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RATIONALE Formatted: Font: Not Bold

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Life as a student so is a wonderful feeling, full of adventures and knowledge,.
Commented [WU1]: Source of this claim?

wWhen it comes to classroom setting. Achievement is defined as an imagery in fantasy Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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takes the form of thoughts about performing some task well, of sometimes being Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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blocked, of trying various means of achieving, experiencing joy or sadness contingent

upon the outcome of effort. (McClelland et al. 1953, chapter 4; MCClelland et al 1958).

EventhoughEven though developmental sequences are fairly uniform, the Formatted: Font: Not Bold

behavior differences among children/students are numerous. Some are egocentric and

pre-occupied with themselves. They are shy, timid are recoil from social interaction.

Others plunge into social interaction with reckless abandon (pp.67). In a school

setting/classroom nowadays, in any school or in any classroom section you can notice

that there is always students who excel, this students are called achievers, they are the

students who perform well and get higher grades than other. For years, intelligence was Formatted: Font: Not Bold

thought to be a unitary factor. Today adhere to this point of view. Some person are

spatially or artistically intelligent. Some are better able to discover underlying principles;

Othersothers have remarkable memory (pp.38). And for that reason one wants to get Formatted: Font: Not Bold

their secrets and the factors that affects to their academic performance in school. And

one thinks that presence of family member has an impact. Family is defined as natural

fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state (

United Nations, 1948).

All have physiological needs, needs of water, food, sleep and wants to maintain

well being. They also have psychological needs, need to feel secure (pp.65). And all

this needs can be achieved inside the family. Their areThere are both biological and Formatted: Font: Not Bold
environmental determinants of readiness for achievement. But most important factors

are the child intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development etc. (pp. 33).

Most parents want their children succeed in school but are often unaware the

family life itself has a significant impact on their child’s academic capacity. Family place Commented [WU2]: Plagiarism detected from: . Please rephrase.
and great role to the child’s development. And according to (Ouchi 2003) Thethe Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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physical health and development of children is important atleastat least as important as
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their intellectual development.

The family structure of a child has a great effect to their academic performance

in school. Researchers become fascinated in one to know if it is true that family has a

great impact on children’s achievers. According to the official website of education,

subsequent research corroborated the finding that family background is strongly

correlated with student performance in school.

There is a proof family structure has a great impact in child’s academic

performance and social behavior. According to official website of marripedia, family

intactness is one of the greatest positive influence. Children who have intact biological

families earn higher reading and math test scores than children in cohabiting, divorce-

single parent families, adolescents from single parent families and cohabiting families or

more likely to have low achievement scores, lower expectations for college, lower

grades and higher dropouts rates than children from intact family. In addition states that Commented [WU3]: Plagiarism detected from: . Please rephrase.
over 57 percent of children who live in intact biological families enter college compared Formatted: Font: Not Bold

to 32.5 percent of children in step families, and students from disrupted families are less

likely to complete poor year college that who have intact families.
Furthermore base on 1997 national longitudinal survey of youth, 28 percent of

students who grow up in an intact married family receive mostly as followed by students

from intact cohabiting families ( 21 percent), single-divorced parent families (18

percent). Moreover it is also stated that students born to married mothers are less likely Commented [WU4]: Plagiarism detected from: . Please rephrase.
to behave disrupted (ie. Disobey a teacher, be aggressive with other children) than Formatted: Font: Not Bold

those born single cohabiting mothers. Adolescents in single-parent families, married Commented [WU5]: Plagiarism detected from: . Please rephrase.
step families, or cohabiting step families are more likely than adolescents in intact Formatted: Font: Not Bold

married families are more likely to care about doing well, to do school work without

being forced, to do more than “ just enough to get by”, and to do their homework.

Adolescents from intact family, those from divorced families and cohabiting families

have many more unexcused and absence and skip more classes. Students from step

families and single-parent from intact biological families are three times as likely to

dropoutdrop out of school as students from intact biological families, and even when Formatted: Font: Not Bold

controlling for socioeconomic status. 85 percent of adolescents in intact biological

families graduated from high school, compared 67.2 percent in a single family. 65.4

percent in step families, and 51.9 percent who live with no parents. 69 percent of

children from intact biological families applied to college, according to one study

compared to only 60 percent of students who wherewho were not from intact. One study Formatted: Font: Not Bold

revealed born to married mothers are nearly two times more likely to finish high school

than children born to unmarried mothers. Commented [WU6]: Plagiarism detected from: and . Please
The purpose of this study is to give the correlation of family presence on
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academic performance.

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