Lesson Plan 4

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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name​: Mr.G/Mr.Q/Ms.S Date​: 10/16/15 Time​: 50 min

School​: Birchland Park Middle school Lesson:​ 4 of 4

Facilities​: Birchland Park Gym Number of students​: 33 ​Grade​: 8th


Equipment​: Footballs, Cones, Pinnies

Focus of Lesson:​ Gameplay in a Flag Football Game

​ CHCF​ + ​National Standard & Grade Level Standard #​ + ​Task #​ + ​Assessment

Student Performance Objectives (SPO)​ + M

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(C) Explain in own words what was the best way to create offense during gameplay by writing down on the exit slip
at the end of class. (N.S.G.L.O S2.M2.8, MCHCF 2.9, exit slip)

(P) Performs at least 2 out of the 3 skill cues of throwing at stations 1 and 3 by the end of the lesson. (N.S.G.L.O
S1.M2.8, MCHCF 2.9, Station 1 &3)

(A) Be aware of the safety concerns that comply with flag football by following the teacher’s instructions during
gameplay. (N.S.G.L.O S4.M7.8, MCHCF 2.14, Station 3)
Check each objective – is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?

Teacher Performance Objectives​ – During the lesson the teacher will:

1. Provide at least 1 positive specific and 1 corrective specific piece of feedback to each student throughout the
2. Assess all students at the end of class with an exit slip , asking questions that go over the skill cues that were
given at each station.
Special Considerations​ –

1. Some students may not want to have anything to do with catching or throwing the football, reiterate that they
can focus on just defending and pulling the flag of the person holding the ball or even just run the ball if they feel
that unconfident with their skills of catching and throwing.
2. Always consider safety, for example make sure the students are not pushing, holding, slapping, or tripping a
player when attempting to pull a flag. If you do see that, the students should be asked to sit out for the next 5

Courtier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical
Education. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il. 2014 (pg. 23)

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks, Oct 1999

"The Health and Physical Education Web Site for Teachers/PE Central."​The Health and Physical Education
Web Site for Teachers/PE Central​. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.
Cleveland, J. (n.d.). Physical Activity Cues. Retrieved October 12, 2015, from

Time Sequence of lesson Organization

0-2 min Transition:​ Students will change and come into gym for
attendance. They will go their squat spots on the gym floor.

Greeting:​ (Done by Mr.G) Good Morning everybody, let’s see

what we have planned for today!
Review Agenda​:
2-3 min TTT
Introduced by Mr. Q
10/16 8th Grade
Objective:​ I will be able defend, throw, catch and play a
modified game in flag football
Warm Up​: Dynamic Stretching
Activity 1​: Partner Throwing
Activity 2:​ Sharks and Minnows
Activity 3: ​Flag Football Game
Closure​: Review Lesson Objectives

3:00-3:30 min Transition​: Students will stand up and static stretching in their
*Music will be playing*

3:30-8:00 min Warm Up​:(introduced by Ms.S) Dynamic Stretching. Were going

to put the squads into lines and walk out doing the stretches
then sit down and do push ups and core. Connecting each
stretch to running and throwing.
● Leg Pull back; stretch legs for route running.
● Arm circles; loosen arms for throwing.
● lunges; for running routes
● Arm pull across chest and behind the head; for every
station to loosen the arms for throwing.
● Jog down the court; get the students moving and
warmed up.
● Push-ups; builds arm, shoulder and chest muscles.
● Core workouts; planks and supermans; builds good
core muscles.
8:30-12 min Informing:
● Skill Cues​ - For catching, throwing.
● Demonstration​: Will be shown outside.
● Rules ​- Go signal = Ready Go, Stop signal =
● Boundaries (introduced by Mr.G)​ - Stay within the area
of each activity and avoid running routes into other
activities that may be going on at the same time.
● Safety ​-(introduced by Ms. S)
-Pushing, striking, holding, slapping, or tripping a player when
attempting to pull a flag is not permitted.
-Do not ever tie the belts you are wearing.
-Belts must be worn over shirts and visible.

12:00-12:30 Transition:​ Break the students up into 4 groups giving them

min matching pinnies. Then take them outside.

