend County,
the Gulf area could have occurred in regional Texas, exhibits piercement and thinning of strata
with differential uplift on flanks. Growth of salt
grabens or fault troughs similar to those of the stock contemporaneous with deposition is especially
eastern United States and Canada. well illustrated here by thinning and upward de-
crease in structural relief of deformed strata (after
Grinstead, in Houston Geol. Soc, 1962).
OF SALT STRUCTURES These are: (1) the volcanic and salt-ridge period
Speculation on the origin and development of (1860-1901), dating from Thomassy's specula-
salt structures has been in progress since the mid- tions in 1860 concerning the origin of the Five
dle of the 19th century. Various theories pertain- Islands in Louisiana; (2) the deposition-from-so-
ing to the subject have been discussed widely in lution period (1901-1910), commencing approxi-
the literature and no attempt is made here to re- mately with the discovery of oil at Spindletop in
view them. Many of the earlier ideas seem ludi- 1901; and (3) the tectonic or salt-flowage period
crous in retrospect, but it should be noted that (1916-present), which began as early as 1870 but
commonly they were only guesses about a problem
which still has not been solved definitely in spite NW SE
of a much greater quantity of information.
The history of the formulation of theories re-
garding the origin and development of salt struc-
tures of the Gulf of Mexico basin may be divided
into three periods, each characterized by the idea
which dominated thought during that period.



>>>>>>:-^^^«-^'°°° -10,000'

3,000 FIG. 52.—Esperson dome. Liberty and Harris

Counties, Texas, reveals piercement, thinning, and
FIG. SO.—Pedregal dome, Veracruz, reveals pro- uplift of strata, together with series of small, normal
noitnced piercement of strata by salt stock, thin- faults on northern flank. Graben is present almost
ning of enclosing strata, differential uplift on flanks, directly over apex of salt stock which is south of
and normal faulting over crest and on flanks of structural apex of overlying strata (after Riddell, in
diapir (after Ruiz Ruiz, 1954). Houston Geol. Soc, 1962).






FIG. 53.—Structure of upper surface of Cibicides hazzardi zone (Chickasawhayan), Iowa dome, Calcasieu
and Jefferson Davis Parishes, Louisiana, showing major, simple-offset fault with subsidiary radial faulting.
Sediments enclosing Weeks Island dome, Iberia and St. Mary Parishes, Louisiana, are deformed by radial
fault pattern at top of "S" Sand (upper Miocene) where it is in contact with diapiric salt (crosses) and
diapiric shale (vertical, dashed lines). Maps of Valentine dome, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, disclose con-
figuration of (1) upper surface of diapiric salt and shale (right) and (2) upper surface of Bigenerina humblei
zone (Miocene) where it is in contact with domal core of salt and shale (all figures after Atwater and For-
man, 19S9).


0 500

-5,000' FEET


,;,!l!,l,^+ + + + -t- + + 4- V,'''iX-BEDDED" ISflflO' ^E^^iW^8t| K W ^ ^ ^ M

lilDOMAL CORE+^ + ^ + _^V'gi:'4HMfci ^'" ^^"^ + + + + + + + + + + + T**^^iV
• + + + + + + + + + + + + + +^«»S
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +^SB|
+ + + + + + r - j L | - i - + + t + + + + + IS
__- 6J MILES --20,000' + + + + + OALI + + + + + + + +
+ 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
•JB •*• "*" + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -*- +
FIG. 54.—North-south (right) structural cross sec- f + + + + + -f + + + 4- + + + + + * ^ftVVVVVVVVN

tion of Valentine dome, Lafourche Parish, Louisi-

ana, showing relations of domal (diapiric) core of FIG. 55.—Diagrammatic cross section of cap rock,
salt and shale and enclosing sedimentary strata Jefferson Island dome, Iberia and Vermilion Parishes,
(after Atwater and Forman, 1959). Louisiana (after Taylor, 1938).


