Sept. 24, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News

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Health Care

Shouldn’t we put
patients first? p6 Premier Campbell stops by for a visit. p3

THE NEWS Friday, September 24, 2010 · Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows · est. 1978 · 604-467-1122 · 50¢
Harris Road

Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS

Sgt. Peter Thiessen addresses the media dur-
ing a press conference Thursday afternoon.

Only two
witnesses in
Pitt rave rape
RCMP appeal for more
to come forward
by M o n i s h a M a r t i n s
staff reporter
Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS

Only two people who witnessed the rape Warrior cry

of 16-year-old girl at a Pitt Meadows rave
have come forward to speak to police. Ross Luckow films members of the Ridge Meadows Warriors at Planet Ice on Wednesday for a segment that will air on Hockey Night in Canada next month.
“Cooperation has been a challenge,” See story, p51.
RCMP Sgt. Peter Thiessen said at a press
conference Thursday afternoon.

It’s Christmas in California

“We respect the courage it took for those
witnesses to come forward under extreme
peer pressure. But what’s really important
now is that others need to follow their ex-
The teen was allegedly raped at a at “An-
other Night in Bangkok,” a party held on a Movie takes over Maple Ridge homes, but still slow year for filming in district
farm at 12993 Harris Road, Sept.10.
But police are now saying that only “sev- Saturday, it all comes down, tion manager Rico Mielnicki.
eral” individuals or “more than one person” by P hi l M e l nyc hu k
staff reporter when shooting wraps up in And while neighbours
was involved in the sexual assault, instead the 23400-block of 114th Av- sometimes can get annoyed
of “five to seven” young adults and teens enue. about film crews, trucks and
initially disclosed by investigators. For the past three weeks, After getting their suburbia equipment taking over their
See Rape, p14 strange vehicles have been shots, Pitch Black Productions streets, the folks in the cul
parking in a Maple Ridge cul now moves to the ACT before de sac have been nothing but
MR de sac and strange people putting the final touches on welcoming, prompting Miel-
NEWS Online have been putting up Christ- Battle of the Bulbs. nicki to write a thank-you let- Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
For video, visit mas stars, lights and Peace “We’ve been there an extra ter to his hosts. Devon Urwin (left) and Andy Chambers set up
On Earth signs. long period of time,” said loca- See Movies, p5 Christmas trees outside one of the houses.

Opinion 6
Health Care 6
Parenting 18
Acts of Faith 24
Home&gardening 29
Community Calendar 50
Scoreboard 53
Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
Premier Gordon Campbell discusses water licences, health care user fees, transportation funding, the HST and Bill Vander Zalm.

Premier Campbell pays a visit

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell is approaching 50 per cent of the total B.C. related companies have contributed more ing to make it almost a certainty that the HST
budget. Is it time to start looking at user fees than $400,000 to the B.C. Liberal party in four will be defeated. You’ve got the whole prov-
visited Maple Ridge on Thursday on health services? years, $257,000 from 2005 to 2008 and $175,000 ince up in arms for a year. Why not just keep
A: I think the short answer is no, I don’t last year. the original referendum conditions in there,
and had time to answer the think it is. Usually when people talk about Why after 16 months has the investigation pay that political price, for the benefit of the
user fees, they don’t really mean user fees, not concluded. province?
following questions: they mean kind of an admission fee. As soon A: Because, as you know, we don’t interfere A: I think we paid a significant political
as the government starts collecting money with either the investigations or the deci- price and I take responsibility for that. Vir-
Question: When can B.C. expect or should you’ve got to track it, you’ve got to follow it sions of the Crown. tually every forest worker in B.C. will be
we not be looking at raising the minimum up. In fact, they may end up costing you mon- The Crown is currently reviewing that and negatively impacted if we go back to the old
wage ($8 an hour). We’ve got the lowest one ey at a time when you need more for health the Crown will make their decisions and the system. Virtually everybody in mining will be
in the country right now. care. Crown will decide what they’re going to do. It negatively impacted if we got back to the old
Answer: The goal we set for ourselves when would be inappropriate for me to be involved system. We’ve said to people it’s your choice.
we were elected was to have a healthy econ- in that. It would be totally inappropriate for a We’re not hear as rulers, we’re here as ser-
omy, with more people at work. At this point, politician to say to the Crown, ‘hurry up your vants. We are giving them the opportunity to
we have over 400,000 additional jobs since investigation or slow down your investiga- decide for themselves. I actually think as peo-
2001. We have another 20,000 jobs that have “Usually when people talk about tion.’ I have had no conversations with the ple see the benefits the literally thousands of
been created in the last two months alone. user fees, they don’t really mean Crown whatsoever and it would be wrong for jobs it will create, the billions of dollars of
The average wage in B.C. is not the mini- me to do so.” investment it will create. I was at a Tri-City
mum wage, it’s about $23. The average youth user fees, they mean kind of an chamber of commerce meeting, sitting beside
wage is about $13. Most people I hear, say admission fee.” Q: Why is there still no secured funding someone in the trucking business. He said he
they want to keep at work. One of the chal- for the entire Evergreen Line SkyTrain line just bought himself a new truck. He said the
lenges of the minimum wage is it actually and why, despite growing ridership and de- savings he has, because we just moved to a
drives people out of work … that’s the evi- mand, is there no long-term plan for greater new tax system, is enough to pay for one per-
dence. We said we wanted to make sure we I think we have to think long term. We think frequency for the West Coast Express com- son to be at work. It’s why the chambers of
encourage more young people to be at work. have to eat better we have to try to get maybe muter rail from Mission to Vancouver. While commerce called for it for so long. I think yes
The number of people on minimum wage 30 minutes a day of physical activity. I think it’s a TransLink issue, the provincial govern- we’re going to have engage people.
has gone down about 2.3 per cent in B.C. we have to pay for performance. That’s going ment has shown willingness to interject into
today compared to what it was before. The to require all of us. I know were doing better TransLink affairs in the past. From a cost- Q: Campbell on his legacy as premier:
lower income British Columbians pay virtu- than virtually every jurisdiction in Canada. benefit-ratio, is it not time to spend dollars on A: There is a sense of confidence and
ally no (provincial income) tax. You pay a Having said that it’s going to be an ongoing rapid transit rather than more roads in the pride in British Columbia that clearly
much lower medical services premium, we challenge that won’t be solved by govern- Lower Mainland? wasn’t there when we were elected in 2002.
have new rent supplement programs. All of ment alone. A: We can’t pretend there is free money out I’m glad that we’ve seen that restored.
those things are aimed at trying to improve there. There is no such thing as government I think the Olympics was a huge success
the quality of life for people with low income, Q: Last year, Golden Eagle Group, part of money, it is your money. We want to have a for British Columbians, not for me.
while we increase the number of jobs that are the Aquilini Investment Group, admitted to public discussion about how the public is go-
available to people. See Premier, p5
withdrawing water without a licence from ing to pay for it. I think we are going to see
the North Alouette River. It’s been referred more transit investment ... and transit that MR
Q: We’ve got cuts to the Ministry of Envi-
ronment for several years. It affects their
to Ministry of Environment and to the Attor- reinforces community plans. NEWS Online
ney General department. In the meantime,
ability to enforce, protect. The health budget several companies the Aquilini group and For video, visit
Q: You’ve lowered the requirements pass-
Man who was shot in Maple Ridge dies
an incident in Maple
by M o n i s h a M a r t i n s
Ridge on Feb. 15, 2010.
staff reporter
The file was set for
trial in April 2011.
A man with a lengthy Court records show
criminal past who was that Heathorn had sev-
gunned down while eral criminal charges
riding a bike on a quiet laid against him since
residential street in 2006.
Maple Ridge Monday He was caught with
morning has died. drugs in Vancouver
Kenneth Corey in February 2006 and
Heathorn passed away charged with three
Tuesday night, a day counts of possession
after he was shot sev- for the purpose for traf-
eral times at the cor- ficking, but the charges
ner of 233rd Street and were stayed.
124th Avenue while rid- Three months later,
ing a bicycle, around in May 2006, he was
7:45 a.m. Monday. THE NEWS/files arrested again for traf-
It wasn’t the first time Police closed off a part of 124th Avenue during the investigation. ficking, pleaded guilty
someone attempted to to the lesser offence of
kill him. his life two years ago. He added, “investiga- Often times they can possession and spent
The Integrated Homi- Parker Meadows, 22, tors are looking into offer information that five days in jail.
cide Investigation team was charged with at- the theory that this is valuable to the inves- In February 2008, he
said the 36-year-old tempted murder for incident is linked to tigation,” Carr said. was charged with as-
is very well known to shooting Heathorn in drugs, gangs or orga- Police have learned sault. The charge was
Ridge Meadows RCMP the stomach, but was nized crime” that a vehicle was seen stayed.
for his involvement in acquitted following a Investigators are can- fleeing the area mo-
criminal activity, spe-
cifically the street-lev-
trial where witnesses vassing the neighbour- ments after the shots CrimeStoppers
changed their stories. hood and speaking were fired. Investiga-
el drug trade and other “Based on the evi- to neighbours to find tors are trying to get Anyone with information
crimes associated with dence at the scene and out if they have any an accurate descrip- is asked to call IHIT TIP Line
it. who the victim is, in- information that will tion of the car before at 1-877-551-IHIT. If you
He was known on the vestigators are of the advance the investiga- they release informa- wish to remain anonymous
street as “Bald Ken- belief that this shoot- tion. tion publicly. please call CrimeStoppers
ny.” ing was specifically “We are attempting Heathorn was facing at 1-800-222-TIPS. Your
Heathorn survived targeted at Heathorn,” to identify Heathorn’s charges of uttering anonymity is guaranteed.
a similar attempt on said Cpl. Dale Carr. friends and associates. threats and assault for
Daniel Stern parties with neighbours
Movies from front tario and they’ve been Dustin said the film However, those num-
“It’s been a unique going ever since. company knows how to bers still are below
experience as far as That’s brought the get along and keep the the heady days of 2006
I’m concerned because neighbourhood togeth- locals happy. and 2007, when Insight
they’ve been so help- er, something the film “They learn every- Film Studios had a stu-
ful.” producers valued when body’s names, every- dio in Maple Ridge. In
Battle of the Bulbs looking for a location. body’s pets names. each of those years, 62
is about a competition Thursday’s final They are very profes- productions were shot.
between two California shoot involved a crowd sional. They call you by In 2008, 55 productions
neighbours trying to shot, so the crew asked your first name.” were filmed in Maple
win a best-decorated neighbours to come That may be a re- Ridge.
house contest – only out and appear in the quirement, but Dustin Johnson is hoping
to they learn a widow scenes. Two teens also felt they were genuine another film company
nearby is about to lose got speaking roles in too. will locate here. “That
her house and needs the movie that stars “It’s going to be a let- would really bump up
the prize money. Daniel Stern, one of the down to see them go.” our figures.”
The last scene was culprits in the Home This year has been a She added events
shot Thursday in which Alone movies. slow year for filming in such as the 2010 Win-
the mayor awards the Residents had a Maple Ridge. ter Olympic Games
prize for the best deco- chance to meet Stern, District film liaison reduced the number of
rated house, in reality, who took in one of the Marg Johnson said so filming events as well
owned by Debra and block parties. far this year, 27 pro- as the economic reces-
Dustin Bell. “He’s a great guy. ductions of all types sion and construction
Having a film crew He’s so down-to-earth,” (feature movies, TV se- on 224th Street.
hang around for three said Dustin. ries, made-for-TV mov- But crews love film-
weeks hasn’t been The movie will be re- ies) have been shot in ing in and around Me-
a bother at all, said leased Dec. 18 on the the district. morial Peace Park, she
Dustin. Hallmark Channel. That compares with added.
The action gave the With Battle of the 39 productions shot in In July and August,
neighbours something Bulbs done, Pitch Maple Ridge the year there were 38 shooting
to watch during their Black starts another before. With scouting days in Maple Ridge.
Friday night block par- film, a female version in Maple Ridge for two Each day works out to
ties. Dustin started of the film Taken, star- feature films this fall, an infusion of about
those 11 years ago af- ring Maple Ridge-born she expects by year approximately $10,000
ter moving from On- actor Molly Parker. end to match 2009. into the local economy.

serious matter than

‘We’ve seen this show before’ pretending that this is a

reality television show.
Mr. Vander Zalm’s al-
Premier from front A: I think it’s pretty getting. We’ve seen that ready been voted off the
clear that he is excited picture show before. I island, in fact he was
We exceeded our ex- about the attention he is think it is a much more kicked off the island.
pectation every step of
the way.
And the enormous
capital contributions
we’ve made as we’ve
expanded health care
facilities, transportation
facilities. We’ve created
a province with a qual-
ity of life that’s clearly
been increased and I
hope British Colum-
bians feels that that’s
been good for them.

