Final Learner Engagement

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PART 1: Overview Questions

Instructional Context Overview
Please tell us a little bit about the educational environment you were working in to
complete this micro-credential.

Type of school/program and the grade/subject configuration

(single grade, YMCA afterschool program, etc.)

Garnet Valley Concord Elementary School

Grade Age Level Number of Students

Kindergarten 5-6 18



How long have you been working with this class in an educator role prior to the
featured lesson(s) examined in the micro-credential submission?

4 months

Briefly and specifically describe relevant:

State or district mandates that impact the featured lesson


Type of community
Suburban Community outside of Philadelphia

Access to current technology

Students occasionally use Ipads but for the most part the only technology used is the smartboard since
they are younger and learning more simpler things

Your relationship with the cooperating teacher

My relationship is very good with the teacher along with the aid in the room, they are
both always trying to get me involved into the lesson. Also they make sure that I am
always occupied and have something to do

Any other information you believe would be important for scorers to know to
understand your micro-credential submission

I am involved every day in the lessons that my teacher that gives me each day. The
children and the teachers have impacted me greatly each day and help me become
a better teacher for the future and on.

PART 2: Artifacts
Lesson Plan
Submit the lesson plan that you created for the lesson featured in the video. The lesson plan
must include, at a minimum, fully developed responses for the following items:
● A clear goal and objective
● Alignment to relevant learning standards
● Essential questions
● A clear progression of strategically selected activities in the lesson that will maximize
engagement of all learners
● A plan to assess learners’ understanding of the content of the lesson
● A plan to collect relevant data from the lesson so that the rising educator can make
informed decisions on next steps

Lesson Plan

Planning Universally Designed Instruction

(Pre-Planning Guide)
Teacher(s): Jess Concannon
Grades: Kindergarten
Period: 2
Subject: Reading
Setting: Classroom
# of Students: 18
Topic: Reading and Identifying aspects of the story
Standard Course of Study Goals/Objectives: ​Standard - CC.1.2.K.A ​With prompting and support, identify the main
idea and retell key details of text.--
Standard - CC.1.2.K.B With prompting and support, answer questions about key details in a text.
Standard - CC.1.2.K.F With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.

Lesson Objectives:
Some: ​Be able to answer questions about the story I have read
Most: ​Should know the topic of the story and be able to read their own story with their partner
All: ​All should be able to read on their own and sit back to back to read their own story and then turn and read to each
other, after they will talk together about their story they each read

Brainstorm Activities:
Multiple Means of Representation: ​Before the lesson I will introduce the story that we are going to be reading, I will also ask
the students what we should be doing while someone is reading a story to them such as giving them their full attention and
eyes on the reader. I will then ask them what a character and setting of a story is
Multiple Means of Engagement: ​To get the students into wanting to listen to the story I will give them things to look for while
reading the story. While I am reading the story I expect them to all be engaged and looking for the task that I gave them.
Once the story is over I will ask the students the questions such as Who were the characters in the story, What was the
setting ect
Multiple Means of Expression: ​Lastly, I had the students go off into groups and use what I have taught them on their own and
in their own stories that they read.

Grouping Students: ​Large groups: The students will listen to the story that I will be reading to them all together as a class
Small group: The students will go off with a partner and read their own story to each other
individual: The students read individually out loud by whispering the words
Outcomes Materials

S.W.B.A.T- The materials that I will need for this

lesson is to chose the book that I am
The students will be able to identify the going to read to the classroom that
characters, the setting and environment, has all the aspects of what they
tell me (the teacher) other details about children are learning
the story that they picked up on, after I The book is called ¨People in the
have read they will read independently Town¨
and share with a partner what they
thought about their story

Check all that apply

o Teacher laptop
o Webcam
o SMART Board
o Digital camera
o LCD projector
o Document camera
o SMART Senteos
o Digital microscope
(class set)
o Video camera
o Computers
o Scanner
o iPad or tablet
o Colour printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s)
o Calculators
o FM system

Prior Learning Connections

The children's prior learning connections are that the students know that meaning of characters, setting, and
what retelling a story truly means. They will also each use there basic reading skills so that they can read their
own stories they have picked on their own.

The students should be familiar with this lesson for the most part. They have been practicing sight words and
identifying them when they spot them in a story. They also have been highlighting each word that looks familiar t
them for the year. But if some students are having difficulty I will be able to help them and meet with them
individually to settle their confusion.
Special Concerns

Most of the students will be able to identify characters, setting and plot except for a few, there may
be some that have trouble with the plot and what may be actually going on in the story. As they break
off into groups some students may have trouble concentrating or identifying aspects in their own
story so I will be walking around to help


Formative Assessments-​ I will end reading by asking the question ¨who remembers what we need to do to
retell a story?¨ so that the students will grasp all that they have read and can retell it back to the teacher.
This will allow me to see if the students were listening and got the whole idea of reading the story and the

Summative Assessment-​ At the end of the whole lesson, I will walk around to each individual group and ask
them to tell me about their story that they are reading. I will ask them for things such as the character, plot,
setting etc. This allows the students to be more independent and do this searching and reading on their
own. Also this is the time where any students need help on their reading skills I can step in.


