Ch22 h2 Extra Solutions

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lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 1

This print-out should have 15 questions. |~p|l

4. 6k
Multiple-choice questions may continue on X4
the next column or page – find all choices |~p|
before answering. 5. 6k 3
001 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points 6. 0
7. 6k
8. 3k 3
9. 3k 4
10. 3k 3
What is the direction, if any, of the electric X
field due to this configuration at a point X >> Explanation:
l >> s? Using the formula for the electric field of a
dipole along its perpendicular axis,
1. −y
~ dip⊥ = −k ~p
2. −x r3
and expressing the distance to the left and
3. +x
right dipoles as X + l/2 and X − l/2 respec-
~ tively, we apply the superposition principle at
4. E(X) =0
5. +y correct ~ net (X) = k |~p| |~p|
E 3
(−ŷ) + k ŷ
(X + l/2) (X − l/2)3
Since the dipole to the right of the origin is ~ 1 1
Enet (X) = k|~p| − ŷ
closer to point X, its electric field will dom- (X − l/2)3 (X + l/2)3
inate; since the moment of the dipole points |~
p |

−3 !
in the − − y direction, the electric field at X ~ net (X) = k
E 1− − 1+ ŷ
points in the +y direction. X3 2X 2X
Making the small argument approximation
002 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points (since l << X) and taking the magnitude we
Using a procedure similar to that used to ~ net (X)|:
obtain an approximate value for |E
calculate the electric field of a dipole, find an      
approximate algebraic expression for |E(X)|, |~p| l l
k 3 1−3 − − 1−3
the magnitude of the electric field due to the X 2X 2X
configuration at this point X, X >> l >> s.
1. k ~ net (X) ≈ k |~p| 6l
X4 X 3 2X
2. 3k 5
X ~ net (X) ≈ 3k |~p|l
|~p|l X4
3. 3k 4 correct
X 003 10.0 points
lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 2
~ 13 is given by
The magnitude of E
q √
E13 = E12 + E32 = 2×E1

where E1 = , and by symmetry E3 = E1 .
~ 2 is
By inspection the magnitude of E

k(2q) kq
E2 = √ = 2 = E1
Consider the setup shown in the figure, ( 2a) 2 a
where charges Q1, Q2 and Q3 and the
point A occupy four corners of a square ~ 13 and E
E ~ 2 are aligned along the same line
with the length a at each side. Given that and are pointing in the opposite direction.
Q1 = Q3 = q > 0 and Q2 = −2q. The E~ 13
resultant electric field at A contributed by The ratio is a negative number. So, we
charges Q1 and Q3 is labeled as E ~ 13 . The have √
electric field at A contributed by Q2 is la- ~ 13
E 2E1
beled as E~ 2 . Verify that the vectors E~ 13 and = −
E E1
E2 are aligned along a same line. Such an
~ 13
E ~ 13
E √
alignment implies that the ratio may be = − 2
E ~2
represented by a number. Here, a positive ra-
tio implies that two vectors are pointing in 004 (part 1 of 6) 10.0 points
the same direction and a negative ratio im- A conceptual model of aluminum triflouride
plies that they are pointing in the opposite (AlF3 ) is approximately a square with charges
direction. Determine this ratio. at the corners.
√ QA = 3 q QB = −q
1. - 2 correct

2. - 3

3. 2 O a

4. 2 QD = −q QC = −q

5. 3 What is the magnitude of the electric field
√ EO at the center O?
6. - 8
1. EO =
7. -1 a2
2. EO = correct
8. 1 a2
1 kq
3. EO = √
9. -2 4 2 a2
√ 1 kq
10. 8 4. EO = √
3 2 a2
Explanation: 1 kq
~ 1 is perpendicular to E
~ 3. 5. EO = √
Notice that at A, E 2 a2
lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 3

√ kq 1 kq
6. EO = 2 2 2. EC = √
a 3 2 a2
kq 3 kq
7. EO = 3 2 3. EC =
a 2 a2
kq  √  kq
8. EO = 2 4. EC = 3 − 2
a a2
√ kq √ kq
9. EO = 2 2 2 5. EC = 2 2 2 .
a a
√ kq √ kq
10. EO = 4 2 2 . 6. EC = 3 2 2
a a
3 √
Explanation: kq
7. EC = − 2 correct
The distance between each corner and the 2 a2
a √ kq
center is √ , so the magnitude of each field is
2 8. EC = 2 2
Q kQ kq
E=k  2 = 2 2 9. EC = 3 2
a a a