Q: On the HST and

next year’s referendum:
A: People have been
upset and I take respon-
sibility for that. I think
what we’ve done here
is a first in the country.
We’ve said to people,
it’s your choice. We are
not here as rulers, we
are here as servants.
That doesn’t mean that
everyone agrees with
everything we do.
The people who de-
cide not to [vote to keep
the HST] have to at least
understand this. That
means we will to return
the 1.6 billion dollars to
the federal government
... They will make us
less competitive in for-
estry and mining and
energy and small busi-
ness, which has been
calling for this for years.
I’m not saying they have
to agree with me. I have
confidence that people
will be pretty thought-
ful about this.

Q: On Bill Vander
THE NEWS/opinion Published and printed by Black Press at 22328 – 119th Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 2Z3

News Views Ingrid Rice

Rape is rape
Only two witnesses have come forward to
RCMP to talk about the rape of a 16-year-old
girl at a Pitt Meadows rave two weeks ago.
They have said hundreds of teens and young
adults attended the party, during which the
teenage girl unknowingly ingested a drug,
likely GHB, the date rape drug.
Police want more witnesses to come forward
and are asking that people refrain from describ-
ing the events that took place as a “gang rape.”
They are now saying that only “several” indi-
viduals or “more than one person” was involved in
the sexual assault, instead of “five to seven” teens
or young adults, a number initially disclosed by
Police said they don’t want to “inflame” the
issue, which has generated opposing Facebook
pages, one supporting the victim of the rape
and another defending the several teenage boys
or young adults involved.
But, as police have made clear, there is no
debate here. Rape is rape, and according to a
UBC law professor, consent cannot be given if
impaired by drugs or alcohol.
Young men need to be warned of this, says
Janine Benedet, an associate professor at the
University of British Columbia.
“Unless they have voluntary agreement from
someone who is capable of consent, not someone
who is intoxicated, then they can’t proceed.”
No consent, no sex.
And being intoxicated is not a defence for the
Rape is not as difficult to prove as some might
think, Benedet said, and in this incident, the aid
of photos could make it easier to prosecute.
Two people have already been arrested.
Those who attended the party should do the
right thing and speak with police.
– The News
Shouldn’t we put patients first?
Tell us what you think @ ne of my now- I patiently waited for the page to “load” care system in which everybody is assured
retired friends and even though I have a high speed con- of the care needed like we have. The struc-
used to be nection, nothing happened. It is truly blank. ture of how things are organized is different,

THE NEWSServing Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows since 1978

an administrator in
government. We often
discuss past and cur-
rent issues and during
Symbolic of the current state of affairs?
However, in exploring the website further,
there are a good number of encouraging
trends. From an anticipated $160 million
but in essence, the government is struggling
with the same budgetary problems as we do
in Canada.
All hospitals are publicly funded, but a
one of those debates he budget shortfall at the beginning of the FHA hospital in Amsterdam went essentially
Jim Coulter, publisher said that when faced financial year, it is now down to $10 million. bankrupt with an unpaid tax bill of $10 mil-
Michael Hall, editor with attempts to deal That is certainly an accomplishment, but lion Euros and an annual operational short- with budget shortfalls, at what cost to patient care? Looking at the fall of millions as well. The government
Carly Ferguson, advertising, creative services manager as an administrator one details, most of the savings are indeed in the wanted to close it. An enterprising business
tends to cut every- Health Care area of improved administrative efficiencies woman with absolutely no experience in
Kathy Blore, circulation manager where feasible and only Marco Terwiel and the elimination of some senior adminis- health care bought the building and took
when there is no pos- tration positions. charge of the operation as a commercial
Editorial sible other reduction in But making progress in reducing the wait venture. She fired 40 people who were not
Reporters: Phil Melnychuk, Monisha Martins,
Robert Mangelsdorf
costs, one would consider if there could be times for knee and hip replacements is fall- looking after patients directly or indirectly.
Photographer: Colleen Flanagan any cost savings in one’s own department. ing short of the goal of having these done She reviewed and changed policies where
Self-preservation is a useful and common within half a year for 90 per cent or more of indicated and within a year the place turned
Advertising trait, but in my opinion, that does not neces- the patients on the list. But one cannot place a profit.
Sales representatives: Karen Derosia, Glenda Dressler, Rina Varley,
Michelle Baniulis
sarily apply to departmental budgets. the blame for this entirely on the shoulders Did patient care suffer? Did the personnel
Ad control: Mel Onodi I have always wondered why in the organi- of the FHA. suffer?
Creative services: Kristine Pierlot, Cary Blackburn zational charts of hospitals the administra- With about half of the population over- In their masthead patient care is central
Annette WaterBeek, Chris Hussey tion always is on top of the list. I think that weight and a sizeable percentage of these and everything that is done is with the
Classified: Vicki Milne
this instinct of self preservation is a possible are grossly obese, it is no wonder that all too patient in mind.
22328 – 119th Avenue, explanation for this curious priority, since many knees and hips wear out prematurely In this case, the more services you render,
Maple Ridge, B.C., they draw up the chart. As far as I am con- at a rate that is next to impossible to keep up the more income you generate. The danger
V2X 2Z3 cerned, it should be the patient who is front with. That raises the question of who should of that one can easily deteriorate into an
Office: 604-467-1122
Fax: 604-463-4741
and centre. But on all the charts of hospital be responsible and accountable in matters assembly line type of mentality. In this case,
Delivery: 604-466-6397 organizational structure I have seen, the of health care. If there is unlimited demand, that has not happened because of the car-
Website: patient does not even get mentioned. as there is now, then there will always be ing, and the firm leadership of the woman
Email: When I looked at the Fraser Health shortfalls. No level of funding will solve the who put her own money and reputation on
The News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self- Authority (FHA) website and tried to find problem. And it is always good to realize the line.
regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The coun- ITS organizational chart, I found only a that all funding comes out of our own pock-
cil considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member
newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input
blank page with big letters in the masthead ets as tax dollars. Dr. Marco Terwiel is a retired family
from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the “Organizational Chart.” The Netherlands has a universal health physician who lives in Maple Ridge.
editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or
story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written

concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201
Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or
go to
uestion Do you use company-issued mobile devices This week’s question:
CCAB audited circulation: (as of September 2009):
Wednesday - 30,221; Friday – 30,197.
of the when not at work? Would you support the recall of local
week: Yes: 44% – No: 56% (27 votes) Liberal MLA Marc Dalton?
@ Online poll: cast your vote at, or e-mail your vote and comments to
THE NEWS/letters
Liberals would be Re-introduction of user fees needed
lucky to get elected S tats Canada is a wonderful
dispenser of trivia, and more than
one newspaper columnist has
doctor or emergen-
cy is top of mind.
Which brings me
reasons, including asking for the time,
for weather reports, about why traffic
is backed up on a particular road, or
EDITOR, THE NEWS: managed to pen a few lines based on to another statis- was that really a spaceship they saw
Re: MLA on committee weighing anti-HST petition (The the bizarre statistics that flow from our tic … that of the twinkling in the night sky.
News, Sept. 10). national agency of data collection. horrendous cost Meantime, someone with a truly seri-
According to our one man B.C. Liberal cheer leader Marc For example, among the causes of of health care, and ous report is in danger of not getting
Dalton, both Gordon Campbell and Colin Hansen have, death to Canadians, lawn mowers are possible ways to the immediate service their situation
“been doing an excellent job managing our economy.” listed as being the grim reaper of at least reduce that without requires. I’m not advocating a charge to
Our see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil MLA chooses to two of our countrymen back in 2006, the cutting service. use 911, despite the idiots who abuse it,
ignore the obvious modus operandi of our leaders of lying latest date that such important informa- One way, which I but I firmly believe there needs to be one
and deceiving the electorate on a regular basis – HST, B.C. tion was compiled. have long support- for emergency department visits to our
Rail, to name just a few. Lawn mowing I know a little about, ed, is the re-intro- Commentary hospitals. No one who really needs care
How does it go “no we are definitely not looking at those since I manage to rack up more than duction of a fee for Mark Rushton will be turned away if they don’t have the
issues during an election” and within days after said elec- 100 hours every year on my mean green hospital emergency necessary fee, but it would discourage
tion doing exactly that. But to Mr. Dalton, it seems that is machine (I know it’s so, since there’s an visits. those who are there merely for psycho-
just good politics, taking care of the chosen few’s business operating hour-meter mounted on it). Back when my kids were young, and I logical ‘entertainment’.
despite of the vast majority of electorates wishes. About the only death that stalks me was hauling them off to emerg so often At the same time, it would permit
Well, let’s for the minute say that is all true. How about aboard the machine is boredom, but I I was on a first-name basis with the the already stretched resources of
the statement that Mr. Campbell and Mr. Hansen have man- suppose if I were to venture too close to nurses, each visit cost $10. It was not an our medical front-line to more readily
aged the economy well, then why the big panic about the the ditch along the boulevard, distracted onerous cost, though $10 bought a lot provide care for those truly in need.
HST if the economy is in such great shape? Why the HST at by thoughts to alleviate said boredom, more than it does today. And while we’re at it, perhaps a
this time, never mind the fact that the HST shall affect B.C.’s and tip the thing into it, the whirling The one thing it accomplished was visitor fee should also be enacted for
economy negatively for at least the next five years, accord- blades might permanently shred me. discourage “visitors” who show up, and doctor visits, since each one of them
ing to experts. I also believe that if I had to push a tie up, emergency wards because they costs our health care system a whack
It is obvious Mr. Dalton is a great supporter of Mr. Camp- mower instead of ride it, my demise have little more than a mild headache, or of cash.
bell and Mr. Hansen and their highly questionable ethics, would have long preceded the writings appalling and system-abusive as it may There are, I’m certain, many argu-
but how good a supporter is he of the constituents who voted of any columns to date. sound, are actually there only because ments against that, but like it or not,
for him, the very people that he is supposed to represent. So while I have never participated in, they are lonely and looking for attention. unless something is done to eliminate
nor witnessed, death by lawn mower, I As a result, they cause back-ups in the frivolous, our health care costs will
am aware of people (one a friend) who, the delivery of service and deny a more eventually spiral out of sight and out
in attempting to unplug the discharge speedy health resolution to those who of our ability to financially support the
“I can’t imagine what party Mr. Dalton chute on her pusher, negated the neces- truly require quick, efficient care. system.
thinks is being benefited by the good sity to perform future manicures on a If you don’t believe people do frivolous Then what?
number of digits. Yet, accidents happen things, a reading of the call logs made
management of the party.” to the best of us when thought, caution to 911 services is an eye-opener. People Mark Rushton is a columnist with the
or care is overlooked, and a trip to the tie up the emergency line for ridiculous Abbotsford News, a Black Press affiliate.

