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Quadratic Equations

1.0 Introduction:
2.0 Finding Roots:
2.1 discriminant and the nature of roots
3.0 Graph of quadratic expression :
3.1 Six different type of graphs of quadratic expression:
3.3 Maximum and minimum values of a quadratic expression.
3.4 Quadratic inequalities:
4.0 Relation between roots and coefficients of quadratic equation.
4.1 Problem involving relation of roots with coefficients.
i. Finding the values of symmetric expressions in a and b .
ii. Finding the quadratic equation whose roots are known in terms of a given quadratic equation.
iii Miscellaneous Problems involving relation of the coefficients to the roots: ,
5.0 Quadratic Identity:
6.0 Common Roots:
I. Exactly one common root:
II. Two common roots
ax 2 + bx + c
7.2 Maximum and minimum value of rational expressions of type . (can be covered in functions)
dx 2 + ex + f
8.0 Location of Roots:
Type–1: Both roots of the quadratic equation are greater than a specified number say (d).
Type–2: Both roots lie on either side of a fixed number say (d).
Type–3: Exactly one root lies in the interval (d, e) when d < e .
Type–4: When both roots are confined between the number d and e ( d < e ).
Type–5: One root is greater than e and the other root is less than d.
9.0 General theory of equation:
9.1 General equation of nth degree:
9.2 Relations between roots and coefficients of general equation of nth degree:
9.3 Solving the equation when some relation between the roots is given:
9.4 Finding the values of symmetric functions of roots:
9.5 Miscellaneous results:
10.0 Transformation of equations:
10.1 An equation whose roots are of opposite sign to that of the roots of a given equation:
10.2 An equation whose roots are equal to m times the roots of the given equation:
10.3 An equation whose roots are reciprocal of the roots of the given equation:
10.4 An equation whose roots are squares of the roots of given equation:
10.5 An equation whose roots exceed the roots of given equation by the quantity m:
Quadratic expression in two variables:

1.0 Introduction:
1.1 Sequences and series:
1.2 Sum of first n – natural numbers:
2.0 Arithmetic progression:
2.1 Sum of n terms of an A.P. beginning from 1st term:
Some important points to be remembered:
2.2 Supposition of terms in A.P. :
2.3 Arithmetic mean :
2.4 Miscellaneous properties of an A.P.
3.0 Geometric progressions:
3.1 Sum of n terms of a G.P. beginning from 1st term.
3.2 Sum of infinite terms of G.P.
3.3 Supposition of terms in G.P.
3.4 Geometric mean
3.5 Miscellaneous properties of Geometric Progressions
3.6 Arithmetico-Geometric Progressions.
Method to find sum of an AGP / Sum of an infinite arithmetico-geometric sequence
4.0 Harmonic Progressions
4.1 Harmonic mean
5.0 Relation between arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means
6.0 Summation of miscellaneous series:
Type I: When the nth term is given or can be obtained as a polynomial in n of degree 1, 2 or 3.
Type II: When first few terms are given and expression for T n is difficult to be obtained or can not be obtained by
observation only.
Method of differences for obtaining nth term:
Type III: Summation of a progression whose nth term is formed by multiplying r consecutive terms of an A.P. The
first factor in each terms must also be consecutive terms of the same A.P.
Method for finding the sum of n terms:
Shortcut for finding the sum of n terms:
Type IV: Summation of a progression each term of which consists of reciprocals of product of r factors in A.P. first
terms of each factor are also in same A.P.
Method for finding summation:
Shortcut for obtaining summation:
Type V: Summation of progression in which nth term is polynomial of degree greater than 3.
Method of summation:
Alternate Method:
7.0. Telescopic Series

Complex numbers
1.0 Introduction

2.0 Imaginary Quantity (iota: i)

2.1 Complex numbers

2.2 Algebraic Operations on complex numbers

Equality of complex numbers Inequalities in complex number Addition Subtraction
Multiplication Division Zero Products and sums
Properties concerning Addition and Multiplication Square roots of a complex number

2.3 Conjugate and Modulus of a complex numbers

3.0 Geometric representation of complex numbers

The Complex Plane
Geometrical Interpretation of Addition and Subtraction of two complex numbers

3.1 Concept of argument (amplitude)

Properties related to argument/amplitude

4.0 Trigonometric representation of complex numbers (polar form)

Algebraic operations in polar form
Multiplication Power of a complex number Division
Converting complex numbers in polar form and simplification
Equations and inequalities which can be solved by using polar form
5.0 Complex exponentials

