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“How Coyote Made The Winter.

(A Native American legend)

1.) Put the verbs from the text in their past forms.

1) Can’t find
2) Follow
3) Give
4) Be
5) Not be
6) Be
7) Open
8) Come
9) Travel
10) Arrive
11) Have
12) Want
13) Fly
14) Take
15) Start
16) Stop
17) Fly
18) Fly
19) Become
20) Die
21) Turn
2.) Which verbs from exercise 1 are regular and which are irregular?
Regular Past Verbs Irregular Past verbs

3.) Put the pictures in the right order.

4.) Answer these questions about the legend.

a.) Why did Coyote follow Eagle?
b.) Why couldn’t Coyote catch his own food?
c.) Where was the sun in those days?
d.) Where was the box? What happened when people opened it?
e.) What did Eagle and Coyote decide to do?
f.) What did Coyote and Eagle do with the box?
g.) What happened when Coyote opened the box?
h.) What did he make?

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