I can’t imagine what party Mr. Dalton thinks is being government.

benefited by the good management of the party. The so-
called B.C. Liberals would be lucky to elect one MLA, in-
cluding himself at this particular time with their alleged
good management and his questionable judgement.
Liberal MLA Dalton has to go If it is successful and a by-election is
called, Liberal supporters can still vote
for the candidate, be it Mr. Dalton or
EDITOR, THE NEWS: politicians today. someone else.
WAYNE CLARK Personally I would like to see a third
Re: Dalton on MLA recall list (The Even after a very successful anti-HST
MAPLE RIDGE party represented in the election, so that
News, Sept. 22). campaign that saw more people sign the
It’s amazing how Premier Gordon petition than voted for Mr. Dalton in the I could say “a pox on all of you.”
Campbell isn’t getting the message from last election, in addition to recent rev- GRAHAM MOWATT

Angel picture defaced the people of B.C. After the HST petition
was successful, which Mr. Campbell and
our local MLA Marc Dalton, and many
elations that the Government had been
advised that bringing in the HST would
cause economic hardship for at least five One mockery

others, were in denial, that Bill Vander years, and that positive results could
EDITOR, THE NEWS: Zalm and his hard working petitioners take more than 10 years to become evi- EDITOR, THE NEWS:
Whoever defaced the picture of Amy, the newest An- could pull it off. dent, Mr. Dalton is still adamant in his Re: Dalton on MLA recall list (The
gel at Ridge Meadows Hospital, needs to stand up and be Well, they did, and the overloaded Lib- support for the HST. News, Sept. 22).
counted. eral committee has now sent it to a vote. He, along with the Liberal caucus have I just had to respond to MLA Marc Dal-
Amy is unable to open doors into the hospital, where she Which will cost us $30 million, and Mr. forgotten the fact that the basis of our ton’s comment in Wednesday’s article by
volunteers her time to visiting seniors and sick people. Campbell sets the date one year later, democratic process is that MLAs are Phil Melnychuk, in which he stated that
Who brings her in? hoping to out-maneuver, and weaken elected to represent the wishes of the he felt that Fight HST leader Bill Vander
Her owners, or trainer, or companion, who also volun- Mr. Vander Zalm and his supporters. people. Zalm’s Survivor strategy was making a
teers her time, like donations to the Ridge Meadows Hospi- Good luck, Mr. Campbell. I think they MLAs, Mr. Dalton included, have be- mockery of the recall process.
tal Foundation, and was so happy to have Amy nominated came up with a clever idea, calling it the come spin doctors for their political par- What about his government lying and
for the comfort, love and uplifting spirits she has brought MLA Survivor Recall. This obviously ties, trying to convince the electorate deceiving the public to steal the last
to hundreds of people over the past six and a half years. has Mr. Campbell mad already, as he is that what the party wants is good for election?
Now she is winding down her days and handing over calling it a celebrity show. them. Is this guy totally deluded and living
some of the duties to a younger dog, Molly. I believe the recalls are going to be as Contrary to Mr. Dalton’s opinion that off in some sort of dreamland to think
Do you donate your time to the Ridge Meadows Hospital successful as the petition on the HST. the process is being misused, this is ex- that his Liberal government can distort
Foundation? I understand in our riding Corisa Bell actly what it was intended to be used the democratic process by lying to us
Do you volunteer your time in the hospital, day after day, is heading up the Mr. Dalton recall with for. and think that they can get away with
regardless of the weather? a meeting this Sunday at the Blenz cof- Mr. Dalton has refused to represent it? You may be able to fool some of the
Maybe if you did, someone would donate in your name to fee shop on Dewdney Trunk Road at 7 the voters of Mission-Maple Ridge, and people, some of the time, but you sure as
be the next Angel. p.m., to get enough canvassers to be in for that reason, he should have to face hell have not fooled us this time.
In the meantime, please think before you hurt people’s the Top 3 of the Survivor Recall. I hope the electorate once more, to renew his The public has woken up, and we are
feelings, and keep you caustic thoughts and words, and she makes the numbers for canvassers, mandate. demanding justice and real democra-
deeds, to yourself. as Mr. Dalton has to go. We, the people, finally have an op- cy, not the scam that you and your pre-
MARIE SPETCH WILF MCINTYRE mier have shoved onto us.
portunity to tell all politicians of every
MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE It’s time for Premier Gordon Campbell
party, at every level, that, “we are mad
as hell and won’t take it anymore.” to resign and hold an election now.
We finally have the opportunity to tell Let the people of this province decide
Letters welcome A pox on all of you party leaders that we want our repre- our government’s fate, and not a year
EDITOR, THE NEWS: sentatives to represent us, not them. later.
Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The News Re: Dalton on MLA recall list (The There is only one mockery, and that
and address topics of interest to residents of Maple For this reason I support the recall
News, Sept. 22). initiative and urge everyone, of all party is the Liberal government staying in
Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Include full name and address,
The article identifying the fact that affiliations, to work for the recall of Mr. power one day longer after stealing the
as well as daytime phone number for verification. Keep
Marc Dalton is on the list of possible Dalton, or at least to vote for it. A vote election.
letters to 500 words or less. Letters may be edited for
Liberals to face a recall campaign high- for the recall is a vote to reform our elec- JOHN MCKENZIE
length and clarity.
lights what is wrong with most, if not all toral process, it will not bring down the MAPLE RIDGE
@ E-mail letters to
Harris Road cinema set to reopen
ly with the economy the
See a movie way it is.”
for under $5 Hollywood 3 Cinema
will show between six
by M o n i s h a M a r t i n s and 10 movies on its
staff reporter three screens, with se-
lections ranging from
family flicks, block bust-
Renovations on an ers, movies on the film
movie theatre in Pitt circuit buzz and even
Meadows that’s been a few with subtitles for
gathering cobwebs for those foreign movie
the past six years are buffs.
nearly complete. Over a year ago, a
Renamed Hollywood 3 small group of film lov-
Cinema, new owner Ra- ers tried to re-open the
him Manji hopes to have old cinema to show in-
its doors open around die, cult and art house
Thanksgiving. movies, but couldn’t
Once opened, the sec- financially support the
ond-run movie theatre project.
in the Meadow Vale Jon Aaron, who was
Shopping Centre off part of the project, is
Harris Road will boast happy to see the place
some of the cheapest finally reviving after a
ticket prices in B.C. – six-year hiatus.
$3.75 before 6 p.m. and “It would be great to
$4.75 after 6 p.m. see that place operating
“The distributors take again,” he said.
all the money anyway,” Even the mayor of Pitt
said Manji. “Our feeling Meadows is wishing the
is why give them all the Manjis’ luck.
money, why not give a Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS “Every time I go to
break to the customer?” Starbucks, I used to
Rahim and Salima Manji will be reopening the Harris
Manji and his wife wonder what possibly
Salima also own the Hol- Road cinema.
could be done with that
lywood 3 Cinema in Sur- at larger theatres like while renovations take building,” said Don Ma-
rey and believe there’s a Cineplex. place so people can see cLean.
market for independent “I’m not here to com- the changes happening
movie theatres that pete with the big the- inside.
show new releases, just atres,” said Manji, who “Families don’t want to • For movie listings, visit
two or three weeks after has been leaving the pay an exuberant price
they’ve hit the screens cinema’s doors open to see a movie, especial-
Everybody wants a piece of Pitt field
sociation’s field lacrosse pro- and $300,000 from the school
Marauders football gram. district.
program wants more time The deal is standard across “People have to realize that
the district’s other shared all- this isn’t a school field,” said
weather fields at Westview the soccer club’s past presi-
by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f and Samuel Robertson Techni- dent, Rob Palis. “It’s a shared
staff reporter cal secondary schools, but the facility, so it’s going to be used
Pitt Meadows Marauders foot- that way.”
The new artificial turf field ball program wants more field With close to 1,700 kids reg-
at Pitt Meadows secondary has time, so they can play under istered, the club holds the ma-
become a battlefield as local the lights on Friday nights. jority of community time at the
sports organizations and high Friday night games are a tra- field. The soccer club runs a
school teams fight over who dition in high school football, soccer academy Friday nights,
can use the new facility. one that Pitt Meadows athletics and a football game would dis-
The new $2.2 million all- director Rich Goulet would like place 120 soccer players.
weather field features high- to start at the school. However,
powered lights for night-time Goulet said the school district
use and a synthetic playing never consulted the school’s
football program before agree-
surface. As a result, a number
ing to the field allocation.
“We’re a victim of our own
of different sports groups are
vying for time on the field, and “That’s what high school foot- success in some ways.”
some are not happy with how ball is all about,” he said. “It’s
the time has been divvied up. about the whole community David Boag,
“Were a victim of our own coming out to these games.” Parks and facilities director
success in some ways,” said Da- Marauders’ parents have also
vid Boag, the director of parks been vocal with their displea-
and facilities for Maple Ridge- sure about the situation, inun-
Pitt Meadows Parks and Lei- dating parks staff with emails.
sure Services. “It’s great that However, any extra field time “We run six groups at once,”
is in so much demand... but we for the school would come at said Palis of the soccer acad-
need to find that balance.” the expense of community emy. “If we ran that many kids
Currently, Pitt Meadows Sec- sports groups. on the [grass] field, we would
ondary School gets exclusive The Pitt Meadows Soccer destroy it.”
use of the field from 8 a.m. to 5 Club were first champion the The only other field in Pitt
p.m., Monday to Friday, as well need for an all-weather field Meadows that is lit for night-
as four weekends a year for in Pitt Meadows five years ago, time use is the grass field at
games and tournaments. The and contributed $100,000 to the Harris Road Park. While there
remaining time is split among facilities construction. are no limits on the amount of
community sports groups, such The remainder of the fund- use on an artificial turf field,
as the Pitt Meadows Soccer ing to build the field came from grass fields are limited to three
Club, Ridge Meadows Rugby federal and provincial grants games or practices a day, to
Club, and the Ridge Meadows totaling $1.2 million, along with protect the playing surface.
Burrards Minor Lacrosse As- $600,000 in municipal money See Pitt, p12
‘Other schools don’t have this sort of problem’
Pitt from p10 have use of the field of the existing grass here to serve the entire
“The other schools until 6 p.m. twice a fields by replacing the community.”
don’t have this sort of week. playing surface and Goulet said he is
problem [with commu- “We are more than adding better drainage hopeful that next sea-
nity sports groups],” happy to give up time,” and irrigation. son the football pro-
said Palis. “It’s too said Palis. “But we Boag said principals gram will have a more
bad this one program need to know that be- from both Pitt Mead- Friday nights allotted.
doesn’t want to work fore the schedules are ows and Samuel Rob- Palis, meanwhile,
within the agree- produced.” ertson Technical sec- said he hopes all the
ment.” The newly minted ondary schools will be groups will be able to
Palis said the soccer parks master plan, invited to next year’s negotiate field time in
club would likely have which was approved field allocation meet- good faith.
been able to accom- by both municipali- ings to make sure the “It’s really disap-
modate some of the ties this past summer, school’s football pro- pointing after five
football program’s re- makes no mention grams are included in years of hard work for
quests if they had been of new artificial turf the process. this to happen,” said
aware of them earlier. fields. However, parks “We just want to make Palis. “It’s unfortunate
The club has already and leisure services sure everyone is in the the way this has trans-
allowed the school to plans to rebuild many mix,” he said. “We’re pired.”

In the know. In THE NEWS.
Can’t give consent to sex if intoxicated
Although police are as a defence by the ac-
Young men need to be warned: professor resolute in their state- cused.
was gang-raped in field ments that the sex As for proving the
by M o n i s h a M a r t i n s was not con- allegation in
staff reporter by five to seven men –
some adults and other sensual, many court, Bene-
teens – at “Another continue to det believes
A law professor cur- Night in Bangkok,” a question the it’s not as dif-
rently researching party held on a farm incident in ficult as some
sexual violence against at 12993 Harris Road, public and on- people think.
women says young Sept.10. line. “Sometimes
men need to heed a A 16-year-old boy Benedet said sexual as-
warning, following the was arrested four days the definition sault cases
alleged gang-rape of later for distributing of a sexual as- are portrayed
a girl at a rave in Pitt child porn. He alleg- sault is very as a he-said
Meadows. edly took photographs simple. she-said. But
“Unless they have of the rape on his cell “It just re- Benedet that’s mis-
voluntary agreement phone and distributed quires some leading,” said
from someone who is them to friends, who kind of sexual contact Benedet, noting there
capable of consent, not then posted them to of a psychical nature is often both physical
someone who is intoxi- Facebook. Police have where there is no con- evidence and witness
cated, then they can’t filed a report to Crown sent on the part of the statements to place the
proceed [with sex],” for charges against victim,” she explained. complaint’s evidence
said Janine Benedet, him, which have yet to The Criminal Code is in context.
an associate professor be laid. also clear and says ex- “Where accused per-
at the University of An 18-year-old man plicitly: there is no con- sons are so foolish as
British Columbia. was also arrested last sent where someone is to make a photograph-
“She doesn’t even week for his alleged incapable of consent or ic or video record of
have to say no, she just participating in the under the influence of themselves, they make
has to not say yes.” sexual assault, but alcohol or drugs. it much, much easier to
According to police, he too has yet to be Benedet added intox- prosecute what can of-
the 16-year-old girl charged. ication cannot be used ten be a difficult case.”