5.1 Euler’s form of complex numbers (exponential representation of complex numbers)

5.2 The logarithm of complex numbers:

6.0 Geometry using complex numbers

Distance between two complex numbers on a complex plane
Section formula
Measure of an angle in complex plane
Miscellaneous results about points and line in a plane
1. Condition for collinearity of three points:
2. Condition for Lines joining points M 1 and M 2 and M 3 and M 4 being perpendicular
3. Four distinct points M 1 , M 2 , M 3 , M 4 are collinear if and only if
4. Four distinct points M 1 , M 2 , M 3 , M 4 are concyclic if and only if
Miscellaneous results about triangle
z1 + z2 + z3
1. Centroid (G), of the triangle is given by zG =
a z1 + b z2 + c z3
2. Incentre (I), of the triangle is given by zI =
3. Orthocenter (H), of the triangle is given by
z1 tan A + z2 tan B + z3 tan C z1 tan A + z2 tan B + z3 tan C
zH = or
S tan A P tan A
z1 sin 2 A + z2 sin 2 B + z3 sin 2 C
4. Circumcentre (O), of the triangle is given by zO =
S sin 2 A

7.0 Geometrical interpretation of multiplication and concept of rotation

8.0 Concept of locus on complex plane

8.1 Region on complex plane represented using complex numbers

9.0 Equation of straight line

Equation of a line passing through z1 and z2 (Parametric form):
Equation of line passing through z1 and z2 (non-parametric form)
General equation of a straight line

9.1 Slope of the line segment joining two points, parallel and perpendicular lines
Slope of the line
Condition for two lines being parallel
Condition for two lines being perpendicular
Equation of a line parallel to a given line
Equation of a line perpendicular to a given line
Perpendicular distance of a given point from a given line

10.0 Equation of circle

When centre and radius are given
Apollonius circle
General equation of circle:
Equation of a circle in diameter form
Equation of a tangent to a given circle at a given point

11.0 De Moivre’s theorem

12.0 Roots of complex numbers

Working rule for finding n nth roots of a complex number z
Geometrical location of roots

12.1 Roots of unity

nth roots of unity :
We should note the following important point about the nth roots of unity
Geometrical properties of nth roots of nth roots of unity

12.2 Cube roots of unity

13.0Applications of complex numbers in trigonometry

1.0 Introduction:

Definition: Order of a matrix:

2.0 Definitions for Different Types of matrices:

1. Row matrix 2. Column matrix 3. Square Matrix 4. Trace of a matrix

5. Singleton Matrix 6. Null or Zero Matrix 7. Diagonal Matrix 8. Scalar Matrix

9. Unit Matrix

10. Triangular Matrix

Upper Triangular Matrix Lower Triangular Matrix

11. Equal Matrix 12. Singular Matrix

3.0 Matrix Algebra

3.1 Addition and subtraction of matrices:

Properties of Matrices addition:

3.2 Scalar multiplication of matrices

Properties of scalar multiplication:

3.3 Multiplication of Matrices:

Properties of matrix multiplication:

Positive integral powers of a matrix

4.0 Transpose of a matrix:

Properties of transpose:

5.0 Symmetric and Skew symmetric matrix:

(a) Symmetric matrix: (b) Skew-symmetric matrix:

Properties of symmetric and skew-symmetric:

6.0 Determinant of A matrix:

Properties of the determinant of a matrix:

7.0 Adjoint of a matrix:

Properties of adjoint matrix:

8.0 Inverse of A matrix

Properties of Inverse Matrix:

9.0 Some special cases of matrices:

1 Orthogonal matrix: 2 Idempotent matrix: 3 Involutory matrix:

4 Nilpotent matrix: 5 Hermiton matrix: 6 Skew-hermiton matrix:

7 Period of a matrix:

10.0 Differentiation of a matrix:

11.0 Elementary operation or elementary transformations of a matrix:

Echelon form of a matrix: Elementary Matrix: Sub matrix:

12.0 Rank of a matrix:

Steps for finding the Rank of a Matrix

13.0 System of simultaneous linear equations:

14.0 Homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems of linear equations:

Matrix method of solving a non-homogeneous system of linear equations:

Criterion of consistency:

Rank method of solving a non-homogeneous system of linear equations:

Criterion of consistency:

Matrix method of solving a homogeneous system of linear equations:

Rank method of solving a homogeneous system of linear equations:

15.0 Miscellaneous Problems

1.0 Definition

2.0 Minor and cofactors

3.0 Expansion of determinant

4.0 Properties of determinants

Property 1:
The value of the determinant remains unaltered, if two rows and columns are interchanged. This is denoted by
putting a ‘ and is also called transpose.

