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BUMEEAS PEAKS rronesmant Was exer’ icorsumers cncxtOsvaghy. axe SeeM OF AGES. ing mgened fod aranr On Vocal Tacos Caleet movemartt SWro Ag eee ow cy Tose 1S mare ran just 2axine, \ocal food . dertional OWNAKC NESS * A \oconot, red Onde Be DOONMES +0 On 2 Ut Ane OS Desire We adv ankages o& a loca et ophions antl! reeX Gn te M\ _ Farsk atk, arene ave huge ireneters and coment Bm of being o \ocayoce. , +O CIN (adi ont Sind lor _commontry - 9 sooce A, * 2) EO - people ace yasing loca\ oc route FOR 4 Are Fae Battnier et A THis ereShness— not Only affects the paste Of Your good, bot tne powehonal value When declines werh Ayr os (aucer cepldins intredoces Wax CRA} woah row eeger SOOK BE tr & is Kreiner quality Veal tat Ck xeeatinses Be pople te May wicnion, By jOming, AL Scare, F evarens See can create. employsank ‘wintn yoo Woy local, You aot Yee with ‘yocal open.pact = ftir Grd pasties — In economic. reason +6 Stay apen ark Orde @ cn Sphe 40. GFN food ar Farmers are given m0 tne communcty better. locavere. Wroremen> An Gls suppoct_ the loreal «come Ye =spteding aL. “adios! “Q dollar, oo every transartion ge Gaxce RY, & Lognvare_moviraent COM penege OX aXsf the conor ae. Grd €@ the towh te (o> Next, the \ocavort movement cones down +6 Smart Choicte and pregesence. Marjon Nese, Cha ir_of notre seat apie fes iar andl FOC Noire ——— DPE pealth ariNew York | kocd eranceorty put She explains how Ge % prope [Show meet reir ann necks and nor be _nerthintr= Wpodies. os “ —— _— i = 97 Wave! “Lastly, Bre npact of tage. Chass this dete land svpptyiny teod. Consumers wood ware +0. Itnow (| ately Cre abotut Where Heir fA Cones Gorn (COWES) _ | rocawortg seek Fresh, Uine-mpened farcs that are -" Fhe locayores_ __Wrovement. fe The lacavore mo Unwerstty moet alit-tre beety'S needle.” nce | Be NANE ceKerd ko Ae Ow! Alet qistonce or _ deprw.” Recor cases She loves... Farmland “| Fresh £00d AAS +o wether AHCOMES Cn yr Yeo ovsr 2 ——— [ts prenomenal. Tes _reshapmne the business gf Growing, Lwinakt roy want “These cre Ordinary, middle met AIMS wha none eccome cally engag's in food tind grown tocally Bush... , | have @ major impact in se chor 4 farming ”2 Psidurt Bush pe vetwod by the bill override. fools. - sees a Lcommonry Gnd the iNdlwidual r+self, |mnakins mart Mhorces anh pretence. The mo reshape business of growing and cuppplying 00k. C | Payectul companigs are interested in 9n ring healt BE 50h ay ) anol. jdin the locowuore movement, Arey need YOU... r ee ere ae yey wed “st cots) Shannan M. "2011 AP° ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION FREE-RESPONSE auEsTIONS Pay ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION SECTION It ‘Total time—2 hours Question: (Suggested time—40 minutes. This question counts for one-third of the total essay section score:) (Locavore ere people who have decid to eat locally grown or produced products as much as sible, With an ee (Peete as wales sosanailiy (enous ws tie pega! te cnvamen), eee are become widespread over the past decade. Imagine that « community is consideriig organizing a Tocavere movement Carefully read the followitg seven ‘sources, including the introductory information for each source, Then synthesize information from at least three of the sours and incorporate it into'a coherent, well-developed essay tat identifies the key ise associated with the leaves overt and saminstheirimplatnsforitesammniy. 757 ‘Make:sure that your argument is central; use the sourtes to illustrate aid support your feasoning. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sourees you are drawing from, whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source Bvetc, or by using the descriptions in parentheses. Source A (Maser) ‘Source B (Smith and MacKinnon) Source (McWilliams) Source D (chart) Source# (Gogoi) Source (Roberts) ‘Source.G' (cartoon) Your Synthesis Essay Needs: O To Adsress the Prompt ofp C2 8S © AThesis € z 9 Aguable Tope Sentences A AD ia eaten ws rahe 8 at QO More Textual Support (3 sources min.) ’ 8 fo Review chatons y yO DT O More Commentary/Analysis © Donnoctone Beck to tne Prompt (4 O Better Transitions ow, R © Proof Reading e of pt © More Insight ve ©201F The College moat. ‘Visine College Board an the Webs wor GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE: ow _,Aévanced Placement Langus Holistic Sco jage and Compositiot fase Based Rubric for Synthesis Reading Focus Use of Evidence and Explanation Language and Style sored @ fofSourees ‘© Depth of understanding % Answering the prompt Thesis ‘© Topic sentences © Cohesion. ‘© Organization ‘2 Development throughout © Use of evidence-ROE © Quote integration ‘© Analysis explaining how evidence supports thesis MUGS Voice Diction Sentence Variety Effectively synthesize at least three sources ata higher level than an 8. The essay effectively develops a position that ‘addresses the prompt and is ‘more sophisticated it its argument than an 8. The evidence and ‘explanations are appropriate and convincing and are especially thorough in their development. The prose is especially Impressive in its control of language. Effectively synthesize at least three sources. The essay effectively develops a position that addresses the promt. The evidence and explanations are appropriate and convincing The prose demonstrates @ consistent ability to control a wide range of elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless. ‘Adequately synthesize at least three sources at a higher level than a 6. The essay is more thorough In its development of a position than a6, The evidence and explanations are more complete than a 6 and are appropriate and sufficient. The prose may contain lapses, indiction or syntax, but the prose is style is more mature than a6 “Adequately synthesize at least three sources. The essay adequately develops a position. The evidence and explanations are appropriate and sufficient. The prose may contain lapses In dletion or syntax, but the prose is generally clear. Tnadequately synthesize at least three sources. “The essay inadequately develops a position that addresses the prompt. ‘The evidence and explanations are somewhat uneven, inconsistent or limited. The prose may contain lapses In diction or syntax, but it usually conveys the student's ideas adequately. Inadequately synthesize at least two sources, and/or the student may misunderstand, misinterpret or oversimplify the sources. The essay inadequately develops a position with less success than a 5 and/or the link between argument and sources may be weak. The evidence and explanations are inappropriate, insufficient or less convincing. The sources ‘may dominate the student's attempts at development. The prose generally conveys the the student's ideas but may be less consistent in controling the elements of effective writing, Inadequately synthesize at least two sources with less success than a4, and/orthe student may misunderstand, misinterpret or oversimplify the sources. The essay demonstrates less sucess in developing a position than a4, The explanations and examples are particularly limited or simplistic. The prose shows less maturity in control of waiting than a 4 Does not synthesize atleast two sources and/or the ‘essay may misread the sources. The essay may demonstrate failure to develop 2 position or little success in developing ‘8 position or respond to the prompt tangentially or demonstrate weakness in ‘organization. The essay may merely allude to to knowledge gained from reading the sources rather than citing the sources themselves, by merely summarizing or categorizing the sources, The prose often demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical problems The essay does not cite even The essay may demonstrate failure to develop a position ‘or less success in developing a position than a2 or respond to the prompt ‘tangentially or demonstrate ‘weakness in organization more so than a2 The essay is especially it inits explanation, The essay is weak in its control of writing

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