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Phone: 1300 362 415 / Fax: 1300 365 142

Member Product Disclosure Statement

Dated: 12 March 2014

About MTAA Super....................................................................2
How super works.......................................................................2
Benefits of investing with MTAA Super...................................3
Risks of super.............................................................................3
How we invest your money......................................................4
Fees and costs............................................................................5
How super is taxed....................................................................6
Insurance in your super.............................................................6
How to open an account...........................................................8
Membership Application Form..................................(attached)

This PDS is a summary of significant information you need to make a

decision about MTAA Super. It includes references to other important
information that is taken to form part of this PDS. These references
are marked in yellow, like this: If you would like a copy of this PDS or any of the
You should consider this other important information other important information that forms part of this PDS,
before making a decision. please contact us on 1300 362 415.
The information provided in this PDS is general only and does
SuperRatings does not issue, sell, not take into account your personal financial situation or needs.
guarantee or underwrite this product. You should therefore consider obtaining financial advice that is tailored
Go to for to your personal circumstances from a licensed financial adviser.
details of its ratings criteria.
Issued by Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd
(ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238 718) of Level 3, 39 Brisbane Avenue Barton ACT 2600,
the Trustee of the MTAA Superannuation Fund (ABN 74 559 365 913).
01 / About MTAA Super
Established in 1989, MTAA Super is Australia’s industry fund for the motor trades, managing more than $6.7 billion in funds
under management as at 30 June 2013.

Anyone can join MTAA Super

Whatever your job, in whatever industry – whether you are an employee, a self-employed person or a contractor, whether
you are setting up an account for your partner, or simply want to make voluntary contributions – anyone can join MTAA
Super. If you are receiving employer contributions, you need to ask your employer whether you are eligible to nominate
a super fund of your choice. The super fund to which employer contributions are directed might be nominated in an
industrial agreement or award.

An industry super fund

As an industry super fund, MTAA Super has low fees, pays no commissions to financial advisers, and is run only to
benefit members. MTAA Super members can choose from one or more of our seven investment options: My AutoSuper
(Balanced), Conservative, Growth, Australian Shares, International Shares, Diversified Fixed Interest or Cash.

MTAA Super is MySuper authorised

The introduction of a “MySuper” product is one of the Federal Government’s Stronger Super reforms. From 1 January
2014, all employers who make contributions into a default super fund on behalf of their employees must pay those
contributions into a Fund that has received MySuper authorisation.
My AutoSuper, our balanced investment option, is our MySuper product.
From 1 July 2014 you will be able to find the product dashboard for MyAutoSuper, together with details of director and
executive remuneration, the trustee’s registers of relevant interests and duties and other prescribed documents at the section of the website.

02 / How super works

You should read the important information about contribution types, eligibility and limits;
conditions of release for withdrawing your super benefit and how to claim your benefit
(including nominating beneficiaries for your death benefit) before making a decision.
Go to This information about
how super works may change between the time when you read this PDS and the
day when you acquire the product.

Superannuation (or super) is a way to save for your retirement, which is, in part, compulsory. If you are an employee
earning more than $450 a month in most cases, the government requires your employer to make at least quarterly
Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions for you.

Contributing to super
Apart from your SG contributions, there are a range of additional ways you can contribute to your super – for example,
salary-sacrifice employer contributions, personal after-tax contributions and super co-contributions.
You can make personal contributions by:
• a sking your employer to deduct extra money from your before-tax salary and contributing it to your super account
(called salary sacrifice)
• making regular or lump-sum contributions from your after-tax salary. If you make after-tax personal contributions
you may also be eligible for a super co-contribution. Refer to the MTAA Super website,
memberPDS/howsuperworks, or visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website,, for more
Superannuation savings are generally taxed by the government at concessional rates, but there are limits on the amount
of contributions that can be made each year without incurring extra tax. After age 65, you need to satisfy a work test in
order to be eligible to make personal contributions.
If you have super in another fund, you can consolidate your super by transferring your other super into your MTAA Super
account (called a ‘rollover’). Before closing your other superannuation account, you should consider whether any exit fees
apply and whether you may lose other valuable benefits such as extra employer contributions or insurance.

Investing your super
MTAA Super has seven investment options to choose from and your super contributions will be invested in the option (or
options) you choose. If you don’t make a choice, your super contributions will be invested in My AutoSuper (the Balanced
Option). Investing in a super fund like MTAA Super means your super will increase when investment earnings are positive,
but may decrease if investment earnings are negative.
See ‘How we invest your money’ on page 4 for further details.

Withdrawing your super

Super is a long-term investment. This means that you usually can’t gain access to your super until you are aged between
55 and 60 (depending on your date of birth) and meet a condition of release, as set by the government. There are some
conditions of release that allow you to withdraw some or all of your super earlier. You can usually transfer your super to
another fund at any time.

Choosing your super fund

Most employees have the right to choose the super fund where they would like their employer to direct their SG
contributions, although in some cases an industrial award or agreement may require that SG contributions be paid into a
particular fund. If you have a choice but don’t exercise it, your SG contributions will be paid into the fund nominated by
your employer. For more information about choice of fund, visit the ATO website,

03 / Benefits of investing with MTAA Super

MTAA Super exists only for the benefit of members. We offer you low-cost services and products to help you achieve your
retirement goals. Some of the benefits include:
• Low fees and charges
• Investment choice
• Affordable insurance cover
• Easy access to information, including online account access
• Retirement products

04 / Risks of super
You should read the important information about understanding investment risk before making
a decision. Go to The information
about investment risk may change between the time when you read this PDS and the day
when you acquire the product.

