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Achieve Analytics

Become Analytics-Driven W H I T E P A P E R

APR. 2017
Data production will be
R Systems Inc.
44 times greater in 2020
than it was in 2009.
Source: IDC
Table of

1. Introduction 1

2. Analytics-Driven Organization 1

2.1. Big Data Revolution 3

2.2. Resurgence of Machine Learning and AI 3

2.3. Analytics as Competitive Advantage 4

3. Analytics Maturity 4
By 2020, data-driven
organizations are set to
4. Analytics Sophistication 6 achieve additional $65Bn.
in productivity benefits.
5. Analytics Skill Gap 8

6. References 10

7. About R Systems 11

Thought Leadership Whitepaper |

1. Introduction Nowadays, data science is an umbrella
term that spans across data mining,
In today’s world, a successful enterprise advanced and predictive analytics,
has to achieve competencies in data and statistical modeling, decision science,
analytics to remain competitive and knowledge discovery in databases
relevant. An organization can position (KDD), ML, pattern recognition and AI
itself ahead of disruptions in its industry to make better decisions based on a
by leveraging all relevant data which is vast amount of data of all kinds. Data
at its disposal and by applying a variety science gained traction when there
of analytics on top of it. This is a mandate were real business interests in specific
for many classic organizations who are industries about advanced analysis of
under constant threat of disruptions in data for business decision making.
their own markets by newcomers or
agile competitors. Although nothing can For over two decades, Data Science
save an obsolete product or business has been the cornerstone for a lot of
model, analytics is fundamental for both applications. For e.g., Real-time Fraud
innovating new products and enhancing Detection in the Finance vertical and
existing products, as well as, their reach the Recommendation Systems in the
to the right customers, in the right way. Retail vertical. However, due to the
popularity of web products since early
‘2000, data science today has become
widely acceptable across industries.
This whitepaper explains different
progressive levels in an enterprise’s In the last three decades, the genuine
journey to become analytics driven interest in treating data as an asset2 and
advanced uses of data for analytical
decision making has been the driving
2. Analytics-Driven force for many of the technology
innovations. Figure1 is an illustration of
Organization the goal that has survived the test of
time which is to collect and process all
The use of Machine Learning (ML) and
types of data in granular detail and in
advanced analytics to create value from
conjunction with each other to gain
corporate or public data is nothing new
valuable novel insights.
[1]. Leveraging these technologies for
commercial use started in the late ‘80s/ 1 We define data science as “the practice of extracting insights
from data using a multitude of disciplines and technologies for
early ‘90s, when predictive analytics and the purpose of creating new data products and services or
ML techniques had become very popular. improving the existing ones [1].” Based on this definition, data
science is nothing new but the term itself and the recent level of
Today, we collectively cover both these interest in it.

aspects under “data science1 .” 2 As you have heard, data is the new Oil.

