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FAQ - Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions About Turnitin2

Recent changes are highlighted in yellow.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information below is as accurate as possible as of September 24, 2010 but is subject
to change. The most up-to-date information can be found at

Questions Answers
What is Turnitin2 Turnitin2 is a new, enhanced version of WriteCycle. It includes the same features as
and how does it WriteCycle with a new name and vastly improved usability and functionality. Customers
differ from that currently have only Turnitin Originality Checking (without GradeMark and
WriteCycle? PeerMark) will have access to the new version of Turnitin2 OriginalityCheck (without
GradeMark and PeerMark).
What was the Turnitin2 was launched on September 4, 2010.
launch date?
What languages Turnitin2 is now available in English and Spanish. Other supported languages (French,
are available? German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Malay and Thai) are
available in beta form only.

Submissions in non-Roman character-based languages OTHER THAN Japanese,

Korean, Chinese, Malay or Thai will receive text-only Originality Reports.
Is Turnitin2 be Yes. All users who access Turnitin2 through “framed in" integrations with Blackboard,
available through ANGEL, WebCT and Moodle (i.e. Moodle Basic) will experience the same changes as
integrations? all other Turnitin2 users.

Users of non-framed-in integrations [such as Desire2Learn, Moodle (i.e. Moodle Direct)

and others] will see the newly formatted Originality Report and the new, integrated view
of GradeMark. We are working with the providers of such "deep" integrations to
support future access to PeerMark.

Users will NOT need to install or change anything to make integrations work with
Can institutions A beta version of Turnitin2 was made available to all existing users starting on August
see a beta 23, 2010. The beta will remain available until October 1, 2010. The beta version is
version? ONLY for previewing and testing the new features of Turnitin2. No previously existing
classes or assignments will appear in the beta. Any changes made in the beta
(including any test classes created or submissions) will NOT be transferred to your
regular Turnitin account. All beta data will be deleted after October 1, 2010. For more
information, contact
What are the major With Turnitin2, the tools and feedback for OriginalityCheck and GradeMark (plus
features and PeerMark, expected in later in 2010) are easily accessible in one, integrated
benefits of environment. All feedback is overlain on a single, consistent, fully-formatted view of
Turnitin2? the student paper at every step in the process of evaluation and grading. Note that the
integration of PeerMark in Turnitin2 is expected to be completed later in 2010.

Turnitin2 will provide all the tools you need to evaluate students' written work, all in one
©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 1

• A single, consistent view of the student's paper—with styled text, graphics, tables
intact—all through the feedback process. This consistent "document viewer" will make
feedback easier to understand.

• Streamlined access to tools: everything is “right there,” saving time and improving

• Users can simultaneously view superimposed layers of rich feedback provided by

originality checking, by instructors, and by peers, enhancing insight and understanding.

• To minimize user disruption, users can easily "go back" to pre-Turnitin2 versions of
the Originality Report and GradeMark (at least through July 1st, 2011).

• This unified functionality makes Turnitin2 easier to integrate with course

managements systems via our API.
What was the • FULLY-FORMATTED PAPER VIEWS: The "text-only" view of the Originality Report
rationale for this was a technological compromise; now, major technological improvements have made
choice of features it possible for OriginalityCheck to show fully-formatted Originality Reports without
for Turnitin2? degrading system performance.

• INTEGRATION OF ALL TOOLS: Users don’t want to switch between applications to

accomplish their work because switching disrupts their workflow and train of thought,
impeding productivity. Now all the parts of Turnitin work together, work alike and are
instantly accessible in a common view.

• OVERLAYS OF FEEDBACK: Seeing feedback from the different tools separately

creates disconnects in understanding how to improve a written piece. With Turnitin2,
simultaneously visible layers of feedback can provide important context and relevance
so feedback is more meaningful and actionable.

• "GO BACK" OPTION: Some people may need more time to adjust to these
improvements, so we have enabled users to easily "go back" to the pre-Turnitin2
versions of the Originality Report and GradeMark. The buttons to "go back" are in the
lower right corner of the document viewer frame.
What • A walk-thru video is at
documentation is
available? • QuickStart Guides are available at
• Help Center articles are available available at
• Full user manuals are available at
• A full library of web-delivered user training videos is available at
• A schedule of live walk-thru web sessions is available at
What other training • All web-delivered product training videos have been updated for Turnitin2.
material is • Intercept screens - intercept pages (aka "interstitials") now inform users about
available? specific changes, how to "go back" to previous versions, and how to view instructional
• Live walk-thrus are offered given 6x/week. View Walk-Through Schedule.
©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 2
What are the major Turnitin2 includes OriginalityCheck, which produces an Originality Report that shows
changes to the student's paper with its full formatting—including styled text, graphics, tables,
Originality charts, photos and other visual elements—exactly like the paper that was submitted.
Checking? The formatted paper will be displayed in a panel on the left with matches highlighted in
different colors, with the list of matching sources in the right side panel.