All investments have some level of risk. To make an informed choice about your super, you need to understand the risks
associated with investing.
MTAA Super invests across all major asset classes. The main asset classes are shares, property, fixed interest and cash.
Within these main asset classes are Australian and international shares, unlisted shares and private equity, Australian and
international fixed interest, and direct or indirect property investments, including infrastructure.
Asset classes have different levels of risk and return. For example, asset classes with potentially the highest level of
investment returns over the long term will usually also have the highest risk of loss over the short term. Each investment
option offered by MTAA Super carries a different level of risk, depending on the strategic allocations to the various asset
classes within each option.

Significant risks
There are a number of risks associated with investing in superannuation. Superannuation and taxation laws can change,
and investment options are constantly subject to changes in value. Particular asset classes tend to perform differently at
different times, so diversification across different asset classes may help to manage risk.
When considering your investment in MTAA Super it is important to understand the following:
• The value of investment options will go up and down.
• Your superannuation savings (including contributions and returns) may not be enough to adequately provide for
your retirement.
• Investment returns are not guaranteed, and you may lose some of your money.
• The level of returns may vary, and future returns may differ from past returns.
• The appropriate level of risk for each person depends on a range of factors, including age, the investment time frame,
where other non-superannuation assets are invested, and risk tolerance.
05 / How we invest your money
You should read the information about our investment options, how to switch between the options and the extent to
which we take environmental social and ethical factors into account before making a decision. Go to www.mtaasuper. The information about investment options may change between the time
when you read this PDS and the day when you acquire the product.

MTAA Super members can choose from a mix of investments in different asset classes. There are seven investment options:
Pre-mixed options My choice options
My AutoSuper (Balanced) Australian Shares
Conservative International Shares
Growth Diversified Fixed Interest

You can allocate your super savings across a mix of some or all options, or just one option. When you make your choice, you can
then decide whether this choice applies to one or both of your existing account balance or future contributions (including rollovers).
Warning: When it comes to choosing the My AutoSuper (Balanced) or another investment option for your superannuation savings,
you should consider these questions:
• How much risk do I feel comfortable with?
• What level of return do I want?
• What is the time horizon I am investing towards?
The answers to these questions will help guide you in choosing the investment option or mix of options for your superannuation savings.
If you do not make a choice your super will automatically be invested in the default option, My AutoSuper
(Balanced Option), which is summarised below:
My AutoSuper (Balanced Option) My AutoSuper (the Balanced Option) seeks medium to high long-term returns through a
Objective balanced exposure to risk. It is intended to be suitable for members with moderate to high
risk tolerance.
Investment return objective To out-perform (after tax and fees) the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by 3.5% a year
over rolling seven-year periods.
Mix of asset classes Strategic asset allocation % Range %
Cash 6.0 0.5 – 15.0
Australian Fixed Interest 7.0 0.0 – 15.0
Overseas Fixed Interest 6.0 0.0 – 15.0
Australian Equities 26.0 5.0 – 35.0
International Equities 25.0 5.0 – 35.0

Infrastructure 15.0 0.0 – 35.0

Property 9.0 0.0 – 22.5
Alternatives Credit 3.0 0.0 – 17.5
Private Equity 3.0 0.0 – 12.5
Other +
0.0 0.0 – 12.5
Minimum suggested time frame At least 7 years
Standard Risk Measure* Risk Band: 5
Risk Label: Medium to High
Summary risk level Estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period: Less than
4 years out of every 20 years.
+Investments in this asset class may include natural resources and other alternative investments deemed appropriate.
*The Standard Risk Measure is based on industry guidance to allow members to compare investment options that are expected to deliver a similar number of
negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
The Standard Risk Measure disclosed for a particular investment option is calculated on the basis of the Strategic Asset Allocation for that investment option current
at the date of this PDS. It represents the Trustee’s calculation of the Standard Risk Measure for that option over a 20 year period. However, over shorter periods, the
risk associated with an investment option may differ from the Standard Risk Measure for that option. This can occur, for example, during transitional periods when
changes are being made to the underlying assets of an option or when market movements mean that the day-to-day asset allocation of an investment option differs
from the option’s Strategic Asset Allocation.
The Standard Risk Measure is not a complete assessment of all forms of investment risk, for instance it does not detail what the size of a negative return could be or
the potential for a positive return to be less than a member may require to meet their objectives. Further, it does not take into account the impact of administration
fees and tax on the likelihood of a negative return.
Members should not rely exclusively on the Standard Risk Measure and should still ensure they are comfortable with the risks and potential losses associated with
their chosen investment option/s.

MTAA Super can change the types of investment and allocations for an investment option, add an investment option or remove
4 an investment option at any stage. We will tell you if this happens.
Changing your investment option
You can change your investment option by completing a Member Investment Choice form in the Investment Options
Guide available at

Illiquid assets and portability

Infrastructure, Property, Alternatives credit, Private equity and other asset class contain exposure to illiquid assets.
MTAA Super is, however, generally able to satisfy withdrawal requests from cash reserves.

06 / Fees and costs

Consumer Advisory Warning
Did you know?
Small differences in fund performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your
long-term returns. For example, total annual fees and costs of 2 per cent of your account balance,
rather than 1 per cent, could reduce your final return by up to 20 per cent over 30 years (reduce it
from say, $100,000 to $80,000).
You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of
better member services justify higher fees and costs. Your employer might be able to negotiate to
pay lower administration fees. Ask the fund or your financial adviser.*
* Note that fees payable in respect of MTAA Super are not negotiable.

To find out more

If you would like to find out more or see the impact of fees based on your own circumstances, the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website,, has a
superannuation fee calculator to help you check out different fee options.

