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Verbs not normally used in the continues aspect

1. Verbs of perception See, hear, notice, smell, taste, etc,

2.Verbs of thinking Think (that), consider (that), feel (that), understand, know,
realize, suppose, believe, remember, forget, recollect, recall,
expect, mind, etc.
3. Verbs of feelings Want, wish, desire, like, hate, dislike, care, refuse, forgive,
mind, adore, hope, intend, agree etc.
4. Verbs indicating Be, belong, own, have(=posses), contain, include, comprise,
states or permanent weigh, measure, cost, resemble, consist, require, need etc.
qualities of people or

5.Miscellancous verbs Concern, matter, mean, seem, signify, appear(=seem), keep,

(=continue) etc.

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