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Bangkok, Thailand Vol.12, No.10


Thai prime minister plans to train Thai forces in anti- GENERAL ROSSON PRESENTS
to lead the Black Panthers to fight insurgency operations. In addition, Thai Panther Division.
against the North Vietnam in Viet- adding to the ground troops, the
nam War with the support of the US Black Panthers are also trained and
deployed to attack guerrilla hideouts
Posted on 31 July 1968 by Arissara P. in Laos and neighboring strongholds.
They have defeated many terrorists
In July, Thai Foreign Minister, in each border of Laos and South
Thanat Khoman, states that Thailand Vietnam so far, but the mission has
should take parts in Vietnam War as not completed yet. They needed more
the supporter to help South Vietnam. power to fight with North Vietnam so
From his explanation, he said that our prime minister decided to provide
if we don’t help these people win air and ground bases to the United
this war then the communism from States to enable them to bring the
North Vietnam will come to Thailand troops inside planning for the next
borders very soon. Accordingly, attack. Although the Black Panthers predicts
today, Thailand has gained the have achieved many victories in that together
military about 40,000 people known the war, they still find it so hard to with the South Vietnam and
as the Black Panthers to counter the come up with the plan to attack North the US, Thailand could defeat
guerrilla forces in Vietnam War. In Vietnam since they found out that the the communism by creating
a meantime, Thailand has the strong landscape of Vietnam is very hard to an agreement to make peace.
relationship with the United States fight and they can’t determine who the Lastly, the feedback from all of the
because both of them have the same real enemy in the area is. According people in Thailand is very positive, Troops of the Royal Thai Army’s Black Panther
viewpoint about the communism. to this action, it may lead our prime soon​they will support in this war as Division disembark from a landing craft

As a result, Thai troops got minister planning to go to South much as they can by sending some
preparing from the Unified States Vietnam by himself. Also, he wants of their children to participate in the Encyclopedia Britannica. (2018). Black Panther Party | History,
Ideology, & Facts. [online] Available at: https://www.britan-
Armed force in the preparation camps to encourage the troops to fight with war. [Accessed 30 May 2018].
Ruth, R. (2018). Opinion | Why Thailand Takes Pride in the
set up close to the borders; the U.S. all of the power and win the war as Vietnam War. [online] Available at: https://
also deploys one of the commandos soon as possible. Furthermore,it also
html [Accessed 30 May 2018].

APOLLO 8: IN PROXIMITY TO THE MOON technology in the future which

benefit others. In my opinion,
this advancement causes the big
phenomenon. To clarify, Americans
Yesterday at 10:51 am, Apollo 8
can use this invention as the
spacecraft splashed down to the earth
fundamental and develop many new
from the exploring mission around
advancements and ideas from this
the moon. event. Furthermore, it also affects
Posted on 28 December 1968 by Arissara P. Thais’ perspective in many ways
____________________________________ such as education, economic and
culture. They believe that they can
After World War II, both the accomplish the goal like Apollo 8’s
United States and the Soviet Union mission in the future.
realized the importance of rocket
research. The Soviet challenged the
US and established a commission
whose goal was to beat the US in
putting a satellite into space. After
that, Soviet won again and again NASA Headquarter

which make US embarrassed a lot. McKie, R. (2018). The Apollo 8 mission that changed
everything. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.
Therefore, Nasa came up with the
invention of Apollo 8 spacecraft in [Accessed 30 May 2018].
Silber, K. and Silber, K. (2018). Apollo 8 : Flying into
order to compete with the USSR. Space History during a Moment of Public Enthusiasm.
[online] Scientific American. Available at: https://www.
This Apollo 8 launch is a door
of new beginning for humanity to [Accessed 30 May 2018].
The Earthrise
enter the new world. It is the first
spacecraft, accompanied with human,
to leave the Earth and reach the moon Pilot). While the crews were in the is that we discovered the Earth.” This
and then return safely to earth. It is orbit of the moon, the television is the most fascinating and the fist
also the first launch of the Saturn V show was transmitted through the picture that allow humanity to see
rocket. television program. They read 10 our world. Over a light grey lunar
The Apollo 8 is a mission in the verses of Genesis on television to surface, Earths hangs brightest like a
Apollo program which is the project earth and wished viewers “goodnight, fluorescent ball in a party against the
by NASA that aim to send a human good luck, a Merry Christmas and black background.
to explore the moon and bring them God bless all of you - all of you on NASA accomplished the
home safely. Its operation took 7 the good earth.” goal as to explore the moon. This
days and included 10 orbits around As this spacecraft passed around accomplishment makes the U.S.
the moon, one of the crews William stay ahead of the USSR in space
the moon. This spacecraft consist
Anders captured the image of the exploration. It killing off the Soviet
of three-astronaut crews which are
Earthrise: Earth peeking out from hopes of landing on the moon first.
Frank Borman (Commander), James
beyond the lunar surface. And he said Moreover, this success makes the U.S. Apollo 8 crews
Lovell (Command Module Pilot), gain one huge step forward ahead other
and William Anders (Lunar Module “We came all this way to explore the
moon, and the most important thing countries and there will be lots of new

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