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Swiss Chalet - Confirmation Page 1 of 2

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A confirm ation em ailhas been sentto aarzate21@ .

Yourorderconfirm ation num beris 0 1130 -373.
Yourorderw illbe delivered on Aug 12,20 16 12:10 PM to Apotex Inc.150 O RM O N T D R N O RTH
YO RK,O N M 9L 1N 7

1 Pesto Penne $15.24

1 D elivery D innerfor2 $31.0 5

D elivery D innerfor2

W hite M eat(+$1.75) $1.75

W hite M eat(+$1.75) $1.75

Fresh CutFries
W hite Roll

Soup $1.79
ChaletChicken Soup Bow l $1.79
W hite Roll

Aquafina Bottled W ater(50 0 m l)

Rootbeer(355m l)

N o Thank You

N o Thank You

1 H alfChicken D inner $16.73

Classic H alfChicken

O ven Baked Potato $0 .99

Loaded $0 .99
Garlic Toast

1 4 Pack (4 x 355m l) $4.0 0

4 Pack (4 x 355m l)

D ietPepsi(355m l)

D ietPepsi(355m l)

GingerAle (355m l)

Aquafina Bottled W ater(50 0 m l) 8/12/2016
Swiss Chalet - Confirmation Page 2 of 2

1 D elivery D innerfor2 $27.51

D elivery D innerfor2

D ark M eat

W hite M eat(+$1.75) $1.75

Fresh CutFries
W hite Roll

Fresh CutFries
M ultigrain roll

Lipton Brisk Iced Tea (355m l)

Lipton Brisk Iced Tea (355m l)

N o Thank You

N o Thank You

1 D elivery D innerfor2 $29.26

D elivery D innerfor2

W hite M eat(+$1.75) $1.75

W hite M eat(+$1.75) $1.75

Fresh CutFries
W hite Roll

Jasm ine Rice

N o Roll

GingerAle (355m l)

Aquafina Bottled W ater(50 0 m l)

N o Thank You

N o Thank You

Coupons -$5.77

Subtotal $118.0 2

Tax $15.34

Total $133.36

Iw ould like to getcondim ents w ith m y order.

Iw ould like to getutensils w ith m y order.

Iw ould like to receive future e-m ails w ith offers and discounts.

If you w ould like to m ake changes to your order,please callus at(G TA )

1­416­439­0439 / (TO LL FR EE) 1­866­439­0439 . 8/12/2016

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