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Emily Rodriguez

Professor Batty

English 101


A Dream Can Be True

We can tell when we all need help but also we have to learn how to work together. In this

mural you can see all the struggles that an immigrant has to pass through.The person that I

decided to put in this is essay is Camila Cabello, she is one person that is very active in

immigration. Just because her family moved from Cuba to Florida.On this day she had the

chance to say a speech and she gave this wonderful speech. This is what she said “This Country

was built from dreamers, for dreamers who are chasing the American dream”(Camila Cabello).

Camila Cabello has been an inspiration to many people like this mural. This mural gave so much

to think about, about how one kid had to go on his own journey to meet his mother where can

livesafe and have a better life with. The mural that I decided to write about was based on a movie

called ​“Under the Same Moon”​. The movie takes place in mexico and the United States, this

movie can relate to so many people in so many ways. Although people see immigrants as people

who kill or just come to this country to steal. This mural has one big meaning to it which is what

every immigrant has a dream where they come to the United States to have a better life and a

good career, the three main topics are going to be about Immigration, Working status, and

Separation of Family and lastly the background of the mural.I know that their will be people who

have mixed opinions about immigrants, some people say they don't belong here and they say

horrible things about immigrants.


The murals main point is immigration and it shows us the effects and

positives.Immigration has always been brought up in every place you live or where you go to

study. Immigration has two different looks to it, immigration is a system that most people don't

like. The immigration system is mostly for people who look for somewhere safe to live but also

immigrants are people who are different. Not all immigrants are the same we are all raised

different , but what people don't see is that we all contribute to make our place better. Also some

people see us as people who want to harm other people for example we steal, rape or kill. The

mural gives a picture of a young boy walking on the other side of a gate where the color looks

sad and lonely, but when we look to the other side you can see that their is happiness and

laughter because he is with his mother.In the mural it also gives us different colors on one side

you can see how grey and sad it looks,but on the other side you can see bright colors that

represents happiness. Immigration is not only about how there's people coming into the United

States illegally, but also they come with green cards. Green cards give them the permission to

come to the United States legally. Since many people don't want to see that immigrants try their

best to come safely to the United States, they don't know how hard they have to work for it. For

me that makes me want to try harder and help those in need. Dreamers are people who try their

hardest to get into the United States and give everything they have to stay here. The way that I

can bring this topic to the mural is that it symbolizes how hard it can be to pass and I also wanted

to make sure that I can relate the mural to today's events.

Working status can be very tricky and cause many negative aspects.For example in the

mural you can see a women working very hard cleaning. Also you can also see a farm where

everything is growing nicely but of course they had workers working their to make it look good.

The main point of this is that the only way that immigrants can get a job is by working hard in

the labor force. They can only get a good job is if they have permit, but also a lot of business

owners don't want to risk their company being put at risk because they have people working for

them who don't have papers. Every immigrant person has to see what they can do to bring so

money into their home but also make sure that they can do something that can change the way

they live.In the movie you can see the journey of the young boy and also see how he mostly

works in the background and does not get paid a lot but what he gets is what he either saves or

waste it on things he need like food. Also through out the way he faces some trouble but also he

makes friends along the way.

In every place you go you will either make friends or enemies, but when you get

separated from you family it can really hurt or benefit a person. The mural shows three different

places where the boy either is alone or with someone. The first image shows how he is alone

walking up a street with his head looking down. Another part is how he finally met with his

mother and he looks happy and glad to see her.Finally he is walking with a guy that looks like

his father but in the movie it is someone he met along the way. In this mural you can see the

effects of immigration and what it does when a family is separated. In the three different stages

you can see how his facial expressions changes a lot. Families are being seperated everyday, and

examples that I have are from movies that I see and also life experiences. Also this shows that

they are being affected in the way they study or even work because they are constantly thinking

on what they can do or how can they erase the memory of one of their family members being

taken away. Although there are some people that are happy that their loved one was removed

out of the country, but one reason is because their loved one did something to them that can not

be forgiven and also they were being treated bad to point where they wanted it all to be over.

Lastly one topic that I wanted to touch on was the background of the mural and how it

can relate to how political it can get and how it can relate to the movie. This movie was the

highest movie that came out and it was not expected to come out with a big hit. “​The heartfelt

drama, written by Ligiah Villalobos, had the highest opening weekend for any Mexican film for

all of 2007 and is holding that record for 2008 so far.”(Deborah Bonello​) ​A movie that was not

expected to give so much of a good feedback, the movie was brought into the light so big but

also it showed how much struggle there is in the world. The mural has different scenes from the

movie that shows how we can piece everything from the mural together. For example it shows us

a scene of a lady in bed, which it just looks like she is sleeping. In the movie it shows that the

grandmother is dying. That is also why the little boy has to leave his home, since he has no one

taking care of him. The movie also shows us some important point that the character gives us.

An example would be “​When Enrique explains the illegal immigrant lifestyle to Carlitos, he

says, “No one chooses to live this way unless they have a reason.”(Linda Y.Liu). This shows

how I wanted to connect together the movie, the mural and today's events.

This mural has shown me more and how I try to be more open minded about this types of

situations. Immigration can hurt so many people, there are some positives aspects. I know that

there are people who need the help and the mural can speak or shows us how we can connect to

it or how we can see the situations. The reason that I choose this mural is because it shows us so

much in just one picture. The current events that I have seen or heard made me want to see how I

can interpret this mural.


Work Cited

Source 1

Honohan, Iseult. “Reconsidering the Claim to Family Reunification in Migration.”

Political Studies​, vol. 57, no. 4, 2009, pp. 768–787., doi:10.1111/j.1467-9248.2008.00761.x.

Source 2

The Elder in the Cuban American Family: Making Sense of the Real and Ideal Authors:

IVERIS LUZ MARTINEZ Source: Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 33(3):359-375

Publisher Information: Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, 2002. Publication Year:


Source 3

“Camila Cabello Gives Speech About Dreamers at the 2018 Grammys.” ​Billboard​, 2018,


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