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“I hope you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you
have the strength to start all over again.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Teen suicide has continued to be one the biggest problem for today’s youth.

Teen suicide being the third global leading cause of young age death between the ages

of 15 to 24. Suicide is not a mental disorder, more like a mental illness often being

cause by disorders such as; Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and many

more disorders. Some predictions is that a lot of the articles are going to say that the

cause of teen suicide is maybe stress or problems at home. Some other predictions

about the founding is that they are going to have lot of opinions about the this subject.

The plan for this research is that each part is going to be seperated. So the first part of

the researching is going to be the historical context. Then there will be the finding and it

would be going into depth about the finding that were found. And to conclude it there will

be an epilogue, which will explain everything up. They said that the teen depression

rates are on the rise so they can be higher around this year.
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Historical Context

“When you hold people up for ridicule, you have to take responsibility when other
people act on it.”
Jay Asher
The rate in teen suicide rapidly rose in the year of 2007. For girls ages 15 to 19
the rates doubled from 2007 to 2015. For boys ages 15 to 19 the rates increased by 30
percentage. Looking for data from 1974 to 2015 it went up drastically. The rates for teen
boys increased by 12 suicide per individual in the year 1975. The years of 1990 to 2007
it declined and then later in 2015 it went up again. In the past the United States had
about 1,289 suicides from males and 306 suicides from females at the age 15 to 19.
Later in 2015 the rates went up to 1,537 suicides among males and then 534 among
females ages 15 to 19 . The CDC were kinda alarm because the suicide for the U.S
population increased 24 percent over the 15-year period. Later the CDC we concern
again because the realize that’s women ages around 10 to 14 is going up in suicide.
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“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you
that is greater than any obstacle.”

Christian D. Larson

The findings were very much alike but different in their own way. Like on one of
the websites the authors and researchers believe that the amount of stress a person
has is the reason why teens commit suicide. Other sources say other wise, that suicide
can be caused by mental disorders. But in this article, Teen Sleep and Suicidality:
Results from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys of 2007 and 2009 (2011), authors Caris
T. Fitzgerald, M.D., Erick Messias, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., and Daniel J. Buysse, M.D.,
F.A.A.S. implies the short amount and long amount of sleep has a big influence on
teen and why they commit or attempt suicide. The authors develop/support this by being
very factual. The author’s purpose was in order to help parent another adult to
understand some reason why teens will commit suicide. The authors uses logos to
convince people to watch their child. In the article states, “The reference category
chosen for all comparisons was 8 h.This TST was based on the fact that previous data
indicate that persons at this age group most likely require 9.2 h of sleep but most
actually sleep 7-8 h”(Caris T. Fitzgerald, M.D., Erick Messias, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., and
Daniel J. Buysse, M.D., F.A.A.S.). In this article assert,“We tested this hypothesis using
the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys from 2007 and 2009, which consist of school-based,
nationally representative samples (N = 12,154 for 2007, N = 14,782 for 2009)” (Caris T.
Fitzgerald, M.D., Erick Messias, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., and Daniel J. Buysse, M.D.,
F.A.A.S.). While they were doing researched they tested only teen that are in
highschool to make this connection to the subject. In this article says, “Of the total
sample, roughly 15% reported suicidal ideation, 10% planned suicide, 5% attempted
Crenshaw 4

and 2% reported an attempt requiring treatment”(Caris T. Fitzgerald, M.D., Erick

Messias, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., and Daniel J. Buysse, M.D., F.A.A.S.). This concludes for
this article that one reason for the teen suicide could be from not getting enough sleep.

In this finding the author believes that the reasons why teen suicide is because
it’s contagious. Alison Matas states in her article “Suicide Contagion” that personal
problems are the reason behinds suicide. Matas develops this statement because of a
program called “S​igns of Suicide Prevention Program”. Matas’ purpose was in order to
make parents be aware of their children in order to prevent them from committing
suicide. In order to make parents aware of the problem that there children are going
through. Matas uses a ​encouraging tone with the people that read this (parents) to
encourage them to talk to their children before the commit suicide, they can help their
children. In Alison Matas states, “ ​She told parents to look for such warning signs as
major behavior changes, withdrawal, risky behavior, use of drugs or alcohol, and
changes in eating or sleeping habits” (Matas). She’s saying as a parent you need to
make that your child is in great condition and make sure they are okay. In this article
Alison Matas asserts, “two major triggers for suicide are the breakup of a relationship or
a family conflict, she said, and she urged parents to take those issues seriously and call
for help if they’re concerned” (Matas). Mates believe the cause could also be by
relationship with friends, family, and a spouse. “to decrease instances of suicide by
teaching students about depression, encouraging them to seek help for themselves or
friends, changing perceptions about mental illness, working with parents and school
staff and developing community partnerships” (Matas). Alison Mata also believes that if
we give awareness about this situation it will help teens go to people and actually talk to
them. Teens shouldn’t be alone trying to make sense of things, but if they had help
there will be less cases of teen suicides.

