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Introduction to sentence connectors in English:

Connectors are the words which combine two words, phrases and sentences
together. They have the same meaning of a conjunction but differ in their function.

Difference between conjunction and connectors:Conjunctions are used to connect a noun

with another noun; two independentclauses; different sentences; a group of words.

Connectors are used to connect a large groups of words; phrases; sentences.

For example: Lisa and Ria are friends. Here "and" connects two nouns. It is a
conjunction. I broke my leg. However, I still feel great. Here "however' connects two
groups of words, which relate to each other.
Conunction function within the same sentence

Part 1. Conjunctions Cette page en

français :
1. Coordinating conjunctions : conjonctions en
Coordinating conjunctions are used to link two clauses or phrases of
equal value or equal status. Have
There are only a small number of coordinating conjunctions in English: instant access to
most sources repeat what others say, and list the following seven, using English
the convenient acronym FANBOYS.
 for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so.
It is perhaps preferable to exclude for and so, and prefer the acronym

 For can be forgotten, as it is hardly ever used as a coordinating

conjunction in modern English. It has been replaced by because or as....
which are clearly subordinators.
 As for So, grammar books and websites provide contradictory and often
ambiguous information. So let's clarify the situation.

When so implies purpose it is clearly a subordinating conjunction. The

subordinate clause can come before or after the main clause.
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OK I bought a new camera so I could take better pictures.
OK So I could take better pictures, I bought a new camera. app download
When so implies consequence linguists disagree as to whether it is a Google Play
coordinator a subordinator . But either way, the so clause must follow Store
the main clause. Probably the best way to define so implying
consequence is as a conjunctive adverb. For clarification see English
grammar - so Hotels in Britain
OK I bought a new camera so I took better pictures. at the best rates
NOT OK So I took better pictures, I bought a new camera.
 A selection of
 Many online dictionaries and printed grammar books do not distinguish budget hotels in
coherently between the usage of so for purpose and so for consequence, Britain
or are very ambiguous on this point.
 Large choice of two-
 And and or can link individual words or clauses; yet, and but normally star hotels in Britain
only link clauses, but sometimes link two words. Nor cannot link words
 Large choice of
when it is a coordinating conjunction it can only do so in partnership with
neither, as a correlative conjunction. three-star hotels in
 Large choice of
USAGE: Coordinating connectors give equal value to the two elements
that they coordinate. luxury hotels in
They must be placed between the two elements that they coordinate. Britain
I want three beers and a glass of lemonade
He went to bed and went to sleep.
You can have the chocolate mousse or the lemon tart
They'll win, or they'll lose.
This present is not for Peter, but Paul
I bought a new dress that was not red but pink.
We're going to Paris, but not to Rome.
We're going to Paris, but we're also going to Rome.
He was very tired yet very happy.
The director was rather young, yet the company was successful.

Can you start a sentence with a conjunction?

A lot of grammar books claim that it is wrong to start a sentence with a
conjunction. This is just not true ! Most of the great writers in the English
language have from time to time used sentences starting with
conjunctions. In the "King James" version of the Bible, which was the
standard English version of the Bible for three hundred years, two of the
first three sentences in the first chapter of the book of Genesis start with

2. Subordinating conjunctions :
Subordinating conjunctions are used to link two clauses within a single
sentence, when one clause is subordinate to the other.
In other words, the subordinate clause clarifies, expands or explains the
meaning of the main clause.
Some types of subordinate clause are introduced by subordinating
conjunctions, others (such as relative clauses) are not. Common
subordinating conjunctions include
 as , because and since (cause)
 so and so that (purpose)
 although and though (contrastive)
 after, before, until, while, etc. (temporal)
 if, unless, as long as, provided, whenever, whatever (conditional,
indirect question)
 that (reported speech, indirect statement, consequential)

Subordinating conjunctions come at the start of the subordinate
There are two sorts of subordinate clauses.

 Most subordinate clauses can come either before or after the main
clause. So unlike coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions
can stand at the start of a sentence.
 but indirect questions, relative clauses, and other subordinate clauses
introduced by that, must normally be placed after the main clause, just like
a coordinated clause (Examples 12, 16 and 17)
 So is a subordinating conjunction when it is used to denote a purpose. A
so clause denoting purpose does not usually come before the main clause,
but it is not impossible (example 6).

When so is used with the meaning of therefore or and similarly , it is

a conjunctive adverb.
A subordinate clause cannot stand alone: it needs a main clause to
complete the sentence.