2 9 kq
10. EC =
The direction of the electric field at the field 4 a2
point O is the direction exerted on a positive Explanation: √
charge, so negative charges yield a field point- The charge at A is at a distance 2a, with
ing toward them from O and positive charges a field of magnitude
a field pointing away from them from O: 3kq 3kq
EA = √ = ,
EB ( 2 a)2 2 a2
whereas the charges at B and D are at a
ED distance a, with fields of magnitude
EB = ED = .
EA a2
EB and ED cancel; they have the same EB + ED
magnitude but act in opposite directions.
Since E~ A and E
~ C are collinear, they add

~ = kE
kEk ~A +E
~ C k = EA + EC
6kq 2kq 8kq EA
= 2 + 2 = 2
a a a
directed from O through C. ~ B and E
E ~ D form a square; the vector sum
is the diagonal:
005 (part 2 of 6) 10.0 points √

What is the magnitude of the electric field EC ~ D | = 2 EB = 2 k q .
~B + E
at C due to the charges at A, B, and D ? a2
√ kq The vectors E~B + E~ D and E~ A in the figure
1. EC = 4 2 2 ~ A has a larger
act in opposite directions, and E
lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 4
~ C is
magnitude, so the magnitude of E QA = q QB = q

3 √
3kq 2 kq kq

EC = − = − 2 .
2 a2 a2 2 a2 O

QD = q QC = −q
006 (part 3 of 6) 10.0 points Find the magnitude of the electric field at
Find the absolute value of tan α, where α O.
is the angle between the horizontal and the
electric field at C due to the three charges at √ kq
A, B, and D. 1. EO = 2 2
√ kq
1 2. EO = 2 2 2
1. | tan α| = √ a
2 2−1
√ kq
1 3. EO = 3 2 2
2. | tan α| = √ a
2 2+1
3. | tan α| = 1 correct 4. EO = 2
√ 1 kq
4. | tan α| = 2 2 − 1 5. EO = √
√ 2 a2
5. | tan α| = 2 1 kq
6. EO = √
√ 3 2 a2
2 2+1 1 kq
6. | tan α| = √ 7. EO = √
2 2−1 4 2 a2

7. | tan α| = 2 2 + 1 1 kq
8. EO = √
√ 5 2 a2
8. | tan α| = 3 kq
√ 9. EO = 4 2 correct
2 2−1
9. | tan α| = √ kq
2 2+1 10. EO = 3 2
10. | tan α| = √ Explanation:
2 2kq
EA = 2 is the magnitude of each field at
Explanation: O.
The resultant electric field is in the direc- EA ED
~ (45◦ below the horizontal), so
tion AC

| tan α| = tan 45◦ = 1 . EB EC

The contributions from B and D cancel,

whereas the contributions from A and C add:
007 (part 4 of 6) 10.0 points 2kq 4kq
E =2· 2 = 2 .
Consider charges in a square again, but this a a
time with a different assignment of charges:
lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 5
008 (part 5 of 6) 10.0 points electric field at C due to the three charges at
Find the electric field EC at C due to the A, B, and D.
3 charges at A, B, and D for new charge √
orientation. 1. | tan α| = 3
1 kq 1
1. EC = √ 2. | tan α| = √
3 2 a2 2 2−1
kq 3. | tan α| = 1 correct
2. EC =2 2
√ kq 1
3. EC = 2 2 4. | tan α| = √
a 2 2+1

kq 5. | tan α| = 2
4. EC = 2
a √
kq 6. | tan α| = 2 2−1
5. EC =3 2
a 1
√ kq 7. | tan α| = √
6. EC =3 2 2 2
a √
8. | tan α| = 2 2 + 1
7 kq
7. EC = √ √
4 2 a2 2 2+1
kq 9. | tan α| = √
8. EC =4 2 2 2−1
a √
2 2−1
5 kq 10. | tan α| = √
9. EC = 2 2+1
2 a2

1 kq The resultant vector is directed 45◦ below
10. EC = 2+ correct
2 a2 the horizontal, so
The magnitudes are the same as in Part 2, tan 45◦ = 1 .
but the directions are again different.
C QD 010 10.0 points

~ B and E
E ~ D act at right angles, so

~ ~ 2 kq Two identical permanent dipoles, each con-
|EB + ED | =
a2 sisting of charges +q and −q separated by a
~ A . The magnitudes distance s are aligned along the x axis and
in the same direction as E placed on the x-axis with their centres sepa-
of collinear vectors add, so rated by a distance of r (r >> s) as shown
√ in the figure. Let F be the magnitude of