Fees and other costs

You should read the important information about fees and costs (including their definitions)
before making a decision. Go to
The information about fees and costs may change between the time when you read this PDS
and the day when you acquire the product.

The following table shows the main fees and other costs you may be charged for investing in My AutoSuper (Balanced)
and can be used to compare costs between different superannuation products. These fees and costs may be deducted
from your super account or from the returns on the investment.


Type of Fee Amount How and when paid
Investment fee See indirect cost ratio below No separate investment fee is charged
Administration fee $83.20 pa ($1.60 a week) Deducted annually in arrears from the member’s account balance or
when a member withdraws their investment from the Fund
Buy-sell spread Nil N/A
Switching fee Nil N/A
Exit fee $96 Applies to both full and partial transfers or rollovers (not cash
withdrawals). The fee is deducted from the member’s account
Advice fees Nil N/A
Relating to all members
investing in My AutoSuper
Other fees and costs1 See Additional Explanation of Fees and Costs in the Fees and Charges document at and charges
Indirect cost ratio Investment Cost Administration Fee Total %
(includes the investment
costs and administration fee 0.64% pa ($64 per 0.15% pa ($15 per 0.79% pa2 Deducted before net
deducted from investment $10,000) $10,000) up to a investment earnings are applied
earnings) maximum total fee of to a member’s account.
1 Includes family law fees, performance fees and insurance costs.
2 The 0.15% Administration fee is capped to a maximum total fee of $450 pa.
The indirect cost ratios for our other investment options are different. These figures are calculated looking back at 30 June each year and are therefore
estimates. They may change from year to year.

Changes to MTAA Super’s fees and costs
MTAA Super reserves the right to change the fees it charges at any time. If we do increase our fees we will ensure you are
notified in writing at least 30 days before the increase takes effect.
Warning: Additional fees may be payable if you obtain personal advice from a financial adviser. These fees will be disclosed in
the Statement of Advice that the adviser is required to give you.

Example of annual fees and costs for My AutoSuper (the Balanced Option)
The following table shows how the fees and costs in MTAA My AutoSuper (the Balanced Option) can affect your superannuation
investment over one year. You should use this example to compare this product with other superannuation products.

Example - My AutoSuper Balance of $50,000

Investment fees Nil For every $50,000 you have in My AutoSuper you will be charged $0
each year
PLUS Administration fees $83.20 And you will be charged $83.20 in weekly administration fees
regardless of your balance
PLUS Indirect costs for 0.79%1 And indirect costs of $395 will be deducted from your investment
My AutoSuper
EQUALS Cost of product If your balance was $50,000 then for that year you will be charged
fees of $478.20 for My AutoSuper2
1 These costs include an administration fee and investment fee. See page 5 for details.
2 Additional fees may apply: you may be charged an exit fee of $96 on each transfer from the Fund, including partial transfers

If you would like to calculate the effect of fees and costs on your account balance, the Australian Securities and Investments
Commission (ASIC) website,, has a superannuation fee calculator.

07 / How super is taxed

You should read the important information about taxation before making your decision.
Go to The information about how
super is taxed may change between the time you read this PDS and the day when
you acquire the product.

Super savings are taxed by the government. In summary, the taxation rules are as follows:
• From 1 July 2012, contributions that are made before tax (called ‘concessional contributions’) are subject to tax at an effective
rate of of 15% when received by the Fund. Members with an adjusted taxable income of more than $300,000 may receive an
additional assessment from the ATO.
• Contributions that are made after tax (called ‘non-concessional contributions’) are not taxed when received by the Fund.
• Investment earnings are taxed at up to 15 per cent in the Fund.
• Withdrawals from your account are not taxed if you are aged 60 or more, but tax may need to be deducted if you are under
age 60.
Warning: If you exceed the contribution limits, you may pay extra tax.
We pay the tax applicable to your super contributions and investments by deducting it from your account, from investment
returns or from your benefit (as applicable) and paying it to the ATO.
Warning: You should provide your tax file number (TFN) as part of becoming a member of the Fund.
We are authorised by law to request your tax file number (TFN), which we will use only for permitted purposes.
If you do not tell us your TFN, your contributions and withdrawals may be taxed at a higher rate and we may not be able to
accept some types of contributions.
Also, if you do not provide your TFN it may be more difficult to locate all of your super, and the government will not be able to
pay any co-contributions to the Fund for you.

08 / Insurance in your super

MTAA Super offers a range of insurance options to protect you and your family from financial hardship if you are
unable to work for a long period due to sickness or injury, become permanently disabled or die.
MTAA Super members can apply for up to:
• $5,000,000 of death cover (a lump-sum paid in the event of your death).
• $
 3,000,000 of total and permanent disability (TPD) cover (a lump-sum paid if you become permanently injured or disabled,
and unable to work).
• $
 25,000 of monthly income protection (a benefit, usually monthly in arrears, if you are unable to work because of illness or
You should read the important information about MTAA Super’s insurance options, eligibility,
insurance costs, conditions and exclusions in the Insurance Guide before making a decision about
your insurance cover. Go to
The information about insurance may change between the time when you read
this PDS and the day when you acquire the product.

Default cover
New MTAA Super members are automatically provided with default cover (subject to terms and conditions – please refer
to the Insurance Guide). The level of cover provided to you is based on your age when you become a member. The table
below sets out the cost and the number of units of cover that are provided for your age when you join:


Your age next birthday Death Units – TPD Units – Cost of Cover
when you join MTAA Super General Scale General Scale ($0.50 per unit)

16-21 1 5 $3.00 per week

22-26 3 5 $4.00 per week
27-70 6 6 $6.00 per week

The cost of default cover is deducted from your account. If you do not want default cover you can cancel it

Matching cover
If the default cover doesn’t meet your needs and you have insurance elsewhere, you can apply to MTAA Super to match
this cover within the insurance design available.

