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1. Which of the following best describes “information literacy”?

A. The ability to find reliable information C. The ability to use a computer
B. The ability to read D. b and c only
2. When does someone get copyright protection?
A. When the author gets paid. C. When it is published with a © symbol.
B. As soon as the work is created. D. When it is registered for copyright.
3. How long in the U.S. does copyright last?
A. Forever, as long as someone holds the copyright C. A person's life plus 70 years after death
B. 70 years after it is created D. It depends on the type of registration that was bought
4. What happens to the work after the copyright time has passed?
A. It can be bought C. The work must be destroyed
B. There is no time-limit on copyright D. It goes into the public domain
5. Something must have the © sign to be copyrighted.
A. True, how else would you know if it was in the public domain or not?
B. False, a work belongs to the creator whether or not there is a © symbol
6. What is fair use?
A. Paying the creator a fair price for the work
B. Using paid-for commercial products once and not sharing them
C. Limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission
D. Freeware that you obtain from the Internet
7. What are the four factors that determine if the use of copyrighted material falls under fair use?
A. Purpose, Content, Amount, and Market Effect
B. Purpose, Amount, Environment, and Market Effect
C. Substantiality, Use, Nature, and Market Effect
D. Purpose, Nature, Amount, and Market Effect
8. Non-profit and educational uses will generally weigh in favor of fair use as opposed to:
A. News Reporting C. Commercial Use
B. Scientific Use D. Respective Uses
9. To locate a book with literary criticisms or biography of Edgar Allan Poe in the library, you perform which search?
A. Author: Poe B. Subject: Poe C. Title: Poe
10. To locate good journal articles on a topic, the best way to start is to use a
A. A library periodical database B. A library catalog C. The Web
11. Which of the following is NOT part of a citation?
A. Call number B. Date C. Title
12. A common citation style to be used by students for English classes is
A. APA B. MLA C. Turabian
13. An article abstract is
A. The full text of an article
B. Information about where the article can be found
C. A summary of an article
14. Which of the following would NOT be considered a primary source material?
A. A 1906 newspaper article of the San Francisco earthquake of that time period
B. The results of a study presented by the researchers of the effectiveness of a cancer drug
C. A chapter in a book that discusses various economic theories
15. With the Library of Congress (LC) classification system you can pinpoint locations of books or just browse on the shelves, using call numbers to
arrange books by
A. Author B. Subject C. Title
16. Plagiarism is
A. Including other people's ideas in your paper
B. Using someone's ideas in your paper, but not citing (crediting) the source
C. Directly quoting a source instead of using your own words
17. Which of the following is NOT true of the reference collection in a library
A. It includes encyclopedias and dictionaries
B. It includes resources for background information
C. It includes books that can be checked out

18. Which three things should you consider when evaluating a website?
A. Navigation, structure and format C. Layout, Graphics and Publisher
B. Authority, purpose and currency D. None of the above
19. When searching the Internet you should keep in mind...
A. That you can find any information online if you just search long enough
B. That banner ads and chat rooms will often lead you to the best quality information
C. That because of copyright laws, nothing worthwhile is ever published on the Internet
D. That not all online sources provide reliable or authoritative information
20. Information literacy is a term that best applies to:
A. College students learning to improve their research skills
B. Lifelong learners in any number of learning situations
C. Librarians designing interactive instruction tools
D. Both a and b

21. You must cite your source used in a research paper if:
A. the source was quoted word for word
B. Only the idea was used in the paper, the words were changed
C. The source was from a web page
D. All of the above
22. Which is the best strategy when you find too much information?
a. Broaden your question b. Narrow your question c. Change your topic d. Only use the first few results

23. Find the best answer: When media identify a certain group of people they wish to get their message across to, this group of people is known as
A. Narrowcasting audience C. Audience poll
B. Demographic response D. Target audience
24. Find the best answer: A person that is media literate can:
A. Easily use all types of computer hardware and software and other forms of new technology
B. Use and find information of all types in a university library, including computer sources, microfilm and indexes/abstracts
C. Read, analyze and critically evaluate information presented in a variety of formats (television, print, radio, computers, etc.)
D. Critically evaluate television programs and see through persuasion techniques
25. Typing all in capitals in electronic communications means:
A. Nothing special, typing in capitals is normal
B. You are shouting
C. This message is very important
26. What are your habits when it comes to newspapers and current events:
A. You pay attention to news when there is a juicy story that grabs your interest
B. You avoid mainstream news media
C. You try to read news everyday relying on media you trust and respect
D. You should pay more attention to the news but don't have time
27. You are working on your personal homepage and would like to publish a nice graphic you found on the internet. What do you have to think of
before publishing?
A. The background of the graphic has to be transparent
B. The copyright – I have to ask the owner for permission
C. The graphic has to be published in its original size
D. Nothing particular, I can use it as it is
28. When you are communicating online to unknown people or filling out details on a website, what contact information should you give out?
A. An alias B. The family name C. The address D. The phone number E. The first name
29. Which of the file formats below is that of a picture?
A. Mp3 B. Gif C. Doc D. Pdf
30. Which statement best describes the term ‘Browser’?
A. A program that searches for information on the internet
B. A program for exchanging files over the internet
C. A program to treat pictures
D. A program for viewing and accessing data on the internet
31. In case of cyberbullying, you should:
A. Respond to the bully and fight back if necessary
B. Block the cyberbully from your contacts list and talk to a trusted adult
C. Wait in silence until things get better
32. Where does the term “Spam” come from?
A. A popular brand of ham
B. The first person convicted for sending massive amounts of unwanted mail (Jonathan Spam)
C. An acronym of the English sentence "Send People Annoying Messages".
33. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you're using. You should:
A. Report to the moderator of the site B. Shut down your PC C. Tell the person off
34. What does censorship mean?
A. When information is filtered, suppressed or deleted to hinder freedom of speech
B. When someone tries to influence the opinions or behaviors of others
C. When false and deceiving information is used to trick others
35. Elisabeth reads an article on common computer terminology. She does not understand the meaning of operating system. She comes to you for
help. How will you explain operating system to Elisabeth?
A. An electronic device connected to your computer
B. An electronic device connected to your computer
C. A program that controls and manages the computer
D. A circuit board that connects the input, output, and processing devices
36. Tom notices that when he runs several programs simultaneously on his computer, the performance of the programs slows down considerably.
What is the reason for this?
A. Nonfunctional keyboard C. Insufficient random access memory (RAM)
B. Nonfunctional mouse D. Low monitor speed
37. Arno’s uncle owns a small business with 20 office employees. The computers in his office are connected on a network. Arno often helps his uncle
to install new computers on the network, add and remove individuals from the list of authorized users, and archive files on a computer. He likes to
perform these activities and wants to make them the focus of his profession. Which of the following job opportunities can Arno consider?
A. Graphics designer C. Network administrator
B. Software developer D. Database administrator
38. Your sister travels to another country for an on-site business project. You want to tell her about your new job by sending her an e-mail message
from your computer. Which of the following devices will you use to connect your computer to the Internet?
A. Printer B. Scanner C. Modem D. Sound card
39. Morten wants to play a game online. He hears modem tones every time his computer sends a request to the Internet service provider (ISP) to
establish the Internet connection. What type of Internet connection does Morten use?
A. Dial-up B. Broadband C. WiFi D. Dedicated
40. You want to know more about active volcanoes in the world. You connect your computer to the Internet to find information based on the
keyword "active volcanoes." Which of the following features of the World Wide Web (WWW) will you use?
A. Search engine C. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
B. Plug-in D. World Wide Web (www)

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