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Guideline on Redundancy for Systems with


Version of
Date Changes Responsible
1/9/04 Created original document, not yet released Dr. H. Hitzeroth 0.0
18/01/05 First Release PTD EA 2 PM 1.0

1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 1
2 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2
3 Limits of the System................................................................................................... 2
4 Generic System and Definitions................................................................................. 3
5 Enhanced Availability in Power Automation Systems................................................ 4
6 Communication Network Configurations.................................................................... 4
6.1 Configurations with Switches ............................................................................ 5
6.2 Fibre Optical Ethernet Double Ring................................................................... 5
6.3 Radial Electrical Ethernet Connections ............................................................. 5
6.4 Ethernet Double Ring with IEDs ........................................................................ 6
7 System Architectures ................................................................................................. 7
7.1 Protocols for Redundant Architectures.............................................................. 7
7.2 System based on Profibus FMS ........................................................................ 7
7.3 System based on IEC 61850............................................................................. 8
7.3.1 System with a Single Communication Network ............................................. 8
7.3.2 System Separated Functionally into Two Physical Networks........................ 9
7.3.3 Redundant Ethernet Card............................................................................ 10
8 Redundant System Configurations .......................................................................... 11
8.1 System with HMI or SCADA System Combinations ........................................ 12
8.1.1 One or Two Single Standard HMIs Connected to Redundant Station Units12
8.1.2 System with HMI and a SCADA System without Automatic Channel Switch
Over 14
8.1.3 System without HMI and a SCADA System without Automatic Channel
Switch Over.............................................................................................................. 14
8.1.4 System without HMI and a SCADA System with Automatic Channel Switch
Over 15
8.2 “Master and Stand By” Redundancy ............................................................... 15
8.3 Time Required for a Switch Over .................................................................... 17
9 HMI Configurations .................................................................................................. 17
9.1 Two HMIs with Redundancy Package............................................................. 17
9.2 One HMI Server with Several Clients .............................................................. 18
9.3 Two HMI Servers with Several Clients ............................................................ 18
10 SCADA Redundancy............................................................................................ 19
10.1 SCADA Systems with Several Channels......................................................... 19
10.2 SCADA Systems without Ethernet Ring .......................................................... 20
Guideline on Redundancy for Systems 18.01.2005

11 Additional Features .............................................................................................. 21

11.1 Connecting non IEC61850 or non Profibus FMS IEDs.................................... 21
11.2 Time Synchronisation...................................................................................... 21
11.3 Downloading and Analysing Fault Records..................................................... 22
12 Conclusion............................................................................................................ 22
13 Additional Information........................................................................................... 22

2 Introduction
This document serves as a guideline to several redundancy configurations with SICAM
PAS, SICAM PAS CC and the SICAM Station Unit. It includes the experience and
information on the system which was available at the time of writing. As more systems
are being implemented, further knowledge will become available and this document will
be updated as soon as further relevant experience or information is known.

This document does neither claim to list all possible redundancy configurations, nor does
it advocate certain so called ‘standard’ or ‘recommended’ configurations. By taking into
account the requirements for the system, the document explains certain points which will
have to be considered in a redundancy design and shows some possible architectures.
It also describes several useful Automation (CFC) and OPC principles which may also
be included in a redundant system.

At first some general aspects are discussed. Switches and network structures are
explained. Since redundancy entails an interaction between the different levels (IEDs,
Station Unit, HMI and SCADA system) of the system, emphasis is placed on the
redundancy of the system as a whole and not on the redundancy of different levels
(IEDs, Station Unit, HMI and SCADA system). Therefore different configurations are
mentioned organised according to an increased configurational effort (and cost). The first
architecture requires hardly any additional effort, while the last one requires significant
additional effort.

Some of these configurations have been tested and the resulting PAS and HMI
configurations are also available. Furthermore, the resulting Automation applications
were written in such a way, so that they can also be used in other projects.

In addition it must be stated, that any redundant system must of course comply with the
philosophy of the customer. Consequently the concept, architecture, switch over
philosophy, possible switch over times and so forth will have to be discussed with the

3 Limits of the System

The following protocols are available in SICAM PAS:
• IEC 61850 client
• IEC 60870-5-103 master
• IEC 60870-5-101 master / slave
• IEC 60870-5-104 slave

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• DNP 3.0 master / slave

• Modbus master
• OPC server / client
• Profibus DP master
• Profibus FMS master
If other protocols are required, then a converter will have to be used.

An Automation (or CFC) is also available for each Station Unit.