13-18 min Activity 1: Catching With a Partner

The students will break into groups of three and play catch
with each other they will line up on the same line they they are
all throwing in the same direction. S S S S S

Throwing Skill Cues
● spread fingers on laces gripping ball toward the back SS S S S S SS SS
(the end closest to you)
● turn sideways to target
● step forward with the foot opposite your throwing arm X X
● bring ball back to your ear
● lead with the throwing elbow and extend arm fully
toward target and follow through
(PE Central)
Catching Skill Cues
● Keep Eye on Ball
● Reach arms towards ball
● Give with ball as ball hits hands (bring ball into body)
(PE Central)

Demonstration: ​Mr. G and Mr. Q will demonstrate the skill

CFU: ​Ask a student to get up and demonstrate the skill cues

Extension Up: ​Students will move back further from partners.

Extension Down​: Students can use a foam ball or move closer.

Transition​: Students will put the footballs at their feet and wait
for further instruction.
“What was some of the skill cues for catching”
“What was some of the skill cues for throwing”
“Good job with this activity everyone”

18-25 min Activity 2: Sharks and Minnows
The Students will be broken up into two teams. They will be S S S S
given flag football flags to wear. One team will be in the middle
of the field as the sharks, the other will be the minnows. The S S S S S S S
minnows will start at one end of the field and try to run while
holding a football to the other side of the field without getting
their flag pulled by the sharks. After two turns switch the
sharks and minnows. This game will help the students learn
how to correctly pull the flags. Students are not allowed to stiff X S SSSSSSSSSS X
arm, or slap hands away in this game.
(PE Central)
Demonstration:​ Demonstrate how to pull a flag.

CFU: ​Ask a student to demonstrate how to pull a flag.

Extension Up: ​Once you get your flag pulled you become a
shark too.

Extension Down: ​shorten the length to run across to the other


Transition: ​Students will put the ball down at their feet and
meet with teachers for Mini-Closure.

“What was effective when running away from the sharks?”
“Can anyone demonstrate how to pull a flag?”
“Good Job everyone!”
26-44 min Activity 3: Flag Football
The students will break up into either two teams with one big
game of flag football or two teams playing one big game of flag X T X
football. The students will be wearing the flags around their
wastes clearly visible. The objective is to get the ball to the
opposite side of the field. SSSSSS
Offense Team:
● Should have at least three players set on the line of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
● Only one running play is allowed within four downs. SSSSSS
● Two completions needed for a first down. SSSSSS
● Ball must be snapped to the side of the center.
● QB cannot run until the five second count has expired. X T T X
● When the ball hits the ground it is dead and the
offense team keeps the ball.
Defense Team:
● The ball is dead when a player pulls the flag belt off.
● The defense cannot recover a fumble.
● Any number of players can rush the quarterback AFTER
the 5 second count.
● Pushing, striking, holding, slapping, or tripping a player
when attempting to pull a flag is not permitted.
● When the flag is clearly taken from the player with the
ball, the play is over and the ball is declared dead.
● Only go after the flag of the person who has the ball.
Do not pull flags from anyone who doesn’t have the
(Birchland Park Flag Football Rules.)

Demonstration: ​Mr.G, Mr.Q, and Ms.S will demonstrate the full

game of flag football and specifically what happens when a flag
belt is pulled off, that only one running play is allowed within
four downs, and that two completions are needed for a first

CFU: ​Ask students what happens when the flag belt is pulled.
Ask students what the objective of the game is.

Extension Up​: Have every student have to catch the ball twice
each instead of once each.

Extension Down​: Students are allowed one completion for a

first down rather than two.

Transition​: Students jog over and return to the starting line and
form a semi circle for a mini-closure.

“Did everyone enjoy this game?”
“Does anyone know why this game was important to learn?”
Transition:​ Students will collect the remaining equipment on
the field and jog over for a final closure.

45-48 min Closure:

● “Everyone did an awesome job today, thank you very

much for your time and effort, we hope you all had TTT
● “What were the skill cues of throwing?” S S
● “What worked well on offense?” SSSSSSSSSS
● “What were some safety concerns for flag football?”
● “We have an exit slip for everyone to fill out. Once you
fill out you can head inside and change.”

Exit Slip
1. List 2 skill cues for throwing.

2. In your own words, what worked well for your team when you were on offense?

3.In flag football, is physical contact or tackling allowed? Why?

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