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Student Name: _____________________________ TV & Video Production

Course: _______________ Semester: Assignment : TV Graphic - BHM Lower Thirds

Teacher: Mr. Elsie and Mr. Snyder Unit: Television Graphics

Assignment: TV Graphic - Television Show Graphic R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4- 4 4+ Level

TV Graphics - 5 Graphic Types Research

Does not meet

Knowledge of all 1 type of TV graphics are Knowledge of all 2 types of TV graphics are Knowledge of all 3-4 types of TV graphics are Knowledge of all 5 types of TV graphics are
• Knowledge of all 5 types of TV graphics are demonstrated through the researched images assignment
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated

Title Safe and Safe Action Overlay

Does not meet Title Safe and/or Safe Action Overlay Both Title Safe and Safe Action Overlay included Both Title Safe and Safe Action Overlay included Both Title Safe and Safe Action Overlay set as top
• Title Safe and Safe Action Overlay included assignment included but not used correctly but not used correctly and used correctly layer and used correctly
• All graphic elements fit correctly within Title Safe and Safe Action overlay areas criteria

Design Principles and Elements

Graphic demonstrates proper use of the following: Does not meet Graphic does not demonstrate proper use Graphic demonstrates proper use of some of the Graphic demonstrates proper use of most of the Graphic demonstrates proper use of all of the
• Design Elements: Shapes, Images and Text assignment of the design principles and elements design principles and elements design principles and elements design principles and elements
• Design Principles: Hierarchy; Placement/Alignment; Scale; Typography; Colour criteria
• Alignment and position of graphic elements are organized to lead the eye
• All graphic elements work well together as complete design Graphic also demonstrates a great attention to
detail within the design layout


Does not meet Meets 1 of 3 images criteria Meets 2 of 3 images criteria Meets 3 of 3 images criteria Meets 3 of 3 images criteria with great attention to
• Downloaded images must be high quality - no pixelation assignment detail
• No distortion or stretching of downloaded images criteria


• Typography must complement the graphic elements and the chosen person of inspiration Does not meet
• assignment Includes all 4 required criteria and demonstrates
2 font styles maximum Includes 2 of 4 required criteria but lacks effective Includes 3 of 4 required criteria and demonstrates
criteria Missing 1 of the required criteria effective use of typography principles with great
• Font styles are clearly legible and complement all graphic elements typography principles effective use of typography principles
attention to detail
• Font size is clearly legible and complements all graphic elements

Colour Scheme

• Colour scheme must complement the graphic elements and the chosen person of inspiration Does not meet Knowledge of complementary colour scheme Knowledge of complementary colour scheme
assignment Knowledge of a colour scheme not Colour scheme is created but does not follow
• Colour Scheme demonstrated knowledge of the complementary colour rule demonstrated complementary colour rule demonstrated that emphasizes all graphic demonstrated that emphasizes all graphic
criteria elements elements with great attention to detail


Does not meet All layers are labelled appropriately for content
assignment Layers are not labelled and/or unnecessary Most layers are labelled but not appropriately and/
• All layers must be given a name that identifies the layer content appropriately criteria layers still included in final Photoshop or unnecessary layers still included in final Some layers have spelling errors All layers are labelled appropriately for content and
• Only relevant layers are to be included in final Photoshop document document Photoshop document reviewed for proper spelling
No necessary layers in final Photoshop document

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