Changing your cover

You can apply to increase, decrease or cancel your cover at any time. There are certain circumstances when you may apply
to increase your Death or TPD cover (up to a specific amount) without having to provide evidence of health. One of these
is when you first join. To find out more about these offers, please refer to the Insurance Guide.
You can also reduce or cancel your insurance cover at any time or elect to hold death-only cover at any time by writing to
MTAA Super. Our address is Locked Bag 15, Haymarket NSW 1236.

Selecting the right cover for you

You can choose to have your death or TPD cover as either unitised or fixed cover, although there are conditions you might
have to satisfy. You cannot have a combination of unitised and fixed cover for death and TPD.
There are different types of work scales depending on the type of work you do. We classify them as General;
Non-manual and Professional. The amount of cover you are elgible to receive will be different depending on the work
scale you fit into. It’s important you let the Fund know if you are eligible for non-manual or professional cover. Refer to
the Work scale form in the Insurance Guide for more information.


Warning: If you do not cancel your cover, the cost of insurance (premiums) is deducted from your account
each month. Refer to the Insurance Guide for full details of the premiums.
Warning: The insurance cover provided by the Fund is subject to eligibility conditions and exclusions.
These may affect your entitlement to insurance cover or the circumstances when an insured benefit may be
payable under the policy. You should read the important information at

09 / How to open an account
1. Read this PDS and the important additional information on the MTAA Super website,
2. Complete the ‘Membership application’ form attached after the end of this PDS.
3. Determine the level of default insurance cover you are eligible for and decide whether you need additional insurance –
you need a separate form to apply for additional insurance.
4. Choose the investment option you would like your super to be invested in – you need a separate form to choose an
investment option other than My AutoSuper (Balanced)
5. If you have money in other super funds, you can roll it over into MTAA Super by completing the ‘Rollover’ form.
If, for any reason, the Fund is unable to accept you as a member, any contributions which may have been made on your
behalf will be returned without interest. Any interest earned on the bank account in which unallocated contributions are
held is retained by the Trustee for the benefit of members of the Fund.

The cooling-off period

You have a 14-day period to cancel your membership if you joined independently of your employer enrolling you in the
Fund. The period starts either from the date MTAA Super confirms to you that your application has been accepted or five
days after the application has been accepted, whichever occurs first.
If your investment is subject to a preservation restriction, you must nominate another fund into which your investment
may be transferred. The amount transferred might be adjusted to take into account any variation in the value of the
investment, any fees payable, and any tax payable by MTAA Super as a result of your period of Fund membership.
A request to cancel your membership must be in writing. You cannot exercise your cooling-off right once you have
exercised any of your other rights as a member.

What do I do if I have a complaint?

MTAA Super is committed to providing exceptional service to its members, and any complaints are dealt with as soon as
practicable. If you want to make a complaint please contact:

MTAA Super Complaints Resolution Officer

Locked Bag 15
Haymarket NSW 1236
PH: 1300 362 415

MTAA Super respects your privacy

Protecting your personal information has always been important to us and is required by law. The Commonwealth Privacy
Act requires us to handle your personal information in accordance with a set of guidelines, known as the Australian
Privacy Principles. Please view our full Privacy Policy online at which sets out our full
obligations regarding the handling of your personal information.
In short, MTAA Super only collects information from you or your employer that is necessary to administer your fund
membership. By this, we mean managing your account and keeping you up-to-date with opportunities and value-adding
services and benefits available to you as an MTAA Super member. If we are unable to obtain the personal information we
need about you, we may be unable to properly administer your fund membership.
MTAA Super has appointed a Fund Administrator, Insurers and other specialist organisations to provide professional
services to MTAA Super on your behalf. They are authorised, under the strictest confidence, to only use your personal
information to administer your fund membership in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. If you have
provided your consent as part of your application, your personal information may also be used to identify if you have any
lost super entitlements that could be transferred to your MTAA Super account. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may
be provided with your details in order to find any lost super. You may, however, notify us if you do not wish to have your
personal information released to the ATO for this purpose. Any other use or disclosure to a third party, body or agency
will be subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy.
As a member of MTAA Super, you may ask to see the information we hold about you and to have it corrected if required.
To access the personal information we hold, find out more about how it is handled or if you do not wish to receive any
direct marketing communications from us (or the Fund Administrator), please call 1300 362 415 or view our Privacy Policy
online at Our Privacy Policy also contains information about how you can complain
about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we deal with such complaints.


Please complete this application form using capital letters.

Section A – Your personal details

MTAA Super member number (if known)

Title  Miss Ms Mrs Mr Other (please specify)
Given name(s)
Family name
Date of birth / /
Street address
State/Territory P ostcode
Telephone (home)
Telephone (work)
Telephone (mobile)

Section B – Your tax file number

I have read the document How Super is Taxed at and understand that I do not have to
supply my TFN, but there may be consequences, such as paying increased tax. I further understand that the Fund will use my TFN only for the permitted
purposes, as stated in the TFN section.
I hereby elect to advise my tax file number is:

Section C – Find your lost super

You can authorise for MTAA Super to use your Tax File Number (TFN) (if provided) to search and act on your behalf to consolidate your super by signing
the following declaration. MTAA Super will only use your TFN in accordance with your consent.
I hereby consent for MTAA Super to act on my behalf and use my Tax File Number (TFN) to seek superannuation information and consolidate my
superannuation accounts by using the ATO facility to obtain information about any other superannuation accounts opened in my name and contacting
the superannuation entities or RSA providers holding any such accounts.

