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In some lines there’s a spelling error or a punctuation

error. Write the correctly spelt word or correct the

punctuation. Some lines are correct.

Although it may seem trivial to some for me it is a miracle that I …………. 1

manager to park outsider my Home today! It wasn’t necessary to …………. 2
drive around the block and it did not take me half an hour. Almost a …………. 3
year has passed since this last happened, a sure sign that August the …………. 4
month Madrid shuts down, is just around the corner. Over the past …………. 5
week, my neighbours have been packing there and disappearing to …………. 6
apartements by the beach or villages in the countryside. A curious …………. 7
silence reigns over the buildings. ‘See you in four weeks time,’ …………. 8
say signs pasted to bar and restaurant doors. Fresh bread and break’s ….…….. 9
for coffee recquire longer walks to the few places left functioning. …………. 10
Visitors to the city may be disappointed because they expect a busy …………. 11
midsummer, but are met by silence; foreign backpackers and scalding ………... 12
heat. Those of us who live here however, are delighted since to us …………. 13
Madrid becomes a secret paradise in August. An unwriten agreement …………. 14
has been signed by all of us: usual rules of behavior no longer apply. …………. 15
Dress codes are the first to go, shaving is optional and work becomes a ……..… 16
liesurely affair. Much of what you want to do cannot be done, because ..…….. 17
everyone else is away. There’s no one here to take your call. Please …………. 18
call back in September,’ comes to reply from the answerring machine. …..……. 19
It seems posible to live in a paradise even in summer in Madrid. ……….…. 20

1. some, for
2. necessary
3. √
4. August, the
5. √
6. their
7. apartments
8. four weeks’
9. breaks
10. require
11. √
12. silence ,
13. here, however,
14. unwritten
15. √
16. √
17. leisurely
18. ‘There’s
19. answering
20. possible

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