Before To prepare for the lesson I will pick out the story that I think is best for the class.That story is titled
the People in the Town. This is the perfect story because it has all aspects or people and places. Which
lesson will help them identify character and setting. I will try to relate it to what is happening currently such
as the weather or a holiday. Along with something that is fun and interesting for the students. The
book should be low level so that the student will be able to understand it and it is at their reading level.

During As I begin the lesson I will tell the students to sit on the carpet and allow them to settle UDL
the down. After that is done I will ask the students how we listen to a story and ensure them
lesson that they are doing the right thing. I will introduce the story with the title, and ask about See
the front cover. They will tell me about the cover and what is going on, and what they http://www.udl
think the story will be about. I will tell them before I begin reading to look out for the
things we have talked about with a poster that talks about retelling a story. I will then utudl/udlguidel
begin to read the story and the students should listen closely. As I am reading I will
remind the students what to look for. Lastly after the story I will ask them the details
about the story and tell them to explain to me things they saw. Once we are finished they
will break into small groups and read a story to themselves when the timer goes up they
will turn and each read a story to each other. I will be walking around during this to make
sure everyone is on track and does not need help

After Once the lesson is over I will tell the students to pay attention to their story and the details so that they
the will be able to tell me when I meet with them individually. The students will read for 10 mins. After they
lesson are finished I will collect all their books and tell them to talk to their partner about the story they read.
If anyone would like to share they can and that will conclude the lesson

After teaching I had walked around and made sure that all the students were reading their
story. I was asking the characters that were taking place, the setting and the retelling of their
story. It was a way for the students to tell me what their story was about.

Video of Teaching
Submit an unedited video, no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 6 minutes in length, of
you leading instruction ​at the start of the lesson or learning experience you described in the
lesson plan​. The video must clearly show you leading instruction and the spoken words in the
learning environment must be clearly audible. An unlisted Youtube video is recommended.


PART 3: Reflection
My Reflection Essay
After teaching the lesson, compose a reflective essay exploring your experience leading the
lesson or learning experience that addresses the following questions:
● How and why did you select and create this lesson?
● How successful do you feel the learning experience was for your students and why?
Please include an analysis of the lesson or learning experience implementation.
● What would you do the same or differently moving forward? Please include your ideas
for next steps after this lesson.


The lesson that I created as a teacher was something that the kindergarteners could handle and were
able to understand. I also wanted to challenge them in some ways. Deciding to teach them and
remind them about the aspects of the story that I was going to read was something that they were
capable of. So the first thing that I had to do is get the approval from my teacher that this idea was
valid and important for the students to learn. Once I had the approval I had planned everything out
and picked the perfect story so they could understand. It was important that as I was teaching I was
confident so that the students knew I was capable of teaching them too. I felt that as I was teaching
the students were always engaged. For example at first while the teacher was explaining to the
kindergarteners that they would have a special teacher, me they got all excited. There were cheers
from the carpet and the questions began. They were excited to have a special guest teacher instead
of the teacher they have every day. As I started teaching they were all very attentive, which they
usually are when there teacher is talking. I began to read a poster that was available in the classroom
that talked about the concepts of retelling a story. Including the settings, characters and the events
that things occured. This allows the students to be able to comprehend what was happening while I
was reading. Once I read the story ¨The People in the Town¨ to the students they began to recognize
things that they knew and related to their life. After the story was over I asked the students who the
characters were in the story. It was things like the painter and the ice cream man. When the students
heard ice cream they began to all call out and became excited. This showed that they were engaged
and knew what the story was about. One student reacted and said that they had ice cream from the
water ice from the ice cream man. Each student chimed in and showed their excitement about ice
cream. Next I asked them the setting and where these people might work. After we talked about the
character we talked about the settings and where they might work. Each student knew what was
going on in the story and where each worker typically worked. As I asked them questions they were
very engaged and eager to be called on to answer the question. The environment of the classroom
was excited and the students were eager. They were really excited that I was going to be able to
teach them to change things up a little, it was a change for once. It made me feel comfortable when I
was introduced and they all had their attention towards me. Once I knew they were interested in me it
gave me the want to teach and get them involved. This helped with the way that I taught and helped
me know that they were into what I was going to do. Moving forward if I was to change something it
would maybe to be a little more engaging with the children. I would make them talk to a partner while
they were sitting on the carpet, or maybe ask more questions or tell a personal experience. I think for
the most part there were many positive things that I did so that it was challenging enough for the
students but they were also able to understand. After this lesson I would then move up the next step
and ask them to create their own story and include character, settings and events of the story. This
lesson allowed me to become vulnerable and pop out of my shell. With this being one of the first times
I have implemented a lesson at a kindergarten level I have learned from the things that I can do better
as a teacher.

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