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Tommy Pangandaheng

The Relevance of Ethics in Life and Profession

Humans are social beings, that means can not live alone without having a relationship
with another person. That means someone will enjoy and live a normal human kehidupanya as if
he has a relationship with another person. This is the difference between humans and animals.
"Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils; and man
became a living soul. (Genesis 2: 7) Then the Lord God took some soil, shaping it into a human
being, then breathed the breath of life into his nostrils; then the man became a living. "The word"
breath of life "comes from the Hebrew, Nesha ma h which means blowing or blowing or
breathing vital / crucial / regard to life. The Hebrew word is also used in Proverbs 20:27 for the
word "human spirit"

From Heaven, God did not remain silent, He sent His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ to restore the function of life as it was when He created man. Christ came to redeem the
sins of mankind and restore the true meaning of life. When he became incarnate and fell to
humans without leaving his divine nature, He teaches important principles about the meaning of
life. Let's explore one by one in the Gospels.
First, life is centered on the Word of God. It is stated in Matthew 4: 4, " It is written, Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. "
(Quoted from Deuteronomy 8: 3) live humans not just to eat, drink, have fun, but human life is
from God, or rather by every word of God. Here, Jesus did not say that man is alive requires no
bread at all, but he said that man does not need to live by bread alone. The word "only" or
"alone" in this verse means we still need bread or physical food for a living, but an important
point or essence lies not in the bread or something physical, but the word of God that is the
essence and the most important guarantee our lives meaningful. In other words, God's word into
our life source of the most essential. The Word of God becomes a guide, a leader and proofing
our lives when we want to sin. The Word of God becomes the limit and penghakim for us, so we
did not go out of his way, as the psalmist says in Psalm 119: 105, " Thy word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path. " Then, in the same chapter in verses 1-10, " Blessed are those whose life
is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed is the person who holds the warnings of
his, who seek Him with all your heart, which also did not commit a crime, but who live in the
streets indicated his. You alone have delivered thy precepts, to be held in earnest. Had my course
to hold on thy statutes! So I will not be ashamed, when I watch all your commands. I will praise
you with an honest heart, when I learn thy laws are fair. I will hold on thy statutes, do not leave
me entirely. Can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. With my
whole heart have I sought thee: let me not wander from thy commandments. "His words were
very meaningful to the lives of the psalmist. It is very different with many paradigms total life
embraced by many who claim to be "Christians" let alone "serving the Lord" and allergic to the
word "God" is mentioned outside the church. Then in Psalm 119: 9, the psalmist says that young
people can sustain behavior were clean when His words keep their lives, but the world we teach
it is the opposite, that is, when the psychology of teaching them about the meaning of "life", it is
no wonder, many young people who study psychology (without studying His word) ends
tragically, for example, suicide, stress, etc. When humans try to discover the meaning of life
beyond his words, we can never find it, because certainly true life centered on God and His
Word as the Source of Life.
Second, life is not worried. In Matthew 6:25, Jesus taught, " Therefore I tell you: Do not
worry about your life, what you are about to eat or drink, and do not worry too will your body,
what you will want to your. Is not life more than food and the body more important than
clothes? "A man's life is already in his hands, because he was the one who set it up, but often in
life, people often worry about food, drinks, clothing, etc. , Why ? Because they are taught not
return to God, but it is back to himself as the center of life. When God becomes the center of
human life, human beings do not have to worry about his life. Note the last sentence in paragraph
25, that life is more important than food. Why is that ? Because if we are short of food, we can
look back, but if we lack the meaning of life, can we look for in this world without going back to
God?! NO. That is why the Lord Jesus said that we do not need to worry. So, what did the Lord
Jesus give solutions so that people no longer need to worry her?In verses 31-33, he taught,
" Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat? What shall we drink? Or 'What shall
we wear? All that sought the nations who do not know God.But your heavenly Father knows that
you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these
things will be added unto you. "The children of God need not worry, because if they are afraid,
they are similar to the nations (men) who do not know God. People whose lives continue to
worry about the actual dubious sovereignty and providence of God in his life. But it does not
mean by using this phrase, then we say that we do not need to work, because everything is given
to God. It was a ridiculous notion. We do not need to worry about in life because we believe that
God preserves the life of the children of his with the affluent, even so God still requires us to
continue to work (see paragraph 34 that is often overlooked, " Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow have worry about itself. trouble day is enough for one day. " If we do
not need to worry, it does not mean we have no trouble whatsoever, but Christ said that such
problems still exist, but let distress was enough for one day do not add to the worries
unnecessary. God understands exactly what is required of man that Christ commands us to first
seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and only after that he will add his
blessing. Do not use this last verse teaches that believe in the Lord Jesus must be rich, blessed, to
live smoothly, etc. That heresy / heretic.
The true life is a life of faith. In John 3: 15-16, Jesus said, " so that everyone who believes
in Him may have eternal life. Because God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only
Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "(NIV Bible to
mean," so that everyone who believes kepada- his gain eternal life. for God so loved the world,
that He gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but receive eternal
life. ") it's interesting, the second paragraph this. Often we associate these two verses only to
express God's love is so great to us. It was not wrong. But this verse also teaches about the true
meaning of life only when we have faith in the incarnate Christ to redeem and save mankind
sinful. In the faith that we can find life. As Romans 1: 17b says, " The just shall live by faith. The
true human life is a life of holiness. Holiness of life taught by Jesus in Matthew 18: 8-9
pertaining to apostasy, "" True Life is a holy life. For Jesus, it's useless "get into If your hand or
your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away, because it is better for thee to enter into
life maimed or lame than having two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if
thine eye offend thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it is better for thee to enter into life
with one eye than to be thrown into the fire of hell with two eyes.
True life is a life that is hopeless and headed to eternity. It is taught by the Lord Jesus in
John 10: 27-28, " sheep My hear my voice and I know them and they follow me, and I give unto
them eternal life and they shall never perish forever, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
"John 11: 25-26," I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me will live even though
he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in me will not die forever. "and John 12:25," He
who loves his life will lose his life, but he who does not love his life in this world, he will keep it
for eternal life. The word "love life" that can be interpreted from the original language of self-
pity or consider themselves useful, great, etc., so that when we act this way, then it happens
instead we are increasingly living, but instead we are increasingly losing their lives or the true
meaning of our lives, In contrast, when we hate (not love) our lives (or can be translated deny
our self-cf. Matthew 16:24), it is obtained not lose their lives, but we will accept and find
meaning eternal life. Our world will not understand this concept until one day the Holy Spirit
enlighten his mind. Thank God, we are one of those who may have the grace of God. This is the
beauty to be Christians can understand the paradox. True life is a life that continues toward the
hope of eternity. Consequently, in this life, we do not have to mess with things that are not
important, such as earthly wealth, position respected, etc., it's all rubbish, the same as disclosed
Paul that their knowledge of Christ to make him willing to consider waste at all he considered
the pride of the past once. Dare we like Paul considered junk all the grandeur and greatness of
this sinful world and re-live that focus on the hope of eternity.
All Christians from children to the elderly can easily talk about love despite the fact that
our Christian lives are often at odds with love. There are some people who think that while he
had no problem with another person, always smiling and nice with others then he had lived in
love. But through today's reading, we will learn from Paul about how a Christian life in love.
There are several things to note are:
 not to pretend or hypocritical,
 mutual love between brothers,
 preceded in salute,
 helping people in need,
 give a lift,
 rejoice with those who rejoice,
 weep with those who weep,
 not repay evil with evil,
 do not consider themselves clever and
 live in peace with everyone.
Thank You, may God Bless Us.

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