‘Incident has been devastating to our family’

Rape from front can’t put a number to term “gang rape.” wish we could not use
“We are trying to put it, but the information “This was a terrible, that term anymore,”
this into context,” said isn’t that five to seven horrific event. It has Thiessen told reporters.
Thiessen. “We are try- actually assaulted this been described as a Investigators now be-
ing to make this as clear young girl.” gang rape and it can be lieve that as many as 12
as we can without in- RCMP are also back- described in many other people witnessed the al-
flaming the issue. We ing away from using the terms. I really, really leged rape.
A 16-year-old boy was
arrested four days after
the party for distribut-
ing child porn.
He allegedly took pho-
tographs of the rape on
his cell phone and dis-
tributed them to friends,
who then posted them
to Facebook.
Police have filed a re-
port to Crown for charg-
es against him, which
have yet to be laid.
An 18-year-old man
was also arrested last
week for his alleged par-
ticipating in the sexual
assault, but he too has
yet to be charged.
Police warnings about
the graphic photo-
graphs being child porn
have been able to thwart
their spread, to some ex-
“The photos are com-
ing down,” said Thies-
sen. “We’re pleased that
youths took this mes-
sage to heart.”
The teen assaulted
has since returned to
high school and a state-
ment from her family,
read by police, said they
are thankful for the sup-
port she is receiving.
“This incident has
been devastating to
our family and close
friends,” wrote the fam-
“In regard to the
spread of picture on so-
cial media, this act con-
tinues to re-victimize
our daughter everyday.
She has no privacy and
the wound is continu-
ally being opened up.”
Fate of Albion hall hangs in the balance
District may take
over aging structure
by Phi l M elnyc h u k
staff reporter

A changing of the
guard could soon take
place at Albion Com-
munity Hall which
could determine how
the building is run and
possibly, how long it
will remain standing.
For the past few
months, members of
the Albion Community
Association have been
discussing with the
district council, hav-
ing the municipality
take over management
of the building. THE NEWS/files
The association, Albion Community Association wants the District of Maple Ridge to take over man-
which stretches back
decades, is dwindling
agement of the Albion Community Hall.
in numbers and only might happen to the students. having trouble run-
about six people now building. “Because “I just feel so bad ning the building.
attend meetings, said we’re not even at that because there aren’t “The newcomers don’t
Patti Wood, booking point yet.” many local halls even know about the
agent with the asso- She said the society around with a good ACA.”
ciation. would like the district wooden floor for danc- She said residents
So with volunteers to keep running the ing.” Performing on should have been told
wearing out, after hall. “This has been concrete leads to shin and consulted if a de-
serving for 30 or 40 going on for a while.” splints and stress frac- cision has been made.
years, and being un- With a growing pop- tures. “That’s a little unfair
able to attract new ulation which could Stewart has been for all those taxpay-
members, the asso- reach 12,000, Speirs teaching kids Irish ers.
ciation approached says the area needs dancing in the hall for “I’m angry at Maple
the district to see if it a community centre, the last decade. Ridge council. I’m ab-
would take over the possibly on the loca- Her school, Stewart solutely angry there’s
management of Albion tion of Jackson Farm School of Irish Dance, been no public consul-
hall, as happened with on 102nd Avenue and also teaches in Surrey, tation with the people
Whonnock hall. Jackson Road. Vancouver, Richmond that live there.”
“That’s basically “The bottom line is, and New Westminster, But Wood said the
where it’s at. They there has to be a com- different nights of the association placed ad-
haven’t got back to us munity centre in Al- week. vertisements, had an
with an answer yet,” bion. How this will all Albion resident Eliz- open house and held
Wood said. turn out in the fullness abeth Taylor is mom annual meetings and
Maple Ridge council of time, I’m not quite to one of the children tried to get people in-
and the association sure.” in the dance class, and volved.
have been discussing If the hall were to wants to know what’s “Basically, it’s been
the building in closed close, longtime dance going on. out there,” she said.
meetings, and while instructor Magdalene She said residents “I think if you have an
Coun. Craig Speirs Stewart wonders should have been told interest, you should be
couldn’t share those where she’ll teach her if the association was involved in it.”
discussions, the state
of the hall, built in
1923, has him wonder-
ing about its future.
“I’m not sure what
the final determination
will be,” said Speirs.
“I should think it
would be a fairly quick
But the future doesn’t
look good.
There are bats in the
attic and the founda-
tion has problems,
said Speirs.
He’d prefer a new
building replace the
aging structure and
would like discussion
about its replacement
included in the Albion
area plan process now
The building would
be “problematic” to re-
pair, he said.
However, the deci-
sion is up to the Albion
Community Associa-
tion, which owns the
land and the building.
“They will control
their own destiny.”
Wood though said
she had no idea what
Kids still kids, and they’re alright
survived last week’s camping the kids did shallow way and so they think
trip with 17 Grade 9 students, things their they know a lot when, in fact, they
despite two days of torren- parents did have barely scratched the surface.
tial rain, two nights of sub-zero not know I’m not so sure that’s not more
temperatures and five days of about during of a potential problem than not
sleeping on a surface that was the summer. knowing anything, since overcon-
basically a flat rock. Exaggera- fidence can lead to poor decisions.
Most amazing was how easily tions? I’m • Kids have a phenomenal
the students survived it. sure, but memory for auditory and visual
My age changes my percep- even ac- information. I don’t think a single
tion of the trials and tribulations counting for line from any of the adolescent
of camping. I love being in the exaggeration, movies was missed as they tried
outdoors, but my joints no longer I was sur- Parenting to outdo each other in say-
share that enthusiasm, particu- prised with Graham Hookey ing ludicrous things to get the
larly after cold nights on rock how much laughter of their peers. Kids who
surfaces. the kids felt tell me they can’t remember the
But the kids were like Gumby they were pulling the wool over times tables have extraordinary
and seemed to bounce up and the eyes of their parents. Their memories of multiple Adam
resume full speed within seconds greatest ally? The cell phone Sandler lines. If anyone doubts
of being called. Suffice it to say, I and what they could make their that young people are losing
had to get up an hour earlier than parents believe using it. their memory due to information
they did to appear mobile enough • Kids spend an extraordinary surfing, I would suggest that it
to avoid my fate if they decided to amount of time in their rooms might be more the medium than
go all Lord of the Flies on me. on their own. To some extent, I the memory. They remember a
As I expected, the thin walls knew that. But to listen to them lot of what they see and hear, but
of the tents didn’t do much to talk about how much time they seemingly not much of what they
dampen the noise and despite my spent playing computer games read.
reminders to them, nightly, that I and interacting on Facebook was • The kids were alright. While
could hear every word they said, surprising just the same. Perhaps they were getting away with
the minute they got into the tent most surprising was how much things, spending too much time
that concern raced from their they felt connected even while on their computers, being naïve
consciousness. It seems they they were isolated in their rooms. and quoting Adam Sandler, they
felt that not being able to see me • Despite an enormous expo- were generally happy, coopera-
meant that they had privacy, kind sure to information, they are tive and reasonably considerate
of like the illusion that typing on incredibly naïve and misinformed of each other. Take away the
your computer on the internet is about many things. Kids always digital stuff, and it could have
private. have been, but you’d expect with been my friends in our tents a
So here’s what I learned at all the access to information that long time ago, when I, too, had
camping (with some editing, for this generation has that they the mobility of Gumby and the
sure): would be more in-the-know than naiveté of Bambi.
• Parents are clueless when it they sounded to be. My sense was
comes to supervision. Story after that they are exposed to a lot of Graham Hookey is an educator
story was exchanged about how information but only in a very and writer (
District trees rile local resident
Kathleen Langsford nicipal property just
outside her property
wants to know why line in the 11600-block
of Glenhurst Street.
she’s responsible “These are the tall-
est trees on the block.
for them When you see the
roots, you’ll be abso-
by Phil Mel nyc hu k lutely aghast,” Langs-
staff reporter ford said.
The trees are on a
It would be difficult boulevard on the west
to mow the lawn in Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS side Cottonwood Drive
Kathleen Langsford’s Kathleen Langsford just had her fence replaced because and have reached
back yard. heights of 15 to 20 me-
of the trees. tres and have crowded
That’s because the
place is riddled with a maze of hardwood The roots come from her back fence with
thick roots that have that lies just below the a grove of trees that overhanging branches.
turned her yard into lawn. have sprung up on mu- A new $3,000 fence she
installed this spring to
replace one that had
already been pushed
by trees, is already
being crowded by the
fast-growing trunks.
What she wants to
have explained is why
the trees are her prob-
“They’re their trees.
I shouldn’t have to be
responsible for the way
they are growing.”
Langsford called
the District of Maple
Ridge, which visited
her home a few times
and the response al-
ways was, “it’s not
their problem, it’s my
She was told she can
cut the branches and
roots that intrude into
her yard, but points
out digging out the lat-
ter would require an
excavator. And if the
roots are cut, she’s
worried the trees will
fall down, on to her
Cutting the roots
would require a small
backhoe, she said.
Langsford did try
to prune some of the
trees, but someone
called police, who
came and told her to
stop cutting.
Her next door neigh-
bour said the same
thing happened to him.
He has a smaller num-
ber of trees in his yard
and once this spring
was cutting some
branches when RCMP
showed up. They told
him to get permission
before any cutting.
Director of engineer-
ing operations Russ
Carmichael affirmed
that roots and branch-
es encroaching on to
private property are
the landowner’s re-
That’s a common
problem affecting
many properties, with
the district also con-
tending with tree roots
from private property
upheaving municipal
He said an arborist
would stop by the
house to advise how
the roots can be cut
without affecting the
health of the trees.
Patron suing country
bar for negligence
Man was hit by a car after being kicked
out of the Pitt Meadows bar
by M o n i s h a M a r t i n s
staff reporter