In addition, they will be able to:

• Differentiate matches by numbers and different colors. These colors offer a clean,
streamlined look and will allow easier viewing of and differentiating between matches
by customers with mild color-blindness. Now, there are 12 different colors used for
differentiating matches.

• Click any highlighted match in the paper to display "a glimpse" of the text from the
source in a small window next to the matching section of text (source text will include
some surrounding text). This replaces having the full text displayed in the right side
panel in the text-only view. The side-by-side view showing the full text of matches is
still available in the text-only view (use the button in the lower right corner of the
document viewer frame to navigate to the"text-only" view ) and is expected to be
added to the new document viewer later in 2010.

• "Drill down" on matches to see a list of additional sources that contain the same
matching text. Viewing this list of "overlapped" sources will be much faster and easier
that the current method of going through the sources one-by-one in the single source

• Make all of the same exclusions that are currently possible (quoted material,
bibliographic material and small matches).

• View superimposed layers of GradeMark comments with OriginalityCheck results.

Layers can be switched on and off with the click of a button in the toolbar in the top-
left side of the screen. The ability to see PeerMark comments in the document viewer is
expected to be added later in 2010.

• Choose to "go back" to the pre-Turnitin2 "text-only" view at the click of a link. (The
text-only view is what Turnitin users have seen in the past.)

• The ability to print and/or download the fully-formatted Originality Report is being
added. Currently, users choosing "print" or "download" will receive a "text only"
version of the Originality Report.
What is the • Previously, the text-only Originality Report was necessary for system performance
rationale for these reasons. Now, technology improvements enable us to show the fully-formatted paper
changes to the without performance degradation. New users, especially, expect the paper to look like
Originality Report? the original submission (“WYSIWYG or What You See Is What You Get”); now it does.
With OriginalityCheck, the new fully-formatted Originality Report eliminates confusion
about what happened to formatting, images, tables or figures and works the way users
expect it to work.

• A common concern from customers has been that they grade on formatting, so the
previous lack of formatting created issues for instructors and students. The lack of
formatting in the "text-only" view also makes it difficult to tell when students have
correctly used block quotations. With Turnitin2, instructors can mark up and grade the
paper while seeing the originality information on a fully-formatted paper with block
©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 3
quotes displayed just as the student wrote them.

• Instructors wanted more insight into matches that have multiple matching sources, to
help them figure our more accurately what students are using to write their papers. The
new Originality Report shows how many sources are overlapped and offers a "drill
down" feature to navigate through the list of sources.

• The "text-only" view is still available as an alternate view at the click of a button in the
bottom right corner of the document viewer frame.
What are the major GradeMark has been streamlined with a unified set of tools for comments and mark-
changes to ups in the right side panel.
With Turnitin2, GradeMark users will be able to:

• Drag and drop QuickMark marks and comments onto the paper from the side panel.

• Highlight phrases, words and single characters—not just rectangular blocks of text—
and associate the highlighted material with a QuickMark or comment. Note that users
must be directly over a character to start highlighting; soon, users will be able to just
click near a character to start highlighting. The user experience of highlighting will
become much more fluid and more like a real highlighter on paper.

• View superimposed layers of OriginalityCheck information and PeerMark comments

along with the GradeMark mark-ups. Layers can be switched on and off with the click
of a button.

• Choose to "go back" to the pre-Turnitin2 version of GradeMark at the click of a link.
This access will be maintained through at least July 1st, 2011.

The new design has streamlined, replaced and/or combined some features such as:
• In-line text commenting has been replaced by the highlighting and commenting

• The clipboard and the QuickMark palette of symbols have been replaced by an easy-
to-read side panel of labeled comments and QuickMark tools that all work alike.

• Print, download and statistics functionality for GradeMark in the Turnitin2 document
viewer will be added later in 2010. Printing, downloading and statistics are currently
available in the old version of GradeMark.

• The ability to export or import QuickMark sets or rubrics will be added later in 2010.
What is the • Instructors need to feel really comfortable with online tools to make the switch to
rationale for these paperless grading. With Turnitin2, GradeMark’s look and feel have been significantly
changes to updated to be much more user-friendly, including the removal of the floating palette of
GradeMark? mark-up tools and symbols which many instructors found confusing and intimidating.

