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My gratuation thesis


My graduation thesis name is ‘’ The international conflicts’’ , and I chose to focus

on international business conflicts, what this conflicts imply and how to solve them in an
eficient way.

 First chapter is about the discovery of the concept of conflict, what causes it,
and if all the conflicts are bad. Types of conflicts, specific conflicts in international
business and the way that they are solved.
 In the second chapter I speak about conflict management, the best ways to
manage them, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration.

Some conflicts can be managed more efficiently through voluntary processes that
emphasize mutual gains.

 Negotiation.

A process designed to prevent and manage conflicts, working together as team to

achieve specific objectives.

 Mediation.

A process of negotiation to solve common problems, solving differences.

 Arbitration.

A dispute resolution process where a person not involved, help the parties to identify
their interests and reach a common interest.

 The third chapter is the practical part, in this chapter I try to show how
everything I said previosly can be applied in real life.

For the last chapter I chose a case study of courts of arbitration, how arbitration works
or arbitration versus trial court.

I haven’t decided yet about this aspect of my paper.

Precup Ionela Mihaela


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