1 of 11
As is typical, such interests started out of At the same time, this has brought in
specific industries that realized the need big opportunities for many players as
which were then led by the innovators well. In early years, data warehousing
(technology enthusiasts) and early and data marts were of a significant
adopters (visionaries). focus with IT-led reporting and BI. On
the advanced analytics end, the focus
In Figure 1, the technologies involved was on finding rewarding use cases
have been constantly changing at a very and right algorithms for commercial
fast pace. E.g., due to the exponential use. By mid ‘2000, the focus shifted to
growth in volume/ velocity of data and cost-effective data infrastructure, to
data variety due to internet connectivity cope up with the exponential growth
and proliferation of web products, data of data and business-led BI, with an
technologies have been under both emphasis on visualization and self-
evolutionary and revolutionary changes. service. On the advanced analytics
Analytics tools and related technologies front, with significant breakthroughs
have also been continuously improving in the processing speed, open-source
at a great pace with the most significant tools and easy availability of all kinds
change being the abundance and easy of data, it became possible to deliver
availability of open-source analytics more confidently on the promises of
tools/ software. In parallel, for classic Machine Learning and AI.
and new companies, the possibilities to
innovate/ improve their products and
services by leveraging analytics has This whitepaper focuses on the
significantly increased. This has created Two main breakthrough changes
amazing new market opportunities. The in the recent years:
use of analytics for product innovation
Big Data Revolution and ML/ AI
and improvement is the norm today. In
short, the general theme of evolution
from detailed/ granular data of all kinds
to intelligent business decisions has
stayed unchanged in the past 30 years,
while the technologies, processes and By 2018, more than half of
implementation details on achieving it large organizations globally
have been in constant change. will compete using
advanced analytics and
For many classic organizations, coping- proprietary algorithms
with constant changes in technologies
Source: Gartner
and applications has become their main
challenge towards becoming a data and
analytics-driven organization.
Thought Leadership Whitepaper | 2 of 11
2.1 Big Data Revolution standpoint, BI had now gone ahead of
ETL which is an indication of putting
For a moment, we first consider one of data to analytics use. BI is the fastest
these significant technology changes way to show the value of data and
that are the big data revolution and its justify investments in any new data
drastic impact on organizational data technology. Focusing on BI doesn’t
infrastructure. In early to mid ‘2010, big diminish advanced analytics’ value,
data was at its hype. So many companies that typically brings higher business
were experimenting or planning to value (ROI) although it has a longer
explore Hadoop ecosystem. At the time, turnaround time and higher risks.
top technical challenges with Hadoop
were the speed of processing, ETL and
data preparation, useage of advanced 2.2 Resurgence of Machine
analytics and real-time embedding of Learning and AI
advanced analytics in operational flows[4,5]
In 2015, per Gartner, investment in big Earlier we mentioned a few successful
commercial uses of ML in early ‘90s, in
data going strong, where 75% of all com-
financial (real-time fraud detection
panies were either investing or were
using neural networks[10]) and retail
planning to invest in big data in the next (recommendation systems) verticals
two years[7]. By 2016, big data maturity that are still in use. Since then, there
survey[6] indicated that 75% of the have been many applications of ML
respondents already had at least one used everyday, but still go unnoticed.
Hadoop cluster in some shape or form, In recent years, one very interesting
whereas 73% had it in production. The development is the resurgence of AI,
survey also established that big data was which comprise of ML. We are no
still growing fast, data governance was a longer concerned whether computers
growing concern ahead of security and (or robots) can ever display intelligent
access. It also revealed big data cloud behavior, but rather how intelligent
option was a preferred choice for partial/ they may get as witnessed by recent
full data storage or development for AI successes like Watson in Jeopardy!
many organizations3 . It also indicated and Google DeepMind AlphaGo4 are
that 95% of respondents have achieved the evidence of the possibilities in AI.
positive value from their investments in
There have been different approaches
big data, or are expecting that they will.
to AI. The most successful approach,
Given that all the investments in data
that typically outperforms others,
infrastructure, were from a workload’s involves ML applied to large datasets.
3 In 2014, there was fear of Cloud among many enterprise companies.
That mindset has quickly changed. Today, every enterprise is either 4 AlphaGo uses Deep Learning via convolutional neural networks
using the cloud or in process of moving there. This trend is witnessed trained to predict moves that expert players would make, using a
across many industries like financial, retail, insurance, healthcare, dataset of 30 million different positions from real games. The real
retail, and even government. world applications are much harder than games but ML/ AI have
recently proven their success on many new real-world use cases.

3 of 11
For some of these applications, the results Many enterprises remain in the early
are so human-like that many companies stages of their analytics initiatives and
are looking to hire more data scientists, strategically consider it as an engine
collecting more data and applying latest of innovation. Almost every classic
ML & AI technologies to improve their organization is realizing the journey
existing decision-making processes or through analytics maturity requires a
innovate new data products. lot of hard work and commitment due
to constant changes in technologies
New analytical tools for making decisions, involved and the pressures of new
like Watson, are creating entirely new competition. This commitment does
opportunities. With the digitization of touch many aspects of organizational
world commerce, the emergence of big behavior, from revamping the data
data and the advancement of analytical management and analytics skills/
technologies, organizations now have tools, to changing cultural norms[3].
amazing opportunities to differentiate
themselves through analytics. Per the
study, “Analytics: The Widening Divide,” by Decisions

MIT Sloan Management, most companies

have seized these opportunities. Advanced

2.3 Analytics as Competitive Business Intelligence

Data Infrastructure
For more than 20 years, organizations that
embraced analytics enjoyed a clear-cut
competitive advantage over their peers. Data Types (Structured, Semi-structured, Unstructured)