Member signature

Date / /

Section D – Your membership category and employment details

Please indicate with a tick the type of membership you are seeking in MTAA Super. Tick only one category of membership.

EMPLOYER SUPPORTED – I wish to join MTAA Super as an employer-supported member and will be receiving employer contributions.

PERSONAL MEMBER – I wish to join MTAA Super as a personal member and will only be making contribution payments of my own;
that is, I will not be receiving contributions from an employer.

Section E – Your employment details

Your employer’s trading name

Employer number (if known)
Employer address
State/Territory P ostcode
Employer telephone
Date commenced with employer / /
Section F – Keeping up to date

Please keep me up to date with extra products and services offered to MTAA Super members by related
or other companies. Note that if you do not complete this section MTAA Super will assume you agree. Yes No

Section G –Your preferred beneficiaries

Your death benefit may only be paid to one or more of your dependant(s) or to your estate. If following your death, the Trustee is unable to find a
dependant or a legal personal representative (for example a person appointed as executor of your estate) your death benefit may be paid to one or
more other people. The term ‘dependant’ is defined in the document How Super Works at howsuperworks and includes your spouse (legal and de facto), your children, a person in an
interdependent relationship with you and a person who is financially dependent on you.
You may nominate below one or more of your dependants or your legal personal representative as your preferred death benefit beneficiaries. Please
note, however, that this nomination will not be binding on the Trustee. The Trustee is responsible for deciding to whom a death benefit is paid and is
required to make payments in accordance with superannuation legislation and the Fund’s Trust Deed. While the Trustee will take into account your
nomination, it is obliged to take into consideration the circumstances of all potential beneficiaries and is not bound by your stated preference.
MTAA Super offers members the ability to make a binding death benefit nomination in order to provide greater certainty about who receives a
member’s benefit. Further information is available in the Binding death benefit nomination form which can be found in the document How Super
Works at

Name(s) of nominated beneficiaries Relationship* % share

(First name/family name) (total must add up to 100%)

*Please insert either spouse, child, financial dependant or interdependant

Section H – Acknowledgement and signature

This form must be signed and dated.

I hereby:
n apply to the Trustee for admission as a member of MTAA Super under the terms and conditions in the Trust Deed by which the Fund
was established.
n acknowledge having received and read and understood the MTAA Super Member Product Disclosure Statement and acknowledge that
the Trust Deed prevails if there is an inconsistency with the Member Product Disclosure Statement.
n acknowledge that the Trustee cannot provide me with advice about my benefits, investments, insurance and any taxation implications
that takes into account my personal circumstances and that I should speak to an appropriately qualified adviser if I require such advice
n acknowledge that the Trustee may be required under taxation and superannuation legislation to deduct additional tax from my benefits
and refuse or refund contributions made by or on my behalf and, in doing so, may make any adjustments to my account it considers
necessary or appropriate.
n acknowledge that the Trustee does not guarantee my investment in MTAA Super
n acknowledge having read and understood the Privacy Statement in the Member Product Disclosure Statement and having access to the
MTAA Super Privacy Policy located online at or otherwise provided, and consent to personal
information being collected and used in accordance with these terms.
n declare that I have read and carefully considered all questions and that the answers I have provided are true and correct
n declare that I am an Australian resident for tax purposes.

For office use only

Member signature
File code:

Date / / Member No:

Signature of Insurance:
(if member is under 18 years of age)

Date / /
Return the completed, signed and dated application form to MTAA Super, Locked Bag 15, Haymarket NSW 1236.
This application accompanies the MTAA Super Product Disclosure Statement issued 12 March 2014.

This page is intentionally left blank.
Telephone 1300 362 415 Fax 1300 365 142 E-mail
Web Postal Address Locked Bag 15, Haymarket NSW 1236

State offices
Sydney Level 5, 477 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Melbourne Level 2, Casselden Place, 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Perth Level 2, 12 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Adelaide Level 2, 104 Frome Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Brisbane Level 10, 120 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Trustee: Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 14 008 650 628
AFSL 238 718 MTAA Superannuation Fund ABN 74 559 365 913 USI MTA0100AU

5484 – 3/14
Telephone 1300 362 415 Fax 1300 365 142 E-mail
Web Postal Address Locked Bag 15, Haymarket NSW 1236

State offices
Sydney Level 5, 477 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Melbourne Level 2, Casselden Place, 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Perth Level 2, 12 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Adelaide Level 2, 104 Frome Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Brisbane Level 10, 120 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Trustee: Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 14 008 650 628
AFSL 238 718 MTAA Superannuation Fund ABN 74 559 365 913 USI MTA0100AU

5472 – 3/14
An Industry
SuperFund GUIDE

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238 718

The purpose of this Financial Services Guide is to provide

information about the financial services offered by Motor
Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty
Ltd and its representatives. The guide is designed to assist
you in deciding whether to use our services and contains
information about our services, your rights as a client,
including our complaints system, and how the company
and our representatives are remunerated. If you need
more information or clarification of any matter raised
in this document, please ask us.

If advice provided to you relates to the acquisition of a

particular financial product you should obtain and read
the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) relating to that
product before making any decision to acquire it. The PDS
for the MTAA Superannuation Fund (MTAA Super) sets out
the main features of MTAA Super, including the costs and
risks associated with investing in MTAA Super. The MTAA
Super PDS will generally be provided to you before you
join MTAA Super.

Things you should know before you seek our advice

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd and its representatives provide the financial services listed in
this guide. Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd acts only on its own behalf when providing these
services. The representatives act on behalf of Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd when providing
these services.

Who will be responsible for the financial services provided to me?

