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At the second �law, the storyteller

gains the narrative power of the CONCEPT AND TEXT BY

action and the character is at the mer-
cy of the narrative, and may be consi- Raphael Lima
dered dead, unconscious, captured or
any result that the storyteller �inds EDITING AND LAYOUT BY
appropriate. Petras Furtado

The Storyteller IMAGES

by Raphael Lima

a post-apocalyptic minimalist survival RPG

In Survivors, the
storyteller does not
roll dice, leaving that
exclusively for the SEE MORE AT
players, who must
overcome the tests
using their creativi-
ty, cleverness and
luck with their dice
rolls. EDIÇÕES

The Objective
To get to the sanctuary.
Whether it really exists, or
if it is really is a sanctuary...
Well, that remains to be MINIJOGOS

This game is under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Adam Bragg (order #12447897)
The Character What do I Need to Play?
Yes, this is another To build a character, you must answer the
following questions:
A copy of this booklet, pencil, a few pieces of
paper for the notes of the character sheet, and
game about the Name: What is the name of your character?
three six-sided dice, at least.

zombie apocalipse. Concept: What is the concept of your cha-

racter? It can be a profession or a hobby,
Rolling Dice
Whenever you do a dice roll, the �irst thing to
such as a teacher, waiter, doctor, salesman, note is whether the action type being perfor-
computer technician or RPG player. med is Regular or Knowledge.
The difference is its proposal
Attributes: How are your character's attri- Regular actions are those that most people can
for short, casual games, bute values distributed? The attributes are do (get prone, walk without calling attention
where the player is a survi- three: Physical, Mental and Social, each with or push someone) and do not need any prere-
a value that goes from one to �ive. During quisites.
vor, trying to reach a kind of character creation, the player can distribu-
Knowledge actions, on the other hand (giving
sanctuary whose existence te nine points as desired among them.
�irst aid, making a direct connection to a car or
Advantage: What is your character really breaking a lock) requires an appropriate cha-
she discovered along her good at? Or which of your possessions is racter concept (nurse, electrician, thief ).
journey, through the accounts most relevant? Like I was in the high school If it is a regular action or if the character has
athletic team or This is my favorite crowbar.
of other survivors. When you need to do a test where your ad-
the appropriate concept to make a knowledge
action, you can roll the dice to test the action.
vantage is relevant, roll two dice and choo- To do this, check which attribute is best suited
se the one with the lowest value. In case of to the action and roll a six-sided dice. If the
failure, roll the two dice again — this can result of the dice is equal to or less than the
only be done once for each individual fault. value of the attribute, the character was suc-
Disadvantage: What is it that gets in the cessful.
But its location is unknown.
way of your character at the worst mo-
ments? Like I don’t like to share food or I'm Health and Wounds
limping from my right leg. When you do a Character wounds are determined in two
Nothing is certain. test where your Disadvantage is relevant, situations: at the the �irst �law in a health test
the storyteller can add up to two more dice — using the attribute linked to the action —
to your roll and you will have to keep the the character assumes a cost or consequence
highest value dice. for the failure.

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Adam Bragg (order #12447897)

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