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Complete these requests by expressing the idea specified in parentheses.

1.- ___ I speak to Mr. Smith, please? (Formal polite request)

2.-____ you open the window, please? It's hot in here. (Polite request)

3.-____ buying two loaves of bread on your way home? (Polite request)

4.- Betty, ________help me with this grammar exercise, please? (Informal request)

5.- Could I use your cell phone, please? – Sorry, you_____ . (Permission not given)

6.- Could I stay here for a while? – Yes, you _______. (Permission given)

Look at these verbs and complete the sentences using Going to Future.

•Emma her English exam next week.

•It is very hot today. I in the lake.
•We our grandparents this weekend. We haven't seen them for
a long time.
•John and his brother their bikes.
•I the table. It's time for lunch.
•David his homework after school.
•It's Paul's birthday next week. We him a present.
•His sister the violin at the concert.
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.
I got home yesterday and I noticed ( something / nothing) was wrong. The door was o
but I couldn’t see ( nothing / anything) because it was very dark. I didn’t know if I sho
call ( nowhere / somebody) or if I should go inside. I decided to call the police. I tried
find my cell phone but it wasn’t ( anything / anywhere) in my bag, then I remembere
was in the car. When I opened the car’s door ( somebody / somewhere) turned a light
in the living room. When I got my cell phone to call the police, it rang. I answered and it w
my husband. I said: “I think ( nobody / somebody) is robbing our home!”. And he told m
“That’s impossible. There isn’t ( anybody / anywhere) robbing our home!” and I a
“How do you know that?” He answered: “Because I’m here in the living room calling y
There is ( anything / nothing) wrong here. By the way, why are you so late?” Well, I did
answer that question but he had to explain why he had left the door open.

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