In these examples, it is not possible to invert the two clauses in
sentences written in red

1. I 'm going to London because I've got a new job.

2. Since it's raining, I'm going to the cinema this afternoon.
3. She didn't want any more wine, as she'd already drunk enough.
4. As she'd drunk enough, she didn't take any more wine.
5. I'm locking the door, so nobody can get in
6. So he wouldn't forget to wake up, he set his alarm for 5.30.
7. Although I love him, I wouldn't want to marry him.
8. This book is good, though some bits of it are rather boring.
9. After I finished work, I went straight home.
10. Until they opened a new factory, they could not produce enough
11. If you see anything suspicious, let me know at once.
12. He asked the policeman if he knew of a good restaurant.
13. Provided you can swim, you can come out on our yacht.
14. You can come out on our yacht, as long as you can swim.
15. I won't go there, whatever he says.
16. This ice-cream is so good, that I'm going to have another one.
17. The man said that he was born in New York.
► See also more information on these pages :

 Relative clauses,
 conditional clauses,
 reported questions

3. Correlating coordinators :
These can either correlate words, or phrases, or clauses (sentences).
The main examples are :

 both.... and, not only.... but also, (combining correlators)

 either...or , whether.... or not (binary choice correlators)
 neither.... nor, (negative correlators)
Other correlating pairs include: the more..... the more..... ; no sooner.....
than... ; hardly ... than and a few others.

USAGE: With words and phrases, the coordinator normally has to

precede the element it is correlating; when clauses are correlated, the
coordinators either precede each correlated clause, or precede the
verbs in these clauses. But these special cases should be noted:
Both ... and can correlate words, and occasionally clauses (Examples 1
- 3)
When not only starts a clause, the verb and subject of the first clause
are inverted. (Example 4)
But also can be omitted, after not only (Example 6)
When nor introduces a clause, subject and auxiliary/modal verb are
inverted. (Examples 16 - 18)
Neither can be replaced by not or never in the first of two correlated
clauses. (Example 18)
When no sooner or hardly introduce clauses, auxiliary and subject are

1. This is both stupid and incomprehensible.

2. Both the president and the prime minister were there.
3. I can understand both his reasons and his arguments.
4. Not only can I hear him, but also I can see him
5. I can not only hear him, but also see him.
6. Not only can I hear him, I can see him (too).
7. I bought not only some blue suede shoes, but also a big cowboy
8. It's either right or wrong.
9. Either it's right, or it's wrong
10. Either Mummy or Daddy will pick you up after school.
11. I'll go there whether or not I'm allowed to.
12. I'll go there whether I'm allowed to or not.
13. We're going home now, whether you like it or not.
14. Neither Paul nor Mary could come to my party.
15. I'm neither angry nor happy.
16. I neither like that man, nor dislike him
17. I neither like that man; nor do I dislike him.
18. I have never been to Florida on holiday; nor have I been there on
19. The more you earn, the more you spend.
20. No sooner had I opened the door, than the phone rang.
21. Hardly had the plane taken off, than the pilot reported some

Part 2 Conjunctive adverbs

A fourth important category of connectors consists of words such as
therefore or however.
These are explained here: ► Conjunctive adverbs

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► Click for Full grammar index
A conjunction is a word like and, but, although, because. Conjunctions
have an important function because they join other words and phrases
together. Without conjunctions, we could only make very, very simple
sentences. See also What is a Conjunction?

Introduction to Conjunctions
We can consider conjunctions from three aspects.

1. What do Conjunctions Do?

Conjunctions have two basic functions or "jobs":

 Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two parts of a

sentence that are grammatically equal. The two parts may be
single words or clauses, for example:
- Jack and Jill went up the hill.
- The water was warm, but I didn't go swimming.

 Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a subordinate

dependent clause to a main clause, for example:
- I went swimming although it was cold.

Here are some example conjunctions:

Coordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions

and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so although, because, since, unless

2. What do Conjunctions Look Like?

Conjunctions have three basic formats:

a. single word
for example: and, but, because, although

b. compound (often ending with as or that)

for example: provided that, as long as, in order that

c. correlative (surrounding an adverb or adjective)

for example: so...that

3. Where do Conjunctions Go?

 Coordinating conjunctions always come between the words or

clauses that they join.

 Subordinating conjunctions usually come at the beginning of

the subordinate clause.

