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Class: B. Tech (Civil): IV sem Date : 18-05-2018
Sub: Applied Hydraulic Engineering Sub. Code : 14CV 46
Max. Time: 30 Minutes Max. Marks : 20

Q1 Stream erosion and deposition are controlled primarily by a River's:

(1) Velocity (2) Gradient (3) Channel Slope (4) Discharge

Q2 Cobble-sized particles are most likely to be transported as part of a stream's:

(1) Suspended Load (2) Bed Load (3) Dissolved load (4) None

Q3 A wedge-shaped mass of sediment deposited by a stream into a body of water is called:

(1)0 An Alluvial Fan (2) A Submarine Fan (3) A Delta (4) None

Q4 What type of flow can transport gravel and cobbles?

(1) Turbulent (2) Laminar (3) both A and B (4) neither A nor B

Q5 Particles that roll and slide along the river bottom are called _________.
(1) bed load (2) suspended load (3) dissolved load (4) none of the above

Q6 Particles that Jump along the river bottom are called _________.
(1) bed load (2) suspended load (3) dissolved load (4) Under Saltation

Q7 What type of material is most likely to be transported as suspended load?

(1) Clay (2) Silt (3) Sand (4) depends on the "energy" of the stream

Q8 Suspended load includes material ___________.

(1) rolling along on the bottom of the stream (2) temporarily or permanently suspended in the flow
(3) Deposited on the bottom of the stream (4) rolling along the bottom and suspended in the flow

Q9 Which of the following statements about streams is false?

(1) for the same discharge, laminar flows generally carry more sediment than turbulent flows
(2) faster currents can carry larger particles than slower currents
(3) smaller particles settle more slowly than larger particles
(4) the base level is the lowest level to which a stream can erodes

Q10 The intermittent jumping motion of sand grains along a river bottom is called ______.
(1) Saltation (2) rippling (3) suspension (4) meandering

Q11 During turbulent flow, smaller grains will not _________.

(1) be picked up more frequently than large grains (2) jump higher than large grains
(3) Settle more quickly than large grains (4) travel further than large grains

Q12 Which of the following stream velocities will lead to the largest sand dunes?
(1) Low (2) moderate (3) high (4) very high
Class: B. Tech (Civil): IV sem Sub: Applied Hydraulic Engineering Sub. Code: 14CV 46

Q13 Of the choices show above, the most common youthful cross-sectional river valley profile is_____?
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

Q14 Of the choices show above, the most common mature cross-sectional river valley profile is_____?
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

Q15 What is the term for a curved sandbar that forms on the inside curve of a stream?
(1) Meander (2) Dune (3) Oxbow (4) Point bar

Q16 What is the term for a curved sandbar that forms on the inside
curve of a stream?
(1) Meander (2) Point bar
(3). Dune (4) Oxbow

Q17 In this figure the arrow is pointing to a (n) _________?

(1) Meander (2) Point bar (3). Dune (4) Oxbow

Q18 The force exerted by the flowing water on the sediment particles to-cause their motion, is called
(1) Buoyant Force (2) Tractive Force
(3) Eddy Force (4) Kinematic Force

Q19 The critical shear stress ‘’, at which incipient motion of sediment takes place, is proportional to:
(1) (d)0.5 (2) d (3) d2 (4) d2.5
Where d – sediment grain size
Q20 The finer sediment which does not originate from the stream bed, but originates from the
catchment area, is best called as the:

(a) Bed load (b) suspended load (c) wash load (d) none of these.

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