As the importance of analytics grew and

success stories publicized, analytics thus Figure 1: From detailed granular data to
gained more ground across industries analytics-driven decisions
(typically the laggards). A 2011 MIT Sloan
Management survey[2] indicated that at
the time 58% of executives globally, across 3. Analytics Maturity
all industries considered analytics as a Our five progressive levels of analytics
competitive advantage, which is a very maturity (Figure 2) shows the final,
significant jump from what they perceived most sophisticated level named as
a year before. However, by 2016, increased “Transformed”. Such companies are
market adoption of analytics had leveled data native hence regard analytics an
the playing field and made it harder for integral part of everything, thus use
companies to keep their competitive edge analytics strategically daily and at all
using analytics while the optimism about levels. Reference[9] below, elaborates
analytics’ potential had stayed strong[3]. each of these levels further.
Thought Leadership Whitepaper | 4 of 11
Figure 1 illustrates the succession of Transformed
steps to go, from Raw Data (variety of
detailed operational data, third party
data, etc.) to Intelligent Decisions, for
achieving analytics maturity. Companies
can optimize their decisions based on
specific analysis performed on the data
and dependent on the specific business Experienced

use cases. In classic organizations, these

competencies will take time to evolve
and mature. An organization should first Motivated
commit to the importance of decisions
that are analytics-driven. This requires
gradual alignment in culture, along with Beginner
a clear technical roadmap.
For a classic organization, achieving Figure 2: Five progressive levels of
analytics maturity is a journey across analytics maturity
multiple dimensions. Organizations will
not progress through analytics maturity Culture plays a very crucial role as it
levels solely based on “data readiness/ influences leadership, processes and
infrastructure” and employing “analytics
people across the organization and at
tools/ techniques”. Other dimensions
all levels. Irrelevant of a company’s
like “culture”, “top leadership”, “people/
skillsets”, “business processes”, “nature of sophistication across the data and
industry/ market”, competitive map, etc. analytics dimensions, if the culture
need to be taken into consideration to does not promote and reward the
make this journey successful. analytics-driven decisions, higher
levels of analytics maturity may not be
For brevity, in this paper we have
achieved. Leadership in a company can
merged some of these dimensions and
initiate an analytics-driven culture and
laid emphasis on three dimensions:
thinking down the ranks. Changing
established processes, mindset and
Analytics Sophistication (skill level, thought process in an organization
expertise, techniques and tools) takes time but it is instrumental to get
everybody on board on analytics and
Data Management Sophistication
data initiatives. However, mostly, this
(data readiness, infrastructure, skills,
change may be initiated even from the
experience and tools)
mid-level of an organization and then
Culture (competitive landscape, cascade up to the top and the rest of
leadership, processes and industry) the organization. In either scenario, an
analytics-driven thinking and culture is
5 of 11
essential for a successful implementation 4. Analytics Sophistication
of data and analytics competencies
which help companies to move towards Analytics sophistication is one of the
an analytics-driven decisions whether dimension which is considered for the
tactical or strategical. Many times the assessment of analytics maturity. One
culture change is forced upon a company key issue that always comes up in data
by market dynamics and competitive science5, BI, or other data processing
landscape in the industry which they tasks is the precise definition of the
operates in. In such situation, companies term “analytics,” and what does it really
look up to the leaders and innovators in mean. Analytics covers a vast spectrum
their industry or similar industries. and is often found to be a source of
confusion for clients evaluating various
Analytics can only perform well if an vendors’ capabilities. Figure 3 is an
organization stands over a solid data illustration of an enterprise evolution
foundation and infrastructure, which is in analytics[1]. It plots the analytics
designed and built for various analysis. sophistication in terms of simple and
Highlighting the importance of data familiar analytics practices and its
management, infrastructure and its direct correlation with competitive
readiness here is not needed but it is advantage. The analytics spectrum is
sufficient enough to say that the most basically divided into Two - Basic and
matured organizations are continuously Advanced. The divisions are based on
making it easier for all types of users at least two vital differentiating factors.
(data scientists and analysts) to access
relevant quality data they need. In an Firstly, advanced analytics needs more
analytically matured company, data sophisticated algorithms, tools and
scientists and analysts should never be skillsets to achieve its goals. Secondly,
concerned with core data management the business value/ insights obtained
tasks such as data collection, ingestion, from Advanced analytics is also higher,
storage, access, documentation quality, since it has a predictive, proactive and
governance and integration (raw data prescriptive (3Ps) nature. This means
quality). Data engineering/ architecture the capabilities it provides can impact
teams provide these services across the future outcomes in a smart manner[1].
company and work with other data
scientists to collect and transform new Basic analytics looks at the past data
sources of data for the use of analytics. and requires simpler processing. It is
both reactive and descriptive in nature.
In the business world, both these terms
(Analytics and Data Science) are often
5 In this document, we may use the term “Data Science” and “Data
Mining” interchangeably with data science obviously preferred.