The limits of SICAM PAS per system (Full Server with DIPs) are outlined below:
• Up to 10.000 points of information
• Up to 150 field devices
• Up to 6 additional Station Units (DIPs) in a distributed system
• Up to 4 additional PCI cards for the Station Unit

4 Generic System and Definitions

The following figure shows a generic system in order to make clear what is meant by
certain terms, which are subsequently used in this document. A physical system will look
different in reality.

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5 Enhanced Availability in Power Automation Systems

According to experience so far no power automation system was commissioned which
had redundant IEDs. Normally a main protection with a back up protection and possibly
a bay control unit are used per bay and these three IEDs are different devices and in this
sense not really redundant.

For redundancy purposes the communication networks and the Station Unit may be
doubled for higher availability reasons. There have also been cases where the
redundant Station Unit was located in a different building (to prevent system failure,
when there is an explosion).

The HMI level and SCADA levels are not as critical; however power automation systems
with redundant HMIs have also been sold.

6 Communication Network Configurations

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6.1 Configurations with Switches

Switches can be seen as a short piece of an Ethernet bus. They can be used to
distribute this bus to different physical locations. If managed switches are used, they can
also be configured to relieve the network traffic in certain segments of the Ethernet.

6.2 Fibre Optical Ethernet Double Ring

An Ethernet double ring is mainly used to expand the Ethernet bus to different physical
far off locations. An optical fibre double Ethernet ring with special switches (providing
ring redundancy by means of ‘rapid spanning tree’ or similar mechanisms) is used for
such cases. In this way switches can be used to distribute the Ethernet backbone
(Ethernet bus) to different physical locations.

Such an Ethernet double ring works on the n-1 basis. If there is one communication
interruption, then the switches will automatically reconfigure the double ring in such a
way that no communication is lost.

Presently the IEDs do not have an optical communication interface for IEC 61850. For
this reason radial electrical connections have to be implemented between the IEDs and
the switches.

6.3 Radial Electrical Ethernet Connections

Radial electrical Ethernet connections can be made to two Station Units. By using a
second switch the Ethernet connections can already be doubled.

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The figure also shows IEDs connected to switches, however these could just as well also
be HMIs for example.

A cross link between the switches requires switches with ‘rapid spanning tree’ protocol or
an equivalent mechanism.

It is normally used when all Ethernet devices are physically relatively close to each other.

6.4 Ethernet Double Ring with IEDs

There are several ways of making an Ethernet double ring with IEDs. Presently the IEDs
do not have fibre optical communication modules. Therefore they have to be connected
through switches. It is not necessary, that each IED should be connected to a separate
switch though.

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Once the IEDs have a fibre optical communication module, it is possible to connect them
in a ring structure. In this way additional switches are avoided.

The figures show IEDs connected to switches, however these could just as well also be
HMIs for example.

7 System Architectures

7.1 Protocols for Redundant Architectures

For proper redundancy to be implemented, it is a requirement, that the protocols which

are to be used are at least capable of a dual master (2 Station Units) configuration. This
means that the redundant Station Units will communicate equally with all IEDs. The
protocols of the Station Unit which comply with this requirement are:
• Profibus FMS
• IEC 61850

7.2 System based on Profibus FMS

The Station Unit needs to be ordered with the PCI bridge and a PCI card for SIMATIC
Net, which needs to be plugged into the PCI bridge. In case of fibre optical rings an OLM
is required for communication with Profibus FMS. The HMI LAN can then be connected
to the Ethernet port of the Station Unit.

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7.3 System based on IEC 61850

A system with 72 IEC 61850 IEDs and with GOOSE (used for IED to IED communication
for interlocking purposes amongst others) has been tested. The configuration included a
Station Unit with a single Ethernet card. This was connected to a single network which
included the IEDs, HMI and SCADA system, all connected by Ethernet. No significant
performance problems were experienced.

It may therefore be stated, that it is indeed possible to use a single Ethernet card in the
Station Unit with one Ethernet connecting the IEDs, HMIs and SCADA systems to it.
However, it is possible to separate the network into two or three physical networks,
depending on the functionality for example.

7.3.1 System with a Single Communication Network

In this case an Ethernet double ring may be implemented for the whole system.

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By using properly configured manageable switches the GOOSE communication (which

is based on Ethernet multicast) can be limited to the segments connected to the IEDs.