• Instructors wanted precise, powerful highlighting and comments. With Turnitin2,

GradeMark has the ability to highlight text at the individual character level (previously
only available as strictly rectangular shapes), the ability to associate a comment with
highlighted text, and the ability to attach additional comments to a QuickMark.

• Instructors wanted to be able to manage their grading content much more easily.
With Turnitin2, comments and GradeMarks will be managed in a single, unified side
©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 4
panel, instead of in the clipboard and palette.

• Instructors did not want to spend a lot of time learning how to use GradeMark; they
want to become more productive NOW. Turnitin2 makes the overall GradeMark
experience much more smooth and efficient, allowing instructors to quickly reap the
benefit of these time-saving, powerful tools.
What are the major PeerMark was launched in January 2010 and replaced the service known as Peer
changes to Review. All PeerMark features will be fully integrated with Turnitin2 are expected later in
PeerMark? 2010. The previous version of PeerMark continues to be avaiable from the assignment
inbox. With Turnitin2 , PeerMark users will:

• Be able to view superimposed layers of PeerMark comments along with the

GradeMark mark-ups and the OriginalityCheck information. Layers can be switched on
and off with the click of a button. (Expected later in 2010)

• See the same document viewer frame around PeerMark as for GradeMark and
OriginalityCheck. Assignment set up, the assignment inbox and the question libraries
will remain unchanged. (Expected later in 2010)

• Have a set of drag-and-drop tools in the side panel that replaces the palette of mark-
up tools. (Expected later in 2010)

• Have a simple, unified side panel for mark-up tools and peer review questions that is
fixed (not movable, flippable or resizable). (Expected later in 2010)

• Use highlighting and associated comments instead of the in-line text commenting
tool. (Expected later in 2010)
How have the The QuickMark marks and rubric libraries will be made available through the Library tab
Libraries changed? in instructors' accounts. The PeerMark question and assignment libraries that currently
exist under the Library tab will not be changed.
Are there changes Yes - the navigation is consolidated and simplified into easily-accessible sets of tabs at
to the site the top of the user's screen.
The functions on the left side of the users' screen will be become tabs above above the
main body of the users' screen. As a result, the user's workspace will be widened.

The tabs for user info and messages will be consolidated with the links to the help
center, feedback and logout at the very top of the screen.
Are there be Yes - the instructor assignment inbox has been simplified to allow easy access to the
changes to the core Turnitin2 functionality. Later in 2010, users will be able to view the Overall
Instructor inbox? Similarity Index breakdown from the assignment inbox. Until then, users can view the
breakdown on a per paper basis in the Originality Report within the Turnitin2 document

What is the • The assignment inbox is cleaner, more intuitive and easier to use, with clutter
rationale for removed.
changing the
navigation and the • Navigational headers achieve even better use of the space on the screen and the
inbox? ability to move more easily between the solution’s services and features.

• Increased ease-of-use allows users to spend less time learning how to use the
program and more time evaluating student work.

©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 5

What are the Originality Checking-only subscribers will see all of the changes to the site navigation,
implications for the new assignment inbox, and all of the changes that apply to the Originality Report.
institutions that
subscribe to The Originality Report will show the student's paper with its full formatting—including
Originality styled text, graphics, tables, charts, photos and other visual elements—exactly like the
Checking only? paper that was submitted.

