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Real World Selenium Resum

which gets more Job Intervie

By: Bakshu
ABSoft Trainings
Further Reading

Don’t miss our blog post

selenium-resume-which-gets-job-interviews where we will discuss
what you should put in your Selenium resume and how, what you
shouldn’t put to make it amazing and excellent.

We will also share a real world resume with you to make it more
effective experience. Note that you can easily apply best
practices/tips discussed in this post to other profiles, resumes as well
like QTP automation tester, manual tester, developer, fresher.

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Your Name Here
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 Expertise in Selenium automation using Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, JAVA,
JUnit & Maven
 Designed and implemented different automation frameworks from starch like Page
Objects framework, Keyword Driven framework, Data Driven framework and
Hybrid framework for a number of projects
 Expertise in writing Selenium WebDriver automation scripts in JAVA for highly
transactional E-commerce websites
 Executed automation scripts on different browsers/environments & reported
defects/results to the team

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 Proven ability in developing BDD scripts with Cucumber and writing step definitions
for behaviour
 Maintained the Selenium & JAVA automation code and resources in source controls
like CVS, SVN over the time for improvements and new features
 Took ownership of automation and led the automation team by mentoring the team
as required
 Excellent experience of build tools like Maven and managing JAVA automation
projects using them
A highly competent and results oriented Senior Automation Test Analyst with 7+ years of
experience in Software Testing, Selenium Automation, Development, JAVA/C#.Net web
projects, Team leading & training, Client facing. ISTQB certified tester. Proven ability in
Selenium WebDriver Automated testing & Frameworks, Page Objects & Hybrid
Frameworks, TDD, BDD, Web testing, Functional testing, Performance & Load testing.
Excellent experience in each phase of Test Life Cycle, Test strategies & Test plans, UAT.
Solid experience of Software Development Life Cycles, Selenium WebDriver & RC,
Selenium Grid, Cucumber, JAVA, JUnit, Web Applications, JIRA, Maven, SQL, AGILE
Methodologies, Scrum, QTP, LoadRunner, C#.Net, E-commerce/Financial/Trading domains,
Automation & Testing tools.
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 Excellent experience in automation of Web-based, Highly transactional and large
Client/Server/Multi-tier applications
 Proven ability in writing JAVA, JUnit, C# scripts and Leading JAVA, C#.Net projects
 Solid experience of AGILE Methodologies, AGILE Manifesto and Scrum processes
 Solid experience of Defect/Test Management tools like JIRA, QualityCenter/Test
Director, BugZilla
 Excellent experience of HP automation tool QTP and VB Script language
 Solid experience of Performance/Load/Stress testing with LoadRunner
 Proven skills in SQL, RDBMS and UNIX variants like LINUX, Solaris, HP-UX
 Expertise in writing SQL Queries, SQL Scripts and performing Database testing
 Proven skills in Leading and training teams, Test Management and Meeting the
 Strong communication & interaction with Clients, Developers, Business Analysts,
 Strong experience of E-commerce, Financial, Banking, Insurance, Trading and Telecom
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 Proven ability in Windows/UNIX Commands, Scripts and testing on Windows/UNIX
 Proven ability in Working individually or as a part of team, Problem solving, Process
improvement activities, Analytical skills, Reporting and Assisting to Manager

Automation Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver/RC/Grid, Cucumber, Maven, QTP,
Languages/Frameworks: JAVA, JUnit, TestNG, C#.Net, NUnit
Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, BugZilla, Relational ClearQuest
Test Management Tools: HP QualityCenter/TestDirector
RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2008/2008R2/2012, MySQL, Oracle
Scripting Languages: VB Script, Java Script, Perl, Python
Operating Systems: Windows 7/8, Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012, Mac OS,
Domain Knowledge: E-commerce, Financial, Trading, Insurance, Banking, Telecom, Billing

Copyright ©
Senior Automation Test Analyst (Selenium WebDriver + JAVA + Web, Functional testing)
Company Name, Location (Jan 2013 to Present)
Project: 2 or 3 lines about the project
 Saved 30% time and cost of testing by automation using Selenium WebDriver,
JAVA, Cucumber
 Increased productivity by 20% by effectively training, leading and managing the AGILE
automation team
 Achieved customer satisfaction and high quality by effective Automation testing, AGILE
 Implemented automation using Selenium WebDriver, JAVA, Selenium Grid, Cucumber,
 Extensively automated regression and functional test suites by developing over 237 test
cases, 6 test suites using Selenium WebDriver, JAVA, JUnit.
 Implemented Page Objects framework, Hybrid framework and 21 Page classes from
scratch to represent web pages.
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 Developed Keyword Driven and Data Driven frameworks to retrieve test actions, test data
from Excel files and SQL Databases.
 Configured Maven for JAVA automation projects and developed Maven project object
model (POM).
 Used Maven, Selenium Grid to execute Selenium automation suites on different platform,
browser combinations in parallel.
 Developed BDD tests using Cucumber by writing behaviours and step definitions.
Developed required Selenium support code in JAVA for Cucumber.
 Wrote SQL queries extensively, queried database and generated test reports. Performed
Purchase Orders Database testing by developing 14 SQL scripts.
 Performed Defect Tracking & Management in JIRA. Generated automated daily reports
using JIRA API.
 Worked in a highly dynamic AGILE environment and participated in scrum and sprint
 Assisted Manager by providing automation strategies, Selenium/Cucumber Automation
and JIRA reports.
 Identified weaknesses in QA Processes, Web testing, Selenium Automation. Suggested &
implemented improvements.
Tools/Environments: Important tools/technologies/environments used in the project
Copyright ©
Automation Test Analyst (Selenium + C#.Net + Web, System and UAT testing)
Company Name, Location (Jun 2010 to Jan 2013)
Project: 2 or 3 lines about the project
 Saved 20% of testing budget by automating Regression/Functional tests using Selenium
WebDriver & C#.Net
 Won 2 performance certificates and given a bonus of £2000 for outstanding performance
 Automated System testing for trading transactions, exchange operations and payment
methods using Selenium WebDriver, C#.
 Developed, executed and maintained over 182 Selenium automation scripts for trading
web application.
 Developed Hybrid automation framework in C# by using Page Objects framework,
Keyword Driven & Data Driven frameworks. Automated running smoke tests and build
report generator for daily builds.
 Used Selenium Grid, NUnit test scripts to run automated test cases in parallel on 5

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 Developed 7 C# class libraries, 16 NUnit test scripts to test XML build data files.
 Performed Load and Stress testing by developing LoadRunner scripts to find out effective
Web/App server configurations for best performance levels.
 Extensively performed Database testing using Selenium. Generated Production DB reports
using SQL queries.
 Reported/tracked defects in TFS. Training a team of 13 on TFS functionality.
 Provided different build reports, Selenium automation reports, Performance testing reports
to Senior Management.
 Worked effectively with Developers, AGILE Team, Project Management to achieve Selenium
automation, high quality, release deadlines and QA processes improvements.
Tools/Environments: Important tools/technologies/environments used in the project

Software QA Engineer
Company Name, Location (Oct 2008 to May 2010)
Project: 2 lines about the project
Achievements & Responsibilities:
3 or 4 bullet points about your achievements & responsibilities in this project

Copyright ©
Software Test Analyst
Company Name, Location (Aug 2007 to Oct 2008)
Project: 2 lines about the project
Achievements & Responsibilities:
3 or 4 bullet points about your achievements & responsibilities in this project


ISTQB Certified Tester
Oracle Certified JAVA Programmer
HP Certified QTP/UFT Professional


4 Years Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science with Distinction (2003 to 2007)

REFERENCES Available on request

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