2 kq kq 1 kq
E= + = 2+ . the force exerted by one of the dipoles on
a2 2 a2 2 a2 the other. If we change the distance between
the dipoles to r ′ = 2r, what will be the new
009 (part 6 of 6) 10.0 points magnitude of force F ′ ?
Find the absolute value of tan α, where α
is the angle between the horizontal and the 1. 16F
lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 6
numerator and denominator to get the result
2. 8F
2pq 3r 2 s 6p2
3. 2F F = =
4πǫ0 r 6 4πǫ0 r 4
4. where we have made use of the fact that p =
F Clearly, this force is inversely proportional
8 to the fourth power of r. Hence, if we increase
6. F r by a factor of 2, then we reduce F by a
factor of 16.
7. 4F
011 (part 1 of 3) 10.0 points
F Consider the figure below:
F ~ dipole
9. correct +q −q E
Let qs = p be the magnitude of dipole mo- s ~
ment of each of the dipoles. We can consider d≫s
the field due to one of the dipoles as acting
on each of the charges constituting the second If the charge of the point charge in the figure
dipole. Magnitude of electric field due to the were −8Q (instead of +Q, by what factor
first dipole at a distance of x from it along its would there be a change in the magnitude
axis(for x >> s) is given by the formula of the force on the point charge due to the
1 2p
4πǫ0 x3 Correct answer: 8.
For the two charges constituting the second Explanation:
dipole, the corresponding values of x will be This problem is best analyzed from the field
s s
r − and r + . Since the two charges are op- viewpoint–the dipole sets up an electric field
2 2 ~ in the region of the charge Q. This field
posite, the magnitude of net force will be ob- then produces a force on the charge, according
tained by subtracting the force acting on the ~ = QE
to F ~
farther charge (farther away from the dipole) Therefore, if we increase the magnitude of
from the force acting on the closer charge. the charge by a factor of 8, we also increase
Thus, we can write the magnitude of the force by a factor of 8.
2p q q
F = − 012 (part 2 of 3) 10.0 points
4πǫ0 (r − s/2)3 (r + s/2)3
Would the direction of the force change?
This can be simplified to get
1. The new force would be in an unrelated
2 s + 1 s3
 
3r direction.
2pq  4 
F = 
3 3

4πǫ0 (r − s/2) (r + s/2) 

2. The new force would be zero.

Now we can use the approximation r >> s 3. The force would stay in the same direc-
to neglect terms of order 2 or more in s in tion.
lee (dl28863) – Ch22-h2-extra – turner – (90130) 7
4. The force would be in the opposite direc- The left end of the dipole must be posi-
tion. correct tively charged. In order for there to be zero
net electric field at point A, the dipole must
Explanation: contribute an overall rightward pointing field
Since the force is related to the field by the at A to oppose the leftward pointing field due
formula F~ = QE,~ if we place two oppositely
to the 1 nC charge. The only way that the
charged point particles in the same field, they dipole’s field at A can point toward the right
will have force vectors that point in opposite is if the positive charge is on the left, and
directions. the negative charge is on the right. In that
case, each of the dipole’s two charges would
013 (part 3 of 3) 10.0 points contribute a rightward-pointing field at point
The distance between the dipole and the point A.
charge in the diagram in the figure is d.
If the distance between them were changed 015 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points
1 How large is the charge q?
to d, by what factor would the force on the
point charge due to the dipole change?
Your answer should be a decimal within five Correct answer: 1.19008 × 10−7 C.
percent of the correct answer. Explanation:
We begin by writing down expressions for
Correct answer: 8. the electric fields of the charge and the dipole
at point A. For the charge,

1 q
Dipole fields fall off as . So, if the dis- E
charge =

r3 4πǫ0 (rcharge )2
tance is reduced by a factor of , the strength 1 1 nC
2 =
of the field, and thus the force on the charge 4πǫ0 (22 cm)2
increases by a factor of 23 = 8. = 183.884 N/C .
(Make sure to convert to correct units.) For
014 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points the dipole, we use the expression given in your
A charge of 1 nC (1 nC = 1 × 10−9 C) and a Matter and Interactions textbook:
dipole with charges +q and −q separated by
0.3 mm contribute to a net field at location A
1 qs
Edipole =

that is zero, as shown in the following figure. 4πǫ0 (rdipole )3
22 cm 1 q(0.3 mm)
A + =
4πǫ0 (12 cm)2
+1 nC
= q × 1.54514 × 109 N/C2 .
12 cm We know that these two fields have to can-
cel each other, so let’s set them equal to each

Echarge = Edipole
Which end of the dipole is positively
183.884 N/C = q × 1.54514 × 109 N/C2
183.884 N/C
1. The left end correct 1.54514 × 109 N/C2
q = 1.19008 × 10−7 C .
2. The right end

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