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Segment 16

Stanley was walking and was called by Mr. Sr, they went to the Warden. Mr. Sr told her,
that Stanely was covering someone up, because he believed that Stanley wasn’t guilty of
stealing the seeds. She got angry and told Stanley that she was wearing rattlesnake venom
in her nail polish. In that moment, The Warden struck him across the face. Mr. Sr began to
touch his face, and he let out a cry of pain. The warden suggested Stanley to return to the

Segment 17

Stanley was walking to the place of the holes while he remembered what happened to his
great-grandfather. In that momento, a rattlesnake was on his feet. He ran away from it. His
Friends asked him, if she had tol him something about the seeds, but he told them that The
Warden had been angry. Stanley realized that his hole was finished thanks to Zero. When
they were in the room, Stanley thanked Zero. There wasn’t clear reason why Zero did it.
Stanley told him that he would help him learn to write. After, Stanley taught him the
alphabet and incredibly Zero knew the number of letters.

Segment 18

Stanley agreed with Zero that he would help him every day to dig the hole, so that in an
hour he woulld teach him to write. Stanley thought that X-ray could be angry, however they
agreed to it.

Green Lake was a beautiful place, Every July 4 a holiday was held in that place. Katherine
Barlow always won the proze for his peach in spices. She was a teacher in a village,
everyone wanted to see her classes. One of his students was Charles Walker, he was called
Trout. He smelled bad, and he didn’t want to learn about the classes. One day he invited a
date to Katherine, but she sayed him “No”. No one had refused him an appointment.

When they were in the restaurant, Mr. Sr had a swollen face. One of the youths told him
what he had in his face. Mr Sr was angry and He told them that he was handsome and he
didn’t have anything in his face.


 Oak: a tree or shrub of the beech family, which bears the acorn as its fruit.
 Gazed: to look steadily and intently, as with great interest or wonder.
 Dread: terror or apprehension about the future.
 Sneak: to go in a sly way so as not to be seen or noticed.
 Nod: to make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement,
greeting or command.
 Nail Polish: a polish of quick-drying lacquer, either clear or colored, used to Paint
the fingernails or toenails.
 Rattlesnake: a snake, a pit viper, having a rattle at the end of the tail.
 Moan: a low, sad, or miserable sound expressing suffering or complaint.
 Jerk: a sudden movement of a muscle, esp. when involuntary.
 Writhe: to suffer greatly.
 Wasteland: uncultivated or barren land, or land that has been ruined, as by war.
 Insane: of or characteristic of the mentally deranged.
 Thumb: the corresponding finger in animals.
 Chase: to follow rapidly or intently in order to overtake, etc.
 Glance: to look quickly or briefly.
 Bother: to give trouble to
 Sparkle: to be brilliant, lively, or merry.
 Swollen: overly proud or conceited.
 Oatmeal: meal made from ground or rolled oats
 Gurgle: to make or give off a sound as of wáter doing this.

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