Professionalism Rubric - Vocal Solo or Choral Performance: Name

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Professionalism Rubric - Vocal Solo or Choral Performance

Name: _____________________________________
MB Music Curriculum Connecting M–C1 The learner develops understandings about people and practices in music.


1 2 3/4 5
Shows little respect Is developing a sense of Shows respect for Shows total respect for all
RESPECT for respect for deadlines/materials/practi deadlines/materials/prac
deadlines/materials/ deadlines/materials/pract ce/preparation/routines. tice/preparation/routines
practice/preparation ice/preparation/routines. Shows respect for . Shows total respect for
/routines. Shows Is developing a sense of colleagues/teacher/self. colleagues/teacher/self.
little respect for respect for
colleagues/teacher/s colleagues/teacher/self.
elf. Uses cell phone in

CONDUCT Student is generally Student is learning to be Student is generally Student is

not prepared/supportive/hel prepared/supportive/help attentive/prepared/supp
prepared/supportive pful in all aspects of the ful in all aspects of the ortive/helpful in all
/helpful in all aspects class. Student is learning class. Student is generally aspects of the class.
of the class. Student to be persistent when persistent when faced with Student persists when
does not show faced with challenge. Positive energy faced with challenge.
positive energy in challenge.Student is is mostly evident in Positive energy is evident
their contribution to learning the importance of student’s contribution to in student’s contribution
the class. positive energy is evident the class. to the class.
in their contribution to
the class.
COMMITMENT Poor attendance Attends some Attends most Attends all
rehearsals/classes/p rehearsals/classes/perfor rehearsals/classes/perfor rehearsals/classes/perfor
erformances and mances and extra- mances and extra- mances and extra-
extra-curricular curricular requirements. curricular requirements. curricular requirements.
requirements. Shows Shows some Shows 100% Shows 100%
little commitment/dedication/ commitment/dedication/e commitment/dedication/
commitment/dedicat enthusiasm and LOVE for nthusiasm and LOVE for accountability/enthusias
ion/enthusiasm and the art form. Is learning the art form. Is mostly m and LOVE for the art
LOVE for the art the importance of being reliable. form. Is completely
form. Is unreliable. reliable. reliable.

© alicemary 2018

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