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The palace thief p175-185


Feinted: “for the lesser appointments i often feinted to gather leverage for the greater ones”
p.176 Definition: make a deceptive or distracting movement

Internecine: “I discovered, he had been conducting his own internecine campaign for the
position” p.179 Definition: relating to conflict within a group or organization.

Guileless: “my heart was pierced with their guileless grace.” p. 179 Definition: innocent and
without deception

Filigreed: “a margin of rust had appeared along filigreed handle” p.181

Definition:ornamented with or resembling filigree work

Foisted: “I had not even wanted it when the irascible demagogue Bell had foisted it upon me”
p.181 Definition: impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on

Rancorous: “in those days our meetings of the faculty and trustees were rancorous affairs”
p.176. Definition: characterized by bitterness or resentment


Vantage: “it is indeed a rare vantage that a St. Benedict’s teacher holds” p.176

Throes: “at the time, of course,the country was in the throes of a violent,peristaltic rejection
of tradition” p.176 Definition: intense or violent pain and struggle.

Abandon: “Whose campaigns I fought with abandon” p.176 Definition: cease to support or
look after

Coveted:” admitting that by then I myself coveted the job of headmaster” p.178 Definition:
yearn to possess or have (something)

1. He believes in tradition and believes that it is what got us here

2. Because of their friendship and because the opponent believed that “because of tha
advances in our society, history had become little more than a relic”
3. Because he had successfully defended history so that it could continue being taught
at St.Benedict’s
4. It appears that people, Hundert helps or supports always seem to hurt or fail him like
sedgewick bell cheating in the competition and Charles Ellerby throwing accusations
at him to prevent Hundert from becoming headmaster.
5. Because Charles Ellerby questioned about a rumour that he keep a pistol in his desk
drawer and fearing that this could cost the headmaster position he throwed the pistol
6. Why stand beside someone who doesn't stand beside their own beliefs

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