A man who was hit by a car after being kicked

out of a Pitt Meadows bar for being too drunk is
suing the establishment for negligence.
In a civil suit filed in Vancouver Supreme
Court, Allan Power claims that in September
2008, he was served liquor by staff at Rooster’s
Country Cabaret to a point where he was vis-
ibly intoxicated and unable to care for himself.
Powers was then “forcefully ejected” from
the bar and left on his own outside, close to
Lougheed Highway.
Shortly after being kicked out, he was hit by a
car as he attempted to cross or walk along the
Power suffered a head and chest injury as a
result of the collision, a concussion and injuries
to both his legs, including a compound fracture
in his left tibia, as well as torn ligaments in his
right knee.
The accident has left him with pain, head-
aches, dizziness, a loss of memory and depres-
The suit alleges that the staff who served al-
cohol to Power, as well as those who kicked him
out should have known he was a danger to him-
self and failed to take steps to see that he made
it home safely.
It seeks damages as well as health care costs
from Rooster’s, its parent company ABC Ltd.
and Banns Enterprises Ltd., the company that
owns the building.
Rooster’s general manager Cliff Barber said
the cabaret was not interested in commenting
on ongoing litigation.
It isn’t the first time someone has been struck
by a vehicle after being kicked out of the bar for
being too drunk or fighting.
A 21-year-old hockey player, Derek Matty, was
killed in 2003 after he thrown out of the bar and
stumbled into the path of a car on Lougheed
Rooster’s was under different management
and ownership at that time.
Two places to celebrate World Rivers Day in Maple Ridge
it cleaned for them, so ue to suffer from inade- tute of Technology, said “It’s pretty exciting to
they can take it home quate protection and an in a news release. see a local event that
for dinner. array of impacts,” Mark All countries are en- started 30 years ago in
Live music will bright- Angelo, Rivers Day couraged to participate British Columbia evolve
en the mood, Katzie chair and head of the and events can be regis- into such a positive
First Nations will do Rivers Institute at the tered at worldriversday. global effort to better
the welcoming ceremo- British Columbia Insti- care for our rivers.”
nies and groups such
as Alouette Field Natu-
ralists, Adopt A Block,
the Community Educa-
tion on Environment
and Development and
the Silver Valley Neigh-
bourhood Association
will have displays up.
There even will be a
tracking demonstration
to show people how to
track creatures in the
This is the 17th year
THE NEWS/files that ARMS is celebrat-
Amanda Balcke checks on the Rainbow Trout at the kid’s fishing pond, which will be ing B.C. Rivers Day.
open to the public during River’s day celebrations at last year at Allco Park Last year, about 800
people visited, said act-
by Phi l M elnyc h u k welcome the public Maple Ridge, at the ing executive-director
staff reporter this Sunday to their north end of 248th Abby Cruickshank.
streams. Street, the Alouette so- More than 75,000
Starting at 11 a.m., ciety will hold its Rivers people around B.C. are
The first B.C. Rivers KEEPS holds its Rivers Day event at its Rivers expected to join in the
Day was held 30 years Day event at Kanaka Heritage Centre in Allco 30th anniversary of BC
ago, now the idea has Creek Regional Park, in Park. Rivers Day.
spread across borders the river front area on The event also starts The whole purpose
and is known as World Lougheed Highway and at 11 a.m. and continues of the event is to raise
Rivers Day. Haney Bypass. to 3 p.m. and features awareness about the
The day is still going Everyone’s welcome a barbecue, a tour of threats to rivers.
strong locally as well, to the free family event. Allco Park, a trout fish- “Rivers are the arter-
as both Alouette River Canoe tours, interpre- ing pond where kids can ies of our planet and yet
Management Society tive walks and environ- catch a trout and have many waterways contin-
and Kanaka Education mental displays will be
and Environmental part of the day.
Partnership Society On the other side of
Words can steer clear of storms
s someone who works sations or ing hopes, hurting feelings,
with people and words, on Facebook and ruining friendships.
I am keenly aware how pages, from We all know that it doesn’t
influential and powerful words the pulpit take much for this to happen –
are. or on the only one tiny little spark.
Aren’t we all? golf course, Words not controlled by the
We live in a wordy world. words are Spirit of God, not spoken in
Our days and lives are word- sacred. truth and love, and therefore
filled and word-shaped. There Words used carelessly can cause
is not a single aspect of our are gifts of great devastation in people’s
lives that is not somehow de- God who lives.
fined by the words we speak, gives life by Carefully used words, on the
write, read, and hear. speaking.
Acts of Faith other hand, are just as power-
We use words in all our ex- They are Gerard Booy ful.
changes with people and also tools for James gives us a graphic
in prayers, confessions and communicat- image of an ancient sailboat
worship. ing that have a tremendous driven by strong winds. Here
Now, the words we use impact. we have an image of people in
in conversations, lectures, Our words have a God-given a world where they face many
politics, and commerce are potential to create life or to de- difficulties. Strong winds that
essentially the same words we stroy the people in their path. they have little or no con-
use when we are speaking to The apostle James wrote a trol over blow against them;
God. remarkable passage in which outside influences push them
There is not a special holy he reminds us of our steward- in directions they do not wish
language for matters of God ship with regards to words to go; storms threaten to rip
and then a secular language (James 3:1-12). them apart; they are battered
for everyday use. Words can be used carefully by corrupted words. But with
“‘Give us this day our daily or carelessly, to adore or to a small rudder (James’ image
bread’ and “’pass the potatoes’ mock, to praise or to slander, for the tongue), the pilot can
come out of the same language to build up or to tear down, steer the ship to safety.
pool,” writes Eugene Peterson. to inspire or to discourage, to Under the control of God’s
No matter then where, when, heal or to hurt, to forgive or to Wind, the Spirit, and used in
about what, and to whom we blame, to united or to divide. accordance with God’s gra-
speak, words are sacred. The trouble is that we cious love, used with caution
It makes no difference frequently use words lightly, and respect for the other
whether we talk to people or carelessly, recklessly, without person (who is God’s image,
converse with God in prayer. thinking, and without praying. by the way), words can steer
Words are sacred, whether Carelessly used words, us through stormy waters and
we use them in casual con- James reminds us, are not bring healing, understanding,
versations or in carefully meaningless. They are sparks hope, and life.
constructed essays, at busi- that can ignite raging fires.
ness meetings or in counseling Those fires quickly burn out of Gerard Booy is pastor of
sessions, in eye to eye conver- control, wrecking lives, smash- Haney Presbyterian Church.
More ammo for light rail service through Fraser Valley
Report argues new line can be started for $492 million sers said concerns
about air quality, cli-
est in using the historic
corridor, both in the
by J eff Nage l estimates an initial reinstate a modern ver- mate change and rising past citing concerns
Black Press service running every sion of the B.C. Electric gas prices are fuelling transit service could
20 to 30 minutes on ex- interurban rail service demand for an alterna- interfere with freight
isting tracks could be to Chilliwack that was tive to driving long dis- hauling and that other
A new Chilliwack-to- launched with diesel- shut down 60 years tances. potential rapid tran-
Surrey light rail line electric trains for $492 ago. “We can now prove sit routes in the Val-
could whisk passen- million. “When the Fraser from an engineering ley might serve more
gers from deep in the It could be later up- Valley passenger ser- and marketing per- people.
Fraser Valley to the ex- graded to a no-emis- vice was suspended in spective that you can Advocates like Viss-
isting SkyTrain system sion electric system for 1950 there were less run light rail at speeds ers note the price tag
in 90 minutes, accord- a further $115 million. than 80,000 people liv- comparable to driving is a big advantage com-
ing to a new study com- Cockle called the ing throughout the Val- your car from com- pared to building all-
missioned by groups proposal “very viable” ley,” Cockle said. “To- munity to community new tracks – especially
campaigning for the with trains running 80 day, one million people across the Fraser Val- when stacked against Contributed
project. to 100 km/h between 18 live in valley commu- ley,” Vissers said. “We pricier SkyTrain tech- Light-rail trains would run every 20 to 30 minutes.
The report, by U.K.- stops along the 98-kilo- nities, with 1.5 million want our train back.” nology.
based consultant Da- metre route. projected by 2031.” Neither the province The study estimates million per kilometre, its own long-promised
vid Cockle on behalf The line would fulfill Rail For The Valley nor TransLink has so the cost of a phase compared to the almost strategic review of
of Rail For The Valley, a long-held dream to spokesman John Vis- far shown much inter- one startup at just $5 $130 million per kilome- Fraser Valley transit
tre it will cost to build expansion options, in-
the $1.4-billion 11-kilo- cluding the existing
metre Evergreen Line rail corridor.
to Coquitlam. A transportation min-
They also argue the istry spokesman said
province’s retention of the findings could be
free passenger rights released this fall.
on the corridor ensures TransLink previously
railways cannot simply estimated it would cost
deny the dream out at $360 to $700 million to
of concern they might create a passenger rail
make less money due service as far as Lang-
to slowed freight ser- ley on the interurban
vice. corridor, although the
“B.C. Hydro wisely City of Surrey estimat-
retained the rights to ed a shorter route as
passenger service and far as Cloverdale could
now we have an oppor- be launched for as little
tunity to capitalize on as $110 million.
that,” Vissers said. Several area may-
The proposed route ors are lobbying for
includes 10 main sta- light rail rather than
tions and eight more SkyTrain technology
basic tram stops. for any rapid transit
The study also con- extension through Sur-
templates possible rey to ensure a broader
spurs connecting Chilli- reach of the service.
wack to Rosedale as
well as Surrey to Rich-
mond and potentially
on to Vancouver.
Passing loops would Proposed stations:
allow freight and pas- 1. Scott Road (SkyTrain con-
senger trains to pass, nection);
but Cockle’s study as- 2. Delta - Nordel Way;
sumes most freight 3. Newton - King George;
trains would be re-
quired to run at night
4. South Surrey - 152
only. Street;
“You don’t have to do 5. Cloverdale - 180 Street;
any major track recon- 6. Langley - #10 Highway/
struction,” Rail For the Kwantlen Polytechnic Uni-
Valley researcher Mal- versity (Langley campus)
colm Johnston said. 7. Abbotsford - McCallum
He said there’s poten- Road;
tial to use tram-trains 8. Yarrow/Cultus Lake;
that could operate on 9. Sardis - Knight Road;
both the existing rail
corridor through the
10. Chilliwack Station, Yale;
valley plus possible Road W and Young Road.
new tram routes within
local cities. Additional tram stops:
That would open up 1. Langley – 200 Street;
the potential for the 2. Trinity Western Univer-
same rail cars to turn sity – Glover Road/Fort
off and head along King Langley;
George Boulevard in 3. Gloucester Estates/
Surrey someday, or up Aldergrove;
200 Street from Lang-
ley to Maple Ridge.
4. Abbotsford, Essendene
“It’s do-able,” John- Avenue;
ston said. “It just takes 5. Abbotsford - Marshall
political will.” Road/University of the
Advocates will plead Fraser Valley (Abbotsford
their case with local campus);
cities, TransLink and 6. McConnell Road/Abbots-
provincial government ford International Airport;
officials in the weeks 7. Huntingdon / Sumas,
ahead. U.S.
Meanwhile, the pro-
vincial government
8. Chilliwack - Airport Rd/
continues to keep the University of the Fraser Val-
lid on the results of ley (Chilliwack campus).
Lower river dead to salmon, forum told
electric projects. and ultimately compel us years, in which upwards 34.5 million sockeye.
Cohen commission Bob Rezansoff, a seine to care more about their of nine million expected Another public forum
urged to probe boat owner from Delta, plight. salmon never showed is slated for Sept. 29 in
criticized the federal fish- The Cohen commission up. Chilliwack and the com-
habitat destruction eries department’s man- is investigating the deep Adding to the puzzle mission begins detailed
agement, predicting this drops in returning sock- is this year’s record run, hearings Oct. 25 in Van- Black Press
year’s huge but largely eye in the previous two estimated at a staggering couver. Lorne Jones at Cohen forum.
by J eff Nage l
Black Press uncaught run will mean
tremendous overcrowd-
ing on the spawning
Optimism for the fu- grounds and weakened
ture of the Fraser River’s runs four years from
iconic salmon was in now.
short supply at a public “The pendulum has
forum of the Cohen Com- swung too far in the di-
mission in New West- rection of conservation
minster Monday. for conservation’s sake,”
Many of the 60 par- he said.
ticipants predicted this He said the trend to-
summer’s record sock- wards drought in the
eye run will prove a flash Interior means salmon
in the pan, giving way to must get priority for
further stock declines. water in their spawning
Several speakers told grounds ahead of agri-
inquiry head Bruce Co- culture.
hen they believe much “Society has to decide
of the fishery’s trouble what is more important –
stems from habitat de- a second crop of irrigated
struction through indus- hay or the survival of the
trialization of the lower salmon,” Rezansoff said.
river, particularly the Port Coquitlam Coun.
north arm between Rich- and commercial gillnett-
mond and Vancouver er Mike Forrest was one
that some said seems of those who alluded to
dead to salmon. long-held concerns in the
“There’s something industry of unreported
terribly wrong here,” aboriginal catches.
retired fisherman Terry Accurate catch report-
Slack said, noting devel- ing is critical to the sur-
opment covers most of vival of the stocks, he
the banks of those chan- said.
nels. “We need to know how
Slack also pointed to many fish are taken out
Metro Vancouver’s sew- of that river,” Forrest
age treatment plants, said.
which pump “a river of “It isn’t really impor-
effluent” out every day, tant who’s taking it. But
hurting juvenile salmon. we need to know how
“We have to get these many are gone.”
plants to clean up,” he Maple Ridge gillnetter
said. Darrel McEachern cham-
Musqueam Band lan- pioned the concept of
guage coordinator Victor individual transferrable
Guerin said the estuary quotas.
is now almost devoid of Gillnetters unable to
salt marshes that serve fish when scarce coho
as habitat for birds and are coming in could sell
juvenile salmon. their sockeye quota to a
seiner or troller further
MR offshore who could catch
NEWS Online the sockeye on their be-
half, he suggested.
For video, visit
Such a system would be more cooperative,
accountable and safer
He questioned the gov- than the current “derby-
ernment’s “slippery” pol- style” fishery with long
icy of no net habitat loss competitive openings, he
when developing major added.
projects and others pro- McEachern said an es-
tested the loss of salmon timated 1.5 million sock-
streams to the construc- eye, worth about $7.5
tion of the South Fraser million, were “wasted”
Perimeter Road. because gillnetters were
Port Coquitlam water- ordered off the river to
shed stewardship volun- protect coho.
teer Laura Dupont said “Those fish are on
the Gateway program their way to the Shuswap
represents the paving where they won’t do any
of the Lower Mainland good and may do more
“from stem to stern” harm than good.”
and called the province’s Surrey actor and play-
environmental assess- wright Lorne Jones
ments for such projects a called for the creation of
“sham.” a new industry – “fish
Other speakers said watching” – using high-
past recommendations tech cameras dangled
to switch fish farms into the water.
to closed containment He envisioned a Meer-
should have been fol- kat Manor-style TV real-
lowed and the province ity show that records and
should rethink its strat- personalizes individual
egy of generating power salmon, which he said
with run-of-river hydro- would become “heroes”
Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
(Above) Surrey Coun. Barbara
Steele is taking over as president
of the Union of B.C. Municipali-
ties; (left) Harry Nyce, chair of the
Kitimat-Stikine Regional District
and a member of the Nisga’a Lisims
Government, is completing his term
as president of the UBCM.

