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End of Course Reflection: Portuguese 3

Please answer the following questions in short paragraphs. Be thoughtful and

be honest. Do your best, as this will be appearing on your portfolio!

1. What was the most meaningful lesson or experience you had while in
Portuguese 3​? (Feel free to discuss whatever was most memorable to you about the class,
which lesson interested you most, or a time when you just felt like you were doing something
awesome in Portuguese class.
The most meaningful experience I had in this class is when you made me read out loud because that
helped me with speaking and reading in portuguese. I’m not good at reading aloud in english is so i was
nervous about reading in portuguese but you finding different ways of reading aloud helped me.
2. What do you consider to be your strengths in terms of using the Portuguese
language? ​Are you great at verbs? Are you a fantastic speaker with a lovely accent? Is your
writing amazing? Are your projects always full of flawless Portuguese?
What I consider to be my strength is that I know or have a sense of what most words mean because I
speak Creole. When we did that unit we had to listen, understand, and translate what you said in
portuguese I did it was ease.
3. What would you like to improve on in terms of using the Portuguese
language? ​Maybe you’re still not quite sure about conjugating endings. Maybe you want to
become more conversational. Maybe you still want to learn more about Portuguese culture.
What I need to improve on is reading in portuguese. We read a lot this year but I feel like I need and
could improve much more. This has been a very successful year but if there's one thing I believe I can
improve on its that.
4. What was your best project during Portuguese 3? Why do you feel it was
the best? ​Describe the project and tell what you did really well with it.
The best project we did the cooking project. Yes I didn’t get a good grade on the project, but it was still
the project that was the most fun to do. We should have done a better job job editing the video.
5. What was your contribution to the overall class climate? ​Were you a class clown?
Were you the silent participator? Did you help others and take charge or were you the willing
follower? My contribution to the class was a little bit of everything. There were times when I was a
distraction but there were also times where I was good in participating with the class. When I was
a distaction I was checked but most of the class was full of energy and was fun.

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