7.3.2 System Separated Functionally into Two Physical Networks

It is possible to separate the station bus from the HMI LAN and the SCADA Net. The
HMI LAN and the SCADA Net may be combined into one network. In this way a
functional segregation has been achieved. All the IEC 61850 IEDs and the GOOSE
mechanism are limited to the Station Bus. This requires a second network card which
can be plugged into the PCI bridge of the Station Unit.

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7.3.3 Redundant Ethernet Card

A dual port network card may be used in the Station Units. This requires a Station Unit
with bridge. The two ports of the card can be mapped into one virtual network card. In
this way there are physically two redundant ports, but the PAS only sees one Ethernet
port. This has been tested with the Intel Pro / 1000 MT Dual Port card. With the use of
this card an additional redundant Ethernet interface is available.

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8 Redundant System Configurations

This section discusses several redundant configurations in order of configurational effort
(and cost).

The simplest redundant system is arguably one, with two independent Station Units with
either an HMI or a SCADA system. This means that both Station Units are both
completely in control of the system at all times.

It is also necessary to differentiate between a SCADA system with automatic channel

switch over and one without. A SCADA system with automatic channel switch over can
detect that a certain communication channel has failed and which will automatically
switch to another working communication channel. A SCADA system without automatic
channel switch over must be switched to the working channel by the Station Unit.

Normally automation functions such as interlocking are also required. It is generally

recommended to implement such interlocking as close as possible to the physical
process. In other words, if it is possible to implement the interlocking in the IEDs, then it
should be done there. If it is not possible to implement it there, then it may be done in
the Station Units. Other Automation functions may also be implemented.

Sometimes it is also required that the operator may perform certain actions for the
purposes of control authority, telecontrol blocking, bay blocking and other commands
going to the Automation of the Station Units. This information will have to be

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communicated from the one Station Unit to the other through the OPC communication
interfaces of the Station Units.

A real system may include derived commands, such as load shedding, reactive power
compensation and so forth. Derived commands are triggered by an event happening in
the system. This event is reported to the Station Unit and the Station Unit consequently
sends a command back to the system. In other words, such a command is neither
initiated by an operator nor by the SCADA or HMI. This will require the configuration of
special user defined states (master and stand by) in the two Station Units.

8.1 System with HMI or SCADA System Combinations

Some combinations regarding the SCADA system and the HMI are possible when:
• No derived commands are used in the system
• No actions which the operator initiates for the purposes of control authority,
telecontrol blocking, bay blocking and other commands going to the Automation
of the Station Units are present

When derived commands are required, then refer to Section 8.2 “Master and Stand By”

When telecontrol blocking, bay blocking, control authority and other commands going to
the Automation of the Station Unit are present, then this will have to be communicated to
both Station Units. This will require the OPC application and some configurational effort.

Any other Automation functions will also have to be communicated through the OPC

8.1.1 One or Two Single Standard HMIs Connected to Redundant

Station Units

It is possible to use two independent Station Units (in other words 2 separate systems),
without additional configurational effort.

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Each HMI will communicate with the preferred Station Unit by default (this needs to be
set in the HMI). The HMI monitors the DSI server by default. If the DSI server of the
preferred Station Unit fails, then the HMI will automatically switch over to the other
Station Unit. There will be a short time window where the HMI will need to collect the
information from the other Station Unit. When both DSIs fail, the HMI channel will
oscillate between the two Station Units, until it finds a working DSI.

A health signal may be formed in the relevant global script of the HMI for health status
comparison purposes. The operating variables of the different IEDs and interfaces, HMI,
IEC61850, Profibus FMS and so forth, may be used for this purpose. All the states may
for example be weighted and summed or logically compared in other ways. This health
signal will then initiate a switch over. However, the health status of the redundant Station
Unit is not taken into account in this process, but the previous value of the health signal
will be remembered and compared to the new Station Unit.

If the redundant Station Unit is more healthy, then no further action will be taken until the
health status decreases again. If the redundant Station Unit’s health level is lower, then
a second switch over will be initiated, back to the original Station Unit. Since the health
level has now increased, a further switch over will only occur, when there is a decrease
in the health level again. In this way continuous switch overs are prevented.

Some configurational effort is required to arrange the relevant variables to the HMI. The
global script in the HMI will also have to be changed accordingly.

Such a system has been tested and the resulting files are available.

A switch over of the HMI communication channel from the preferred Station Unit to the
other Station Unit can be achieved in the following ways:
• Failure of the currently connected preferred Station Unit (DSI failure, loss of
• Forced by health signal status (failure of IEDs amongst others)
• Forced by the operator

8.1.2 System with HMI and a SCADA System without Automatic

Channel Switch Over

If it is a requirement that the SCADA system must communicate through the same
Station Unit as the HMI, then it is possible to use the HMI channel status indication for
this purpose. This variable therefore needs to be configured to the SCADA system.