:||i:::[^||^ SEA-LEVEL


'lilfiij:-;-^ ;: j: : : • ; • . • i; :;•:• ; T " " — -10,000'

:jl K;j|iH-/|rr'- : :^
.1 • liJiii iliii :'-li -^ Jnil.i:-;;ii..::l -15,000'
FIG. 56.—Highest drilled salt and thickness of cap rock for known salt structures in southern Louisiana
(after Murray, 1961).

did not achieve general acceptance until after between salt and surrounding sediments. He
1916. Progressively, the great majority of geolo- pointed out that sediments of the Texas Gulf
gists have moved toward accepting some sort of coastal area increase in density from about 1.9 at
salt-flowage theory of origin. the surface to approximately 2.2 at 2,000 feet
Nettleton (1934) formulated the "fluid me- and to 2.4 near 10,000 feet of depth, whereas salt
chanical theory" and discussed the gravitational remains essentially constant at 2.2. At depths
motive forces resulting from density differences below 2,000 feet, then, sediments outweigh salt



, ]lT|mu Im

- Illn r -- • •

T l rTl' T T - r

1 ' r

• [TIT -
^ • ^ ^ "^fir -5,000'

: 1 ' i '• "

;•: i[l l l \






FIG. S7.—Highest drilled salt and thickness of cap rock for known salt structures in Alabama, Mississippi,
and northern Louisiana (after Murray, 1961).







FIG. S8.—Highest drilled salt and thickness of cap rock for known salt structures in Texas
(after Murray, 1961).
and the salt is under an upward buoying force. In general, geologists concerned with the prob-
Inherently, this theory implies an active growth lems of the origin of diapiric salt structures in
of the salt mass as an intrusive (diapiric) mass in the Gulf of Mexico basin now agree on these
sedimentary rocks. It contrasts with the idea ad- points.
vanced earlier by Barton (1933) of essential sta- 1. Salt in diapiric structures is derived from a
bility of the salt stock and "downbuilding" of the sedimentary salt bed.
sedimentary mass around it. 2. Salt moved into the diapiric structures by
means of plastic deformation.
3. Density differences between the salt and
overlying sediments are sufficient to cause rela-

FiG. 59.—Closely banded, fine-grained calcite cap

rock, with sulfur vein (upper left) and scattered
rhombs of dolomite. Plane polarized light, X 16. FIG. 60.—Sulfur veins (black) in calcite (white
Section cut from core of Freeport Sulphur Com- and gray). Plane polarized light, X 16. Section cut
pany's No. 1005 well, 1,497-1,508 ft., Lake Wash- from core of Jefferson Lake Oil Company's No.
ington dome, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana (after 36 well, 729-732 ft., Jefferson Island dome, Iberia
Taylor, 1938). Parish, Louisiana (after Taylor, 1938).

tive upward growth through great thicknesses of

sedimentary rocks.
Modern theory postulates a thick mother bed
(or beds) of sedimentary salt. From the bed (or
beds) of salt, structures have been formed (1)
by salt moving up through the overlying sedi-
ments in response to gravitational inequilibrium,
or (2) by salt structures remaining at an essen-
tially constant level while the surrounding sedi-
ments or sedimentary rocks moved downward
around them as deposition progressed. Both pro-
cesses produce similar structures, but the me-
chanics of origin are fundamentally different.
In any theory of genesis, some mechanism
must initiate upward growth of the salt. Irregu- FIG. 62.—Calcite cap rock with sulfur vein on
larities in the basement rock beneath the salt or left, petroleum-stained calcite band on right, and
dolomite rhombs. Plane polarized light, X 21. Sec-
in the upper surface of the salt bed, basement- tion cut from core from Freeport Sulphur Com-
rock movements, variations in thickness or com- pany's No. 1005 well, 1,437-1,440 ft., Lake Wash-
position of the overburden, faulting or other ington dome, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana (after
Taylor, 1938).
stresses, and other factors have been cited by
various authors as possible initiating forces. As a coastal area, and the occurrence of numerous
result of model studies, Parker and McDowell structures, also subparallel with the regional
(1955) have suggested that (1) variations in strike but about 3-5 miles downdip from regional
overburden and (2) faulting appear to be the flexure or strike-fault zones, indicate a possible
most probable methods of initiation of salt move- cause-and-effect relation between the faulting and
ment and the development of growing structures. the position of certain structures. In view of
The recognition of great salt ridges or anti- these factors, it is suggested that salt ridges or
clines, oriented subparallel with the regional strike anticlines, as well as groups of individual spines
at depths of 4-5 miles in the Louisiana-Texas or stocks which have a definite regional strike
alignment, may have been positioned by regional
strike flexures or strike-fault zones. Certain salt
masses, such as the West Hackberry-East Hack-
berry-Big Lake-Sweet Lake ridge in Cameron Par-
ish, Louisiana (Fig. 10), are associated with large

