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Reagan's cold
war speech was
one of the
hat contributed
the tearing
down of Berlin
A political cartoon about Reagan's
speech (Oregonlive, 2009)

          Manuel Noriega, a Panamanian
military dictator, was accused in the
An East Berliner using a hammer to hit the Berlin wall after the announcement was released. (Farooq, 2013). United States on drug trafficking charges
and abolishing democracy in Panama.
BERLIN WALL  Many of them used hammer and picks
This led to the invasion of the U.S. at the
Panamanian Defense forces (PDF) under

WAS TORN to hit the wall. “They finally gave

freedom to us. We were out of the cage.
the command of president George H.
Bush.The president then authorized the

Literally, everyone came and celebrated
determination of the invasion which was
for it. We were all delighted and hopeful,
to overthrow Noriega.
and that’s why we chanted until there
          The government of the German was no more voice for us to chant,’’ said
Democratic Republic (East Germany) an Eastern Berliner, the day after the
started building the barbed wire and tearing down of the wall.
concrete “Antifascistischer Schutzwall”         There were more than 2 million
on August 13, 1961 between the West and East Berliners who visited the other
East Berlin ( staff, n.d.). This side of the wall. This event was written
construction is well known as the “Berlin by one journalist as “the greatest street
Wall.” The purpose of building this is to party in the history of the world.” Soon,
prevent the West fascists from entering the wall was all gone and the whole US and Panamanian soldier patrol Panama’s City Chorrilo
East Germany and destroying socialist Berlin was joined together on October district, (Reuters, Corinne Dufka, 1989).

state, but the main intention is to stop 3, 1990, reunited for the first time
          On December 20,1989, 9,000 U.S.
the moving of people from East to West. since 1945 (Rosenberg, 2018).
troops joined the 12,000 U.S. soldiers who
However, the wall was torn down in The tearing down of Berlin wall was
were already in Panama, confronting with
1989.  one of the famous historical events of
the PDF. They finally crushed the PDF and
       On November 9, 1989, the head of the world. “Only today, is the war
were able to take control most of the
East German Communist party really over,” a written sprayed on a
country. The invasion caused the death of
announced that people from the East of piece of the wall after the
23 U.S soldiers and 3 U.S civilians (bbc,
Germany are permitted to cross the deconstruction. It’s still an abiding
2016). On the other hand, approximately
border to the West due to the fading of symbol for the end of Cold war until
50 PDF soldiers were executed together
Cold War. They celebrated at the wall, the present day.
with the other 500 Panamanian civilians
drinking beer and chanting.
(H history, n.d.).
        However, the Organization of
American States and the European
Parliament had protested the invasion,
which they reproached as the notorious
violation of international law.
After the in crush of Panamanian Defense
Forces, Noriega seeked asylum in
Panama City with the Vatican Anuncio.
The dictator tried to escape until the
next year, he was finally cornered and
had to surrender on January 3, 1990. “We
received the command of the president to
join the troops in Panama. The situation
were at the climax as we invaded the PDF
A branch of 7-11 in Thailand (Fairfield, 2015).
and finally conquered them. I’ve lost two of
my soldier friends, but I believe they will customers per day. Due to its rapid making meal at anytime we  want.   
be honoured after their death for being a ramification, Thailand is currently the   
part in achieving this victory against 2nd country with most branches of 7-11, “Everything becomes easier since that
Noriega,” said a U.S. soldier who were following just behind Japan. It’s expected supermarket has opened in our
involved in the invasion. that there will be total of 10,000 neighborhood. I don’t have to take a bus to
branches all over Thailand at the end of the market which is about fifteen minutes
2018 (CP ALL, 2018). away to buy for foods anymore. I can just
       7-11 has become an important part of walk to the other side of the road and

THE FIRST our lives as it provides literally anything

we need. We don’t have to go to the
purchase for all those easy making foods in
the 7-11. Also, it’s so convenient that there’s

7-11 IN market to buy ingredients back for

cooking anymore. Now, it can be done
no need to cook, just put them in the
microwave and it’s ready to eat,” an

THAILAND IS just by buying instant food at 7-11, put it

in the microwave, and have a great easy 
interview from a residence living on
Patpong road.

          Foods and drinks are important
factors that human needs in able to
Gay Storm
survive. These things were extremely hard
to find in the ancient time. People of that severely
period had to hunt for food and travel
everywhere to find the water source. damage Thai
However, the world had changed. Now
you can get your meal anywhere as there
are lots of restaurants with various types
of foods. But another factor has been        Natural disasters are happening
added as there’re more technologies everyday. It can cause from little or no
available along with the new generation of damage to severe one. Some examples
people. Convenience and handiness are are earthquake, flooding, landsliding,
now highly considered. Hence, 7-11 was volcanic eruption, Tsunami, etc. Some
introduced to world. countries such as Japan and Chile are
          The first 7-11 in Thailand was located in between large cracks in
opened at Patpong road on the June 1, A Pharmaceutical Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
between the Earth’s tectonic plates.
1989, with CP ALL Corporation Limited as
(mmcneillie951, n.d.) This results in a more possibility of
the owner (matemate, 2018). In 2002, CP Find the exit encountering those disaster especially
ALL Co., Ltd. had cooperated with PTT with the earthquake. Thailand, on the
Public Company Limited in order to
for the air in your nose other hand, is lucky that there are not
much chance of having these hazards.
expand its business throughout the just take one pill However, there was a typhoon in the
country. At the end of 2015, there are total
of 8832 branches of 7-11 with 10.9 million when the holes are closed south of Thailand which caused many
injuries and deaths in 1989.
         Typhoon Gay, also known as Kavali
Cyclone was formed close to the Gulf of was going great until a big storm occurred 
Thailand. It caused 833 deaths and 11.7 and took everything away from me. I lost
billion Baht of damage around the area, my husband and one of my kids. I will never
particularly in Chumphon Province. It was be able to forget about it, the moment that
said to be the worst typhoon to hit the my life had completely been broken down,”
Malay Peninsula in the previous 35 years a speech given by a victim of Typhoon
(STAFF WRITER, 2016). Gay storm was very Gay. 
small in size compared to the total damage          The forming of Gay storm led to the 
it did to the wide range of area great lost in the coastal area of Thailand. It
(Garfield, 2017). It executed many became an unforgettable memory for Thai
people before making landfall in India. people. However, the result from the
"We went to Chumpon during summer event had contributed to the development
vacation to go diving as a family. The trip  of precautions from natural disaster.

A poster giving information about the pay-

employment security and promotion (ICC0 Public
Domain, n.d).

A map showing the division of Germany

into the East and West side during the
The damage caused by Typhoon Gay in Chumpon (H. Pollmeier, 1989) period of Cold War

References: Staff. (2009). Berlin Wall. Retrieved from

Rosenberg, J. (2018). All About the 28-Year History, Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall.
Retrieved from

H history. (n.d.). The U.S. invades Panama. Retrieved from

bbc. (2016). Panama launches investigation into 1989 US invasion. Retrieved from

STAFF WRITER. (2016). November 1989: Typhoon Gay. Retrieved from

Garfield L. (2017). The 16 deadliest storms of the last century.
H history. (n.d.). The U.S. invades Panama. Retrieved from

bbc. (2016). Panama launches investigation into 1989 US invasion. Retrieved from

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