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd will be responsible for the advice provided to you, including advice
provided to you by its representatives. Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd is the trustee company
that manages and controls MTAA Super. Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd holds an Australian
Financial Services Licence under the Corporations Act 2001 (AFSL 238 718).

What financial services are available to me?

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd is authorised by its AFSL to provide financial product advice on
superannuation and basic deposit products and to issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of superannuation products. The
representatives who act on behalf of Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd are authorised to provide
general financial product advice about superannuation and basic deposit products. The specific financial services and products
provided by Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd and its representatives are set out below.

Motor Trades Association of Australia The representatives provide general financial

Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd product advice about:
Provides general financial product advice about:  TAA Super (including the MTAA Super Pensions)
 TAA Super (including the MTAA Super Pensions)
M AUSfund (Australia’s Unclaimed Super Fund)
AUSfund (Australia’s Unclaimed Super Fund) ME Bank.
ME Bank.
It deals in a financial product by issuing, varying and disposing
of interests in MTAA Super. Telephone: 1300 362 415 Facsimile: 1300 365 142

An Industry
SuperFund GUIDE

How will I pay for the service?

The cost of providing general financial product advice is included in
the fees charged for membership of MTAA Super. Neither Motor
Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd nor its
representatives charge any additional fees or receive or obtain any
commissions for the advice provided. The MTAA Super PDS provides
details of the fees charged for membership of the Fund.

How much commission/fee does my representative receive?

The representatives of Motor Trades Association of Australia
Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd are employees of a company
that is wholly owned by Motor Trades Association of Australia
Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd as trustee of MTAA Super. The
representatives are paid a salary. None of the representatives
(or their employer) receives commissions, fees or bonuses for
the services provided to you.

Are there any relationships or associations that might influence MTAA Super in providing to me the financial services?
Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd has ownership interests in Industry Super Holdings Pty Ltd, ME
Bank Pty Ltd and Superpartners Pty Ltd.

The representatives of Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd may be members of MTAA Super.
Other than these, there are no relationships or associations that might reasonably be expected to influence the provision of
these financial services.

Will anyone be paid for referring me to you?

No. We do not pay remuneration, commission or other benefits to anyone for referring you to us.

What professional indemnity insurance arrangements do you have in place?

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd has a Trustee’s Liability Insurance policy that includes cover for claims
arising out of the provision of professional services to third parties (professional indemnity). This policy covers professional indemnity
claims in relation to current and former representatives of Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd in
respect of services provided to third parties on its behalf.

When you receive our advice

Will you give me advice that is tailored to my investment needs and financial circumstances?
The advice that is provided to you is of a general nature. It does not take into account your particular financial needs, circumstances or
objectives. If you require referral to a licensed financial planner, call MTAA Super on 1300 362 415.

If you have a complaint

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd is committed to handling complaints promptly, fairly and in
the strictest confidence. If you have a complaint please raise the matter with a representative of MTAA Super.

If you would prefer not to discuss the complaint with an MTAA Super representative, or your complaint is not satisfactorily dealt
with, you may direct your complaint to:

The Complaints Resolution Officer

MTAA Super
Locked Bag 15
Haymarket NSW 1236

The Complaints Resolution Officer will investigate your complaint and provide you with a written response. Telephone: 1300 362 415 Facsimile: 1300 365 142

An Industry
SuperFund GUIDE

If you do not receive a response to your complaint within 90 days, or if you are not satisfied with the response, you may have
the right to take your complaint to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal. The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal is an
independent complaints resolution body which has jurisdiction to deal with most types of superannuation related complaints
that relate to trustee decisions. This service is provided free of charge to you.

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal

Locked Mail Bag 3060
GPO Melbourne VIC 3001
Telephone 1300 884 114 (local call cost in Australia)

If your complaint is outside the jurisdiction of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, and you have not received a response
to your complaint within 45 days, or you are not satisfied with the response, you may have the right to take your complaint to
the Financial Ombudsman Service. This service is provided free of charge to you.

Financial Ombudsman Service

GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Telephone 1300 780 808 (local call cost in Australia).

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has an infoline, 1300 300 630, that you may use to make a complaint and
obtain information about your rights.

Our contact details

Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd
PO Box 6273
Kingston ACT 2604
Telephone 02 6273 4333

Important information
This Financial Services Guide dated 1 January 2011 was prepared by Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty
Ltd (ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238 718), Trustee of the MTAA Superannuation Fund (ABN 74 559 365 913 SPIN MTA0100AU).
Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd has authorised the distribution of this Financial Services
Guide by its representatives. Telephone: 1300 362 415 Facsimile: 1300 365 142



To apply for additional cover, complete the ONLINE APPLICATION on the MTAA Super website or
complete this form. If you want to apply for additional insurance cover you must complete the sections of this form that relate to the cover
you require, including Sections F, G and H. If you wish to apply for non-manual or professional cover as well, complete Section B.
Please use capital letters.

Section A – Member details

MTAA Super membership number (if known)

Title Miss Ms Mrs Mr Other (please specify)

Given name(s)

Family name


Suburb State/Territory Postcode

Telephone (home)

Telephone (work)

Telephone (mobile)

Preferred contact Time a.m. p.m.


Date of birth / /

Place of birth

Your MTAA Super employer (if applicable)

Present occupation

What industry do you work in and what is your occupation?