When viewing the Originality Report, these users will see the buttons that provide
access to the GradeMark and PeerMark views, but if they click on them they will
receive a message that those services are unavailable for their institution. The smaller
buttons for switching the GradeMark and PeerMark feedback layers on and off will be
present but non-functional for Turnitin-only customers.
Does an institution All accounts have been automatically moved to Turnitin2. Individual users will have the
have to move to option to switch to views of the old GradeMark and the text-only Originality Report, but
Turnitin2 as of the all navigation, inbox, and library access changes will be automatic and irreversible. The
launch date? What user's choice of old GradeMark or the text-only Originality Report will persist until they
if they're not readychoose to switch to the new version. These older versions will remain available until at
or don't want to? least July 1, 2011.
If institutions do All accounts have been automatically moved to the new service. Individual users have
not want to move the option to switch to views of the old GradeMark and Originality Report though at
to Turnitin2 least July 1, 2011. All navigation, inbox, and library access changes have been
immediately, how automatic and are irreversible. The user's choice of old GradeMark or the text-only
long can they stay Originality Report will persist until they choose to switch to the new version.
with the old
service before
being forced to
Can a parent No. But individuals can choose to use the current views of the Originality Report and
account GradeMark through at least July 1, 2011.
administrator have
some of its child or
individual accounts
switch to Turnitin2
but not others?
Can parts of a No. But individuals can choose to use the current views of the Originality Reports and
single account be GradeMark through at least July 1, 2011.
moved to Turnitin2
while others
remain in the
current service?
How much will There will be no additional charge to current WriteCycle customers; Turnitin2 is
Turnitin2 cost? available to them automatically. 2010 pricing of Turnitin2 for new customers remains
the same. Current customers who have a license for Originality Checking only will have
access to the OriginalityCheck features in Turnitin2 (but not GradeMark or PeerMark).
What will happen Papers submitted after July 28, 2010 (when we implemented our new document
to the work that imaging method) will be ported automatically into the Turnitin2 framework after
was done (e.g. September 4, 2010. Any QuickMark and clipboard comments that had previously been
papers that were created in GradeMark will be migrated into the new format for GradeMark marks. All
graded, marks that highlights created in GradeMark will be transferred as-is to the new Turnitin2
were created) in environment. In-line comments will be migrated to display as new GradeMark
the current version comments (blue "speech-bubble" comments).
of the service

©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 6

when a user Papers submitted before July 28, 2010 will only be available through the old versions of
moves to Originality Checking and GradeMark which will launch automatically when a user
Turnitin2? opens such a paper.

It is not currently known what will happen to these papers and this work after the older
versions of the products are removed (sometime after July 1, 2011) but it is believed
that they will either be available in read-only (print) format or there will be a button to
automatically reprocess the paper using the new method.
Have any Account administrators will see changes to their QuickMark and rubric libraries which
administrative will be updated to match the changes to the GradeMark QuickMark and rubric libraries.
functions change? This is necessary to allow the Turnitin Administrators to create QuickMark comments
and rubrics to share across their institutions.

Turnitin Administrators will see the change to the site navigation.

Have any No. The assignment creation screens and the functions and settings associated with
assignment set up assignment creation will not change for Turnitin2.
Have any other The libraries associated with GradeMark (the marks and rubrics libraries) are now
ancillary features accessible from the Libraries tab in instructors' accounts. This allows instructors to
changed create marks and rubrics without having to wait until a paper is submitted to an
(gradebook, assignment. The PeerMark question library and the assignment library, will remain and
discussion be unchanged.
The instructor assignment inbox has been changed to accommodate the new Turnitin2
document viewer. The inbox has undergone organizational changes to improve the
usability and feel of the inbox.

The student assignment list was slightly modified to accommodate access to the new
document viewer.

The navigation inside users accounts has changed. The tabs that were above the main
body of the users' screen (e.g. the user info and messages tabs) were moved to the
very top of the screen next to the links for the help center, feedback and logout. The
tabs that ran down the left side of the users' screen have been moved to the area
above the main body of the users' screen (where the previously mentioned tabs were
moved from).
Was there a We notified customers of a special maintenance window for Saturday, September 4,
maintenance 2010 from 10:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-0700). All Turnitin services
window? were UNAVAILABLE during this time.
Will printing of the This feature is planned to be included but the specifics of how it will appear are
paper with its unknown at this time.
layered information
be possible?
What is the impact Students will get access to the new Turnitin2 view from within their assignment list—
on the student the same place they access GradeMark and the Originality Report now. Students will
experience? see their marks, Originality Reports, and PeerMark reviews in the new Turnitin2 view. If
a student is not allowed to see one of the services (based on dates or assignment
settings) the button to that service will link to a message explaining why that service
isn't available at that time. Students will also experience the change to the site
navigation and will see a slight change in their assignment list.

©2010 iParadigms, LLC All rights reserved. 0924.10 7

Will Turnitin2 be Macros will still be stripped from all files submitted to Turnitin. The insertion of white
able to detect text and images of text is a known issue and we are currently working to develop a way
cheating methods to flag such papers for further investigation by instructors.
that the current
version does? (e.g.
white text, macros)
Will new users The link to the old versions (pre-Turnitin2) of the "text-only" Originality Report and
have access to the GradeMark will be available to all users. The "classic" view (with sources on top) of the
"text-only" view of Originality Report will be accessible only through this "text only" link. This access will
the Originality be maintained through at least July 1, 2011.
Report? Will new
users have access
to the "pre-
Turnitin2" view of
GradeMark? Who
instructors' access
to these views?
What if a user has They should send an email to with any questions or reports of
issues or problems.

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