Councillors to vote on four-year terms

by Tom Fletcher cillors and school trust- that recommended the often features low pay,
Black Press ees beyond the existing move to four-year terms long hours and a lack
three years. But Surrey in May. In an interview of public recognition or
Coun. Barbara Steele, in- Monday, Steele pre- respect. Among the reso-
Municipal politicians coming president of the dicted a vigorous debate lutions put forward for
are gathering in Whis- Union of B.C. Municipali- and a close vote on the debate at the convention
tler next week to decide ties, said provincial poli- proposed change, which is one from the northeast
whether to extend their ticians have promised could be made in time for B.C. community of Hud-
term of office to four to abide by the decision civic elections next fall. son’s Hope, calling for
years. made by delegates at Some smaller commu- three-year terms to be
The B.C. government their annual convention nities have difficulty find- maintained.
would have to amend the Sept. 28-Oct. 1. ing candidates willing to The rural-urban divide
Local Government Act to Steele sat on a provin- make even a three-year in B.C. will be prominent
extend the terms of coun- cial-municipal task force commitment to a job that at this year’s convention.
The UBCM executive
has proposed adding two
more members to repre-
sent the Metro Vancou-
ver region, where more
than half the province’s
population now lives, to
balance the majority of
councillors from smaller
communities who tend
to dominate the execu-
Another resolution
calls for moving the date
of local elections from
November to October,
so politicians outside the
South Coast are less like-
ly to campaign on snowy
streets and highways.
Other issues unite
communities across the
province, such as the im-
pact of drug trafficking.
The Cariboo Regional
District is seeking pro-
vincial help to deal with
marijuana growers in
rural areas, while Maple
Ridge wants better fed-
eral supervision of medi-
cal marijuana licences
that allow people to grow
legally. Metro Vancou-
ver is calling for more
effort to stop the import
of chemical precursors
for drug labs that make
ecstasy and metham-
Another popular topic
is animal control. Rich-
mond has proposed ban-
ning the sale of rabbits
from pet stores, while
Kimberley seeks a birth
control solution for the
proliferation of deer that
have become habituated
to living around people.
Saanich and Osoyoos
are calling for changes
to wildlife regulations to
give them more options
to reduce the overpopu-
lation of Canada geese
and its impact on parks,
lakes and crops.
THE NEWS/home&gardening
How to create spring bulb displays
illions, yes,
millions of
bulbs are flowing into
B.C. right now, giving
gardeners an oppor-
tunity to create some
spectacular displays
next spring.
The only problem is
that many new garden-
ers are not quite sure
just how to go about Gardening
creating those eye- Brian Minter
catching displays.
Being faced with row
upon row of all kinds of different bulbs
which bloom in assorted colours, at differ-
ent heights and at various times, can be
somewhat confusing.
Unless you are a connoisseur, ignore all
these hundreds of choices and stick to the
Keep it simple.
When I was in Keukenhoff Gardens, the
world’s ultimate bulb display garden just
outside of Amsterdam, the most effective
and memorable displays were the ones that
had the fewest varieties of bulbs.
What made these displays were the
shapes of the plantings and the use of con-
trasting colours.
The secret to effective displays in your
garden then is to choose different variet-
ies that bloom at the same time and select
interesting colour combinations.
Let’s start with the earliest snowdrops.
By themselves, they look okay. But if you
plant them around dark purple helleborus
(Christmas Rose), the effect is really quite
lovely. Contributed
It is difficult to find other bulbs that The most effective bulb displays have the fewest varieties of bulbs and use interesting shapes and contrasting colours.
bloom at the same time as snowdrops, so be
creative and plant them among large alpine are the miniature irises. These three-inch- these fragrant perennial bulbs look equally In Keukenhoff Gardens, they used them
stones or around a large, unique piece of high sweeties are right at home in a rock good in rock gardens, on top of rock walls, extensively as solid borders around hun-
driftwood. garden, and I also saw them used in win- next to steps, or in sweeping drifts of mass dreds of beds, and the effect was simply
Delightful winter aconites often bloom dow boxes at several homes in Holland. plantings almost anywhere. breathtaking.
at the same time or follow right behind Far more varieties are available today I am not quite sure which I like more, the Because Muscaris bloom as long as daf-
snowdrops. Come to think of it, with snow- than ever before, but I still think the deep blue or white variety, but let me assure you fodils, they blend beautifully with either
drops in the center, the two might make an violet Iris reticulata and its fragrant yellow these are probably the longest lasting, most yellow or white varieties, like the old ‘King
interesting combination. cousin, I. danfordiae, are the very best. durable bulbs you can get. Try planting Alfred’ and elegant white ‘Ice Follies’.
These bulbs look sensational under a You have to blend the two together for the them among ground covers, like ajuga, Almost any of the single early or ‘Triumph’
wonderful gnarled tree such as Harry best effect, but put them on the lee side of where the two flowers complement each tulips will match the blooming season of
Lauder’s Walking Stick (Contorted Filbert). a large white stone for a genuine alpine other. Muscari, and almost any colour of tulip,
I also like to see them intermingled with display. Muscari also looks great mass-planted mingled with the white or blue grape hya-
the rich red winter flowering heathers like Once we jump into March, all sorts of pos- under early flowering shrubs and trees, cinths, makes a great combination.
‘King George’, ‘December Red’ and my sibilities open up. The sleeper of all bulbs like yellow forsythia, ‘White Star’ magno-
favourite, ‘Myrtoun Ruby’. has to be the striking, but often ignored, lias, and even early flowering cherries like Brian Minter owns and operates Minter
The most charming mid-winter flowers grape hyacinth (Muscari). By themselves, Prunus autumnalis ‘Accolade’. Gardens just outside of Chilliwack.
Tax burden on businesses ‘unfair’ to pay. dozen licenses in order
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows chamber of The solution is a cap to work in the surround-
commerce wants business vote back on how much a business ing municipalities, since
should have to pay in they were being called
by G ar y Ahu ja provincial politicians on tax. out to jobs outside of
Black Press hand. Without that business- Langley and therefore
Abbotsford Chamber es will pay substantially were not licensed to
of Commerce president more than a residential work.
An unfair tax burden Pat Sapielak spoke on property owner and Compare that to a
on businesses, regional the ever-increasing tax there becomes a risk of business like Kruger’s,
transportation issues, burden faced by busi- the businesses closing On Line Collision. Since
mobile licensing for ness owners. down or relocating. customers bring their
municipalities, restor- The crux of the presen- Some of the recom- vehicles to him, he only
ing the business vote tation was the concern mendations included requires the one license.
and development permit certain local govern- developing a more sus- The results from that pi-
time lines were the top- ments were subsidizing tainable tax structure lot project showed there
ics of discussion. residential taxpayers by related to the taxpayers’ was an increase of 750 to
Members of five dif- unfairly burdening busi- ability to pay and estab- 1,000 licenses issued in
ferent chambers of com- nesses with property tax lishing some mecha- the region. That trans-
merce were on hand at levies far in excess of the nism which would allow lated into an increase of
the Coast Hotel and Con- services they utilize. for the review of local $160,000-$200,000 in rev-
vention Centre in Lang- “While we appreciate government taxation to enue for those munici-
ley for the first annual the challenges faced by ensure accountability. palities in that one year
Fraser Valley Business local governments with Another presentation alone.
Summit, Sept. 17. limited resources, rais- focused on copying a pi- The project allowed
The presidents of the ing those revenues by lot project in the Okana- businesses — contrac-
five respective cham- increasing costs to busi- gan-Similikameen area tors, trade businesses,
bers — Greater Langley, ness is an unsustainable from 2008, which proved photographers, caterers,
Abbotsford, Chilliwack, solution,” she said. so successful, it has since etc. — to operate across
Mission and Maple While owning a home been extended. participating boundar-
Ridge/Pitt Meadows — is the best investment, Milt Kruger, the Great- ies with just a single li-
each spoke on a separate Sapielak said the down- er Langley Chamber of cense.
topic of concern to the side is the property tax Commerce president, This also benefited
business community, is based on the value shared an example of a municipal governments
sharing their thoughts of the property, not the plumbing company in as it lowered their ad-
with the municipal and business owners’ ability Langley which needed a ministrative costs to
process one license and
increased revenue due
to more businesses de-
ciding to acquire mobile
The goal is to develop
mobile license program,
first for the Fraser Val-
ley, and then later on, for
the entire province.
Maple Ridge/Pitt
Meadows Chamber of
Commerce president
Jeremy Bekar discussed
restoration of the busi-
ness vote.
Studies suggest that
businesses use fewer
services than residents,
and yet they are paying
much more.
“They are the easi-
est group on which to
increase taxes because
they no longer have a
vote,” Bekar said. “Many
business owners live
outside their jurisdic-
tion and cannot be part
of the election process
or vote in a referendum
which may impact their
business directly.
“This gives them no
voice in the communi-
ties in which they pay
the highest taxes; this is
taxation without repre-
If land is held in the
name of an individual, or
sole proprietorship, that
individual can apply to
vote in the jurisdiction.
They may only apply for
one vote, even though
they may own multiple
properties within that
He also explained that
an incorporated busi-
ness is recognized as a
person under the law,
has all the rights as a
person and pays tax in
basically the same man-
ner as a person.
See Chamber, p47
‘Investment in transportation next driver’
Chamber from p46 between multiple origins and des- With no oversight from the pro-
Every right and law recognizes tinations is the cornerstone of suc- vincial government, local govern-
the corporation as a person except cessful urban regions.” ments have the chance to with-
the right to vote. As the province continues to hold approvals until the applicant
The challenge is to produce a fair grow, the ability to improve the agrees to take on costs that may or
business vote without affording flow of people and, more impor- may not be related to the specific
the owner the chance to use this as tantly, goods, will require new project application.
two votes measures. Variances from municipality to
Bekar wrapped up the discus- The provincial government’s municipality cause confusion for
sion with two recommendations: Asia Pacific Strategy is adding a the applicants. The result is addi-
allowing business a greater say in strain on the entire transportation tional costs and delays.
municipal elections through their system.
vote, and working with the Cham- “The Chamber believes that
ber through the Community Char- new and innovative approaches
ter process to develop legislation to transportation in our urban
“The ability to move people
which includes a clear and work- centres are required to address and goods efficiently and
able legal definition for a business these challenges now, and for the
vote. future,” Lum said.
smoothly between multiple
Chilliwack Chamber of Com- Some of the recommendations origins and destinations
merce president Jason Lum fo- included moving forward with the
cused on regional transportation development of a 30-year vision
is the cornerstone of
issues, such as the need for an of public transportation, the need successful urban regions.”
innovative approach to transpor- to invest in public transit in order
tation for an increasingly urban to provide a viable alternative to Jason Lum, Chilliwack chamber president
province. single passenger vehicle travel, in-
With all three levels of govern- vest in infrastructure investment
ment committing funding for the through mechanisms that are eq- B.C. and Quebec are the only
expansion of transportation infra- uitable, efficient and reflect traffic provinces which do not have legis-
structure, an investment in trans- demand management principals, lated mechanisms and protections
portation is the next big driver of and finally, to examine the use of which address these concerns.
growth for the province. tolls and other innovative funding And in uncertain economic times,
“Urban productivity is highly programs. the provincial government needs
dependent on the efficiency of its Development permit time lines to take action to ensure that the
transportation systems,” he said. was discussed by Mission Regional potential for development opportu-
“The ability to move people and Chamber of Commerce president nities and the rights of applicants
goods efficiently and smoothly Helen Secco. are protected, she said.
Scrubber upgrade for garbage incinerator
$7m system to cut nitrogen oxide emissions by two-thirds from the more aggres-
sive upgrade would have
by J eff Nagel pushed the regional gar-
Black Press bage tipping fee up by
another $6.60 per tonne,
compared to the extra
Metro Vancouver $0.85 resulting from the
will upgrade the emis- more modest upgrade.
sion scrubbers at its There’s been no deci-
Burnaby garbage incin- sion yet from the prov-
erator in anticipation of ince on Metro’s proposed
tighter provincial pollu- new solid waste manage-
tion regulations, but the ment plan, which could,
new system won’t be as Black Press if approved, allow the
clean as originally envi- The incinerator burns 276,000 tonnes of garbage a year. construction of a new
sioned. waste-to-energy plant
The $7-million project significantly by 2011. But Metro had been serving the region.
aims to slash levels of The planned upgrade pursuing an even clean- Moore said the emis-
nitrogen oxides released would cut nitrogen ox- er system. sions control upgrade at
from the stack of the ide emissions to an es- Staff had weighed Burnaby has little bear-
waste-to-energy plant, timated 90 mg per cubic building an all-new ing on pollution controls
which burns 276,000 metre. $45-million scrubbing that could go into a new
tonnes of local garbage Metro waste commit- system using selective facility.
annually. tee chair Greg Moore catalytic reduction tech- “Any new facility will
The plant currently predicts that will take nology that would have use the best technology
releases 280 milligrams the Burnaby incinerator taken nitrogen oxide available,” Moore said.
per cubic metre of ni- to less than half the new emissions down to just “It would be even more
trogen oxide – one of limit expected to be set 40 mg per cubic metre. stringent.”
the main pollutants con- by the province. It had been hoped The Burnaby waste-
tributing to smog in the “We want to be proac- a major contribution to-energy plant releases
Fraser Valley. tive in making any ad- would come from Otta- 465 tonnes per year of ni-
Although that’s well justments we have to,” wa, but the upgrade did trogen oxides or roughly
within the current pro- said Moore, the mayor not get approval for a one per cent of the total
vincial regulatory limit of Port Coquitlam. “It federal government eco- emitted annually in
of 350 mg per cubic me- will be more than twice nomic stimulus grant. Metro Vancouver.
tre, Metro staff expect as clean as the new pro- Without federal aid, Ten times as much
the limit will be lowered vincial regulations.” Moore said the benefit comes from other indus-
was not enough to jus- trial and building point
tify the “substantially” sources in the region
higher cost to ratepay- and far more yet – three-
ers. quarters of all nitrogen
Besides the capital oxide released – comes
cost, higher operating from cars, trucks, planes
and maintenance costs and ships.
Community Calendar