Are you a permanent resident of Australia Yes No

Section B – Complete this section only if you are applying for either non-manual or professional cover

If you want to apply to have your insurance cover – that is, death-only, death plus TPD and/or income protection insurance – as either
non-manual or professional cover you must answer the questions that follow:

Eligibility for non-manual cover

1. Are your occupational duties of a clerical, administrative, management or professional nature and performed
entirely in an office environment (excluding travel time between offices)?  Yes No
2. Do you perform any work duties of a manual nature or work within a hazardous environment?
Examples of work in a hazardous environment are work in a mechanical workshop, work on a factory or
warehouse floor, work on construction or mining sites, and working with chemicals in a laboratory. Yes No
3. Do you spend more than 20 percent of your working time – that is, over eight hours a week in a 40-hour week,
on average – outside an office environment? Yes No
If you have answered ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Question 1, ‘No’ to Questions 2 and 3 above you are eligible for non-manual cover.
Eligibility for professional cover
In addition to the requirements set out for non-manual cover, please answer the following:
1. Do you hold a tertiary qualification relevant to your current occupation or are you a member of a professional body
relevant to your current occupation or a member of your organisation’s senior management team?  Yes No
2. Do you work 100% within an office environment and earn $120,000 per annum or more? Yes No
If you have answered ‘Yes’ to both of the above questions, you are eligible for professional cover.
These questions relate to all work duties you perform as an employee for all of the employers you work for, or as
a partner in a partnership or a sole trader.
n Eligibility for non-manual or professional cover is subject to acceptance by the insurer.
n If accepted, all cover held with MTAA Super will be subject to the appropriate rate – non-manual or professional.
n If the insurer rejects your application for non-manual or professional cover, you will be advised of the premium scales which apply to
your cover with MTAA Super.
Section C – Complete this section to apply for additional Death and TPD cover

Please indicate which option you require and the type and level of cover for your chosen option. You may choose only one option.

Option 1: Unitised Cover

Please indicate the number of units you require in total including your existing cover:

n Death cover ($0.50 per week per unit) Death units

n TPD cover ($0.50 per week per unit) TPD units

Option 2: Fixed Cover:

Please indicate the total level of cover you require (in multiples of $1000) including your existing cover:

n Death cover $

n TPD cover $

n Your total cover cannot exceed $5,000,000 for death and $3,000,000 for TPD.
n Any cover or increase in cover is subject to your application being accepted.
n If the insurer does not accept your application you will retain your current level of cover.
n If the insurer accepts your application, this new cover will replace the level of cover you currently have with MTAA Super. As such,
you should apply for the total number of units or total amount of cover that you require.
n You cannot hold a combination of unitised and fixed cover at the same time.

Section D – Complete this section to apply for income protection cover

The weekly per unit-cost for income protection cover will depend on your age next birthday, the waiting period/benefit period you choose,
and whether you are eligible for the general, non-manual or professional premium scales. See the premium rate tables on page 16 of the
Insurance Document.

What is your salary? $

How much Income Protection cover would you like? (maximum of 85% of salary):

75% salary + 10% Super Contribution (rounded up to nearest unit)

75% salary only (rounded up to nearest unit)

Other amount – please advise number of units required

What Waiting Period would you like?

30 days 60 days 90 days

What Benefit Period would you like?

2 Year 5 Year To age 65

Do you work more than 15 hours per week?

Yes No (you are not eligible for income protection cover)

Section E – Insurance History

1. Has an application for Life, Trauma, TPD or Disability insurance on your life ever been declined, deferred or accepted
with a loading or exclusion or any other special condition or terms?
Yes No

2. Have you ever made a claim for or received sickness, accident or disability benefits, Workers’ Compensation,
or any other form of compensation due to illness or injury?
Yes No

3. Do you currently have or are you applying for any other insurance cover?
Yes No

Section E – Insurance History – Continued

If “Yes” to Q.3, please give details in the table below.

Product/Type Total amount of cover To be replaced by this cover

Life insurance $ Yes No

Total and permanent disability $ Yes No

Income protection $ Yes No

Section F – Medical History

You must complete this section.

The information you provide will be treated in strict confidence and will be used or disclosed only for matters relating to your insurance
entitlements. If this section is not completed the insurer will be unable to process your insurance application and your requested level of
insurance cover might be denied.

Personal Details
1. What is your height? cm What is your weight? kg

2. Have you smoked in the last 12 months? Yes No

Medical History
1. In the last 3 years have you suffered from, been diagnosed with or sought medical advice or treatment for any of the following?
Please tick all boxes that apply.

Headache or Migraine Lung or Breathing Conditions Eyesight Conditions

(eg. tension or cluster headaches (eg. asthma, sleep apnoea) (does not incl. contact lenses or glasses for near or far sightedness)
or migraines)

Ear or Hearing Conditions Gout Trapped Nerves

(eg. hearing loss, tinnitus (eg. carpal tunnel syndrome, pinched nerve, tennis elbow)
or swimmer’s ear)

Infectious Diseases Muscle, Tendon or Ligament Problems

(excl. cold & flu)

None of the conditions listed above

If you have selected any of the above conditions please give details in the table below.

Condition Details (incl. dates, symptoms, treatment)

2. In the last 5 years have you suffered from, been diagnosed with or sought medical advice or treatment for any of the following?
Please tick all boxes that apply.

High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia

None of the conditions listed above

If you have selected any of the above conditions please give details in the table below.

Condition Details (incl. dates, symptoms, treatment)

3. Have you ever suffered from, been diagnosed with or sought medical advice or treatment for any of the following?
Please tick all boxes that apply.
Bone, Joint or Limb Conditions Back or Neck pain Digestive Conditions

Brain or Nerve Conditions Psychological or Cancer, Cyst, Growth, Polyps or Tumour

(incl. stroke) Emotional Conditions
Thyroid Conditions Skin Disorder Genitourinary Conditions

Autoimmune Diseases Heart Related Conditions Kidney or Liver Conditions

Diabetes Blood Conditions

None of the conditions listed above

If you have selected any of the above activities please give details in the table below.