Many of the researchers on this article believe that the reason to teen suicide is
cause but a short causes of problem that has a deadly result. Like in this article, this
article talks about how social media is one of the reasons why teens commit suicide.
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Audrey Vijaindren states in her article “Preventing teen suicide in era of social media”
(2018). She is show that the more teens use social media the more teen get influence
in suicide. Vijaindren first convince teens to use less social media: she then inform the
people that when teens use less social media its harder from them to be social without
it, and to conclude she wants teen to withdraw from so much social media. Her purpose
is to influence in order to get teens and young adults from social media so it can lower
the reason why teens commit suicide. In Vijaindren article, “In 2016, Befrienders Kuala
Lumpur reported 7,446 calls related to suicide; 26 percent of them were students” (
Vijaindren). She’s show that so many teens that end up committing suicide are still in
high school and not even fully developed their life yet. Vijandren address, “In such a
psychological state, and without a strong anchor in life, you can understand why ideas
of suicide or self-harm appeal to many young people” (Vijaindren). When teen see
things on social media that influences them or hurts their feelings they try to find a
different way out but self-harming or even eventually suicide. I’m Audrey Vijaindren
asserts, ​“The child may grow up insecure and without self-awareness. They will do
anything to please their peers, just to be accepted” (Vijaindren). She’s saying all the
social media that the teens use now it’s hard not be insecure because you are trying
everyone one else online accept yours.

Other researchers believe the problem could be deeper and it could be a mental
issue that the teens are struggling with. They believe it has to do with something in the
brain and how much stress teens put on themselves and other things that can make
them feel also drained. Thomas Joiner states in his article “The
Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior: Current Empirical Status” a
person does not commit suicide unless he or she has the desire to die by suicide. Joiner
develops this idea by a theory. Joiner’s purpose is to show people that people don’t kill
themselves just for the fun of it. In order to make people aware that some don’t take
their lives for the fun of it, he also said that people take their life because they are either
mentally and/or physically drained. In the article joiner states, “ ​proposes that an
individual will not die by suicide unless s/he has both the desire to die by suicide and
Crenshaw 6

the ability to do so”(Joiner). Joiner believes that the teen is with physically or mentally
drained which is not helping and giving them more reasons to want to harm so do
something to themselves. In this article Joiner explains,“who desires suicide, the theory
asserts that when people hold two specific psychological states in their minds
simultaneously, and when they do so for long enough, they develop the desire for
death” (Joiner). Joiner believes that the problem is a mind thing and that if its goes so
far the teen or young adult will have a “desire for death”. Joiner states,
“self-preservation is a powerful enough instinct that few can overcome it by force of will.
The few who can have developed a fearlessness of pain, injury, and death, which,
according to the theory, they acquire through a process of repeatedly experiencing
painful and otherwise provocative events” (Joiner). Once the person is use to these
problem or pain they seem to repeat the hurt they have endure.

Another researcher believed is the cause of suicide between the ages of 15 to

24. In Jean Twenge’s article ,”​Teenage depression and suicide are way up — and so is
smartphone use” (2017). She advises that social media is the reason why a teens
commit suicide. Twenge first does speak upon by using informational; she writings
information by using formal writing and stating information. Twenge purpose was in
order to convince teens about why social media use like one of the reason. Twenge’s
states, “​But some vulnerable teens who would otherwise not have had mental-health
issues may have slipped into depression because of too much screen time, not enough
face-to-face social interaction, inadequate sleep or a combination of all three” (Twenge).
She even states that teens who are more depressed will use more social media then
actually talk to people in person. She states this because this shows that some teens
are scared to ask for and you would not tell because today's age there is a lot of social
media use. Jean Twenge’s asserts,“I found that teens now spend much less time
interacting with their friends in person. Interacting with people face to face is one of the
deepest wellsprings of human happiness; without it, our moods start to suffer and
depression often follows” (Twenge).Shows that teens use more social media to hide
behind something and starts to make them more sad or depressed then they were
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before and it does not help them get better, but make them much more worst. In the
article explains, ​“​the number of U.S. teens who felt useless and joyless — classic
symptoms of depression — surged 33 percent in large national surveys. Teen suicide
attempts increased 23 percent” (Twenge). Even when teens use social media it can
make the person worst, this is because they are probably getting bullied online and
when someone is getting bullied that do not act right away.

