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First Ballot for Executive Secretary, SPA [Closed March 1916] 1

First Ballot Shows

No Choice For Secretary.
Published in The American Socialist [Chicago], v. 2, no. 36, whole no. 176 (March 18, 1916), pg. 3.

There will be a second ballot in the national ref-

erendum for Executive Secretary. The result of the first Adolph
Carl D.
ballot was as follows: Carl D. Thompson, 11,790; Mississippi 8 0 33 5
Adolph Germer, 10,894; Walter Lanfersiek, 5,283; and Missouri 258 8 164 216
L.E. Katterfeld, 3,558. The vote for all the candidates Montana 112 10 45 205
by states is as follows: Nebraska 17 23 27 156
Nevada 37 12 48 45
Adolph L.E. Walter Carl D.
Germer Katterfeld Lanfersiek Thompson New Hampshire 149 1 79 31
Alabama 73 6 28 24 New Jersey 368 31 74 485
Alaska — — — — New Mexico 16 9 41 73
Arizona 84 25 18 120 New York 1,862 298 538 986
Arkansas 122 14 71 85 North Carolina 7 2 0 14
California 453 68 222 557 North Dakota 101 31 82 161
Colorado 93 29 56 137 Ohio 524 225 348 432
Connecticut 113 11 51 227 Oklahoma 825 221 458 1,291
Delaware — — — — Oregon 199 42 71 111
Dist. of Col. 33 7 23 37 Pennsylvania 777 77 288 1,243
Florida 42 4 27 118 Rhode Island 59 7 13 60
Georgia 3 4 12 15 South Carolina 4 1 3 11
Idaho 77 60 65 113 South Dakota 27 19 65 197
Illinois 1,086 97 435 674 Tennessee 28 6 82 64
Indiana 302 23 128 466 Texas 120 71 171 228
Iowa 161 42 72 183 Utah 37 4 42 54
Kansas 173 30 91 363 Vermont 32 6 13 42
Kentucky 26 29 103 20 Virginia 47 4 76 52
Louisiana 50 20 26 163 Washington 307 739 157 260
Maine 58 20 82 86 West Virginia 72 15 63 127
Maryland 28 0 43 95 Wisconsin 237 37 111 760
Massachusetts 1,088 277 241 284 Wyoming 80 6 29 54
Michigan 348 310 190 160
Minnesota 221 556 183 495 TOTAL 10,894 3,558 5,283 11,790

Edited by Tim Davenport.

Published by 1000 Flowers Publishing, Corvallis, OR, 2006. • Non-commercial reproduction permitted.

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