ommunity Calendar lists available to share information Tuesday, Sept. 28
events in Maple Ridge and or answer your questions as • Canada Culture Day • Downtown Maple Ridge
Pitt Meadows. Notices are well as provide entertainment comes to the ACT in Maple Business Improvement
free to local non-profit groups for fair visitors of all ages. If Ridge. There will be gallery Association is presenting
courtesy of The News. Drop off you are new to the community tours, hands-on art dem- a free business to business
details to 22328 119 Ave., fax or in need of information, join onstrations, live music, film event, hosted by Maple Ridge
to 604-463-4741 or e-mail friends and neighbours for this screenings and much more. Lighting, at 11947 227th Street
events@mapleridgenews. fun, family event. The event is The event runs from noon to from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Topics to be
com at least a week before the put on by the Community Net- 4 p.m. at 11944 Haney Place, discussed are: Fall promotion,
event. Include a contact name work, Maple Ridge Community Maple Ridge. Organized by the suggestions for Christmas
and number. (No submissions Policing, Ridge Meadows Fall Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows events, possible Winter/
by phone.) Listings appear as Prevention and the Downtown Arts Council. www.theactma- Christmas Market and any
space permits. For guaranteed Business Improvement As- topics brought up by members
publication, ask our classified sociation. For more informa- concerning Downtown. All BIA
department at 604-467-1122 tion, contact Nichole Wismer at Sunday, Sept. 26 members and interested guests
about non-profit rates. 604-616-6934. • The Kanaka Educa- are welcome to this informal
• Discover what Down- tion and Environmental meet and greet. Refreshments
Friday, Sept. 24 town Maple Ridge has to Partnership Society will be are provided. Please call
• The HOMINUM Fraser offer at the last Downtown hosting a Rivers Day event on 604-467-2420 or inquiries@
Valley Chapter is a support Maple Ridge Summer Market from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the and
and discussion group to help for 2010 from 9 a.m. to 2 Kanaka Creek Regional Park RSVP today.
gay, bi-sexual and question- p.m. in Memorial Peace Park riverfront, on River Road east • Support group meet-
ing men with the challenges on 224th Street next to the of Lougheed Highway and ing for Parents and Family
of being married, separated Haney Farmers’ Market. Enjoy Haney Bypass. Canoe tours and Members who have a child
or single. Its next meeting is entertainment, kids’ activities interpretive walks will be part with autism. This group meets
at 7:30 p.m. For information and local vendors in a fun of this family event. Admission the last Tuesday of the month
and location, please call Art at street market atmosphere. Call is free. For more information, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the
604-462-9813 or Don at 604- the DMRBIA at 604-467-2420 call Ross at 604-970-8404 or downstairs boardroom at the
329-9760. or visit downtownmapleridge. visit Ridge Meadows Association
ca for more information, or if for Community Living, 11641
Saturday, Sept. 25 you’d like to be a vendor. Monday Sept 27 224th street, entrance off
• The 2010 Community • Every year the Haney • The Fraser Valley Rhodo Callaghan Street. This month’s
Information and Safety Farmers’ Market dedicates Club’s monthly meeting will speaker is Stephanie Kwasnica,
Fair takes place from 11 a.m. a market day to the Friends in be held at St Andrew’s Heritage an ECE educator and music
to 3 p.m. at Haney Place Mall. Need Food Bank and this year Hall, 22279 - 116th Ave, just enthusiast who will be show-
The event features booths is no exception. Come by their off the Haney Bypass in Maple ing how music can be used
from more than 30 different booth and make a donation Ridge. Ron Knight will be to enhance the lives of our
agencies, businesses, and local for the coming winter. Jeff speaking on the development children. For more information
service groups. Many local Huggins performs. Memorial of Caron Gardens on the Sun- or to RSVP, please contact Tracy
service providers and com- Peace Park on 224th Street in shine Coast. All are welcome to Hewgill at 604-467-8700.
munity organizations will be downtown Maple Ridge. www. attend this interesting evening.
Wednesday, Sept. 29
• The Maple Ridge Public
Library is hosting its third
annual Chocolate Festival from
4 to 5 p.m. Bring your sweet
tooth and enjoy an hour of fun
filled chocolate activities and
games. Kids Grades 5 and up
welcome. Please register at the
second floor information desk,
or call the Maple Ridge Public
Library for more information.
Section coordinator:

THE NEWS/sports
Robert Mangelsdorf
604-467-1122 ext. 216

Hockey night in Maple Ridge

S tor y by M i c h a e l H a l l

oss Luckow has been a
cameraman with Hockey
Night in Canada for
more than 30 years and says the
segment he’s about to tape is Ron
MacLean’s favourite.
A lone CBC van is parked in front of the
stairs at Planet Ice in Maple Ridge on Wednes-
day. Luckow is in a corridor outside the dress-
ing rooms in Rink 2, going over the script with
Jason Disiewich, coach of the Ridge Meadows
Warriors, an atom C team from the 2009-2010
The Warriors have been selected to perform
on the pre-game show Scotiabank Hockey
Tonight for the Oct. 23 broadcast, welcoming
viewers from across the country to Hockey
Night in Canada.
The Warrior players, their hair styled neatly,
some sporting streaks, start filing in to dress-
ing room No. 2. After getting briefed on their
roles by the head coach, they go over a few
lines. Nine players will get individual speak-
ing roles, but everyone will get to speak, and
They are encouraged to be as loud as they
can, and not to worry about messing up their
lines. Everyone makes mistakes. There will be
numerous takes.
“You guys have to have complete atten-
tion,” Disiewich says. “That means no horsing Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
around.” Members of the Ridge Meadows Warriors, atom C3 hockey team, film a segment for Hockey Night in Canada on Wednesday at Planet Ice in Maple Ridge.
Two players sitting in a corner are smelling
each other’s hockey gloves. The whole room hand signals for when to scream and when to The rest of the team files into the room. Out on the ice, and more than an hour after
smells like hockey gear. hush. Disiewich helps with the hand signals and they first arrived, the players skate around,
Luckow is in dressing room No. 4, surround- “When the camera switches to the front of gives the players a pep talk. They have to diving on their chests and sliding on their
ed by a set of white jerseys hanging on hooks, your face, as soon as the last word comes out, scream for 10 seconds before the lines start knees while Luckow sets up his light. Their
the Ridge Meadows Minor Hockey Associa- you hit your line,” Luckow says in an excited each time, then for 10 seconds afterwards, enthusiasm is waning, and it’s more difficult
tion crest facing out, setting up a tripod and tone, his facial expressions exaggerated to and they have to be as loud as they can each to get them to scream as loud as Luckow
a 1,000-watt light, covered with a chimera to convey encouragement, his face red, a stark time. wants, but the payoff, to be on Hockey Night
soften it. contrast to his white-blonde hair. “Go, go, go until he says cut, like you guys in Canada, is worth it.
One parent wonders if Luckow knows that They start. are movie stars,” Disiewich says. They run through the third segment several
Andrew Ladd, a Stanley Cup winner with the “Tonight on Hockey Night in Canada,” the They go through the first segment three times before getting a good take recorded.
Chicago Blackhawks last season and now with first player says into the camera, with modest times. Luckow wants them to be louder, to Then they do one more.
the Atlanta Thrashers, once played here. enthusiasm. point their fingers at him and shake their Ten seconds of screaming.
The Warriors, all 10 and 11 years old, play “The Leafs are in Philadelphia to take on sticks. They nail it the fourth time, then do it “There’s a full night of hockey ahead,” said
here now, although on different teams as a the Flyers ...” says the second. one more time, just in case. the next player.
new season begins. “Even louder,” Luckow says. The players move out into the hallway to The last takes a slap shot into an empty
But this evening, they are a team once again, “And the Canadiens take on the Sens,” says tape the second segment. The third one will net, then looks up to the camera as it pivots
young players who embody what Hockey the third. be on the ice. to him:
Night in Canada is all about – bringing the “Later out west, the Sharks battle the Oil- They go over the lines and how they have to “Stay tuned, Hockey Night in Canada is
national winter past-time into homes across ers,” says the fourth. move around, encircling him at the end. next,” he says.
the country, fostering the hopes and dreams “We’re the Ridge Meadows Warriors and Luckow sets up his light and has the parents All the players, with their helmets on, their
of the next generation of hockey players since you’re watching ...” at the end of the corridor move to the lobby, faces concealed by wire cages and plastic
1952 – from Foster Hewitt to Don Cherry to They all yell together, the camera pulling out of view of his camera. shields, crowd around Luckow in front of the
Cassie Campbell, Gordie Howe to Bobby Orr to wide: “Hockey Night in Canada.” They run through the lines, then begin tap- net and scream.
Wayne Gretzky to Mario Lemieux, now Sidney “Good,” says Luckow, “we’ve got some good ing. They’re done.
Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin. guys.” Luckow raises his arm, the players begin to A puck is thrown on the ice, and the players
Nine of the Warrior players enter room No. Five stay in the dressing room, while the scream. scrimmage.
4 and go over the individual lines for the seg- four who will speak in the second and third He lowers it. Scotiabank will host a viewing party for the
ment. segments leave to go over their own lines. The “From Cam Neely Arena in Maple Ridge, Warriors the night their segment airs, Oct. 23,
“No pausing and no forgetting,” Luckow says five remaining rehearse several more times, B.C.,” says the first player. when the Leafs are in Philadelphia, the Cana-
after demonstrating how he’s going to get in getting louder and more confident each time “Live, to your host,” says the second. diens take on the Sens, and later out west, the
their faces with his camera and describing the through, with only a few flubs. Then they all yell: “Ron MacLean.” Sharks battle the Oilers.