This research believes that the reason why teens commit suicide is because they
need a way out. In ​D'Arcy Lyness’ article “ Suicide” (2014). She states that teens
commit suicide because they are trying to escape something they feel that can’t escape.
Lyness advises that we should catch the signs were are like; talking about death, having
no desire to play or do their favorite activities, and if the person engaging in
self-destructive behavior. The Author purpose was because wants to inform people
about this important situation and that there are many reasons why teens commit
suicide. She wrote this in order to let people know to pay attention if they feel that
there kid or friend doesn’t seem him or her self. The author states, “Some people who
end their lives or attempt suicide might be trying to escape feelings of rejection, hurt, or
loss. Others might feel angry, ashamed, or guilty about something. Some people may
be worried about disappointing friends or family members. And some may feel
unwanted, unloved, victimized, or like they're a burden to others” (Lyness). Teen suicide
can be multiple reasons why a person wants to commit suicide, because they believe
the problem can not get better but get worse. Lyness addresses, “Most teens
interviewed after making a suicide attempt say that they did it because they were trying
to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get relief from really
bad thoughts or feelings."(Lyness). Teens feel a way because they want to get help, but
do not know where to start and it seem hard. Teens believe that what if you do not get
the help you need. D’Arcy Lyness states that, “We all feel overwhelmed by difficult
emotions or situations sometimes. But most people get through it or can put their
problems in perspective and find a way to carry on with determination and hope”
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(Lyness). Even through the problems some are tough to get through, some teens make
it which given some teens hope.

In this research article it talks a lot about the causes of suicide and how we can

prevent it. ​In Kevin Caruso article,”Suicide Causes”. He believes that when someone

commits suicide it not just because of one thing. He states that the reason why people

are suicidal is because an untreatable illness called depression. He also say that people

who have depression mostly like to have it for a long time. The purpose of this was in

order to know that people who are suicidal or has commit suicide have been struggling

with this problem for maybe a long time.Caruso states that,“​So, some people die by

suicide because of a depression that was caused by genetics. You probably have heard

about some individuals who died by suicide and did not exhibit any symptoms or appear

to have any serious problems. In these cases, it is possible that the person had

depression that occured because of this genetic factor” (Caruso).​Kevin Caruso

expresses that, “Many people die by suicide because depression is triggered by several

negative life experiences, and the person does not receive treatment – or does not

receive effective treatment – for the depression. (Some people need to go through

several treatments until they find one that works for them.)”(Caruso).Caruso says the

when someone is depressed the need to go to more than one mental facility so the

person can get the right help they need to make it through their hard times.​The Author

states,“​It is very rare that someone dies by suicide because of one cause. Thus, there

are usually several causes, and not just one, for suicide”( Caruso). He believes that its
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more than one problem that a person commit suicide about, it could be many little things

that seem big to them for them making them jump into it head first.

In the Article, “6 steps to stop teen suicide, lessen anxiety and depression in our

youth” (2018). The author states some ways we can stop teen suicide and that is by

supporting them. The author state examples in order to support the LGBTQ+ students,

treat gun safety as a mental illness, and let the kids lead the way. The author purpose of

this article is because they want the kid crisis to go down and not go up and showing

support to the teens could help fight whatever the person is going through. The different

groups seem not to fit in and that’s why a person might commit suicide. The author

express, “​ Support LGBTQ+ students. ​Students who are lesbian, gay, transgender or

part of other marginalized groups are at far higher risk for mental health challenges and

suicide attempts. That's a result of lacking support from school districts and

communities. With social supports and smart use of resources, we can help make this

gap disappear”. The author states, “​ Treat gun safety as a mental health issue.

Children who live in homes that have guns are at least twice as likely to die by suicide

as other kids. That's because the decision to attempt suicide is often impulsive and

sudden — and guns are unforgivingly lethal. At a minimum, gun owners should keep

their firearms locked up and separate from ammunition — and these practices must be

understood as part of the push to keep kids safe”.​The author asserts,”​Let kids lead the

way.​ Peer-led suicide prevention programs in schools can reach kids in a way that no

top-down awareness campaign can for little dollars. The most successful efforts

intentionally involve students from different social groups, different areas of interest and
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different backgrounds, the better to reach others like them. These programs can work

by empowering young people to reach their peers.” Thats parents need to support the

teens who are different.