Property 2:
If any two rows (or columns of a determinant be interchanged, the determinant is unaltered in numeri cal value, but
is changed in sign only.

Property 3:
If a determinant has two rows (or columns) identical, then its value is zero.

Property 4:
If all the elements of any row (or column) be multiplied by the same number, then the determinant is multiplied by
that number.
Property 5:
If each element of any row (column) can be expressed as a sum of two terms, then the determinant can be
expressed as the sum of two determinants.

Property 6:
The value of a determinant is not altered by adding the elements of any row (or column) to the same multiple of
the corresponding elements of any other row (or column).

Property 7:
If all the elements below leading diagonal or above leading diagonal or except leading diagonal elements are zero
then the value of the determinant equal to multiplication of all diagonal elements.

Property 8:
If the elements of a Determinant that involves x are polynomials in x and if a determinant D vanishes for x = a
then (x - a) is a factor of D. In other words if two rows (or two column) become identical for x = a then (x - a) is a
factor of D.
 If r rows (or r columns) become identical when a is substituted for x then (xa)r1 is a factor of D.

5.0 Multiplication of two determinants:

6.0 Application of determinant in solving simultaneous equations

7.0 Differentiation of a determinant:

Permutation and combinations

0.0 Introduction

1.0 Introductory problems

2.0 Fundamental principle of counting

3.0 Permutations and Combinations

Factorial: Permutations: Combinations:

4.0 Counting techniques -1

Some particular objects are always to be included in a selection
Some particular objects are never to be included (both combined)
Arrangements so that some particular objects are never together (gap method) or are alternate
Arrangements so that some particular objects are always together (bundle method)
Arrangements in which some particular objects are/can always to occupy some particular places
Complementary counting
Tree Diagrams

5.0 Counting techniques -2

Counting One Thing by Counting Another
The Bijection Rule
Counting by forming Bijection with Binary Sequences

6.0 Formations of Groups

7.0 Permutations of alike objects

8.0 Counting techniques - 3

The Cardinality of a Union of Sets The Sum Rule
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (special cases)
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (general case)
9.0 Circular permutations
Circular permutation when objects are different:
Circular permutation when some objects are alike:

10.0 Total number of combination

Case I: When n things are all different.
CaseII: When some objects are alike of different types.

10.1 Summation of numbers:

11.0 Distribution of alike objects

1.1 What the chapter is about:

1.2 Historical Development:

1.3 Application of probability in different fields:

1.4 How we are going to learn probability

2.0 Terminology

2.1 Experiment

2.2 Sample points and sample space

2.3 Simple events and compound events:

3.0 Type of events and relations among events

3.1 Impossible events

3.2 Complimentary event:

3.3 Exhaustive events

3.4 Mutually exclusive events:

4.0 Union and Intersection of events:

4.1 Some other set operations on events

5.0 Assigning probabilities to sample points and events

5.1 Equally probable:

5.2 Fundamental Convention of assigning probabilities to sample points

5.3 Classical Definition of Probability

Odds of an event

5.4 Assigning probabilities to combinations of events using set theory:

Complimentary events:
Exhaustive events:
Mutually exclusive events:
Mutually exclusive and exhaustive
Three mutually exclusive events
Result from inclusionexclusion principal:

6.0 Conditional probability:

6.1 Formal Definition of conditional probability

Preparatory example:
Rules of probability learnt earlier are also applicable to conditional probability.

6.2 Independence of events:

Definition: (independence of two events)
Other relations arising from independence of A and B

6.3 Pair wise independence and mutual independences:

Definition: (independence of n events)

6.4 Product spaces (Independent trials).

Assigning Probabilities to elements of product spaces:

7.0 Bernoulli trials:

7.1 Binomial Distribution.

8.0 Inverse Probability and Baye’s theorem:

9.0 Miscellaneous Problems:

Binomial Theorem
To be done

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