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English Test


OA1: Escuchar y demostrar comprensión de información explícita en textos adaptados y auténticos

simples, tanto no literarios como literarios.

Instrucciones: El alumno debe escuchar con atención y silencio el audio con el objetivo de
responder las preguntas solicitadas. La prueba debe ser respondida sin borrones, sino se
considerara incorrecta.

1) Listen and complete with the information about the food Rebecca and Martin eat.

1)…………………. … 1)………………………..

2)……………………. 2)………………………..

3)……………………. 3)………………………..

4)…………………….. 4)………………………..

2) Listen to the audio and identify Emily’s health problems and solutions.

Emily’s health problems Solutions

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3) Listen to the text and complete the missing words.

Meals around the world.

People eat a variety of ____________ at different moments of the day. Each __________ has its own
main meal. ____________ is usually the most important _____________ in many countries, but __________
is also the perfect moment to be with ____________ and friends. However, in countries like Russia and
Chile, ____________ is the main meal of the day.

4) True or false.
_____________ Dinner is not a perfect time to be with family and friends.
_____________ In Chile, Lunch is the most important meal of the day.
_____________ In Russia, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
_____________Breakfast is usually the most important meal in many countries.

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