4.'-' ' 1 w .. • - *"

isJ»t, '
FIG. 61.—Sulfur (dark) in pseudomorphs of ;;>!)-
sum (gray and white) after anhydrite, showing how
outlines of anhydrite cleavage have been preserved.
Nicol prisms removed, X 21. Section cut from core FIG. 63.—Anhydrite cap rock composed of loosely
of Jefferson Lake Oil Company's No. 36 well, 838- compacted anhydrite grains. Plane polarized light,
841 ft., Jefferson Island dome, Iberia Parish, Louisi- X 25. Bayou Bouillon dome, St. Martin Parish,
ana (after Taylor, 1938). Louisiana (after Taylor, 1938).

FIG. 64.—Sheared anhydrite cap rock showing

elongation and alignment of anhydrite and dolo- FIG. 65.—Residue of anhydrite grains with dolo-
mite rhombs. Plane polarized light, X 16. Section mite rhomb (center) obtained by dissolving speci-
cut from core from Freeport Sulphur Company's men of salt from Jefferson Island dome. Grains
No. 1005 well, 1,451-1,456 ft.. Lake Washington were immersed in low-index oil and photographed
dome, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana (after Taylor, by reflected light, X 21 (after Taylor, 1938).







**« N o r m a l and Reverse
aracter 16'
Displacement Unknown
Principal Faults
Associated w i t h
84 Triassic Redbeds 76"

FIG. 66.—Known distribution of thick Triassic-Jurassic evaporites, Gulf of Mexico basin.


FIG. 67.—Generalized, probable Triassic lithofacies distribution, Gulf of Mexico basin.

up-to-the-basin faults and, apparently, are unrelat- surrounding materials, together with the plasticity
ed to regional strike faulting. of the salt, appear to be sufficient to maintain
Some salt structures with other alignments, for growth. Experimental data suggest that a critical
example, northwesterly and northeasterly, may be thickness of overburden which may impede
related to movements along similarly oriented growth is of the same order of magnitude as the
fracture zones in the basement rock. A promi- height of a salt mass above its source bed.
nent, gently arcuate, convex-gulfward trend in Subsurface data in the southern Gulf region
southern Louisiana suggests the possible localiza- are not sufficient to document similar genetic
tion of structures along the margins of a conti- mechanisms for the salt structures there. It
nental shelf or large delta where the sedimentary should be noted, however, that the configuration
overburden was thinner and pressure relief there- of salt masses in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec re-
fore easier to attain. This concept of the localiza- gion, where the overburden is relatively thin, is
tion of certain salt masses is supported by the similar to the configuration of salt masses at
apparent existence of clusters of such features on much greater depths in the northern Gulf region.
parts of the modern continental slope south of Relatively low spines or stocks rise from the
Louisiana. large ridge-like or anticlinal masses in the south-
Once structures are initiated and growth be- ern Gulf area, whereas in the Gulf province of
gins, the density contrast between the salt and the United States the apophyses are greatly ex-

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