Thought Leadership Whitepaper | 6 of 11

used interchangeably and covers the full can start its evolution from a low-end
spectrum. The term Analytics is often analytics like standard reports towards
considered ‘business-friendly’, whereas, adhoc reporting, simple alerts, OLAP,
Data Science is still viewed like a technical real-time dashboards (monitoring KPIs)
term. However, both these terms achieve and interactive visualization. Business
the same objective of extracting value and data analysts usually operate in
from data via analysis. From a technical this range. A data analyst must have a
standpoint, the term “Data Science” is sufficient business domain knowledge
regarded to be more focused on covering and a good understanding of relevant
the high-end of the analytics spectrum. data along with common analytical
skills. To perform data analysis tasks,
To be successful at any level of analytics business/ data analysts often deal with
sophistication, a company must have an an aggregated data, mostly from a
outstanding level of expertise in data single data source and a handful of
management. Only then an enterprise variables at anytime.


Advanced Analytics:
Predictive & Proactive

What is the best that can

happen given constraints?

PA, ML, AI What will happen?

FORECASTING What is the trend?

ANALYSIS What is happening?

Basic Analytics: ALERTS

Descriptive & Reactive What actions are needed?
What is happening overall? &

What exactly is the problem? STD. REPORTS

What happened specifically? REPORTS
What exactly is the problem?

What happened? DRILL DOWN

Figure 3: Competitive advantage has direct correlation with analytics sophistication. Here we
measure sophistication only by examples of analytics deployed from less complex
basic analytics to more sophisticatedalgorithmic techniques (advanced analytics) 7 of 11
As an enterprise recognizes the value of 5. Analytics Skill Gap
its data through the analytics processes,
it will continue to improve upon them to Data Science is a multi-disciplinary
maximize their business value. However, field that ideally requires a strong
there is a saturation point beyond which, technical knowledge of ML, pattern
the marginal contribution achieved from recognition, programming, statistics,
the basic analytics practices quickly mathematics, probability, modeling,
diminishes[1]. Precisely at this point, a databases, and computing. Given the
disruptive change has to take place in an existing silos in our higher education
organization’s vision and culture in order system, companies had to hire and
for it to transition into a higher form of train data scientists. In recent years,
analytics. In Figure 3, this transition point there have been many data science
is illustrated using a yellow lightning bolt programs (degreed or non-degreed)
while Figure 4, outlines some key factors which are introduced in different
required for this disruptive transition. At settings (academic/ non-academic),
this side of the spectrum, a company but still data science can be best
becomes more proactive in employing a learned on the job, assuming that the
data-driven predictive and prescriptive companies have experienced data
processes. Statistical Analysis, Machine scientists onboard who can mentor
Learning (ML), Predictive Analytics (PL), the new hires. However, due to lack of
Forecasting, Artificial Intelligence (AI) data science talent, high emphasis has
and mathematical optimization (under been put on the some of the data
real-world constraints) are examples of science techniques and other stand-
Advanced Analytics techniques. Data alone/ cloud-based tools like Python
scientists typically operate in this range. (Pandas, Scikit-learn, etc.), R, SAS,
It is worthy to mention that when an SPSS, SQL, Azure ML, H2O, Hadoop
organization transitions from large data ecosystem (Hive, Spark, HBase, etc.).
to big data, there would be disruptive
changes required as well. The enterprise Data scientists always deal with large
will clearly need different mindset and granular data, in all shapes and forms
thought process in its approach along and from a variety of sources. They
with various tools and techniques to have to deal with a huge number of
cope up with big data. The traditional BI variables and employ advanced sets
and advanced analytics skillset also of algorithms. A data scientist always
needs to improve and evolve to address demands more data. “All data in raw
the challenges of the big data. [Figure 5] form” is always preferred, but it may
not always be practical to store and
analyze all that data[1].