8.1.3 System without HMI and a SCADA System without Automatic

Channel Switch Over

If it is a requirement that the SCADA system must communicate through the same
Station Unit as the HMI, then this status indication is not available and the method as
explained in Section 8.2 “Master and Stand By” Redundancy is to be followed.

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8.1.4 System without HMI and a SCADA System with Automatic

Channel Switch Over

In this case no additional effort is required, as the SCADA system will detect any
communication channel failure and switch to a different channel automatically.

8.2 “Master and Stand By” Redundancy

‘Master and Stand By’ in the heading is written in italics as in this document the terms
refer to a status given to the Station Units by the user. Furthermore, these terms refer to
a hot / hot configuration with a switch over logic.

A master and stand by Station Unit are required when one of the following options is
• A SCADA system without automatic channel switch over and without HMI is
• Actions which the operator initiates for the purposes of control authority,
telecontrol blocking, bay blocking and other commands going to the Automation
of the Station Units are present
• Derived commands are in use

The Automation and the OPC features of the Station Units will be required. Additional
configurational effort to establish a user defined master and a stand by Station Unit will
also be necessary.

When two Station Units are used in a redundant fashion, one of them is identified as the
preferred Station Unit. This means that at start the preferred Station Unit will take up
communication with all relevant network components. In other words, it will be the
master Station Unit. This can be achieved by energising the master Station Unit first and
once all communication has been established, the other or redundant Station Unit can
be energised. Alternatively it is possible to implement a delay in the start up routine of
the redundant Station Unit (the time delay of the booting process to be set in the

However, this can also be taken care of in the Automation applications of the Station
Units. When booting the Station Units the PAS services will automatically take up their
tasks. However, as soon as the Automation service is functioning, it will deactivate all
interfaces and commence with establishing the master and stand by states of the Station
Units. Once this has happened, it will again activate all the other services.

The redundant Station Unit will be in a stand by mode. This means that it is connected to
the process and receives all communications, but is only ‘monitoring’ the process. This
requires the exchange of a signal between the station units informing each of the status
(master or stand by) of the other.

The exchange of information (which is the master one, which is the stand by one, when
a switch over is required and so forth) between the two Station Units has to be
configured in the Automation and will have to be exchanged by OPC server and client

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connections in both directions. Both Station Units will require an OPC server and client.
Information is normally transferred from the OPC server to the OPC client.

A live signal toggle may be implemented in the Automation of the redundant SICAM
Station Units. By means of this live signal toggle a timer is triggered in one Station Unit.
After some time, it triggers a timer in the other Station Unit, which triggers the original
timer again and so forth. This live signal toggle may be used to indicate whether the two
Automation applications are still in order and neither has entered into an endless loop or
is locked into a specific state and so forth. Generally it may be used to indicate that the
two Station Units are still healthy (‘alive’). Once this toggle signal was received once by
both Station Units, the system is assumed to be in order. If the toggle signal fails, a
certain number of retries are executed until it is assumed that the relevant Station Unit
has failed. The retries are necessary to avoid a switch over in case it is just a brief failure
and the system returns to normal in a short time. The live signal toggle can also be
incorporated into the health status signal.

A health status signal may be formed in the Automation applications of the redundant
Station Units for health status comparison purposes. The operating variables of the
different IEDs and interfaces (live signal toggle, Automation, OPC, HMI, IEC61850,
Profibus FMS and so forth) may be weighted and summed or logically combined in other
ways (depending on the customer’s philosophy) for each Station Unit and then
compared. Should this signal give a more healthy status for the stand by Station Unit, a
switch over may be initiated.

Normally the Station Units communicate with each other via Ethernet. In the ring
structure they are connected with each other and in the radial structure the two switches
may be connected with each other. When this communication between the two Station
Units fails, both will automatically try to become the master Station Unit. In order to avoid
such a situation, it is necessary to implement a second communication channel for the
two Station Units. Some vital information (live signal toggle, which is the master Station
Unit and which one the hot stand by amongst others) may be passed across this
additional communication link. In order to implement this link the Station Unit will have to
be ordered with a bridge and an additional network card, which can be plugged into the
bridge. The two Station Units can then be directly linked by a cross link Ethernet cable.
This will automatically also serve as a redundant link for all other communication as well.