Titans fall in home opener “The support from the

teachers, and parents, and
the whole community was
football program.
“I often heard it said, in-
cluding at the recent 2010
good to get this game out of
the way early in the season,”
he said. “[The Saints] are
plugging up the middle,” said
“Establishing a better pass
great,” said head coach Tom Olympics, that nothing brings strong through and through, or outside [running] game
by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f and while the AA junior var- Levesque. “The stands were people and the world togeth- and this was the first time we will help open that up.”
staff reporter sity football team wasn’t able totally full, there were people er like sport,” Keenan said. came across any adversity.” A number of false start
to give their fans a win, the tailgating, it was a great at- “This was certainly evident The Saints defensive ends penalties broke up drives for
support for the team was a mosphere.” yesterday.” were able to contain the Ti- the Titans preventing them
The Samuel Robertson victory for the school’s first- SRT principal Mike Levesque admits expecta- tans’ outside running game, from gaining any momentum
Technical Titans packed the year football program. Keenan said seeing the kids tions were high coming off while their defensive line on offense.
bleachers for their home The Titans fell 30-0 to the far have fun on the field and last week’s preseason win shut down any inside run at- There were a few bright
opener Wednesday afternoon more experienced Saints in in the stands confirms why over Hugh Boyd. tempts. spots, however.
against the Langley Saints, their first-ever league game. the school decided to start a “It was humbling, but it was “They did a good job at See SRT, p52

Vertical jump for basketball or volleyball

ver wonder how a short technique can also affect the technique for each drill must be
basketball player like Spud ability to generate power. If you carefully taught and monitored
Web at 5’6” could out-jump watch a video of Webb’s jumping, as the athlete progresses. Other
players more than one foot taller his last step before he explodes requirements include at least
than him. In fact, at 46 inches, upward is exaggerated and about three months of resistance train-
no-one has a higher twice or three times ing experience and no current
recorded vertical jump as long as his normal injuries involved to any body
in the NBA. That means step. Why does he do segments.
his feet are almost four that? That additional Ball and walls squats should
feet off the ground at the length lowers his entire be avoided for they do not use
peak of his jump. There body, but it also allows some of the core stability muscles
is even an Algerian for more momentum and do not mimic the correct
basketball player named to be developed and jump mechanics. The key points
Kadour Ziani who, at transferred into vertical of a good jump squat are feet
5’10”, apparently has the kinetic energy. The shoulder width apart, chest up,
highest vertical jump at technique and timing of shoulders back, straight back
an amazing 56 inches. the series of movements with slight forward lean, knees
A shorter person is has to be practiced and directly above feet at all times
usually lighter so has Kinected maximized to produce (not inwards or flared outwards),
less mass to lift off the Kerry Senchyna the most efficient force lower back kept in neutral posi-
ground, but shorter leg production possible. tion and sitting back deep so the
length also means less As far as strength or thighs are parallel to the ground.
muscle mass too, and this means explosive exercises goes, the When rising in a jump squat, the
there’s less power generating ma- athlete needs to be physically ma- weight transfers on to the balls
terial to work with. Also, longer ture enough to handle the load of feet pushing off the ground us-
bones means more mechanical without creating an injury. The ing arms, legs and calf muscles.
advantage and better leverage. absolute minimum age for these Body-weight jump squats with a
So it’s a bit of a trade-off when exercises is about 13 years old broomstick are a good place to
it comes to the physical attri- for simple strength or bounding start with four sets of 10 repeti-
butes. What this does illustrate, exercises, but should generally tions, which is an actual vertical
however, is that size shouldn’t start a little later for power exer- jump without using the arms in
limit an athlete’s potential to play cises or depth-jumps. The athlete the movement. From jump-squats
a sport even when it is normally should also be able to squat-lift an athlete can progress to weight
thought of as dominated by taller one and a half times their body lifting and then plyometrics. A
people. weight before attempting any of certified strength and condition-
There can be many dynamics at these power or plyometric drills, ing specialist or kinesiologist
play here. First, good old genetics and that requirement applies should be consulted for proper
is a factor you can’t do much to any age. We often see adult conditioning, especially for youth.
about, except make sure you pick bootcamp class participants be-
your parents wisely. Then there coming injured because they are Kerry Senchyna holds a bach-
is the training method, which can doing plyometric depth-jumps elor of science degree in kinesiol-
vary widely and include strength- when they do not have sufficient ogy and is owner of West Coast
ening, plyometrics and explosive strength. However, it’s not just Kinesiology in Maple Ridge
training exercises. Jumping an issue of strength – proper (

SRT vs. Pitt ery. Pitt Meadows Ma- ry started ,” he said.

“This was his first rauders, next week, “Hopefully this is the
SRT from p51 full game at defensive and Levesque and his start of something.”
Defensive tackle tackle, and he showed squad are looking for- The Titans face the
Brock Loewen had a ton of promise,” said ward to the opportu- Marauders at SRT’s
11 tackles, including Levesque. “ nity. Rotary Field on Tues-
two sacks, as well as The Titans next face “We’re excited to get day, Sept. 28. Game
a forced fumble recov- cross-town rivals, the our cross-district rival- time is 3 p.m.
THE NEWS/scoreboard
Valley Community Football League
Regular season standings

Abbotsford 4 0 0 1.000 Won 4 172 6 8
Meadow Ridge Blue 3 0 0 1.000 Won 3 60 30 6
Mission 2 1 0 .667 Lost 1 58 64 4
Meadow Ridge Gold 1 2 0 .333 Lost 2 52 42 2
Chilliwack Blue 1 3 0 .250 Won 1 38 98 2
Chilliwack Red 1 3 0 .250 Lost 1 75 108 2
North Langley 0 3 0 .000 Lost 3 18 125 0

Mission-Abby 2 0 1 .833 Won 1 77 28 5
Chilliwack 2 1 0 .667 Lost 1 80 50 4
Meadow Ridge 1 1 1 .500 Won 1 43 21 3
North Langley 0 3 0 .000 Lost 3 6 107 0

Junior bantam
Furious Fire Team
Chilliwack Blue
.833 Won 2
116 48 5
A player from the Golden Abbotsford 2 0 1 .833 Won 2 138 56 5
Ears Fury (right) controls Chilliwack Red 2 1 0 .667 Lost 1 71 56 4
the ball in front of a PoCo Meadow Ridge 1 2 0 .333 Won 1 30 98 2
Fire foe during a Metro North Langley 1 2 0 .333 Lost 2 62 77 2
Women’s Soccer League Mission 0 3 0 .000 Lost 3 66 148 0
U-21 silver division game
Sunday at Citadel Middle Peewee
School field in Port Co- Team W L T % STK PF PA PTS
quitlam. The Fury Chilliwack Blue 3 0 0 1.000 Won 3 109 53 6
won the game 5-0. Meadow Ridge 2 0 1 .833 Won 1 83 13 5
Abbotsford 1 1 1 .500 Won 1 73 47 3
Chilliwack Red 1 2 0 .333 Lost 1 42 64 2
North Langley 1 2 0 .333 Lost 2 12 64 2
Mission 0 3 0 .000 Lost 3 18 96 0
Pacific International Junior Hockey League PIJHL scoring leaders Zack Henry Black Panthers 4 0 5 5 Midget
Ryan Cuthbert Ice Hawks 5 0 5 5 Team W L T % STK PF PA PTS
Harold Brittain Conference Players Team GP G A PTS Marcus Chabot Wolf Pack 4 4 0 4 Langley 3 0 0 1.000 Won 3 102 7 6
Team GP W L T OTL PTS GF GA Liam Harding Ice Hawks 5 6 6 12 Thomas Hardy Kodiaks 3 3 1 4 North Delta 2 0 0 1.000 Won 2 69 0 4
Ridge Meadows Flames 5 3 2 0 0 6 20 16 Marko Gordic Steelers 6 4 6 10 John Proctor Ice Hawks 5 3 1 4 Coquitlam 2 0 0 1.000 Won 2 47 8 4
Aldergrove Kodiaks 3 2 1 0 0 4 13 12 Cody Smith Ice Hawks 4 3 7 10 Sam Chichak Sockeyes 4 2 2 4 Cloverdale 2 1 0 .667 Won 2 55 50 4
Abbotsford Pilots 4 2 2 0 0 4 13 17 Michael Nardi Devils 5 3 6 9 J. Hamaguchi Sockeyes 4 2 2 4 Nanaimo 2 1 0 .667 Lost 1 53 31 4
Port Moody Black Panthers 4 1 1 0 2 4 11 18 Jake Roder Sockeyes 4 5 3 8 Trevor Kang Wolf Pack 4 2 2 4 Victoria 2 1 0 .667 Won 2 51 20 4
Mission Icebreakers 4 0 4 0 0 0 10 23 Robert Wilkinson Steelers 6 5 3 8 Steven Klips Icebreakers 4 2 2 4 Mission 2 1 0 .667 Won 1 39 43 4
Sebastien Pare Sockeyes 4 4 4 8 Ryan Stewart Flames 5 2 2 4 Cowichan 2 1 0 .667 Lost 1 44 63 4
Tom Shaw Conference Kentaro Tanaka Steelers 6 2 6 8 Grange Gordon Steelers 6 2 2 4 Chilliwack 1 1 0 .500 Lost 1 51 33 2
Team GP W L T OTL PTS GF GA Mitchell Smith Sockeyes 4 0 7 7 Scott Mackey Steelers 6 2 2 4 White Rock 1 2 0 .333 Lost 1 42 38 2
North Delta Devils 5 4 1 0 0 8 15 12 Christopher Busto Devils 5 3 3 6 Tristano Falbo Flames 5 1 3 4 North Surrey 1 2 0 .333 Won 1 48 70 2
Richmond Sockeyes 4 3 0 0 1 7 21 9 Dustin Cervo Flames 5 3 3 6 Spencer Traher Ice Hawks 5 1 3 4 Richmond White 1 2 0 .333 Lost 2 43 36 2
Delta Ice Hawks 5 3 1 0 1 7 20 13 Danny Brandys Flames 5 2 4 6 Brendan Nadolny Pilots 4 0 4 4 Meadow Ridge 1 2 0 .333 Lost 2 45 29 2
Grandview Steelers 6 3 2 0 1 7 24 19 Eli Wiebe Sockeyes 4 1 5 6 Rudi Thorsteinson Sockeyes 4 3 0 3 Westside 1 2 0 .333 Won 1 49 65 2
Squamish Wolf Pack 4 1 3 0 0 2 11 19 Curtis Rocchetti Steelers 6 1 5 6 Keagan Hunter Icebreakers 3 2 1 3 Richmond Black 1 2 0 .333 Lost 1 38 66 2
Bradley Parker Pilots 4 3 2 5 Ryan Veillet Kodiaks 3 2 1 3 Burnaby 0 3 0 .000 Lost 3 8 106 0
Julius Ho Devils 5 2 3 5 Kevin Lourens Pilots 4 2 1 3 Vancouver 0 3 0 .000 Lost 3 8 127 0
Get your sports results in THE NEWS Reily Moffat Steelers 6 2 3 5 Khalin Marsolais Wolf Pack 4 2 1 3
Submit scores and standings to Colton Precourt Kodiaks 3 1 4 5 Jarrett Martin Pilots 4 2 1 3
Sean Kavanagh Flames 5 1 4 5 Cody Fidgett Ice Hawks 5 2 1 3
Adam Nathwani Devils 5 1 4 5 Shane Harle Flames 5 2 1 3

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