In the Article “Treatment Teen Suicide”. The author writes that when you getting

treatment for teens who are suicidal the professional will help develop a treatment plan

for the person. The author also states that they would do exams and check them for

those who actually attempted to commit suicide. The purpose of this article was in order

for parents in need of answers before they give their kid this treatment or even for kids

that want to help themselves and they want to learn more about how the treatment

would be like.​The author asserts, “When a teen feels suicidal, there are certain factors

that a physician and/or mental health professional will take into account when helping to

develop a suicide treatment plan. Here are some of things to be taken into consideration

when developing treatment for suicidal teens”. ​The author proclaims, “Treatment for

suicidal teens is created on an individual basis. Each teenager requires his or her own

evaluation and a tailored treatment plan designed to specifically work with his or her

needs”. The author expresses, “These factors are important parts of determining the

teen’s individual needs, as well as figuring out which treatment options would work best

with the teenager’s situation”. We

Stuart White article, “Youth Suicide: How Can We Offer Hope to This

Generation?”(2018). White states in the video that the person should confront the

person and ask if s/he are okay, listen to what the person has to stay and give them

support, and lastly try to find help for the person. The author purpose was in order to
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trying to help this generation out and get them help support that they need.The author

states, “ask directly, this shows you care and encourages a dialog”(White). Stuart White

expresses, “stay and listen, let them express how they’re feeling and don’t leave them

alone”(White). White asserts, “Provide help, if you find yourself thinking about suicide,

speak to someone you trust”(White). It is hard to get through things that you might be

stuck in but you will and you won't have to go through it alone.
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“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”

Phil Dohahue

In this research there are so many opinions about why teens commit suicide.
There isn’t just one reason it could be because family problems, stress, no support from
anyone. Teen suicide is not just one thing it’s a built of things that the teen or young
adult endure. In the abstract some of the predictions were correct about not getting
enough sleep or like problems at home that they struggle with at home. I believe that
the reasons why teens commit suicide is because of the problems they endure on a
daily basis such as; getting abused by parents when home, getting bullied at school,
and maybe just not having any good support that they need to continue to live a good
life. Teen suicide is not a choice, many controversy about teen suicide is that it’s a
choice, but it is really not because when a someone is about to attempt or do suicide is
because they have problems that they feel that won’t be solved at all. Also it is hard for
them to get through it even if they have the support someone people do it cause they
are screaming out for help. Teen suicide can be lowered if teens start going to people
they trust so they can get the right help. Teen suicide isn’t anyone’s fault, but if ever feel
down or bad just talk to someone don’t hold all your feelings inside it’s not good. If there
isn’t anyone you can trust call Teenline or text them or even call national teen suicide
prevention hotline.
Crenshaw 13

Cite Page
Fitzgerald, Caris T., et al. “Teen Sleep and Suicidality: Results from the Youth Risk Behavior
Surveys of 2007 and 2009.” ​Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : JCSM : Official Publication of
the American Academy of Sleep Medicine​, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 15 Aug.
2011, ​​.

Repository, Alison Matas The (Canton). “'Suicide Contagion': 6 Teens Die in Small Ohio School
District.” ​The Columbus Dispatch​, The Columbus Dispatch, 14 Jan. 2018,

Vijaindren, Audrey. “Preventing Teen Suicide in Era of Social Media.” ​NST Online​, 7 Jan. 2018,

American Psychological Association​, American Psychological Association,

Twenge, Jean. “Perspective | Teenage Depression and Suicide Are Way up - and so Is
Smartphone Use.” ​The Washington Post​, WP Company, 19 Nov. 2017,

“Suicide.” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, ​KidsHealth​, The Nemours Foundation, July 2014, kidshealth

Caruso, Kevin. “Suicide Causes.” ​Rape Victims Prone to Suicide -​,

NETWORK-Wisconsin, USA TODAY. “6 Steps to Stop Teen Suicide, Lessen Anxiety and
Depression in Our Youth.” ​Post-Crescent Media​, Wisconsin, 4 May 2018,

“Treatment for Suicidal Teens - Teen Suicide.” ​Teen Alcohol Use - Teen Suicide​,

White, Stuart. “Youth Suicide: How Can We Offer Hope to This Generation?” ​Sunshine Coast
Crenshaw 14

staff, editorial. “Teen Suicide.” ​​, 27 Apr. 2017,​ .

Holmes, Lindsay. “Suicide Rates For Teen Boys And Girls Are Climbing.” ​The Huffington Post​,, 4 Aug. 2017,​ .

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