Condition Details (incl. dates, symptoms, treatment)

4. Are you currently pregnant? (Females Only) Yes No

5. What is the name of your usual doctor/Medical Centre?


Contact Number:

Section G – Family History

1. Has your mother, father, any brother or sister been diagnosed, under the age of 55 years, with any of the following conditions: Alzheimer’s
Disease, Cancer, Dementia, Diabetes, Familial Polyposis, Heart Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Multiple Sclerosis,
Muscular Dystrophy, Stroke or any inherited or hereditary disease?
Note: You are only required to disclose family history information pertaining to first degree blood related family members - living or deceased.

Yes No Unknown

If “Yes”, please give details in the table below.

Relationship to proposed insured Age at diagnosis Specific condition(s)

Section H – Lifestyle
1. Do you have firm plans to travel or reside in another country other than New Zealand, America, Canada, the United Kingdom or Europe?

Yes No
If “Yes”, please give details in the table below.

Country Length of stay

2. Do you regularly engage in or intend to engage in any of the following hazardous activities (not already disclosed in your occupation)?
Please tick all boxes that apply.

Water Sports Motor Sports Sky Sports

(eg. underwater diving, rock fishing) (eg. motorcycle, auto, motor boat) (eg. skydiving, hang gliding, parachuting, ballooning)

Aviation (eg. other than as a fare paying passenger Horse Sports (eg. polo, horse riding, Combat Sports or Martial Arts
on a commercial airline) rodeo, dressage, jumping) (eg. martial arts, boxing, fencing)

Field Sports (eg. Hockey or football of any code Hunting (of any kind) Any Activity Not Mentioned
including touch or tag and soccer) (eg. abseiling, base jumping, caving,
free climbing, outdoor rock climbing)

None of the activities listed above

Please provide details for any of the activities you have selected above:

Activity Details

3. Have you within the last 5 years used any drugs that were not prescribed to you (other than over the counter drugs) or have you exceeded
the recommended dosage of any medication?

Yes No

If “Yes”, please give details in the table below.

Drug / Medicine Reason for Use

4. On average, how many standard alcoholic drinks do you consume each week (a standard drink is equivalent to either a
125ml glass of wine, a schooner of light beer, a middy/pot of full strength beer or a 30ml shot of spirits? /week

5. Have you ever been advised by a health professional to reduce your alcohol consumption? Yes No

6. Do you currently have HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)? Yes No

If “No”, are you in a high risk category for contracting HIV? Yes No

7. Other than already disclosed in this application, do you presently suffer from any condition, injury or illness, which you
suspect may require medical advice or treatment in the future? Yes No

If “Yes”, please provide details below.

Condition Details (incl. dates, symptoms, treatment)

Section I – Your duty of disclosure

Before you become insured under a contract of life insurance the Trustee has a duty to disclose, under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984.
In order for the Trustee to comply with this duty, you must disclose in this application form, every matter that you know, or could
reasonably be expected to know, is relevant to the insurer’s decision whether to accept the risk of the insurance and, if so, on what terms.
The duty of disclosure also applies before cover is renewed, varied or reinstated. The duty does not, however, require disclosure
of a matter:

n that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the insurer

n as to which the duty of disclosure is waived by the insurer

n that the insurer knows, or in the ordinary course of its business, ought to know

n that is common knowledge.

If the duty of disclosure is not complied with and the insurer would not have provided the insurance cover on any terms if the failure
had not occurred, the insurer may void the cover within three years of entering into it. If the non-disclosure is fraudulent, the insurer
may void the cover at any time. An insurer who is entitled to void insurance cover may, within three years of entering into it, elect not
to void it but to reduce the sum you have been insured for in accordance with a formula that takes into account the premium that
would have been payable if you had disclosed all relevant matters to the insurer. The duty of disclosure continues until the insurer
accepts (or declines) your application and issues confirmation in writing. Please ensure that all applicable questions are fully answered.

As a member of MTAA Super, you may ask to see the information that insurer holds about you and have it corrected if required.

I declare the following:

n I have read and carefully considered the questions in this application and all answers provided are true and correct.

n I have told the insurer everything I know that could affect its decision to accept my application.

n I have read the duty of disclosure and understand my obligations as outlined above.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that:

n I have read and understood the Privacy Statement appearing in the Insurance Guide and having access to Metlife’s Privacy Policy
located online at or otherwise provided, and consent to personal information being collected and used
in accordance with these terms. I accept that the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information is necessary for the purpose
of the administration and maintenance of insurance under MTAA Super’s insurance policies.

n I understand that the insurer, the Fund Administrator and the Trustee will not be able to process my application or administer my
insurance under the Fund’s insurance policies without this consent.

n If I do not complete this application correctly, or I do not sign and date this form, my application will be invalid and will not be
considered by the insurer.

I authorise any hospital, doctor or other person who has treated or examined me to give to the insurer or any organisation duly appointed
by them, any information on my illness or injury, medical history, consultation, prescription or treatment or copies of all hospital or medical
reports. A photocopy of this authorisation is as valid as the original. I agree to provide further medical authorities if requested.

Member signature

Date / /

This application must be received by MTAA Super within 30 days of the date on which you sign it.
Return the completed, signed and dated application to: MTAA Super Insurance Services, Locked Bag 15, Haymarket NSW 1236.

A representative of MetLife Insurance Limited may contact you in regards to your application.

Telephone 1300 362 415 Fax 1300 365 142 E-mail
Web Postal Address Locked Bag 15, Haymarket NSW 1236
Trustee: Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 14 008 650 628
AFSL 238 718 MTAA Superannuation Fund ABN 74 559 365 913 USI MTA0100AU

5327 – 12/13 3/14


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