Coordinating Conjunctions
A coordinating conjunction joins parts of a sentence (for example
words or independent clauses) that are grammatically equal or similar.
A coordinating conjunction shows that the elements it joins are similar in
importance and structure:

There are seven coordinating conjunctions, and they are all short words
of only two or three letters:

 and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so

Look at these examples - the two elements that the coordinating

conjunction joins are shown in square brackets [ ]:

 I like [tea] and [coffee].

 [Ram likes tea], but [Anthony likes coffee].

Coordinating conjunctions always come between the words or clauses

that they join.

When a coordinating conjunction joins independent clauses, it is always

correct to place a comma before the conjunction:

 I want to work as an interpreter in the future, so I am studying

Russian at university.
However, if the independent clauses are short and well-balanced, a
comma is not really essential:

 She is kind so she helps people.

When "and" is used with the last word of a list, a comma is optional:

 He drinks beer, whisky, wine, and rum.

 He drinks beer, whisky, wine and rum.

The 7 coordinating conjunctions are short, simple words. They have only
two or three letters. There's an easy way to remember them - their
initials spell "FANBOYS", like this:


for and nor but or yet so

Subordinating Conjunctions
A subordinating conjunction joins a subordinate (dependent) clause
to a main (independent) clause:

Here are some common subordinating conjunctions:

 after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than,
that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while

Look at this example:

main or subordinate or
independent clause dependent clause

Ram went swimming although it was raining.


A subordinate or dependent clause "depends" on a main or independent

clause. It cannot exist alone. Imagine that somebody says to you:
"Hello! Although it was raining." What do you understand? Nothing! But
a main or independent clause can exist alone. You will understand very
well if somebody says to you: "Hello! Ram went swimming."

A subordinating conjunction always comes at the beginning of a

subordinate clause. It "introduces" a subordinate clause. However, a
subordinate clause can come after or before a main clause. Thus, two
structures are possible:
Ram went swimming although it was raining.

Although it was raining, Ram went swimming.

1. Sentences with conjuntions and connecting words

Conjunction Sentence

although Although he's very famous he is still nice.

and I like tea and coffee.

As I came she was leaving.


As you couldn't see the film, we'll tell you something about it.
Conjunction Sentence

because She goes to the tennis club because she likes to play tennis.

but He reads magazines, but he doesn't like to read books.

I'm sorry, Peter is ill and I can't come either.


We can either go to the cinema or to the café.

even She likes swimming, even in winter.

even if Don't drink any alcohol even if you drive carefully.

even though This book is very popular; even though, I don't like it.

how Do you know how to ride a snowboard?

However we've lost the match.


They worked hard for the test, however, they failed.

if If they were older, they could go to the party.

Conjunction Sentence

in case Take your mobile with you in case you miss the bus.

in spite of He looks very fit in spite of his age.

They didn't go to the party, and neither did I.


Neither drinks nor food are allowed in this room.

or Do you

r Do you like tea or coffee?

otherwise Look at the map, please. Otherwise you'll get lost.

since Since he's lost his money, he couldn't go to the restaurant.

unless Her baby cannot fall asleep unless she stays in the room.

what I don't know what to say.

when When you're in London, write an e-mail to me.

whether I'm going home whether you like it or not.

Los conectores o conjunciones son palabras que usamos para unir dos o más frases o dos palabras dentro
de la misma oración. Aquí tienes los conectores más comunes agrupados en categorías

Los conectores o conjunciones son palabras que usamos para unir dos o más frases o dos palabras dentro
de la misma oración. Aquí tienes los conectores más comunes agrupados en categorías.
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Conectores Copulativosand, not only … but also …, not only … but … as well, both … and …

Conectores Disyuntivosor, either … or …, neither … nor …, whether … or …, else, otherwise

Conectores Condicionalesif, whether, unless, provided, providing, as long as, in case, in case of

Conectores Concesivosalthough, though, even though, even if, despite, in spite of, not even if

Conectores Conclusivostherefore, hence, thus, so, consequently Conectores Continuativosthen,

moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition to

Conectores Adversativosbut, however, nonetheless, yet, still, on the other hand, instead, instead of

Conectores Causalesbecause, for, because of, as a result of, due to, owing to, since, as

Conectores Comparativosas, as … as …, not as … as …, not so … as …, just as … so …, as if

Conectores Funcionalesso, so that, so as to, so as not to, in order to

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