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Aside from deep knowledge of the data
science “black arts” and above mentioned 01 Different training
skill set (both in terms of
and experience)
techniques, data scientists should possess
many non-technical skills, which are often Scientific Mindset 02
over-looked. The ten non-technical skills
outlined `below are important (the first 03 Different Analysis Toolset
seven are the Key ones) to be successful in
data science tasks in the real world: Different Data Infrastructure
(only sometimes) 04
01. Problem solving ability
02. Ability to question the work of self and
05 Longer Project Cycles
others as well
Different Data Transformations 06
03. Passion for data (the more, the better)
04. Attention to detail and an ability to
validate own work in multiple ways 07 Most Granular/ Detailed Use of Data
05. Statistical thinking (one who knows
when to reason deterministically and Figure 4: Transition to advanced analytics
when probabilistically) always requires changes to the
06. Passion for exploration and discovery skillsets and tools.
(quick learner from failures)
07. Ability to devise optimal and creative High Performance Data Mining
ways to experiment new (finding novel (HPDM)
insights is cumbersome. One can never
Sophistication Advanced

find a sure way to find it)

08. Presentation ability (written and oral)

Big Data Analytics

Traditional Data Mining |
“Big Data”
09. Business acumen Predictive Analytics
10. Ability to simplify complex concepts

to be able to easily explain it to others

While one interested in data science can Traditional BI


often learn the technical skills and evolve,

the non-technical skills however, may not
necessarily be as straightforward to grasp. Large Data Volume Big Data
Organizations often face these challenges Figure 5: Analytics sophistication and big data.
as they attempt to create, build and evolve Transition from large to big data for
a data science team. both traditional BI and Predictive
Analytics/ Data Mining requires new
skills development and tools.

9 of 11

[1] Hassibi Khosrow - 2014 High Performance Data Mining and Big Data
Analytics: The Story of Insight from Big Data (Available on Amazon)
[2] MIT Sloan Management Review Research Report: 2011 Analytics The
Widening Divide
[3] MIT Sloan Management Review Research Report: 2016 Beyond The
Hype: The Hard Work Behind Analytics Success
[4] Rogers Shawn John Myers and Barry Devlin: 2013 Operationalizing the
Buzz: Big Data 2013 Research Enterprise Management Research (EMA)
[5] Graham Bradley and M R Rangaswami 2013 "Do you Hadoop? A
Survey of Big Data Practitioners" Sand Hill Group - October 29 (Accessed
March 31, 2017)
[6] Hortonworks & AtScale 2016: 2016 Big Data Maturity Survey
[7] 2015 "Survey Analysis: Practical Challenges Mount as Big
Data Moves to Mainstream
[8] Ernst & Young (EY) 2015: Becoming an Analytics Driven Organization
to Create Value
[9] Analytics Maturity Assessment 2017 (Accessed April 30, 2017)

[10] Hassibi Khosrow 2001 "Detecting Payment Card Fraud with Neural
Networks" In Business Applications of Neural Networks: The
State-of-the-Art of Real-World Applications by Paulo J G Lisboa Alfredo
Vellido and Bill Edisbury, 141-158. World Scientific
Insights-driven businesses
will earn over $1.2 Trillion
http:⁄⁄⁄IDC-press-release annually, by 2020
http:⁄⁄⁄Gartner-press-release Source: Forrester

Thought Leadership Whitepaper | 10 of 11

R Systems Analytics helps clients
uncover actionable insights to drive
ANALYTICS SOPHISTICATION competitive advantage and capture
business value. We help organizations
W H I T E P A P E R integrate and operationalize data
analytics solutions, enabling them to
gain visibility into previously opaque
or hard to measure processes. This
empowers our clients to make
smarter business decisions.

Our team of data experts, consultants

and data scientists leverage proven
analytics methodologies, tools and
best practices to define the right
analytics solutions for you, that solve
complex business challenges/ specific
use cases and drive future growth.

Khosrow Hassibi, PHD Jeff Johnstone

Chief Data Scientist Director – Client Services, Analytics
Executive Contacts:
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