Should any bay blocking, telecontrol blocking and so forth be required, such information
will have to be exchanged via the OPC interfaces of the Station Units. In this way such
information will be transferred to the stand by Station Unit and it will then be ready for a
switch over.

Such a configuration was tested and the respective files are available.

A switch over from the master Station Unit to the stand by Station Unit can be achieved
in the following ways:
• Failure of the master Station Unit (no live signal)
• Forced by health signal status (failure of IEDs amongst others)
• Forced by the Operator

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Furthermore, it is possible to integrate the health and live signals of the Station Units into
the health signals of the HMIs as explained in Section 8.1.1 One or Two Single Standard
HMIs Connected to Redundant Station Units.

8.3 Time Required for a Switch Over

When a single fault occurs in the Ethernet double ring, the reconfiguration (Rapid
spanning Tree) of the Ethernet ring will last - as a function of system size - approximately
250ms (for 72 devices on 27 switches). A second fault will subsequently cause a
permanent communication loss for the respective device(s). Only once this fault has
been repaired, communication with these device(s) can be taken up again.

When communication with the master Station Unit fails, a switch over to the redundant
Station Unit will be initiated. The fault discovery time due to communication mechanisms
is approximately up to 30s. After this time lapse a switch over will be initiated. After a
second period of approximately 30s the HMI will be communicate with the now leading
Station Unit.

9 HMI Configurations

9.1 Two HMIs with Redundancy Package

The two HMIs must be connected to each other as well as to the two Station Units by
Ethernet, so that they can communicate with each other. Both of these will be a server
with an HMI. There are no clients involved. No information will be lost when one of them
fails. Depending on the requirements, it might be necessary to prevent the sending of
commands from both HMIs at the same time. This could be done through login and right
assignment for example.

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9.2 One HMI Server with Several Clients

It is possible to implement an HMI server with several clients connected to it.

A raid disk may be used on the HMI Server. In this way the data will be mirrored on line
to a second hard disk in case one should fail.

9.3 Two HMI Servers with Several Clients

An increased level of redundancy is obtained by doubling the HMI server. Once again
several clients can be connected.

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10 SCADA Redundancy
A single SCADA system can make use of several channels for communication purposes.
However, SCADA systems themselves can also be redundant. Normally communication
to SCADA systems is achieved with the following protocols:
• IEC 60870-5-101
• IEC 60870-5-104
• DNP 3.0

10.1 SCADA Systems with Several Channels

Typically a single SCADA system has several channels to communicate with a local
control system. As such these channels by themselves ensure redundancy through the
SCADA Net. However, a second SCADA system can also be connected.

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10.2 SCADA Systems without Ethernet Ring

It is also possible to connect SCADA systems directly to the Station Units.

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11 Additional Features

11.1 Connecting non IEC61850 or non Profibus FMS IEDs

This is only possible if the procedure outlined in Section 8.2 “Master and Stand By”
Redundancy is followed.

If non IEC61850 or non Profibus FMS IEDs need to be connected to the redundant
Station Units, then it is advisable to use a serial hub. In both Station Units these IEDs
may then be configured to the same interface (e.g. communication port 3). However,
only in the master Station Unit will this interface be enabled in the stand by Station Unit
this interface will be disabled. Once a switch over happens, these interfaces will be
toggled. At first the interface of the master Station Unit will have to be switched off,
subsequently the interface of the stand by Station Unit will have to be enabled.
Communication to the relevant IEDs will necessarily be interrupted for a short period of
time. It will be necessary to use the Automation and the OPC interface for this

Such a functionality has been implemented and these files are available.

11.2 Time Synchronisation

An SNTP time server can be connected by Ethernet. Both Station Units will receive
these clock pulses and synchronise to them.

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11.3 Downloading and Analysing Fault Records

Fault records are downloaded automatically, provided that the protocol supports this
function. They are downloaded onto each Station Unit. The SICAM Recpro collector can
subsequently be used to copy or move them to another computer in the network.

SICAM Recpro will support redundancy with PAS version 5.10 onwards.

12 Conclusion
Hardware and software requirements for typical redundancy architectures are discussed
and advantages as well as disadvantages are explained. Other redundancy
configurations are most likely also possible, but have not been mentioned herein as they
are the exception rather than the rule.

Due to various possibilities and philosophies it is absolutely necessary to discuss such

concepts with the customer, as he will have to accept the final system.

13 Additional Information
See also the documents and sample projects referring to the following titles:

• WinCC Switchover (will be available in 02/05)

• Master Standby (will be available in 02/05)
• Trouble Shooting COM, DCOM and OPC (Configuration info 179)

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